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FRIDAYTON MK II: 5.5 million bears and salmon create unholy allliance to sack SONY HQ




Sold on day 1? Maybe I was, but my choice for the PS4 over Xbone from the start was sheer fanboy/childhood memories of the Playstation brand, and I really wanted to continue that. I've never owned an Xbox because I never liked the brand, or the games. But it seems like MS has even taken that away from me (MGS, FF, KH)... There's just no reason to own a PS4 over an Xbone, but there are multiple reasons to own a Xbone over a PS4. And as you'll probably know, MS's content policies won't let the PS4 outshine the Xbone has far as graphics when it comes to multiplats. They'll be equal as far as that.

I'm just trying something new for a change, maybe.

50% better GPU
Sony's incredibly strong lineup of first-parties
No forced NSA/advertising peripheral
As it does me. I've watched my hobby become less about games and more about screenshots. Less about mechanics and more about fancy QTEs. Less about solid gameplay and more about mind-blowing trailers. It seems gamers these days enjoy anticipating the potential of upcoming games more than playing the games themselves. Games will be hyped to hell and back for years with trailers and screenshots and hype injected directly into the veins of gamers, and once the game comes out no one cares after a week or two. Nothing more to anticipate, time to move onto the next set of fancy trailers and screenshots showing amazing textures and photoshopped edges.
yea the 1980s sucked ass man, ruined gaming forever
And couldn't they do this only increasing, I don't know, that 1GB and make the PS4, at least, 50€ cheaper?

3'5GB for the OS is not for gamers. I have no idea for what it is, but is not for what the gamers wants.
It's called future proofing, one of the reasons Sony got caught this gen by Microsoft. They never want to let that happen again. That's the whole story. In case they don't need the RAM they will unlock it for the devs to use.

aaaaaaaaaand preorder cancelled. Way to drop the ball Sony. Not only has your product declined in value but you and your competition are now on even ground.

Just kidding. I hope that some of you are also joking because my god some of the posts ITT are ludicrous. EDIT: See below

Haha how on EARTH did you glean that from this?
Some of them aren't. Fortunately they got banned.
Putting aside almost as much RAM as you're already using for the OS isn't simply a matter of not having a crystal ball, it's more like walking around with one eye blind. It's Overkill.

Question how much did you think the PS4 OS number was going to be .
Right now devs have 5.5Gb for games ( if they uses extra 1GB Sony can't take it back ).


The Detective
You mean. Why does it need 3.5Gb of Ram and 2 dedicated cpu core processors?

Nah, I can understand the 2 CPU cores (if you did not reserve them the game could slow down when something else is running or you switch to the menu).

The amount of RAM reserved on the other hand is way more than what they look to need.
The memory needed for video encoding is (surprisingly) not that large (100 to 200 MB at most), I doubt the main menu and OS is huge (both the PS3 and 360 managed to fit their main menus and OS in, at most 512 MB).
I doubt most non game programs would go over a few 100 MB and I also doubt you would run a lot of them at the same time.


Ugh, this thread...

The following is the top post on the IGN story (which has reached 9,000+ comments) about this (altered slightly to fit my needs). It sums up how I feel quite well.

To pose a somewhat hyperbolic question:

Then why upgrade the ram at all (or perhaps kept it at 4GB and reserved 2.5-3.5GB for OS)? Why not just upgrade the GPU alone and call it a day? The price would have been even more lucrative then.


Haha, I love the comments that say 4.5/5.5 of 8 GB allocated to games? That's exactly the same as a total 4GB that would have to be partly allocated to the OS!

Sony! *shakes fist*
Stupid question, but could Sony eventually optimize the OS size and lower it or is this set in stone. Don't really know if it's like developing a game where you figure out tricks & shortcuts as you learn more about the system.

Either way I don't really care, always planning on buying this first Xbone later so nothings changed for me. Also between this thread & last nights I've had lots of laughs. Keep it up please
Sold on day 1? Maybe I was, but my choice for the PS4 over Xbone from the start was sheer fanboy/childhood memories of the Playstation brand, and I really wanted to continue that. I've never owned an Xbox because I never liked the brand, or the games. But it seems like MS has even taken that away from me (MGS, FF, KH)... There's just no reason to own a PS4 over an Xbone, but there are multiple reasons to own a Xbone over a PS4. And as you'll probably know, MS's content policies won't let the PS4 outshine the Xbone has far as graphics when it comes to multiplats. They'll be equal as far as that.

I'm just trying something new for a change, maybe.

MS has nowhere near the pull in the industry to enforce something like this on anything but indie devs MAYBE.
Can i get a summary of the thread please?

So 3.5GB of the PS4s ram is reserved for the OS?

Rumor comes about that the PS4 has 3.0GB reserved for the OS. Devs say 5GB is enough while gamers are angry that more RAM is not being dedicated to games, but instead more than 1GB of the resources are being dedicated to non-gaming functions.
If hyperbole could be harnessed as pure energy, this thread would rival the sun.

Honestly, by my estimation, that's true of people on both sides of the issue. And to clarify, what I mean by that is that -- though I readily admit that some people do seem to be genuinely upset and maybe one or two of those "I cancelled my predorders" posts may be real -- I think those posts are far outnumbered in quantity at this point by people that are simply convinced that there's hyperbole everywhere because that's the narrative.

"Oh man, overreactions everywhere. Calm down." But I bet if I challenged you to find 10 sincerely outraged individuals (i.e. facetious outrage for the laughs doesn't count), it'd probably take you longer than you think. Though it shouldn't, because every time I click this thread I see comment after comment about how everyone has gone crazy!
To pose a somewhat hyperbolic question:

Then why upgrade the ram at all (or perhaps kept it at 4GB and reserved 2.5-3.5GB for OS)? Why not just upgrade the GPU alone and call it a day? The price would have been even more lucrative then.
Future proofing, since games are going to need more RAM eventually? Remember the PS3? Sony is checking boxes on things that went horribly wrong this gen.


People were getting on Microsoft for blocking up so much resources, including RAM, for non-gaming features and rightfully so, and were using the 7GB of GDDR5 for games as a point against the One, but now it comes out that Sony is actually blocking off MORE RAM for no real reason... and now the rallying cry is 4 GB is enough? If 4 GB was enough, then why was that ever being used as an advantage in PS4's favor if it just merely stockpiled a resource developers would never use? Put in less RAM and drop the price even further.

Sony deserves to be criticized for this all about games stance. Microsoft is actually using those resources for things like DVR, kinect (voice and motion navigation/interaction), etc. What is Sony's excuse for using MORE resources? It's all about the games, but Sony is potentially blocking off MORE resources but nothing to show for it all in the name of this supposed 'feature parity.' Well if it's about 'feature parity', then Sony is already behind. We accepted the PS4 not having DVR/camera integration due to supposedly more of these resources being allocated to games when that isn't the case. Sony better toss in DVR and match it feature for feature if they are going to lock up just as much resources for the OS as the One.
Saw it coming for the OS features they are pushing.

Recording last 15 min gameplay
Instantaneous return to a game (game suspend or some shit like that)
Sharing videos
Probably some multitasking

All that ain't free.



After asking personal contacts about the situation, I have deduced the following:

1. The RAM situation on PS4 is the most ideal form imaginable.
2. Sony has provided a huge amount of quality RAM.
3. RAM allocations for future OS improvements are in place for any unaccounted for additions that may require OS to bloat in the future.
4. No one developer has argued that there isn't enough RAM. Not a single one.

5. "If a developer cannot figure out what to do with 5+ GBs of RAM; he should quit his day job."

This is all I can contribute, and if some of you feel like cutting each other's throats because those 3 GB will not be available on day 1; I don't know what to tell you. I don't have hard numbers, but I am told to ignore the pessimism because reality is far from what the picture Apocalypse-GAF is painting.

As for the Apocalypse-GAF: continue ignoring Verrendus, famourmortimer, I, and Bruceleeroy. I'm out ya'll :).


How much RAM are games currently in development using? If they're using close to, or all of, the allotted 4.5GBs, what does that mean for future games?
They simply can't do that with that price point. They would have needed 599 again if they wanted to build such a console that would outclass the XB1 on such a level. This would destroy Sony.

As things are right now, PS4 is still more powerful. But even with 7GB of RAM Day 1 multiplats wouldn't look better. The gap isn't wide enough. Third parties simply don't bother. Why should they? They will do what is easy. Better framerate, better IQ, better AA, better resolution. Sorry but nothing beyond that would have ever happened. It didn't happen for the PS3 this gen and it won't happen for the XB1 next gen, especially since the gaming industry is even more in trouble now.

Also Sony destroying MS isn't that good. I understand you want another PS2 level of dominance, but it is not good right now. Sony needs competition. Their first parties are going to work their asses of to make good graphics and it will show.

Sony may need competition, but a console that isn't an unstoppable juggernaut won't be enough to break Microsoft's vice grip on the US market. If their multiplatform games are only a marginal improvement, gamers will continue to buy on Xbox, which means all of this "for gamers" talk was for nothing.

I was hoping that this gen would be an open and shut case from minute one, as you pointed out. This generation was absolutely terrible, so I would really rather not see a repeat of it next gen.
Rumor comes about that the PS4 has 3.0GB reserved for the OS. Devs say 5GB is enough while gamers are angry that more RAM is not being dedicated to games, but instead more than 1GB of the resources are being dedicated to non-gaming functions.

And just like Xbone people are assuming that the space the PS4 is dedicated will be focused on non-gaming functions.


Stupid question, but could Sony eventually optimize the OS size and lower it or is this set in stone. Don't really know if it's like developing a game where you figure out tricks & shortcuts as you learn more about the system.

Either way I don't really care, always planning on buying this first Xbone later so nothings changed for me. Also between this thread & last nights I've had lots of laughs. Keep it up please

Sony did this with the PS3 (launch OS was 120mb and got to 50mb by 2010). I believe Microsoft did it with the 360 as well but not 100% sure.


If Sony had actually wanted to reserve 1GB for the OS when the PS4 had 4GB, that would have given devs 3Gb usable. So this would be nearly double which is pretty good

Exactly! Some massive overreactors in this thread... Some of the posts are laughable.


Future proofing, since games are going to need more RAM eventually? Remember the PS3? Sony is checking boxes on things that went horribly wrong this gen.

Indeed I do, good sir. But what irks the fuck out of me is how does a console that neither has to sequester ram for kinect nor cable tv functionalities require MORE RAM than its competitor that does?


Wow... This thread even has more pages then the earlier. :)

I do still think that we need to wait for an official confirmation on this.

The 'unnamed sources' will never do much for me..

Even if it ended up to be true or not. :)


I told people Sony would reserve a large portion of the ram for the os way back when the Microsoft 3GB rumor started. It makes sense to take more than what might be needed at the start and free it up in the future. It doesn't work the other way around and you'll be screwed.

It's why I'm a bit sad that Microsoft back tracked on the always online requirement. Having that guarantees developers that they can rely on the cloud for stuff. Now they have to develope for offline and online. I guess they can tag games with Internet required logos but still.

In the end both consoles are so similar that 3rd party games will be the same and it'll be the first party stuff that shines on either platform. You should be making your purchase choice based on the game lineup.


love on your sleeve
And couldn't they do this only increasing, I don't know, that 1GB and make the PS4, at least, 50€ cheaper?

3'5GB for the OS is not for gamers. I have no idea for what it is, but is not for what the gamers wants.

Probably more practical for them to add 4 GB than it would be just to add 1. The actual OS is only taking up 1.5 GB so we could still ultimately end up with 6.5 for games in a few years time when developers actually need it.
Sold on day 1? Maybe I was, but my choice for the PS4 over Xbone from the start was sheer fanboy/childhood memories of the Playstation brand, and I really wanted to continue that. I've never owned an Xbox because I never liked the brand, or the games. But it seems like MS has even taken that away from me (MGS, FF, KH)... There's just no reason to own a PS4 over an Xbone, but there are multiple reasons to own a Xbone over a PS4. And as you'll probably know, MS's content policies won't let the PS4 outshine the Xbone has far as graphics when it comes to multiplats. They'll be equal as far as that.

I'm just trying something new for a change, maybe.

I bet you almost all multiplats from Japan will look better on PS4 this gen .
MS can't stop devs from making there games look better it did not happen this gen and it won't happen next gen .
The same can be said if sony had the weaker system .


Future proofing, since games are going to need more RAM eventually? Remember the PS3?

Exactly. I'm sure people were screaming PS3 had 'enough RAM' and how it was 10x more than PS2 during the beginning of the life cycle and how launch games weren't close to maxing out those resources... but anyone remember Skyrim? The extra resources will come in handy later on down the line when developers start hitting the limits of the system.
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