Also, for a potential future endless/arena/score/horde/etc DLC mode, I want to hear your thoughts!! What other games have done it right? What would keep you playing GALAK-Z day in and day out even after you've completed the entire campaign? WE WANT TO KNOW!! Thank you!!
Here is my take on some potential additional modes for GALAK-Z: The Dimensional. I noticed many of these ideas have been mentioned, but I had some ideas written down, in detail, so I figured I would post them.
Survival - Endless Season
Survival - Endless Season would consist of going continuously through levels in a similar layout to the current story mode. However, instead of being a specific set of episodes, it could continue forever (or within reason). There could be a random boss every five levels (although . As the levels go on, the enemies become more difficult (higher health, more damage, etc.). Eventually, the player would have all of the games updates maxed out. At some point, due to the health and damage capability of the enemies, defeating them and surviving enemies will require great skill at this game. Upgrades that level up the player’s current abilities, could be added to this mode (i.e. level 2, 3, 4 versions of specific abilities). These upgrades would have to be balanced so that the player does not become too overpowered, but still enough that they are not unfairly left behind by the random nature of upgrade drops and health/damage creep of the enemies. This mode would be similar to the Tower of Mirage in Dragon’s Crown. Leaderboards would be included and would be included to show the player’s high score and the corresponding level that they went to (i.e. Level 15-4).
- Shields: On, Off
- Vehicle: Ship & mech, Ship only, Mech only
Survival - Waves
Survival - Waves would consist of endless waves of a variety random enemies or increasing difficulty (eventually going beyond those available in the current game, similar to that outlined in Endless Season). Groups of enemies would spawn and, once all of them were killed, more would spawn. Enemies may be of rival factions/types. Upgrades could be, as an option, handled in the same way outlined in Endless Season. After every 5 waves, bosses could be sent to fight a player. Survival mode would take place in a single random environment. This environment could consist of either a large open area (with asteroids and a boundary), an arena stage with areas for enemies to spawn and random areas on the outer edges (for the player to high amount), or a single-area random environment similar to those found in the story mode of the game. Leaderboards would include time, score, and last wave completed (i.e. 37). Score could be measured based on specific wave time bonuses, combos (killing enemies in quick succession), and style (ship, mech, and weapon variation).
- Shields: On, Off
- Vehicle: Ship & mech, Ship only, Mech only
Survival - Objective Attack
Objective attack would consist of the player having an initial time that counts down. The player must quickly complete objectives in order to add more time to their clock. Killing enemies/bosses (including those killed by other enemies) would also add more time to their clock. Objectives become more difficult and/or (depending on how this mode is balanced) the time provided by completing them becomes shorter, over time. Leaderboards would include amount of completed objectives and total time. Environments could either be random or arena style.
Time Attack - Chapters & Episodes
Time attack would consist of playing each of the game’s chapters either separately or in succession. Leaderboards would include the player’s total time. If played in succession, chapter times would still be added to their respective leaderboards. Players can retry, if desired. This will add additional time to their total. There could be an option of giving the player automatic item respawn (like when spending crash coins). This would result in two leaderboard entries (with and without respawn).
Time Attack - Boss Rush
Boss rush would consist of being in a randomly-generated environment and being placed against the selected boss or all of them in either random order or story sequence. The environment would be consistent of various random enemies of varying factions. Each of the bosses would be fought one at a time. The goal of this mode would be to kill all of the bosses. While other smaller enemies would be present and could be used to aid in combat against the boss, kills of them would only give the player salvage. Bosses would also result in salvage for the player. Random power-ups and a shop would be found in the boss area, if necessary. Enemies would periodically respawn to refill the numbers of those that are killed, to ensure the area does not become empty and that the player has an adequate amount of salvage to buy necessary upgrades. All upgrades would be unlocked, locked, or off, depending on the chosen selection. If locked, the player would need to find random upgrades to add them to the shop. Leaderboards would include the player’s total time. Boss rush could also have selectable options of playing with or without shields, and as only the ship, mech, or both.
- Upgrades: Unlocked, Locked, Off
- Bosses: All, Specific
- Shields: On, Off
- Vehicle: Ship & mech, Ship only, Mech only
Legacy Mode
This mode would be a modified mode where a hub region is connected to five other surrounding regions, each containing five additional levels (similar to the how story mode is set up). Each of these regions could be of similar layout found in the story campaign, but with their difficulty and salvage amounts slightly increased/modified to account for this game type. The only exception is that you can return to the main hub region after completing one of the five branching sets of five connecting levels. When you die, you bring with you the salvage and upgrades that that you collected to the main ship. As upgrades are purchased, they remain purchased for all future runs. On death, the regions become This mode would play similar to Rogue Legacy, with less backtracking as you can only go forward through the levels, with the exception of returning to the main hub when a set of five levels are completed. There could be a portal at the end of each area level, allowing return to the hub. The player would then be able to return to the next level of the region, when re-entered. When all five area bosses are beaten, you are returned to the main hub where a portal is unlocked. Here you can enter and fight a 6th boss. Beating this boss ends Legacy Mode and provides Legacy+ (and ++, and so forth). Difficulty would require balancing for Legacy Mode+ and beyond, similarly to that described in Survival – Endless Season. This game would still require an entire season to be beaten at once (in order to complete the boss). However, as purchased upgrades would persist, the game would likely be less difficult than the current season modes. Also, the player could tackle the different seasons in random orders.
Custom Combat
Custom combat would be similar to Endless Season, or Waves, but with custom parameters to allow the player more customizability. This mode would not include leaderboards.
- Game type: Endless Season, Waves
- Difficulty Selection: Easy, Normal, Hard, Progressive (begins easy, then medium, ends hard)
- Weapon layout: Default/Unlocked, Random/Locked
- Available enemy type (check boxes, incl. All, Random)
- Available power-ups (check boxes, incl. All, Random)
- Available upgrades (check boxes, incl. All, Random)
Multiplayer - Co-op
Co-op would consist of two-player versions of Story (current main mode), Survival – Endless Season, Survival – Waves, Time Attack – Chapters & Episodes, and Time Attack - Boss Rush.
Counter Hunt: One player plays as the ship & mech, and the other player plays as one of the enemies spawned within the region. There is fog of war and the player who controls the enemies could change to another enemy (with a cool-down so it is not abused). This mode would be similar to Counter Terrorist Hunt in Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear – Covert Operations.
Ranked: This would be player vs. player direct combat with or without NPC enemies. This could be either 1 vs. 1, 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3, 4 vs. 4 (similar to Rocket League). This mode would have a player ranking (modified ELO) and leaderboards. Enemies could be either respawning or not.
Unranked: This would be the same as ranked, but without a player ranking or leaderboards.