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Game Informer Interview: The Order: 1886 In Retrospect And Ready At Dawn's Future


This thread just reminded me how bad The Order was. Crazy to think that anyone actually think it was good.

Some people really, really like the setting, and they're right because it's awesome. Victorian age + crazy steampunk tech + supernatural creatures? Amazing. Too bad we barely see it in the actual story. Instead, we get a bunch of boring characters that never even try to do or say something interesting. Push forward, blah blah blah, shoot people. The game is super short and yet I didn't complete it because who the fuck cares about the ending. That's how bad the story is.
With a good game director, the sequel can be most improved.

It was very good and I finished it despite its issue. Amazing next gen visuals.


I enjoyed the Order 1886 for what it was, it had alot of great ideas but the execution wasn't very good. A sequel could've been great with the right direction.
I don't think they're in denial or anything, but they do seem to blame a lot of other stuff, like they were too focused on tech, the messaging/marketing was not as clear as it could have been, and that some people went into the game with a specific idea of what to expect and because of this it made two extremes of people who love the game and who hate the game. Whether they have accepted that the pacing of The Order was poor, it didn't have enough content and it had some really poor sections (QTE boss battles, werewolf peekaboo sections, stealth sections) would be interesting to see if they make another single-player game.

Ru noted that they are about 110 people large now and they have 3 games in development so far - one of those is a Gamestop title (edit - Deformers), one is an Oculus Rift title (Lone Echo, I think he said?) and the third is unannounced. Andrea was talking about putting a lot of effort into multiplayer titles from now on, and I can't see there being another Order game in the works right now, and if Sony haven't commissioned it after 18 months, it probably isn't happening.


All these "potential" comments are weird. Having an atypical setting =/= being an unique game nor having the makings of being some big, beloved IP.

The Order was a bland at best game, with it's drab gunplay, chore gameplay variety, uninteresting to unlikeable characters, terrible writing, and all awhile taking itself way too seriously.

Sure, it sounds cool on paper, but ultimately all The Order does with it's imaginative setting is use it as an excuse to have generic modern weapons in a time that, otherwise, wouldn't have them so you could fight generic dudes with the same generic weapons (as opposed to fighting the supernatural forces that inhabit The Order's world).

It's obvious that the setting was chosen to set itself apart superficially, because literally everything else is painfully uninspired, simply following the trend of presentation-focused cinematic showpiece shooter campaigns (minus what make the good ones, like Uncharted, fun).

And to top it all off: it took RAD five years to make this short, derivative, content-lacking, $60 game that ends on a cliffhanger with multiple unresolved threads.

There's zero potential with this series. RAD had a chance to shine in the AAA space (with the console market leader backing them) and failed on all levels, so it'd shocking if Sony gave the IP another chance. And if RAD does get another chance to make a AAA game, they better take all the criticism they received to heart and actually make something worthwhile as opposed to the uninspiredness that is The Order.

All that said, I am looking forward to Deformers because it looks charmingly fun.
Oh it definitely deserves a sequel, The Order is a gold mine of potential.
It's amazing how most everyone that played this game can agree it had great potential and would give another one a try. I'm in the same boat, and in fact I kind of enjoyed my time with the game. It was pretty standard stuff, but it has the opportunity to make such a leap in a sequel with plot, mechanics, lore...

Ugh. I want the sequel soon.
Watching this just makes me want a sequel all the more. The game disappointed me overall, but the visual and artistic achievement were so good, and the gameplay mechanics were solid, that I think it could be a very good game with better game design and writing. Here is hoping.
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