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FRIDAYTON MK II: 5.5 million bears and salmon create unholy allliance to sack SONY HQ


I've been saying that this would be the case for months, and that it completely makes sense and is a good thing. Don't be upset about this "news" -- it is the right decision on Sony's part.
Whoa. It will be interesting how many developers will be able to use that extra GB, or how many will just use the guaranteed 4.5 GB.

I wonder what willwill not allow that extra gig to be used?


hide your water-based mammals
This is nonsense, FreeBSD doesn't consume that many resources. And remember 7 months ago PS4 had only 4GB, i would say this is false.

If true, it's them playing it safe for the launch period. Allocating a lot of memory for a snappy OS footprint which can change over time. The only thing I'm not sure about is the amount.

The home and plus stuff are nothing I've heard about so I ignore those parts.


Its the ammount needed.

People, its not just the OS. Its needed for apps to run while you are playing a game, running several apps at once and to be able to suspend the game in RAM to do something else. Its probably also needed for the "play as you download" features

Vita let's you do hat save for opening two games at once. And that's with only 512MB. I think Sony should have allocated 1.5GB for ram, that's enough to future proof the OS.
Also having the extra 1GB hard to use means gimping 3rd party games .
It's way to funny if MS has more ram for games because of Sony stupid OS just like this gen .


Wow lol

Well, I remember reading that PS4 can only use 5.8GB RAM per frame at 30 frames-per-second due to the speed of the bandwidth. So 60fps around 2.9GB?
Now it makes sense why Gearbox was pissed off at Sony. They were going to get 500 MB of GDDr5 to work with next gen.

I've been saying that this would be the case for months, and that it completely makes sense and is a good thing. Don't be upset about this "news" -- it is the right decision on Sony's part.

How is this a good thing?

With Ipads, Smartphones, Laptops, PCs, etc you don't need another system that allows you to run a bunch of shit at the same time. I mean seriously, what is the scenario here? I'm playing a game and then suddenly I want to watch a movie at the same time and some porn too in a smaller window?

I mean 3.5 GB allows for a whole lot of shit. I don't want a PC experience in my T.V, fuck that seriously.


I guess, but Sony would have to be an idiot to release a game only focus console in 2013, while Microsoft brings their advertising blitz about the One being basically the iPhone for TVs. Even the original PS3 had the, "it only does everything" tag line.
Agreed. But this logic didnt stop peeps from eating up Sonys message like free chicken. Thus the reaction to this "news".


It better have a kick as boot up screen.

This is a smart move by Sony, As I mentioned in a previous thread. It's better to over allocate Memory to the OS, and reduce over time. This way you don't affect or compromise games made by any OS changes in the future.


remember this is not about the OS, this is about all the crap that will be running along side it.. 15min Video recording, Voice chat, app switching.. etc etc

That's all part of the OS. Sadly Sony isn't going to deny this anytime soon.


Unconfirmed Member
In the other thread didn't it say that Sony wanted to clear something up with them before they posted the article. Or am I confused. Really strange if this is all just a inside source speculation special.

I thought this story was delayed a day so sony could make official comments, where they at?

Thats what was tweeted, yeah. I think a few of us are holding back on comments until Sony says something.

Jack cw



This is good news for developers. Now that Xbox One and PS4 have similar power it will be easier to create multiplatform games.


I feel like one of the few people who are completely content with this. A more capable background OS and better multi-tasking setup seems like it would be a good thing to me. When the early word about how "lean" the OS allocation would be, I sort of cringed because I imagined using something like a full-fledged web browser on one or two gigs of RAM for HD multimedia, let alone those sort of features alongside constant video-capture tools.

This stuff is obviously in flux, so things can change over time (or turn out to be shaky info), but it's hard not to cock your eyebrow at the effort behind rationalizing ways to deny this in this thread. Some people are taking this pretty hard, and its hard to not connect the dots between previous mental efforts to declare other systems "worthless" because they would dare function with 3 gb dedicated to an OS, and then this development comes up.

This is probably a good thing in the long run if it comes to fruition.


Gemüsepizza;72981341 said:
Why would Sony go for 3.5 GB reserved RAM when Xbox has 3GB RAM? Why even more? And why upgrade to 8GB when most of this upgrade will be spent on the OS? Doesn't make much sense to me.
What if they want to do something special with the OS?


This must mean they've vastly improved the OS capabilities from where they were originally, considering they started with 2.2 GB total then went to 4 GB total, in neither situation would they have been reserving this kind of memory. After jumping to 8GB they probably realized they could get close to MS's touted OS capabilities for multitasking, "snapping", or whatever. Probably coupled with PS-EYE could end up with an array of voice command and geature controls should you choose to.


The reaction from gaf is really surprising (and slightly terrifying), I guess I'm in the minority that wanted the OS to have more memory.
I've been saying that this would be the case for months, and that it completely makes sense and is a good thing. Don't be upset about this "news" -- it is the right decision on Sony's part.

Explain how it's a good thing or the right decision for those of us that just want the best possible games?
Thats pretty disappointing, is this 100% confirmed?

It's 0% confirmed.

Dont think so. PS4 has a dedicated chip for this video recording and even if RAM is needed it would only be a small amount. If this article is true I wonder what cuases this increase in reserved RAM.

If there is ANY truth to the report, I would guess Sony is just being super conservative with the OS reservation because their devkits are stuck at 8GB for the foreseeable future. They can't add additional memory for development purposes because they are at the physical limits of what is possible with currently available memory densities.

That said, Digital Foundry's credibility is mud these days and it's hard to believe the OS has ballooned from 512MB to 3.5GB in literally 5 months time.


Someone brought up a good point in the other thread. This can potentially be Sony future proofing their console. They were caught with their pants down last generation, and due to a lack of foresight, were unable to really change their OS through out the entirety of the generation. This is especially important considering the planned length of these generations, and as the past two generations have shown, the industry can change quite a bit over that duration so it's important to set aside enough system specs to make those necessary changes if needed.

True but 1.5GB is enough for future proofing the OS.


Meltdowns here are delicious

Of course the 8GB RAM couldn't be exclusive to devs only - they still have a huge amount to play around with

Meltdowns? More like calling out nonsense. PS4 was originally designed with 4GB in mind and developers worked under that assumption. Under that assumption, we would expect the OS to take anywhere from 512 MB to 1024 MB at MAX. Cerny said the additional 4 GB was added at the request of a DEVELOPER.

What features could Sony possibly add to make for the OS to jump from 512 MB to 3.5 GB in MONTHS? And why would they add 4GB of DDR5 RAM at the request of a developer if they are going to reserve the vast majority of that for the OS?

Sony doesn't have a camera to contend with, nor does it have three OS's. How can one Sony OS bloat itself in a period of months to outweigh a system with 3 OS's? Someone make a scenario in which that would in any way be feasible.
This must mean they've vastly improved the OS capabilities from where they were originally, considering they started with 2.2 GB total then went to 4 GB total, in neither situation would they have been reserving this kind of memory. After jumping to 8GB they probably realized they could get close to MS's touted OS capabilities for multitasking, "snapping", or whatever. Probably coupled with PS-EYE could end up with an array of voice command and geature controls should you choose to.

but they are taking away precious RAMS FROM THE GAMESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Yeah, don't have an issue with this really. Only thing that sucks a bit was the way they made a bullet point of the 8GB when they were talking about how good a gaming machine this was going to be, then this happens.

But really, its totally understandable!

Mr Swine

I simply don't get it.
3.5GB of GDDR5 RAM for the OS is a complete waste and beyond retarded.

Yeah! f that shit! OS should only use 64MB of ram and let the developers have 7.9 GB of ram to lay with, who cares if the OS lags alot while your trying to multitask the same times as recording for 15 minutes!


Junior Member
Vita h as voice chat and app switching. it doesn't even have 1gb of ram

Depends on what they are trying to accomplish. We don't know what apps, or services will be available through the OS.

If they are recording at 1080p 1min is about 160meg in size unsure what codecs they will be using though.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Because "games, games, games" kinda goes out the window if this is true I guess?
That, and even if they're shifting focus to allow other things, I'm still struggling to understand how that requires 3-3.5 GB worth of memory to be reserved. It just seems ridiculously inefficient.

PS360's OSes used, what, 50-100 MB? I don't feel like these OSes need to evolve so much that they'd legitimately require 30x the RAM.

And the devices that they're trying to compete with/borrow features from (Tivo, Roku, Apple TV, etc.) certainly don't use anywhere near this much RAM for OS.
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