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FRIDAY NIGHT [OT] - Official NeoGAF Weekend Kickoff


Gold Member
Im too depressed today to play or watch anything UGHH.

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Im too depressed today to play or watch anything UGHH.

Depressed is such a shit thing my man, trust me, i've been there so much over the last two years it's unreal. Go outside, look up, hopefully it'll come to you that there is so much more than this. Look at the stars or clouds and think to yourself there is beauty in even that little thing, there is something wondeful in all of it even if you dont feel it..


Gold Member
Depressed is such a shit thing my man, trust me, i've been there so much over the last two years it's unreal. Go outside, look up, hopefully it'll come to you that there is so much more than this. Look at the stars or clouds and think to yourself there is beauty in even that little thing, there is something wondeful in all of it even if you dont feel it..

I know man, all i wanted was to enjoy a bit on Diablo in the weekends....
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I knwo man, all i wanted was to enjoy a bit on Diablo in the weekends....
I feel the same. Apart from some rounds of Rocket League I've hardly played anything. Not touched Zelda, started Persona 5 Royal but not played that in a few days, and after beating the campaign in Diablo IV i wanted to level up and do W3 but not bothered with that either. I've been doing nothing. Have books to read and shows to watch but really not got the energy for it.

Couldn't find Beau on prime and HBO. Maybe i looked at the US where to stream. Maybe it's on the MS store via my Series S.

I'll look later. Fyi 😊
I just looked and it's not out here yet. Amazon and Apple are saying I can preorder it and it's coming out in 3 weeks time. I thought it was already out.

Argggh well me matey looks like we'll 'ave to wait!
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Well it's thanks to you for creating the thread and it's participant's and my homies here that I could post some.

Not sure if i contributed much (not much imo) but nevertheless much obliged and thanks friend(s)!!!
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Gold Member
I feel the same. Apart from some rounds of Rocket League I've hardly played anything. Not touched Zelda, started Persona 5 Royal but not played that in a few days, and after beating the campaign in Diablo IV i wanted to level up and do W3 but not bothered with that either. I've been doing nothing. Have books to read and shows to watch but really not got the energy for it.

Same issue here. Bunch of games i could play buy i have no energy too.

Time to change my pills i guess.


I've been on Citalopram now for almost two months. Workes wonders (especially if you have autism). I have used a lot of antidepressants in the last 2+ decades but this is the first time in years I'm on them again.

They work.

For now.

I'm not chronically depressed. It comes and goes. Mostly once a year. This time though the symptoms where pretty severe hence my decision.
I've been on Citalopram now for almost two months. Workes wonders (especially if you have autism). I have used a lot of antidepressants in the last 2+ decades but this is the first time in years I'm on them again.

They work.

For now.

I'm not chronically depressed. It comes and goes. Mostly once a year. This time though the symptoms where pretty severe hence my decision.
I was on that but after a while my doctor put me on something else but that made things worse. Been thinking maybe I should try going back on anti depressants again. Like you said, I don't feel depressed all the time but if it can help with anxiety then I'll give it a shot


I was on that but after a while my doctor put me on something else but that made things worse. Been thinking maybe I should try going back on anti depressants again. Like you said, I don't feel depressed all the time but if it can help with anxiety then I'll give it a shot

Well you can always give it a go. I use Bromazolam for my PTSS/Anxiety symptoms AND for the muscle tension effects.

Anyways I can't speculate on whether Citalopram works for your anxiety but you can give it a go imho
Well you can always give it a go. I use Bromazolam for my PTSS/Anxiety symptoms AND for the muscle tension effects.

Anyways I can't speculate on whether Citalopram works for your anxiety but you can give it a go imho
Was on it before but that was more for depression. I remember my doctor saying it helped with anxiety too. my anxiety has got a lot worse recently so i need to do something about it.
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Was on it before but that was more for depression. I remember my doctor saying it helped with anxiety too. my anxiety has got a lot worse recently so i need to do something about it.

Yes you do. Sucks that it mostly takes up to 8 weeks for the effects to fully manifest. But hey, everyone is different, could be a "mere" 4 weeks in your case. Who knows.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Since nobody is asking the real question...

Have you been robbed by those raccoons?

Answer with no if they're still there.
No raccoons this year thankfully. Pretty uneventful trip all things considered. Had some rough weather one night. Otherwise everything was absolutely perfect. The mushrooms and jamming to the music below were probably the highlight. Though now I really want to have a mushroom night with my records. That would be spectacular.

Only issue is starting on chapter 23 makes me want to go back to vol 1 and get all caught up on the lore.
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And now you're back with us the cringey clowns

Oh man that got a good laugh out of me haha.

Great you and your wife and fellow friends had a great time.

So you guys did shrooms.

Did it go smooth?

No panic attacks or "Where's Skip? He was just sitting next to me!" And after what seems like a hour you appear from the woods mumbling about following instructions whispered in your ear from a raccoon begging for stories from the high seas for him and his family.

That went by entirely too fast.

A picture speaks a thousand words.

A racoon 1055. But I digress.

You have a couple Chasethebro vids to enjoy!

Welcome back

beach trip GIF



Can't tell you how much I appreciate the internal processing from logic (realizing) to emotional which leads to ending up looking down in what seems to be a mixture of disappointment and shame.

Btw. What's horn talk. I'm guessing bullhorns?
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I feel good and thus am in a good mood.

That rhymes.

Going to my doctor this morning for a referral to a dermatologist. Hope he/she can give some advice on how to maximize the preparation and after care of my upcoming operation.

We'll see.

Working Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for a project go-live when I'd otherwise have taken Monday off for a four-day holiday weekend. Hope you all party extra hardy in my stead

We will brother. We will. ❤

Yep Reaction GIF by C H A R L Ö T T E
Proud The Karate Kid GIF
The Rock Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


Gold Member
I feel good and thus am in a good mood.

That rhymes.

Going to my doctor this morning for a referral to a dermatologist. Hope he/she can give some advice on how to maximize the preparation and after care of my upcoming operation.

We'll see.

We will brother. We will. ❤

Yep Reaction GIF by C H A R L Ö T T E
Proud The Karate Kid GIF
The Rock Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
"upcoming operation"

what is wrong


"upcoming operation"

what is wrong

Had to look up the translation of the name of the procedure and it sounds like a child's word/phrase FFS Lmao.

I've lost 280lb and ended up shredded AND having some loose skin around my waist. That became an obsession that slowly grew to a bad case of body dysmorphia. So after some contemplation I've decided to go for a Tummy Tuck. It was a gamble. 50/50 change if it would turn out well or not.

It ended up with the latter being the case. Which increased said BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) a 100 fold and ... Well.. Long story short I've been through some very dark times after and still am.

That was 10 years ago.

Last December I've decided to redo the Tummy Tuck at a Hospital which specializes in plastic surgery for burn victims. It's pretty high praised for their expertise.

It's set for the end of September/begin October
so I've been working hard on making the perfect basis/template(?) for the surgeon the work with.
Have to quit smoking 6 weeks before and after the surgery and I need to lose about 8 or 9lb (NP)

Hence the referral for some information.

The surgeon could file this under a medical condition so I'm covered.

I'll keep my expectations low but even if it's 50% better I'm happy.


It should be ok, I don't think it's trivial losing weight is nether easy

Trivial in relation to people who have lost limbs and such was my intended meaning.

Losing weight is easy if you have determination, will power, motivation and patience.

Keeping it off is the hardest part for many a reason.


Gold Member
Trivial in relation to people who have lost limbs and such was my intended meaning.

Losing weight is easy if you have determination, will power, motivation and patience.

Keeping it off is the hardest part for many a reason.
"determination, will power, motivation and patience." I think that can be the hardest to achieve if you don't have it
I worked out hard in a gym, maxed out on all the weights and then suddenly stopped and then put on 50 kg this was more than 10 years ago, and I am only now starting to lose some of it, and it takes a lot of hard work mostly running and hill walking


"determination, will power, motivation and patience." I think that can be the hardest to achieve if you don't have it
I worked out hard in a gym, maxed out on all the weights and then suddenly stopped and then put on 50 kg this was more than 10 years ago, and I am only now starting to lose some of it, and it takes a lot of hard work mostly running and hill walking

For sure and it's not something i can conjure up magically. But it's an inherent trait I own so if it's there it's there 200%

Truth be told I originally had the operation planned for end may/begin April but i was depressed and couldn't muster up said process. So i postponed it

And fair enough, easy wasn't the best choice of words.
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