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Game Informer Interview: The Order: 1886 In Retrospect And Ready At Dawn's Future

I would be on board for a sequel, there are so many possibilities. I always thought The Order 1914 would work, alternative WW1 setting.

Setting, world, Graphics, voice acting and OST were all top notch. Shame the game did not meet its potential.


The world of The Order is so interesting, and some of the characters were cool too so a sequel could totally be a good game

Too bad the first game hurted the brand so much. God, the pace on the game is terrible. Still would like for them to tackle it again, this time with some co-op between Grayson and Lakshmi

Along with PlayStation All Stars, this is another PS exclusive that laid a solid foundation ripe to be improved upon.

Agreed, and I would put Knack on the list. Knack's concept was really cool, and it had sweet particles effect, but execution was really poor.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Just look at the positivity in this thread, even from people who were not completely impressed but willing to give the IP another chance.

I think initial sales took a huge hit due to unfavorable reviews. It was trashed pre-launch. But after some time, and a huge price drop, more and more people were willing to give it a chance. A lot of them found that the game wasn't as bad as it was made out to be. Many even enjoyed it.
I don't think Song is going to read this incredibly short thread and think "Man we should fund a sequel to this critical and commercial flop that an incredibly small amount of people legitimately think is good. We should definitely take be opinions of those who bought the game at an incredibly large discount at face value." It's funny what an incredibly large discount will do to a poorly received game.
I don't think Song is going to read this incredibly short thread and think "Man we should fund a sequel to this critical and commercial flop that an incredibly small amount of people legitimately think is good."
Meh didn't find the game that great but I wouldn't write off a sequel.. If gravity rush can get one anything is possible


I've not got time to watch the full interview, do they still stand by their game? It'd be strange if they took none of the criticisms on board if they ever did get to make a sequel. Brilliant looking game with a great premise and setting, but completely lacking in gameplay with a story that turned out to be boring and predictable.

Edit: Ok it doesn't seem they get it at all and are denial from the just the opening minutes, saying how they created a game with great pacing that constantly changed up the gameplay...The game amounted to walking sections, shootouts and inspecting objects, tons of gameplay variety!


Except, you know, the "filmic" borders..

What does that have to do with anything?

I've not got time to watch the full interview, do they still stand by their game? It'd be strange if they took none of the criticisms on board if they ever did get to make a sequel. Brilliant looking game with a great premise and setting, but completely lacking in gameplay with a story that turned out to be boring and predictable.

Edit: Ok it doesn't seem they get it at all and are denial from the just the opening minutes, saying how they created a game with great pacing that constantly changed up the gameplay...The game amounted to walking sections, shootouts and inspecting objects, tons of gameplay variety!

Huh? I don't know what your edit is supposed to say, but of course they know the flaws. They know the flaws more than any fan knows them.


I've not got time to watch the full interview, do they still stand by their game? It'd be strange if they took none of the criticisms on board if they ever did get to make a sequel. Brilliant looking game with a great premise and setting, but completely lacking in gameplay with a story that turned out to be boring and predictable.

Edit: Ok it doesn't seem they get it at all and are denial from the just the opening minutes, saying how they created a game with great pacing that constantly changed up the gameplay...The game amounted to walking sections, shootouts and inspecting objects, tons of gameplay variety!

hmmm no? Thats not what I took from the interview at all

They even say that they learned from the way they managed the project, and how they would do different now. They also address the criticism of how they looked way too much into technical stuff and not too much on gameplay depth. They even use Deformers (one of their next games) as an example of how they learned to put gameplay in front now

I'd recommend for everybody to watch the whole thing, they came out pretty humbled by the situtaion IMO, they clearly saw the flaws and showed they learned from it

Endo Punk

The Order 1886 really is the Heavenly Sword of this gen. A bad game put on a pedestal. I cannot forgive the flaws nor the awful PR. Sony are better off funding more unique games.
Despite all the hate, I got the game for $9 new. Haven't played it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

It's gotta be worth at least $9, no?
The Order 1886 really is the Heavenly Sword of this gen. A bad game put on a pedestal. I cannot forgive the flaws nor the awful PR. Sony are better off funding more unique games.

How is the Order not unique?

The complaint about this game are hugely overblown.

Edit: Ok it doesn't seem they get it at all and are denial from the just the opening minutes, saying how they created a game with great pacing that constantly changed up the gameplay...The game amounted to walking sections, shootouts and inspecting objects, tons of gameplay variety!

You can say this about basically every game ever made.

The variety comes from the odds stealth sections (which were bad) the werewolf fights (which were also pretty bad) and the weapon variety.


I've not got time to watch the full interview, do they still stand by their game? It'd be strange if they took none of the criticisms on board if they ever did get to make a sequel. Brilliant looking game with a great premise and setting, but completely lacking in gameplay with a story that turned out to be boring and predictable.

Edit: Ok it doesn't seem they get it at all and are denial from the just the opening minutes, saying how they created a game with great pacing that constantly changed up the gameplay...The game amounted to walking sections, shootouts and inspecting objects, tons of gameplay variety!

I think their point was the gameplay is contextual to the story beats.


The Order 1886 really is the Heavenly Sword of this gen. A bad game put on a pedestal. I cannot forgive the flaws nor the awful PR. Sony are better off funding more unique games.

Alternatively, 2 fun, but maybe flawed games that get unfairly shat on. I thoroughly enjoyed both, and Heavenly Sword is still one of my favorite games of last gen, would love a sequel to both.
The Order 1886 really is the Heavenly Sword of this gen. A bad game put on a pedestal. I cannot forgive the flaws nor the awful PR. Sony are better off funding more unique games.

Heavenly Sword was more of a game than The Order: 1886 ever was. Hell I think its about the same length and definitely more enjoyable if you go in thinking its a game.

I don't think Song is going to read this incredibly short thread and think "Man we should fund a sequel to this critical and commercial flop that an incredibly small amount of people legitimately think is good. We should definitely take be opinions of those who bought the game at an incredibly large discount at face value." It's funny what an incredibly large discount will do to a poorly received game.

Essentially this. I borrowed the game a whole year and a half after launch and I still didn't enjoy it that much. It was more feeling of frustration that this setting, atmosphere and presentation was wasted on such a mediocre game. Expected far more from Ready At Dawn.

Meh didn't find the game that great but I wouldn't write off a sequel.. If gravity rush can get one anything is possible

Only Gravity Rush had a very good critical reception and a dedicated fanbase on something like the Vita. Let's also not forget that it was done in-house and Team Siren wanted to do a sequel. The Order: 1886 was done by a 2nd party developer who didn't not meet the critical or even commercial expectations from a big new IP from Sony on the PS4. Many expected it to be the next Uncharted.


I would love a sequel because they got everything about the first game right except the gameplay. The world they built was interesting and different with the melding of the old with the new but still old looking and with actual historical figures. The story proper was ok but didn't really go anywhere but the lore of the world was top notch. An ancient order dating back to the King Arthur era mixed with a little magic, and some of those original members still alive while other current members are named after original members. AMAZING! Plus the game engine is still incredible. Now all they need to do is craft some fun gameplay and we're good to go.
Definitely a flawed game that should have been better but it ends on such a high note with a character that you end up caring about and wanting to see more from so it's a bit disappointing that RAD won't be getting another crack at it.
I got the plat in under 6 hours, and that was with a small amount of trophy hunting in the end. It seemed like they spent 95% of the dev cycle working on the engine and graphics and game world and voice acting/story, and then in the last month they had to rush to add in gameplay.

It did absolutely nothing great. Controls are sluggish, the weapons are cool for about 1 minute each, the AI is practically non-existent. You get different enemy types and they all stick to their cliche roles no matter what. Shotgun dudes rush you no matter what. Ranged guys sit back and poke the tippy top of their head out between shots. etc etc. Friendly NPC's will stand in the least favorable spots, like by a window you're trying to shoot out of. It's just one of those games where everything feels extremely static, like you're not really playing it, you're just moving your guy along the exact path the developers have tied you to until the next cutscene.

In the end they could not even get the story right and recycled a piss poor boss fight for the end. The premise is amazing, I was so intrigued by the game during the first few times it was shown. The end result was garbage though. I don't think it needs a sequel, it needs a complete reboot with a new developer imho.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Definitely a flawed game that should have been better but it ends on such a high note with a character that you end up caring about and wanting to see more from so it's a bit disappointing that RAD won't be getting another crack at it.
Galahad is like the poster child for old white gruff male in the military. What's there to care about? His actions in the game make little sense and were very predictable.

Lucas Sparks

Neo Member
Love those guys!
The orders gunplay felt so tight and the enemy hit reactions were excellent. A sequel with more focus on gameplay and gunplay would be so rad.
Absolutely! I honestly felt it was the tightest feeling third-person shooter, I have no idea why it got shit on for that. Especially considering they built their shooting mechanics from scratch, insane.


I'm sorry but sadly this interview speaks volumes of the games quality, despite the interview being 40 minutes long they virtually never touch on the fundamentals of gameplay and how it played into the game's overall reception, rather they discuss the development process regarding tech. And I respect that, the game is marvelous to look at...but that's just it, it's a shame that such a talented team spent half decade death marching towards what is essentialy a AAA tech demo, a critical and commercialy dissapointing one. They're extremely talented in tech, art and stortelling
but they seem to be somewhat lacking in game philosophy.

Sequel coulda melted faces and been incredibly awesome but Sony sucks.
Meanwhile polyphony gets millions more in funding and takes another decade to make a subpar racing game

Polyphony games sell......

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Love those guys!

Absolutely! I honestly felt it was the tightest feeling third-person shooter, I have no idea why it got shit on for that. Especially considering they built their shooting mechanics from scratch, insane.
The AI was braindead and aside from the gore caused by power weapons their hit reactions weren't very satisfying.


Unfortunately the IP is the Heavenly Sword of this generation.
Something that had potential but both critical and commercial reception were too weak to allow a publisher to have confidence in it anymore.
Too bad for RAD, they are talented, but they fucked up their big chance at becoming a AAA game developer under a big publisher.
Now they are developing minor projects, hopefully if they are successful they'll get an other attempt at making something big and new in the future.


Junior Member
Except, you know, the "filmic" borders..
I think the letterboxing would look something like this on PS4 compared to PS4 Pro:
Unless your UHD TV supports point sampled scaling like Panasonics, you'd get a slightly sharper edge but unless a white picture's showing for a sustained period, I doubt you'd notice much.


Really want a sequel for this, especially if they address the criticisms.

Absolutely loved the graphics, setting, gunplay. There just wasn't enough of actual fighting. and the story was only getting interesting near the end.

They need to:
-Add a lot more gunfights
-Don't have any encounters that feel like the enemy is set to an infinite spawn.
-Reduce forced slow walk sections and moments of "pick up this this and this random item, to progress through the level". Let those pick up items things be optional.
-If you're going to have stealth, improve those mechanics
-Those QTE fights were pretty bad. Don't include them, think of something better if you absolutely want a bossfight.


hope they do a pre sequal and let us play as Malory in the past and Grayson keepfighting in the vicktorian era. Fight lots and lots of vampires and werewolves and less humans.
-Those QTE fights were pretty bad. Don't include them, think of something better if you absolutely want a bossfight.

I thought those were really cool. Uncharted 4's final battle was shockingly similar, only demonstrably worse mechanically. They're not really QTE's, either, since you have a lot of freedom of movement, multiple attacks, access to an improvised weapon, and it's mostly about reading the enemy so you know when you have an opening.
For all its problems, I still want a sequel to The Order.

Same here but i can't stress enough how disappointed i am in these devs for never ever giving the people who DID buy the game some support. Still no skippable cutscenes, and still no indication per chapter how many items have been found.

Still, these interviews are very good to watch. To get a better understanding of what goes on with devs in the process of making a game.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I thought those were really cool. Uncharted 4's final battle was shockingly similar, only demonstrably worse mechanically. They're not really QTE's, either, since you have a lot of freedom of movement, multiple attacks, access to an improvised weapon, and it's mostly about reading the enemy so you know when you have an opening.
Movement is incredibly restricted to a tight space, so much so that even the small room in uncharted 4 has more room, the multiple attacks have NO differences whatsoever besides animation, the weapon on the ground is *press triangle for an animation that'll play once* and there's nothing really to read about the incredibly telegraphed enemy.


I thought those were really cool. Uncharted 4's final battle was shockingly similar, only demonstrably worse mechanically. They're not really QTE's, either, since you have a lot of freedom of movement, multiple attacks, access to an improvised weapon, and it's mostly about reading the enemy so you know when you have an opening.

Yep, I enjoyed the Elder Lycan fights.


Q: "Is there a future for the Order franchise?"

A: *smiling* "Uhhh. The best way to answer that ...wow....without giving any(thing away), how can I say this? Is there a future? Yes. That IP has a future. It's definitely built into the IP. That future was built from the very get go, from the first day we started working on it. There's a larger storyline. There's a macro story that keeps going. There's an IP that's actually even bigger than even the storylines we created. So, there are legs to this IP, definitely."

Q: "So, Sony sees it as a helluva investment. We're gonna keep pushing this baby?"

A: *smiling* "Well, you'll have to ask Sony that."

"OK. Interesting."

Great to hear! Absolutely love The Order. SO much potential for future sequels.

If I'd only read this quote, I'd be convinced a sequel was possible. However, having also watched the video my read was that they'd love to have the ability to make a sequel, but it's up to Sony, and frankly, I can't see Sony going for this.

I'd really like RAD to continue its relationship with Sony, but I have doubts that will be the case, at least in the medium term. I hope I'm wrong as they've worked really well together.

Didn't they say they had less interest in making a game and more a film experience. That always stuck with me as a major negative with the studio.

I'm fairly certain they never said that. I imagine you interpreted the desire to make a cinematic experience, which does not preclude an interest in making a game.
I feel like The Order 1886 should've been Swat 4: The werewolf legacy: the video game. Wasted potential. The world building itself could've been used as an Top down RPG if not Mass Effect style RPG for the wider audiences - instead, they've got some of the best ingredients of making a 1-of-a-kind hit game without the talents of a professional chef.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'd dare to say a game like Until Dawn achieved the ideal in terms of interactive cinematic experience better than the Order 1886 ever did. Very different concepts I realize but I felt the interactions and ideas in Until Dawn were far more fleshed out and cohesive experience than the piecemeal and awkward experience that the Order often was outside some of the better gun battles.

I wouldn't mind if an Order sequel was actually less a crazy balls to the wall action game ala Gears but a choose your own adventure style one with interactive cinematic experiences like the QTE's but focusing on making them far more interesting and varied. It honestly might fit what they're looking better to do than a shooter.
I'd dare to say a game like Until Dawn achieved the ideal in terms of interactive cinematic experience better than the Order 1886 ever did. Very different concepts I realize but I felt the interactions and ideas in Until Dawn were far more fleshed out and cohesive experience than the piecemeal and awkward experience that the Order often was outside some of the better gun battles.

I wouldn't mind if an Order sequel was actually less a crazy balls to the wall action game ala Gears but a choose your own adventure style one with interactive cinematic experiences like the QTE's but focusing on making them far more interesting and varied. It honestly might fit what they're looking better to do than a shooter.

The story isn't good or interesting enough to support a purely cinematic driven game.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The story isn't good or interesting enough to support a purely cinematic driven game.

The foundation is there but they need to really flesh everything out. It felt like they had all these plot threads ready to go but we touched on like two of them and even then it was almost in passing. The whole Jack the Ripper subplot was so poorly handled.
The Order could've been something really, really special. Technically speaking, it was and still is. And considering the size of the team, they did great!
A sequel righting the wrongs of the first game would be nice... RAD deserve another shot!


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
All this game needed was wall to wall action with some downtimes like traversing through london or somthing shame


Alternatively, 2 fun, but maybe flawed games that get unfairly shat on. I thoroughly enjoyed both, and Heavenly Sword is still one of my favorite games of last gen, would love a sequel to both.

Well said and couldn't agree more! My only complaint is I need MORE from them, a little longer game, a little more to do, a little more replay value. These games we're fundamentally great but perhaps not quite fleshed out enough to satisfy the hunger player's have.


GAF's Pleasant Genius

That said, I feel there would be many more The Order enthousiasts if the game had two hours of additional campaign gameplay and a horde/mercenaries mode. While the story is somewhat like a contained origin story, the games feels short on content. At a lower pricepoint I feel the game is absolutely worth it though, if you don't mind linearity and Telltale-esque interactive cutscenes.

and that is why they are not grenlighting a sequel and/or consider that one a failure commercially (I liked it a lot btw), because you would have not made enough money selling it at a lower pricepoint. It is very unlikely it would have sold more copies to compensate or better the revenue gap. The game had the production values, the technical, and the content/settings complexity as well as a brand new small user base to target to deserve $60 especially as a game that was not multiplayer with heavy emphasis on micro transactions. Let's face it, most AAA games take a lot more than $60 to get their full potential (and on average they do get that extra money from people who find it easier to pay $60+2+5+5+2+4+4+4+4 or a $29 season pass than being asked $90... ).


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Q: "Is there a future for the Order franchise?"

A: *smiling* "Uhhh. The best way to answer that ...wow....without giving any(thing away), how can I say this? Is there a future? Yes. That IP has a future. It's definitely built into the IP. That future was built from the very get go, from the first day we started working on it. There's a larger storyline. There's a macro story that keeps going. There's an IP that's actually even bigger than even the storylines we created. So, there are legs to this IP, definitely."

Q: "So, Sony sees it as a helluva investment. We're gonna keep pushing this baby?"

A: *smiling* "Well, you'll have to ask Sony that."

"OK. Interesting."


Great to hear! Absolutely love The Order. SO much potential for future sequels.

Fuck yes. Finished this game, and as the credits were rolling I rebought it, this time the most expensive edition with the big statue. Not because I wanted the statue, but because I wanted a sequel.

Let's hope that comes to fruition one day.


I hated The Order: 1886 back when I played and payed full price for it. One of the most boring games I played this generation with some utterly questionable design choices. However, even I have to admit that there's huge potential to make a fantastic sequel.


This game deserves nothing. One of the most
disappointing games this gen. It was insultingly bad, i straight up got angry when they reused the horrible werewolf fights. Almost everything about The Order was bad. Even the amazing graphics had no soul. it felt shallow and without a purpose. All the stuff you could pick up was just fluff.

The gameplay was a nightmare in bad decisions. Forced walking and stealth, numerous QTE and monotone combat. The different werewolf fights felt like a slap in your face. And the gunplay felt like something from a decade ago. Generic humans with some of the worst AI. Not only that but the guns were mostly bland and when you finaly got an interesting one the developers decided to take it away from you again.

And they didn't even bother completing the game. Because who needs a third act.

This thread just reminded me how bad The Order was. Crazy to think that anyone actually think it was good.
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