List the problems.
The more glitches, problems, issues..etc are raised, the faster Turn 10 can get cracking on some fixes.
- There's some audio glitches(coming/going audio)
- Perhaps include some mixing options for audio. That's been requested a lot actually.
- Having to go to another menu before quitting
- Race series needs better and detailed descriptions/restrictions info
- Trigger travel could perhaps be tweaked for a more gradual feel. At the moment, from low revs to basically flat out is too quickly reached. Same thing with braking.
- Paint and livery sometimes doesn't save after completing a paint job.
- Being able to change a car and also tune in Rivals menus.
That's some stuff for now.
you already said some:
- audio glitches. so far the fiesta engine has been my worst experience
- race restrictions are unclear. its annoying to start a league, see the cars, get out, buy a car. that leads to...
- ... menu structure forcing you into going rounds
- its nice to go from race to race. but i dont like the fact that i have to load a track to get out for some tuning. they should give you an option after finishing. "go to next race" , "go to menu"
- cant find test drive while tuning
- kinect integration doesnt work for me. cant use my head to look into the corner. i am just able to lean over, which is equal to looking left/ right. doing so changes the sound in a very weird choppy way
- multiplayer is the worst part. no custom lobbies
- hoppers forcing me into driving tracks i dont like. despite the fact that hoppers are always empty
- starting a hopper just brings you back into the menu. you have no clue how long it will take to find a match
- fiat 500 doing stoppies (lol)
- no car damage displayed in a quickview (the damage you have taken)
cant think of any other right now.
one thing i dont get: tyre heat.
if there is no colour in the tyres displayed, does that mean their temperature is right on spot? whats the colour for cold tyres?
btw, i love the triggers settings^^
think best would be to give players an option to set up the sensivity. they will never find the spot everyone likes.
one more thing. but thats more a game design problem.
you dont get into one special car. eg i started with my beloved golf II. after finishing the first league, you dont have a clue where else you can take it. so i had to get another car instead of tuning the golf farther. i feel like that after every league. that way i dont get any bond to a car at all.
am i the only one experiencing this?