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GAF Secret Santa 2016

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Saint Nic
If I buy something off Steam, should I send out my other stuff first in the mail and wait till he/she gets it?

Didn't do it before but I really can't find a suitable main item that I can buy in a store.

No reason to wait. If you want to send it now, go for it!

John Blade

Well..have to abandoned some items as I won't able to get it out on time and even with this, a minor issue came up which abandoned one more item from the big parcel. Sigh...I guess my T.T won't try out the item after all. Still, I do hope the rest of the item will reach to my T.T in one piece without any issue. *cross finger*
Began the shopping for my TT today. This is harder than I expected it would be. Everything I wanted to grab is somehow not there. Will have to rethink how to do this.

They may wind up with several packages....
I'm not gonna lie, I'm stressin' about my Secret Holiday-Character's :)P) gifts. There's no way I'm besting my predecessor from last year. And I like to put thought into gifts, but I've never met 'em!

(I'm sure it'll be just fine)


My present from my Secret Santa arrived in the post today!! Sooooo tempted to open it now!


Thank you very much, whoever you are!

John Blade

Ahh....the first pics of the people getting the item. Man....going to make my day when I got my item and when my T.T. got his item.


I apologize to my TT, as I didn't have a lot of time to buy something. I hope you won't mind getting something from Amazon first.

I will be sending something myself, but since it's international it probably won't reach you till possibily sometime in January, as I won't be going out shopping till Thursday.


Hope I actually receive my gift, I live in a bad neighborhood. Just last week it seems someone stole my sisters package.
I have a question for my Santa which hopefully someone can answer anonymously. Was I supposed to be getting something from Amazon today? I'm in two forum secret santas and something arrived today wrapped from amazon and I don't know where it's from obviously.

Yes that seems about right.
I had not a whole lot to go off of either. I ended up finding their user name on another site and was able to pull something from that. I hope they like it.


got all the stuff I planned on getting, but it still feels like it's missing something.. gotta get one more thing before I ship
I have all my loot for my TT and will be mailing out this week.

I would recommend reaching out to a messenger to contact your TT for you. I was contacted by someone for my SS and was able to send some, hopefully, good info.

Now to find a box!


Shipping internationally is a real jungle with the customs, but I'll do my best, just need to get access to an printer then we're good to go :).
Its reallly hard getting a gift for my Tiny Tim, gave many choices that would all be well received.
May have to change up my usual tactic this year and do two gifts. One through an online store and one from Ghana.
Its reallly hard getting a gift for my Tiny Tim, gave many choices that would all be well received.
May have to change up my usual tactic this year and do two gifts. One through an online store and one from Ghana.

You've got a lucky TT. I know it's not me because I didn't do international this year.
Bought gifts and most of it should be shipping out today. One gift won't likely show up until a while later, sadly. :(

One fairly tough TinyTim.


Finally able to ship out my gifts tomorrow. Had a shipping delay, RIP.

Super pumped to see reactions. I really like what I went with. Hope my guy does too!
I'm away from home until Wednesday, so if you're expecting me to confirm delivery it will have to wait till then. And even then, I'm pretty lazy, so it might take some time.
I must confess, there's an odd anxiety in knowing Tiny Tim has their gift, but not knowing whether or not they'll hold out to Christmas. The anticipation builds every day.
Been busy this past weekend but going to wrap my gifts and ship them out. Should I get that one last thing, it'll most likely arrive a bit later, so hopefully my TT understands.


Just an FYI, it looks like there's going to be a postal strike in the UK from next week so there could be some delays with deliveries.
Mailed my Tom's gift box on Saturday :)

Twas right before I was rushing off to go help at my work's kids Christmas party so I forgot to put in a note :(
Mailed mine off today, shouldn't take too long to arrive given where it's going :) Royal Mail doesn't hold back on international postage though, oof.

I had a missed delivery yesterday while working, which may be from my SS. Either way it'll be redelivered for when I'm home on Friday, and I'll open it on the 25th ;)

Excited to see what everyone gets!
Got my gift in yesterday! I've been so busy with work, I didn't have a chance to open it because I basically got home and collapsed into sleep. I'm gunna tonight, though!
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