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GAF Secret Santa 2016

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My secret Santa gifts arrived wasn't any instructions or gift wrap so I opened. I am very very very very happy. You were way to generous.

I will post pics in a bit. Gotta run an errand


Forgot to mention that my gift is out. Currently set to arrive in early January thanks to international shipping :/

Sorry that I couldn't get it to you before xmas TT, but I think you'll really like what I got you.


Just an FYI, it looks like there's going to be a postal strike in the UK from next week so there could be some delays with deliveries.

Fuck my life, I just placed order with sportsdirect last night. They do use DHL so hopefully that goes through :|


Saint Nic
Note to everyone!

Don't spend a fortune on shipping overnight or anything. You will not be black listed because your gift doesn't arrive before Christmas. Yes, it would be great if it did, but spend money on the gift instead of doubling your shipping costs.


My GAF secret santa came through!
The rush hour trilogy with bonus features and mondo cover. Summer wars, and my first physical ghibli movie!. My secret santa even threw in some gundam markers and tamiya tweezers because I am a hardcore builder.



Sending out my TT's package today. It's international. For those that have sent international, is there anything I should be aware of at the post office? I'm going during my lunchtime and hope I don't have to stand in a long line, miss specific forms, have to leave the line, and then get back in line again and then go back to work late.

ETA- One other thing. Do you reveal that you're the Secret Santa? Or does it stay anonymous the entire way through. I wrote a note but wrote my username. I'll have to write a new note if it's anonymous the whole process.

John Blade

Sending out my TT's package today. It's international. For those that have sent international, is there anything I should be aware of at the post office? I'm going during my lunchtime and hope I don't have to stand in a long line, miss specific forms, have to leave the line, and then get back in line again and then go back to work late.

ETA- One other thing. Do you reveal that you're the Secret Santa? Or does it stay anonymous the entire way through. I wrote a note but wrote my username. I'll have to write a new note if it's anonymous the whole process.

It depend on what is inside the parcel you're sending out. Different country have different regulation which you have to follow if you send something to the country. Most of the time, the parcel either will go through without any issue or at worst, will be open to check what is in it. I know my 1st time when I was doing this, I have to ship my parcel to Japan and sure enough, it was open based on the pics my T.T took when she got the item.

Something you might need to think a bit. Shipping food to oversea is something you might want to check before you order as not all items will able to get in or even ship. I just learn the hard way as one of the parcel I was going to send out to my T.T contain alcohol drink which is from the place where I live. Unfortunately, shipping Alcohol to international country can't be done for most the shipping company I can choose unless they have the proper channel paper (basically, official alcohol store) could ship it out and even then, it can't be ship by air but only ground. Sigh....

Also, do pay a bit more for a shipping choice which have some sort of insurance if the item is worth a bit (no point to have one if the item inside the parcel is worth less than 30 dollars). Most of the time, the item do get there fine but it's always better to have it as a backup if something does happen to the item and the mailing company have to pay you for the damage of it.

Lastly, kinda common sense, if you want the item to get to your T.T before Christmas eve, you will have to pay the cost to get the item there. This is where you need to decide if you want to cough a lot of money in shipping to get the item there or the cheapest one which will get the item to the person but not before the cut off point. I think the time frame for this Secret Santa is more later so, you don't need to get the item to your T.T asap. Shipping now will cost more so, this will come down to if you want to spend the extra money so, the parcel get there few days before Christmas eve. I know I spend around $70.00 CAD total to send the big parcel to my T.T but it's the cheapest one I can pick to get to my .T.T. Just hope it get to him.

The reveal, I guess it's okay to reveal it on the card if you wish to but I know some people don't even reveal who they are till the list of people came up like for me in my 2nd secret Santa. I got the person real name but not the name they use in this forum.
Sending out my TT's package today. It's international. For those that have sent international, is there anything I should be aware of at the post office? I'm going during my lunchtime and hope I don't have to stand in a long line, miss specific forms, have to leave the line, and then get back in line again and then go back to work late.

ETA- One other thing. Do you reveal that you're the Secret Santa? Or does it stay anonymous the entire way through. I wrote a note but wrote my username. I'll have to write a new note if it's anonymous the whole process.

It's generally revealed shortly after christmas, nicoga posts the list of who bought for who.


Saint Nic
It's generally revealed shortly after christmas, nicoga posts the list of who bought for who.


I'll probably post the match list on Christmas this year. At that point, everyone should have already shipped their gift (except one person as their TT requested a late delivery). So it won't be spoiling too much!
I'll be out of town for actual Christmas, so if I receive my package before, I might open it either early or after New Year's.

Also, for my TT, for whenever you see this and realize I was your SS, sorry if it looks like I put no thought into your gifts. I keep thinking that, since they weren't necessarily items you listed or related to your interests but rather things that anyone could use that you might think that, but I did try. I really hope you like them!
My TT's Amazon shipping address is a place of business and they could not deliver it due to it being closed. Hope they are open during the day...

John Blade

My TT's Amazon shipping address is a place of business and they could not deliver it due to it being closed. Hope they are open during the day...

Hold on....are you my secret Santa?! Man...would be funny if it's and I manage to found out just from this post. Hmm...the urge is coming in now....have to wait for something tomorrow..


Shipped out my secret santa package today. Should be to TT by Friday! ;) I have a tracking number if someone wants to help me out to pass it along to my TT.
Received my SS gift today. I will be sending out mine by Friday hopefully....assuming I don't keel over after Thursday late night Rogue One screening and gym session 🙃.


To my santa, I know you know I've got everything, but I won't be opening until Christmas Eve (I get fidgety around christmas and get too excited to wait another 8 hours haha)
Finally received the last item yesterday and got everything wrapped. Hopefully i can get home before the post office closes tonight and post it. If not then ill have to post it on Friday.
Fingers Crossed my TT likes the gifts and they arrive on time.


As I didn't want to overdo it, I used £25 as a guideline but I keep having the feeling that I should have gone way over that as I wasn't able to do anything impressive
...And bonus item for my TT arrived so now I just have to wrap, pack and ship! Super glad that the final piece didn't arrive late so that I can send everything together.


I fear like I'm going to end up making a last minute scramble for gifts. The next couple of days are going to be crazy for me but I'll get it done.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Alright, finally bit the bullet and sent my gift. Luckily my TT made it their directions very straight-forward and simple. Perfect for a beginner like me!

Also, one gift is getting here this Friday, while the other may get to him/her at around the 21st. Even though it also said that it might arrive in January, I have a lot of faith in delivery men around Christmas (got my Wii U 7pm Christmas Eve one year).


Just sent off my gift to my TT. Post office person didn't give me a tracking number though. She told me to call customs if I wanted something like that. Oh well. I'll find out if she grinched my gifts in 6-10 days (but not guaranteed, she says).

I downplayed the cost/value on the items declaration section because if it hit a higher threshold, it seemed more compkicated. Or maybe I just read it wrong.

Godspeed package!
I hope my TinyTim posts when he gets it. I sent it via Registered Post, but ran out of the post office to a Kid's Christmas Party I was volunteering at without the receipt.

John Blade

Look like the item have arrived at my T.T location. Now, it's a waiting game from now till Christmas. Let's the fun time beginning.


Sent my TT their gifts today :) I couldn't find one more small trinket to make it perfect, but hopefully it's enough. Excited to receive mine!!!


I have received my gifts from my Secret Santa. I'm assuming it is from my Neogaf Secret Santa as the package came from Australia, so if it is indeed the case, Secret Santa do you want me to wait til Christmas to open or can I open them now?
so glad I asked my santa to send only in january because even in my last week home, there is a strike from the post office here where I live.

So don't worry santa ! just send in January, I'll be home on January 7th.

Lots of love to everyone <3

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
It's a warm fuzzy feeling to see someone post their gifts that have arrived in time. I think mine has arrived (I gave a different address as I was moving to another country after the SS close off date) and I intend to save it till Xmas day to open. I think you all should too you impatient little blighters! ;-)

I have received my gifts from my Secret Santa. I'm assuming it is from my Neogaf Secret Santa as the package came from Australia, so if it is indeed the case, Secret Santa do you want me to wait til Christmas to open or can I open them now?

You could always open the card, might be from a secret admirer!
Finally was able to open my gift last night after 2 exhausting days of work. I got some awesome Zelda ornaments from my SS, which I will put on my mini tree tonight
before seeing STAR WARS!!!
. I'll put a picture up tonight, too, but right now I'm going into work.

Thank you SS! The gift is awesome!!
I'm finishing off the internationally-shipped bit of my my TT present tonight, and hopefully it'll be shipped tomorrow.

If my SS reads this, my address is my parent's place, so I don't know if anything's arrived yet. I'll know on Christmas... :)


Saint Nic
Another update!

I have taken care of contacting those in need of assistance with things. I'll keep everyone posted via PM if you're one of those.

If you are still in need of something and haven't heard back from me, go ahead and ping me again. I may have just not responded to you, but chances are, I have indeed sent the requested message out!

Cheers and happy holidays everyone!
looks like my gifts have been delivered :D Now eagerly waiting for mine. On the other hand, if its coming close to 24th (yes we Germans open our gifts on Christmas Eve *g*), I am not tempted to open it early
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