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FRIDAYTON MK II: 5.5 million bears and salmon create unholy allliance to sack SONY HQ


Which was always against my better judgement. I dont see why so many people are getting butthurt about the fact ive heard something I do not like so now my willingness to part with cash day one has gone. I have never once said that this makes the PS4 a bad console, just something im less keen to invest in from early on. Its prudent to be patient to see how this all plays out.

Your stance appears somewhat unreasonable as this information is unconfirmed so nothing has even been taken away form the PS4's capabilities.
They really needed to do is make sure multiplatform games are absolutely, 100% superior to a VERY VISIBLE DEGREE from minute one. None of this "oh, well, our frame rate is locked but theirs isn't" and no "slightly better resolution or texture quality" stuff.

Sony will deliver on these promises, there is no reason not to think the power difference will not just make micromillimeter differences, but rather really big observable performance differences. The digital foundry comparisons will be easy wins for PS4.


Holy cow at the over reactions in this thread. I can't actually believe that someone would cancel their preorder based solely on this new development. At best some people expected 7GB.. 6GB was probably the most common number. Turns out to be 5.5GB with a 1GB caveat. Not that far off from expectations.
OK, if true, the PS4 has nothing to offer for me. Underwhelming games, underwhelming features, and its starting to look like a specs upgrade of the PS3 with nothing innovative to offer.
My girlfriend wants a Xbone anyway because of the voice control, motion sensory and instant switch.
Oh well, I should try something new anyway.
Okay, I'm done. The very idea that somehow a weaker and more expensive console has suddenly become a better buy than a more powerful and cheaper console is just a bridge too far.

I mean, if you like it for its games, great. But let's not get crazy about the features. I fail to see how waving your arms around to open menus is more convenient than tapping a button. Or how Skyping on your TV screen (thereby shrinking your viewable area) is better than just using your phone/computer/iPad. Or how saying "Xbox on" is faster than just tapping the button on the controller you'll need to have in your hands anyway to play a damn game.

I'm out of this asylum. See y'all in the funny pages.
Which was always against my better judgement. I dont see why so many people are getting butthurt about the fact ive heard something I do not like so now my willingness to part with cash day one has gone. I have never once said that this makes the PS4 a bad console, just something im less keen to invest in from early on. Its prudent to be patient to see how this all plays out.

I don't think anyone was butthurt. Just chuckling at your expense thanks to a very dramatic post about how you aren't going to take such grievous abuse anymore.

It's ok. Move on, because the laughter will likely continue... as you are in the presence of madmen.
Just say "preorder cancelled" already, these posts take up far too much space in the Wall of Shame.

This thread is moving so fast that the only way you are seeing my posts is if you are actively looking for them. I give less than a rats ass about some silly wall of shame. Its really not that serious. I have an opinon and im stating it.
Well, I personally think what they really needed to do is make sure multiplatform games are absolutely, 100% superior to a VERY VISIBLE DEGREE from minute one. None of this "oh, well, our frame rate is locked but theirs isn't" and no "slightly better resolution or texture quality" stuff. Significant, distinct differences, because as soon as gamers start buying games on Xbone, they've lost, as the "well my FRIENDS game on that system" pendulum swings over to Microsoft's side. And there's no coming back from that.

I honestly think they really needed the biggest advantage possible early on to swing the pendulum in their favor and make sure it stays there. We know Sony games will look good - that's never been an issue. The real issue is multiplats. And if the differences between the two systems are smaller or only semantic, that's bad for Sony, at least in the West.
They simply can't do that with that price point. They would have needed 599 again if they wanted to build such a console that would outclass the XB1 on such a level. This would destroy Sony.

As things are right now, PS4 is still more powerful. But even with 7GB of RAM Day 1 multiplats wouldn't look better. The gap isn't wide enough. Third parties simply don't bother. Why should they? They will do what is easy. Better framerate, better IQ, better AA, better resolution. Sorry but nothing beyond that would have ever happened. It didn't happen for the PS3 this gen and it won't happen for the XB1 next gen, especially since the gaming industry is even more in trouble now.

Also Sony destroying MS isn't that good. I understand you want another PS2 level of dominance, but it is not good right now. Sony needs competition. Their first parties are going to work their asses of to make good graphics and it will show.


So, when they only had 4GB, they talked to the most important developers (and his first party studios) and all that they did was to put another 4GB that no one could use and that no one wants for shitty things in the OS... and increase the price.

Bravo Sony.

Either way this would of been my last console generation because im sick of how many boxes consoles and console games have to tick these days. Im simply not interested in an All in one media box. I want a dedicated device. If that is something that will not be available moving forward then fine. Neither will my money be available to these companies either.

Sounds like you criteria for what constitutes a gaming platform are archaic, to be honest.

If you bought a gaming rig, it'd still be running an OS which is capable of any task you can imagine outside of gaming on it.

Phones, tablets all are swiss army devices, and also run games which are making millions for successful game developers on that platform.

I fear your narrow criteria for a games device is extinct.
I don't know much about system architecture, so help me out here guys. If I went to the store and bought this could I add it to the ram pool in the PS4 and use that to boost the graphics?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I would argue exactly the opposite.

They know devs will not be needing more than a few GB of RAM for the foreseeable future. They do not kow the kinds of OS improvements they could implement down the road, though I'm sure they have an idea where it's going. So for the time being, devs get 4.5-5.5GB and some is locked away just in case.

They don't have crystal balls there. They don't know exactly what they future will bring. But as they work to streamline OS code and implement new features, I'm sure more RAM will be unlocked for devs when they need it.
Putting aside almost as much RAM as you're already using for the OS isn't simply a matter of not having a crystal ball, it's more like walking around with one eye blind. It's Overkill.
Attack the name not the arguement. Cute. My point stands. In terms of value proposition, how has the PS4 not lost ground against the Xbox 1. Whether 4.5gb of ram is "good enough" for now is besides the point? The console was promoted as something and now we find it is something else. Im not going to do the same mental gymnastics to be ok with that. Less ram + More OS bloat = worth less money. Simples.

Holy fuck you have no ideal what your talking about.

This is a closed box at very beginning of its life cycle. That mean the Development kits and OS over head and future reserves are still being nailed down. From all account the PS4 OS with all of its advertised functions take up about 1.5gig of ram. Sony reserved 1 gig of ram for future OS expansion of functions if needed. This will more then likely get reduced as Sony finalize what functionality they want to support going forward. Game developers will have 5.5gigs For NOW.

From start to finish Sony has worked very closely with developers when it came to designing the PS4. If Developers need more ram you can be assured that Sony will free up some more.

The Ps4 and Xbone are not suddenly on par.
Sounds like you were sold on the Xbox One from day One.

PS4 still offers 50% gpu upgrade. That is a lot more than any ram difference will ever be for gaming. >.> Don't kid yourself the PS4 is still the powerhouse with the better ram.

Sold on day 1? Maybe I was, but my choice for the PS4 over Xbone from the start was sheer fanboy/childhood memories of the Playstation brand, and I really wanted to continue that. I've never owned an Xbox because I never liked the brand, or the games. But it seems like MS has even taken that away from me (MGS, FF, KH)... There's just no reason to own a PS4 over an Xbone, but there are multiple reasons to own a Xbone over a PS4. And as you'll probably know, MS's content policies won't let the PS4 outshine the Xbone has far as graphics when it comes to multiplats. They'll be equal as far as that.

I'm just trying something new for a change, maybe.


haha, 85 pages already? People's reactions are pure gold.

nothing sony can do will remove this dagger from my heart. i supported them when they were toying with the idea of drm. i supported them when my account information was compromised. this really gets me though.


So except for the meltdowns what actually happened here. Is Eurogamer just putting things out of their ass or has there been other sources that confirmed this?


Well they went from 3.5 GB available for games to 5.5 GB. That's still a significant increase and was apparently enough to make all of them happy.

And couldn't they do this only increasing, I don't know, that 1GB and make the PS4, at least, 50€ cheaper?

3'5GB for the OS is not for gamers. I have no idea for what it is, but is not for what the gamers wants.

PS: I know that this is not possible because the size of the ram chips, I say only for the stupidity in that increase (looking the use of this ram)
Sony will deliver on these promises, there is no reason not to think the power difference will not just make micromillimeter differences, but rather really big observable performance differences. The digital foundry comparisons will be easy wins for PS4.

I sure hope so. The PS3's power advantage ended up being meaningless for multiplatform games, but part of that was the complicated architecture's fault.

Hopefully the easier hardware means the baseline is always much higher for PS versions of multiplatform games.


Pretty much the only thing I preferred about the PS4 was its focus on being a game console. If this is true that's no longer the case. XB1/PC combo has looked like the smart option for me for a while now and this has confirmed that for me if it holds true.
aaaaaaaaaand preorder cancelled. Way to drop the ball Sony. Not only has your product declined in value but you and your competition are now on even ground.

Just kidding. I hope that some of you are also joking because my god some of the posts ITT are ludicrous. EDIT: See below

Pretty much the only thing I preferred about the PS4 was its focus on being a game console. If this is true that's no longer the case. XB1/PC combo has looked like the smart option for me for a while now and this has confirmed that for me if it holds true.
Haha how on EARTH did you glean that from this?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Ugh, this thread...

The following is the top post on the IGN story (which has reached 9,000+ comments) about this (altered slightly to fit my needs). It sums up how I feel quite well.

As it does me. I've watched my hobby become less about games and more about screenshots. Less about mechanics and more about fancy QTEs. Less about solid gameplay and more about mind-blowing trailers. It seems gamers these days enjoy anticipating the potential of upcoming games more than playing the games themselves. Games will be hyped to hell and back for years with trailers and screenshots and hype injected directly into the veins of gamers, and once the game comes out no one cares after a week or two. Nothing more to anticipate, time to move onto the next set of fancy trailers and screenshots showing amazing textures and photoshopped edges.

4.5GB is more than enough and will deliver amazing games. I seriously do not get the fucking problem at all. People are acting like it's suddenly the Wii U in terms of processing power. If they have to have the absolute best of everything gamers should just build PCs and stop whining. That's what I did for my fancy fix (yes I too occasionally like flashy shit). But the hew and cry needs to just... stop. It's embarrassing to the gaming community and people who look in at the gaming community.


Pretty much the only thing I preferred about the PS4 was its focus on being a game console. If this is true that's no longer the case. XB1/PC combo has looked like the smart option for me for a while now and this has confirmed that for me if it holds true.
LOL oh wow.
lol every month eurogamer/df are out to get Sony it seems ;P

but anyway any sound judgement/reason seems to be eaten by the salt-omatics and trolls
And as you'll probably know, MS's content policies won't let the PS4 outshine the Xbone has far as graphics when it comes to multiplats. They'll be equal as far as that.

Actually there plan doesn't hold back graphics.

So...about that.

Your not trying anything new... In your post history you switch sides to partake in the lynching...


If Sony had actually wanted to reserve 1GB for the OS when the PS4 had 4GB, that would have given devs 3Gb usable. So this would be nearly double which is pretty good


Holy fuck you have no ideal what your talking about.

This is a closed box at very beginning of its life cycle. That mean the Development kits and OS over head and future reserves are still being nailed down. From all account the PS4 OS with all of its advertised functions take up about 1.5gig of ram. Sony reserved 1 gig of ram for future OS expansion of functions if needed. This will more then likely get reduced as Sony finalize what functionality they want to support going forward. Game developers will have 5.5gigs For NOW.

From start to finish Sony has worked very closely with developers when it came to designing the PS4. If Developers need more ram you can be assured that Sony will free up some more.

The Ps4 and Xbone are not suddenly on par.

Well not really. According to that article in the OP, the developers are guaranteed to have 4.5gb and can *request* additional 1gb, if the OS can spare it.


Holy fuck you have no ideal what your talking about.

This is a closed box at very beginning of its life cycle. That mean the Development kits and OS over head and future reserves are still being nailed down. From all account the PS4 OS with all of its advertised functions take up about 1.5gig of ram. Sony reserved 1 gig of ram for future OS expansion of functions if needed. This will more then likely get reduced as Sony finalize what functionality they want to support going forward. Game developers will have 5.5gigs For NOW.

From start to finish Sony has worked very closely with developers when it came to designing the PS4. If Developers need more ram you can be assured that Sony will free up some more.

The Ps4 and Xbone are not suddenly on par.

Even if all the PS4 had was 5.5GB to work with it's entire life cycle, it would still be the superior machine. This is still SSJ3 Goku vs Majin Vegeta lol.
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