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FRIDAYTON MK II: 5.5 million bears and salmon create unholy allliance to sack SONY HQ

Oh god that sand and rock look so terrible. Also note the blur over everything.

I swear I love this forum for the usual civilized and intelligent discussions it brings (mostly in off-topic I must admit) but damn sometimes some of you guys are just crazy. PLAIN OLE CRAZY MANG THIS THREAD IS CRAZY


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I won't complain as long as all games look as good as this...


with a few extra gigs of ram i bet that explosion would cause the pedestrians to actually cast shadows. smh.


OK, if true, the PS4 has nothing to offer for me. Underwhelming games, underwhelming features, and its starting to look like a specs upgrade of the PS3 with nothing innovative to offer.
My girlfriend wants a Xbone anyway because of the voice control, motion sensory and instant switch.
Oh well, I should try something new anyway.

Isn't this exactly like the xbone ? even the kinect is basically a spec upgrade .
Attack the name not the arguement. Cute. My point stands. In terms of value proposition, how has the PS4 not lost ground against the Xbox 1. Whether 4.5gb of ram is "good enough" for now is besides the point? The console was promoted as something and now we find it is something else. Im not going to do the same mental gymnastics to be ok with that. Less ram + More OS bloat = worth less money. Simples.
You're argument is fucking stupid. A lot of you are saying stupid shit. Just sit back and think for a minute; these devs have more RAM available right now than they know what to do with. Just throwing RAM at games isn't what next gen is all about; you still have to optimize to the strengths of the console. You are creating drama where there is none. Why do you think these devs are on Twitter laughing at GAF and shaking their heads? Because some of you don't have a freaking clue.
Not the point I am trying to make.

What's your point ?
Thinking that Sony would allow devs to uses 7GB of ram right away .
We never have had a OS number people thinking it would be 1GB because it was 512MB when the system was 4GB was never fact .
Now i hate the Idea that they have so much ram for the OS but then again i always thought it would be around 1.5Gb to 2GB so if they give back some after the first year i would be happy .
Outside of stupid gifs do you have something to argue? because if you do, lets hear it. Why should I buy on day one the same console that is now more limited in in scope than known previously? I dont want a Media box. I want a games console.

Only if you in terms of immature console warrior bullshit.Im making an informed decision as a consumer. Nothing more or less.

If you want to be an informed consumer, you shouldn't ever be buying anything on day one.
True. But devs just don't need it right now, so Sony is doing the right thing here. It would be troubling if just one dev would complain, but no one is doing it. Every dev is going to max out the GPU first before ever hitting 4.5 GB of RAM. It is better this way than fucking up the launch with a slow messy OS. It will be bloated, but it will be fast and responsive Day 1 unlike the WiiU. Games will look great. Sony can work their magic in the background and reduce the bloat while keeping the OS just as responsive with optimizing. No one will notice and devs will get the RAM once they need it.

It is really the best strategy. Not for message boards pre-release, but for the actual launch and the word of mouth.

Well, I personally think what they really needed to do is make sure multiplatform games are absolutely, 100% superior to a VERY VISIBLE DEGREE from minute one. None of this "oh, well, our frame rate is locked but theirs isn't" and no "slightly better resolution or texture quality" stuff. Significant, distinct differences, because as soon as gamers start buying games on Xbone, they've lost, as the "well my FRIENDS game on that system" pendulum swings over to Microsoft's side. And there's no coming back from that.

I honestly think they really needed the biggest advantage possible early on to swing the pendulum in their favor and make sure it stays there. We know Sony games will look good - that's never been an issue. The real issue is multiplats. And if the differences between the two systems are smaller or only semantic, that's bad for Sony, at least in the West.


This thread is great. I don't really seem to care about this news the more I dwell on it, which is also great. However, thread please continue . . .



The gap has greatly diminished. To bad MS is hellbent on Kinect. They could easily even the race after this debacle.

So, when they only have 4GB, they talked to the most important developers (and his first party studios) and all that they did was to put another 4GB that no one could use and that no one wants for shitty things in the OS... and increase the price.

Bravo Sony.

OK, if true, the PS4 has nothing to offer for me. Underwhelming games, underwhelming features, and its starting to look like a specs upgrade of the PS3 with nothing innovative to offer.
My girlfriend wants a Xbone anyway because of the voice control, motion sensory and instant switch.
Oh well, I should try something new anyway.


And with this fresh batch of idiocy, I'm officially done reading this thread. Congrats, you've finally broken me.
I honestly think this news is positive actually, because even though the OS will be bloated like every other OS ever for a modern gaming console at the beginning, it should also mean that the OS will be fast and responsive Day 1 unlike the WiiU. Over time Sony can get the footprint down and devs will get all the RAM they need.

Not fucking up the launch with a slow messy UI looks like a better strategy to me than giving more RAM to developers that don't need it right now.


love on your sleeve
So, when they only had 4GB, they talked to the most important developers (and his first party studios) and all that they did was to put another 4GB that no one could use and that no one wants for shitty things in the OS... and increase the price.

Bravo Sony.

Well they went from 3.5 GB available for games to 5.5 GB. That's still a significant increase and was apparently enough to make all of them happy.
If so, you may as well give up on your interest in console gaming for this generation and pursue something else.

Either way this would of been my last console generation because im sick of how many boxes consoles and console games have to tick these days. Im simply not interested in an All in one media box. I want a dedicated device. If that is something that will not be available moving forward then fine. Neither will my money be available to these companies either.


I mean it does kinda suck that Sony are using a lot for the OS... But what if the OS is awesome?

The only thing the OS needs to do is cross game chat, have a basic store, and maybe multitasking with skype or some other IM client. I don't see that taking 3.5gb.
Attack the name not the arguement. Cute. My point stands. In terms of value proposition, how has the PS4 not lost ground against the Xbox 1. Whether 4.5gb of ram is "good enough" for now is besides the point? The console was promoted as something and now we find it is something else. Im not going to do the same mental gymnastics to be ok with that. Less ram + More OS bloat = worth less money. Simples.

I agree that the PS4 now seems less powerful than I originally thought it was

However that forces me to reassess the scenario and even with that I will still be getting a PS4 and be happy about it, just less so

Personally I think Sony should've just made it 5.5/2.5 and be done with it for launch

Maybe reclaim a gb from OS down the road

I don't think I'll value the extra OS allocation but it still seems a good deal to me

You are of course entitled to your own opinion and it is in no way less valid than mine or anyone elses


Well they went from 3.5 GB available for games to 5.5 GB. That's still a significant increase and was apparently enough to make all of them happy.

Yea, that kind of does quell my resentment and buyer's remorse for a yet to be bought object.

I do love your sleeve.


I guess I'll enjoy my PS4 as people twiddle their thumbs over how the PS4 lost some ram to the OS come the end of the year. Games are so fun!


Seriously if someone is cancelling his preorder just for this , he does not know how really RAM works.

Even if sony fix it a 4.5 PS4 compared to Xbone keeps a great differience , bigger than the PS3 -360 Gap.

Just waiting to see what ND can do in the PS4...!!!
Either way this would of been my last console generation because im sick of how many boxes consoles and console games have to tick these days. Im simply not interested in an All in one media box. I want a dedicated device. If that is something that will not be available moving forward then fine. Neither will my money be available to these companies either.

Just say "preorder cancelled" already, these posts take up far too much space in the Wall of Shame.


This probably seems ridiculous to most of you but this actually confirmed me getting a PS4 now. 1GB is not enough for a modern OS, so I'm really glad they are devoting more resources to it - games are obviously important, but how you use your console outside of the games is very important too.
Doesn't matter that post was wrong.
"OK, if true, the PS4 has nothing to offer for me. Underwhelming games, underwhelming features, and its starting to look like a specs upgrade of the PS3 with nothing innovative to offer."

How is that wrong? It is his opinion man.
He clearly had a PS4 bias before this news (looking at his post history). Maybe he was more excited by amount of RAM than the upgraded GPU.


Can someone explain this shitstorm in a short way. There's less ram devs can play with than expected? Sad but not 85+ pages worthy.


Naughty Gods have spoken.

Pack it up folks. They made TLOU on 462MB of RAM.

And had to make all of Joel's animations work within 5MB of that.

Nothing to worry about.

3d animations are cheap to store. The animations are a list of transform timestamps. Sprite animation that is high quality is what will eat up memory.


This thread is taking on a life of its own.

The non-news gets turned into news as it becomes news than everyone's talking about the non-news.


I honestly think this news is positive actually, because even though the OS will be bloated like every other OS ever for a modern gaming console at the beginning, it should also mean that the OS will be fast and responsive Day 1 unlike the WiiU. Over time Sony can get the footprint down and devs will get all the RAM they need.

Not fucking up the launch with a slow messy UI looks like a better strategy to me than giving more RAM to developers that don't need it right now.

Isn't that what was said when we found out the WiiU had so much ram reserved for to OS? WiiU is a perfect example that ram != fast OS
If you want to be an informed consumer, you shouldn't ever be buying anything on day one.

Which was always against my better judgement. I dont see why so many people are getting butthurt about the fact ive heard something I do not like so now my willingness to part with cash day one has gone. I have never once said that this makes the PS4 a bad console, just something im less keen to invest in from early on. Its prudent to be patient to see how this all plays out.


They've almost doubled the RAM allocation for OS just to have a huge reserve for ???

This isn't a matter of mere "streamlining". This is a matter of having an effective sense of the direction you want to take the console in. Putting aside that much RAM "just in case" doesn't convey that they have a good sense of where their priorities are.

Actually to me it has a good sense of where their priorities are for the PS4. They are confident that 5.5gb of RAM is good for the next couple of years and more. If Sony adds some features to the OS they can use that 1gb reserve. This also means they don't have to free up the RAM first before adding features. I still believe they'll optimize the OS like they did with the PS3. It's pretty impressive they got it from 120mb at launch to 50mb (back in 2010) while adding trophies and in-game XMB. All OS's get optimized over time (includes Windows and Mac OS) so I don't see why Sony won't do the same especially with their 10 year lifespan commitment.

Just because we cannot imagine what Sony could do with the OS in the next 5 years doesn't mean they shouldn't prepare for it. They don't want another PS3 incident like cross-game chat.
guys let's go back to the real world, it has never been told in an official manner how much Ram will use the operating system, and according to the experts and developers (Octodad) the ram is more than enough, it is to be safe.


thanks for the laugh
you gotta feel bad for all those ultra driven top of the class RAM chips who graduated through the elite GDDR5 academy, only to get landed with some pencil pushing system tasking desk job. the kind that those DDR3 stoners are actually somehow better at because they don't have any aspirations beyond pushing skype calls around.
You're argument is fucking stupid. A lot of you are saying stupid shit. Just sit back and think for a minute; these devs have more RAM available right now than they know what to do with. Just throwing RAM at games isn't what next gen is all about; you still have to optimize to the strengths of the console. You are creating drama where there is none. Why do you think these devs are on Twitter laughing at GAF and shaking their heads? Because some of you don't have a freaking clue.

And really, in my opinion, thats the reason this thread is as big as it is; because of peoples lack of understanding of PC hardware and architecture. Combine that with a little console wars and you have a recipe for a 80+ page thread of awesome.


Can someone explain this shitstorm in a short way. There's less ram devs can play with than expected? Sad but not 85+ pages worthy.

It is first sort of bad news for PS4. People are just having fun.

you gotta feel bad for all those ultra driven top of the class RAM chips who graduated through the elite GDDR5 academy, only to get landed with some pencil pushing system tasking desk job. the kind that those DDR3 stoners are actually somehow better at because they don't have an aspirations beyond pushing skype calls around.



"OK, if true, the PS4 has nothing to offer for me. Underwhelming games, underwhelming features, and its starting to look like a specs upgrade of the PS3 with nothing innovative to offer."

How is that wrong? It is his opinion man.

GAF surprises me sometimes with the lack of strength in some people.

Take a step outside, go on a journey in the wide lands of the internet. Meet several trolls flamers and all kind of sorts.
That way you will learn perstistence. You will be able to look trough anyone. You dont have to care anymore.
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