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Forza Motorsport screens


Gek54 said:
Gregory forgot about the 10 second penalty in GT4. I'd say that was better than just making you car look damaged.

Hi hi, first post.

I think damaging the cars is better. besides, in forza, doesnt the damage actually affect how the car drives? that's better than 10 second penalty.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Why are we given so few camera choices in racing games these days? GT3, 4, Forza, Burnout series... They all have just two camera views.


I noticed more than 2 views, thought I saw 4. Their seems to be a bumper cam, hood cam, and two 3rd person views.

I'm not sure if it's a hood cam exactly, almost appears to be though.


n3mo_toad said:
I think damaging the cars is better. besides, in forza, doesnt the damage actually affect how the car drives? that's better than 10 second penalty.

It's set up so you can pick how realistic you want it to be. Easy level has cosmetic damage but no performance effects, medium level has some performance effects, hard level has all effects on performance and it's possible to crash right out of the race. In between races in the career mode, you also have to shell out cash to fix a damaged car depending on the difficulty level.

The damage effects are nice. You can actually lose bits of the car and watch them stick around on the track, with their own physics and all that -- like, you can knock a side mirror off and then run over it on the next lap.

There are at least four camera views, including a higher first-person hood cam and a lower bumper cam. I liked the hood cam better, but YMMV.

The soundtrack, by the way, is pretty tight. I really love one piece I heard playing over the menu, this Black Sabbath remix. Totally cool slow, bassy Sabbath sound. Burnout 3 this is definitely not.



Junior Member
Not really a hood cam since you cant see the hood but its more like driver's head level...at least it should be. The GT series keeps the camera at the drivers head level and back where the driver is sitting which is nice but either way works for me.

YMMV? Misuse of the term.


GT4 doesn't really *need* realistic crash physics, but it would do very well to give players the gameplay option for realistic crashes... i.e. crash with any decent impact and you're out. Similar to the way it works in GT3 license tests (where if you scrape, you keep going on (although you brush off a little speed), but if you thud, then you fail).


chespace said:
what?? wtf??

edit: ok, whatever. sarcasm wasn't working. i know all about forza's pedigree. thanks. i'm just saying i haven't played a pure sim since GT3. it's been years. and i'm slowly getting back into the realm of realism.
GT3 isn't a "pure sim" either.


GT series is definitely not a sim. It's probably the closest thing to a sim consoles have ever seen, but still doesn't mean its really a sim. It's actually pretty arcadish, which honestly, is just fine with me.

Can't wait for Forza though. I'm tired of the GT series already.


Gek54 said:
Arcadish compared to what?

Most racers on the PC? GT cars don't exactly act like their real life counterparts. Anyone who would open their eyes can tell GT isn't realistic. RBR and GTR are pretty nice, too bad I'm using a crappy laptop. GT is pretty to look at, but gameply wise it's lacking. Yes, it still beats quite a few other racers in gameplay, but it's still lacking.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Collision detection/reaction alone yanks it out of the 'sim' category IMO.


being watched
More shiny car sims... is Forza the Xbox one? Or is it the Konami Evoluza or whatever the bollocks is called that's Xbox exclusive. And no I didn't bother to read the thread, just look at the oh so pretty, but surely oh so boring screens.


Junior Member
DaCocoBrova said:
Collision detection/reaction alone yanks it out of the 'sim' category IMO.

Becuase there is no crumpling?

Ive never heard anyone complain of the detection.


not an idiot
A 10 second penalty is dumb. To say a 10 second penalty is somehow better than real crash physics and damage is just mind boggling, I can't believe I heard that from you Gek. I respect you a lot but I couldn't disagree with you more on that. I am very surprised you even said it actually.

And a game is not a "pure" sim IMO without a damage model with good crash physics and a cockpit view (although GT4 did the next best thing by at least having a view where the driver would be, so it's not too bad). Any game that allows you to hit a wall (or worse yet, another car) at top speed and bounce through a corner cannot call itself the greatest simulation out there, at least in my book.

Having said that, GT does have absolutely incredible driving physics, which is why some people see it as a sim. As far as just pure driving physics go, and forgetting everything else that goes into making a sim a sim, yes, it's top notch and up there with any other sim available.

But, IMO, GTR will stomp all in the "sim" department and that little moniker on the GT4 box is completely unjust, GTR will absolutely deserve it more.

Don't get me wrong however, GT4 will own and I will be its slave for a very long time; and I would put its driving physics up against any other game ever (including GTR). Just splitting hairs on my definition of "sim" I guess.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Gek54 said:
So are we comparing GPL to Forza or GT4? Or what is going on?

to forza. its tire/friction/heat modeling is comparable... or says the designer dan greenawalt when we spoke up in his office a few months ago.


not an idiot
chespace, actually, Nascar Racing 2003 Season uses a heavily upgraded version of the Grand Prix Legends physics engine, and is very much improved over GPL. Sim wise, it would be the better pick. There are some killer mods out there for it also, so you don't have to race Nascar with it since most people don't like Cup racing. The mods even support online and everything. Just a crazy incredible sim.

But yeah, I think Papyrus is the top sim developer out there right now, and I'm so glad they got the rights back and are developing again!

P.S. I would love to race some of the sim racers from GAF. If any of you have Nascar Racing 2003 Season, let me know. We can race with up to 43 people online perfectly smooth, no lag at all. Papyrus fucking OWNS! I would love to race you guys online sometime.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
if you guys have any specific hardcore simulation questions in terms of tire physics, etc. maybe you can post a bunch here and i can collect 'em and get them answered by the designer of forza.

from having met mr. greenawalt, it would appear no question is too technical or hardcore.


Junior Member
shpankey said:
A 10 second penalty is dumb. To say a 10 second penalty is somehow better than real crash physics and damage is just mind boggling

I meant it was better than only having visual damage. But if they are not going to have performance damage then the 10 second penalty is good way to go especially if you are competing against people who fuck around and cant drive. I am more interested in the driving model, manuvering around other cars and improving my time than anything els. If people want to bash cars around then thats their thing. If I hit a wall or nudge a car too hard then the loss of time is punnishment enough for me. Would you call CMR2005 a better sim than GT4?


while gt wasnt a sim at all in the past, i feel that, after playing the bmw demo with dsc off and road/sports tires, its certainly going in the right direction. Keeping your car under control at high speeds is alot harder then it was in previous builds (and thats just with a retail car).
The physics really have had a dramatic upgrade. everyone i've let play the demo noticed the difference.
Unfortunatly theres no opponents in the demo, but from what i can tell, bumping into an opponent should have a different effect too.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
When a professional racer can race the same track in real life and then race that same track, with the same car, in GT3 and get nearly the same results...it pretty much throws everybody's claims of the GT series not being a sim into the shitter.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
m0dus said:
While I appreciate the fact that you think so much of my opinion to go to such lengths, it's all a bit unsettling--because, as I've stated about forty times, we weren't even talking about the same goddamn thing. (see above)

I swear, sometimes posting here's like talking to someone with their headphones on . . .

You said that the egdes of those cars were supposed to be that angular. When in reality, they're not.

Don't mistake my observation as saying there were no sharp edges--there are supposed to be, on some of the cars.

not a hard corner to be found . . .

Did you not say this?

I mean the contours, IE, the areas such as the hood, wheels, and bevels, are extremely well done, and not angular.

Did you not say this?

Did my pic not point out these errors? It did. You made two statements. Something about jutting polygons, and then about this angular stuff. You fell back on your "jutting" statement once I debunked your angular comment. Look at the roof of the car...it's supposed to be smooth and it isn't. That's the contour, bud. The roof outlines the car. Outlines are contours. That outline isn't smooth. And the bumper? Look again at my highlight beneath the altezzas...the bumper isn't very smooth either.


Wow, it's true. the game really does turn up nothing but hate...

On a related note, the muscle car pic and the RX-8 pic are very very old, months. I'm not sure about the Mine's pic, but I suspect it is of the same age since there was also a battch of shots o the Mine's R34, thought I dont remember of that exact one was in it, but I suspect it was.
I doubt the physics are as good as the developer claims. If it were totally realistic you could turn the wheel 90deg at 100 miles per hour your car would probably flip.

The only racing game I've played where it feels like your driving a real car is F355 challenge. The lack of damage didn't seem to hurt the realism.
AlphaSnake said:
When a professional racer can race the same track in real life and then race that same track, with the same car, in GT3 and get nearly the same results...it pretty much throws everybody's claims of the GT series not being a sim into the shitter.

Kaz said he was able to drive the Nur much easier after playing GT4:

"-You've recently been to Nurburgring.

Yes, I had a multitude of reasons for going, one being to promote GT4 in the European market, as well as to actually drive the course. I practiced driving the Nurburging with GT4, nearly 800 laps, before I actually drove in real life. Amazingly, I could drive the course easily the first time with the practice from GT4. (laughs)"

"-What car did you use?

An Audi TT Coupe. On one lap I had a Nissan test driver Gato-san in the passenger seat. He was amazed at my driving the ring, said that "this was not possible". He was a man who drove GT-R's for 15 years at the ring and was amazed at my driving the course with such skill the first time. This was a testament to the reality of virtual training, even in a small windy course such as nurburgring. The staff, as well as myself were incredibly amazed."

800 laps in the game. :p
WarPig said:
The damage effects are nice. You can actually lose bits of the car and watch them stick around on the track, with their own physics and all that -- like, you can knock a side mirror off and then run over it on the next lap.

wow, that sounds cool


The only racing game I've played where it feels like your driving a real car is F355 challenge. The lack of damage didn't seem to hurt the realism.
F355 is pretty much the watermark for realism they are trying to achieve with Forza for physics and handling. Since the entire Forza Team has a full three screen cabinet 20 feet from their development hive. It is also signed by Yu Suzuki.
SolidSnakex said:
Kaz said he was able to drive the Nur much easier after playing GT4:

"-You've recently been to Nurburgring.

Yes, I had a multitude of reasons for going, one being to promote GT4 in the European market, as well as to actually drive the course. I practiced driving the Nurburging with GT4, nearly 800 laps, before I actually drove in real life. Amazingly, I could drive the course easily the first time with the practice from GT4. (laughs)"

"-What car did you use?

An Audi TT Coupe. On one lap I had a Nissan test driver Gato-san in the passenger seat. He was amazed at my driving the ring, said that "this was not possible". He was a man who drove GT-R's for 15 years at the ring and was amazed at my driving the course with such skill the first time. This was a testament to the reality of virtual training, even in a small windy course such as nurburgring. The staff, as well as myself were incredibly amazed."

800 laps in the game. :p

Dude, learning the turns of a course is obviously gonna help in real life. But you're making an ass out of yourself by saying GT is hard-core sim, because it's so not. I actually prefer the arcadish nature of it, but go play something like GT-R where it actually is simulating a race car, and you'll know GT makes heavy sacrifices in realism for fun.


Junior Member
GT games do have too much stability when spinning your tires and the inability to lock tires...but thats about it.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
ravingloon said:
Dude, learning the turns of a course is obviously gonna help in real life. But you're making an ass out of yourself by saying GT is hard-core sim, because it's so not. I actually prefer the arcadish nature of it, but go play something like GT-R where it actually is simulating a race car, and you'll know GT makes heavy sacrifices in realism for fun.

Have you even ever played GT3 in the "simulation steering" mode? I'm willing to bet no, even though you'll claim you did.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
mr2mike said:
Simulation steering? where is that option? and does it work with a pad?

Go options, scroll over to the steering wheel and set it to simulation. It's default setting is amateur. It makes the most difference on the wheel, but works with the pad too. Also, TCS is supposed to be turned off. Many cars in the game don't have the feature in real life, but have it in the game.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
seismologist said:
I doubt the physics are as good as the developer claims. If it were totally realistic you could turn the wheel 90deg at 100 miles per hour your car would probably flip.

The only racing game I've played where it feels like your driving a real car is F355 challenge. The lack of damage didn't seem to hurt the realism.

so says the sega fluffer.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
m0dus said:
And those people are pathetic, if they're nitpicking the color of some guy's shirt :D

Stop. You used to be one of them on the past GA. Then you got banned. And now you're a stealth troll, but everyone can see through it.

Edit: It's half of the reason I like to get on your case so much, really.
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