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Forza Motorsport 4 - The Floodgates Have Opened...

saladine1 said:
The ferrari did sound great after the exhaust upgrade but after kitting out an exhaust on the Honda Integra Type R, that thing sounded quite amazing!

Yep, FM2 had the 'upgrade sound as you upgrade car' option. Nearly every thing that you modified had an effect on the audio...cams,intake,exhaust,turbo..etc. It was a very popular feature which was completely cut out in FM3 perhaps due to time constraints. It is now one of the most requested feature for FM4 so hopefully, Mr.Wiswell will accomodate..

The exhaust note still changed when you changed the exhaust.


Junior Member
PjotrStroganov said:
The exhaust note still changed when you changed the exhaust.
What, for Forza 3?
If so then no,it didn't. The only thing that changed after any type of upgrade was the turbo spool and BOV..


Or remove superglue entirely but invalidate the entire lap if you encroach way too far in certain areas.

lol didn't notice the page (cough 100 posts per page man time /grom cough)


Slayer-33 said:
Or remove superglue entirely but invalidate the entire lap if you encroach way too far in certain areas.
Fine for hotlappers, but that would still leave people cutting corners like crazy in racing situations.
lord pie said:
Ok. Looking over the pics again, and accounting for my crappy netbook display :) I do think the tyres are too dark.

I'm curious what you think of this pic, here I've simply boosted the brightness of the tyres about 3x:


re fixed

Seanspeed said:
Fine for hotlappers, but that would still leave people cutting corners like crazy in racing situations.
I would much prefer DQ if you cut corners too much in a race situation, or something like a ten second time penalty or a drive through penalty if the track allows it.

Almost anything at all is better than the current solution!


toythatkills said:
I would much prefer DQ if you cut corners too much in a race situation, or something like a ten second time penalty or a drive through penalty if the track allows it.

Almost anything at all is better than the current solution!
I agree.

The whole 'drafting-invalidates-a-lap'(or even BEING drafted!!!!) shit is also some ridiculous stuff. Thats catering to the hotlap crowd waaaaay too much. My fastest laps in racing conditions should count towards my fastest laps overall at tracks, but they dont, cuz they are usually done with other cars around, as is the norm in REAL racing. I dont get that.

G Rom

The car and rims shouldn't be this white. Remember that the car is in the shadow and that the environment has overcast weather.
Something between the original screen and Wax Free Vanilla's white would be enough for the rims IMO. The rest doesn't need to change.


G Rom said:
The car and rims shouldn't be this white. Remember that the car is in the shadow and that the environment has overcast weather.
Something between the original screen and Wax Free Vanilla's white would be enough for the rims IMO. The rest doesn't need to change.
the back wheel in that gif looks tons better
Xanadu said:
yea forza 2 looked terrible, but i still enjoyed it more than 3
bad image is bad but forza 2 did look nice most of the time, but was more like a high res xbox game with some shine then forza 3 is currently.


Seanspeed said:
2 - again, probably not. The 'super-glue' areas are usually places that are used by corner-cutters. Its a good thing in some ways, as it keeps you on-track, but the application is used in odd places and not enough in others to make it a consistently quality inclusion. There's still places where people cut corners like crazy and its terrible.

I remember reading some hands on impressions from one guy claiming driving on the grass was a lot more realistic in FM4 compared to fm2 and 3, as in you'd lose a lot more traction and grip but i haven't seen it confirmed by anyone else yet
brotkasten said:
Enzo nose.

Not going to lie-- I'm part of the problem with this one.

Slayer-33 said:
Remember the tail light incident guys lol...

That's so true.

Complaining about inaccurate car models is one thing, but the lengths some people were going with the nitpicking (THEY'RE TOO PINK!), were a bit ridiculous.

White wheels are going to be FM4's pink taillights.
eso76 said:
I remember reading some hands on impressions from one guy claiming driving on the grass was a lot more realistic in FM4 compared to fm2 and 3, as in you'd lose a lot more traction and grip but i haven't seen it confirmed by anyone else yet
I hope so, right now you can rallycross and not spin.

TOCA race driver 2 has some of the best grass effects I have seen, the car depending on speed will start to just spin due to the bumps and mud, it was really good at stopping people darting across grass corners because you might end up sideways or trying to recover wasting time.


Spaceman Spiff said:
Not going to lie-- I'm part of the problem with this one.

That's so true.

Complaining about inaccurate car models is one thing, but the lengths some people were going with the nitpicking (THEY'RE TOO PINK!), were a bit ridiculous.

White wheels are going to be FM4's pink taillights.
and the honda badge isnt red, t10 will burn!


Xanadu said:
did t10 model the wheels incorrectly or were there 2 variants?

also the lighting on the tires when it shows the new wheels looks a lot better

I believe the second wheel (darker version) is from GT5's Civic.
cjelly said:
Now I remember why I don't post in Forza hype threads... Nitpickers.

OT should be fun again, though.

You gotta be fucking kidding, no one in here has been nitpicking. If you were around when GT5 released you would have seen what nitpicking is, for now i think most people in here are satisfied (Mainly because we never expected much in the first place)

saladine1 said:
Ever since Forza came out, it's been the object of so much talk, so much discussion regarding whether it's as good as other games or whether it has the right to call itself a sim and on and on.
It's like the series has a big target on it's back because it dared to enter the realm that was dominated by the likes of GT and tried to assert itself as a major competitor to everything else.
Everytime Turn 10 released a certain vid or pic, it was scrutinized to the shit house!

"Oh look, the paint scheme is missing a verticle stripe along the bottom egde of the bumper right towards the back somewhere"...

"How come the blade of grass along the edge of the track is longer than the other blades of grass?"

I don't know why but perhaps it's because the devs/cm's were overly confidant, bordering on absolute smugness at times,that made people resentful?
Perhaps it is because they felt that Forza intruded somehow?
Maybe it's because poeple are very picky by nature. Maybe people's complaints are legitimate. Perhaps a combination of everything?

Whatever it is, Forza has always been a target of scrutiny whether legitimate or otherwise, moreso than any other game imo..
In the end, I bet a lot of people will forget those things that really bothered them earlier on and will enjoy the game immensely...I myself can't fucking wait...short blade of grass notwithstanding!

No one has ever nitpicked about the Forza (at least i have seen none), people had complaints but never nitpicked. GT (only GT5) on the other hand went to hell with people nitpicking it.
GTP_Daverytimes said:
You gotta be fucking kidding, no one in here has been nitpicking. If you were around when GT5 released you would have seen what nitpicking is, for now i think most people in here are satisfied (Mainly because we never expected much in the first place)


GTP_Daverytimes said:
You gotta be fucking kidding, no one in here has been nitpicking. If you were around when GT5 released you would have seen what nitpicking is, for now i think most people in here are satisfied (Mainly because we never expected much in the first place)
Why are you complaining about GT5 nitpicking in a Forza 4 thread?


ShapeGSX said:
If I remember correctly, that Miata pic was a photo from before Forza 2's release. Forza 2 didn't look great, but it didn't look like that.
That original Miata photo was Gamespot's doing wasn't it? Anyway, it didn't look that much better in the final game either (photo below taken by none other than Mr chespace himself). But its amazing to see how far the series has progressed in terms of visuals through three iterations on the 360.
GTP_Daverytimes said:
I was simply pointing out that no one here is nitpicking(which is good, compared to the horror that went on during the GT5 release).

The tire discussion in all honesty is nitpicking.
h–verb (used without object)
to be excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential details.
–verb (used with object)
to criticize by focusing on inconsequential details.

Might have been a result of the smack talk that was going on pre release but thats a discussion for here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=375000


Kinda amazing how bad Forza 2 looked when you look at the two year older PGR 3. 60 fps does make a difference, but not that huge.

I remember first walking around looking at the car with the sun and super overdone bloom effects thinking "Is this real life?", such a shame Bizarre is no more.
Ty4on said:
Kinda amazing how bad Forza 2 looked when you look at the two year older PGR 3. 60 fps does make a difference, but not that huge.

I remember first walking around looking at the car with the sun and super overdone bloom effects thinking "Is this real life?", such a shame Bizarre is no more.

It really does make a huge difference. Not to mention being subHD to fit the edram.
soundscream said:
The tire discussion in all honesty is nitpicking.
h–verb (used without object)
to be excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential details.
–verb (used with object)
to criticize by focusing on inconsequential details.

Might have been a result of the smack talk that was going on pre release but thats a discussion for here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=375000

You my friend are not helping you'r case, i never compared both games. All i did was point out the lack of nitpicking (Which like i said is a good thing). I simply replied to someone who seemed to think that the whole thread was full of nitpickers, which most certainly was not the case. I referred to GT5 it sort of set the benchmark for nitpicking.
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