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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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I might be at my most cynical right now, but the Winterfell beeswax feels like something contrived to give the actors something to do lol, instead of anything occurring naturally. Personally, pitting the sisters against each other is tired. It's not season 1. They should be closer than ever before at this point. Arya accusing Sansa of wanting to betray Jon is just the worst.

Yea. Even I was like Arya needs to chill with this. And I love her.

And Arya should have some common sense and realize Sansa doesn't Trust Little Finger at all.

I want to name the squad..

Some type of Suicide Squad.


I might be at my most cynical right now, but the Winterfell beeswax feels like something contrived to give the actors something to do lol, instead of anything occurring naturally. Personally, pitting the sisters against each other is tired. It's not season 1. They should be closer than ever before at this point. Arya accusing Sansa of wanting to betray Jon is just the worst.

Arya is smart. And the only way she'd catch a master manipulator like Littlefinger off-guard is if she let him think he was one step ahead of her.

EDIT: Plus, even if she falls for it her brother who happens to be nearby is omnipotent or something.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I'm glad we haven't seen Greyworm because that would mean we also have to see Euron.


Oh God, the guy went a whole episode without being seen. Months have passed, and he can accomplish so much in a week or two, can build the worlds biggest fleet in a couple of months. Imagine what he has done since we last saw him, probably has sailed to braavos, animated the titan statue, and built a giant ship with which to carry him back to westeros. Or he has done nothing, and won't do anything until the plot needs him again.
Would wildfire work on Dany?
I don't think any sort of heat substance would hurt her. In the first episode she stepped into a tub that was apparently too hot for her.
a lot of time has passed with all this traveling so I am assuming that sand snake girl is dead already
fuck the sand snake girl. fuck all of the sand snakes.

the one true leader of Dorne was Doran Martell. Elaria killed a girl born in the wrong family, she killed her lover's brother, and the sandnsakes killed their harmless cousin.

fuck em all.
He was, but like a month or so has to pass during this episode alone, so who knows!
Oh yeah you're right lol so yeah who knows

...nah in all seriousness though it would've been cool if Theon was on Jon's team up past the wall.


Great episode. I think Littlefinger is trying tonset up Arya, and Arya will murder him when he leasts expect it. Also Gendry is back. He's not rowing forever. I sense that when he meets Arya they'll marry at the end of thr series.


I guess my point is that there aren't many shows with this level of quality on TV. Movies? Sure, no argument there. I try to enjoy it and not nitpick too much. Once GoT is gone, there won't be many interesting shows left.

Sure and thats fine. I know it doesn't bother everyone and I don't think it has to, it just does for me. And I still enjoy the show which is why I'm posting about it. I just think the writing has suffered some since leaving Martin's work and some of the stuff theyve wanted to show off for spectacle (like last week's battle) while visually very impressive and badass to watch, also didn't make the most sense.

So enjoy away and disregard my grievances if they don't bother you. I certainly am not trying to ruin someone else's experience with the show just more or less posting my thoughts on it.

It's kind of sweet how Dany worries for Jon.

But I still ain't down with the incest.

I was hoping Littlefinger would keep trying to play his little games and completely failing cause the north is filled with a bunch of stubborn knuckleheads instead of the schemers of the south, goddamnit Arya.
Just finished watching. Has Littlefinger not realized yet that Bran possibly knows all of whatever little schemes he tries to pull to Arya?

I think the question is what / how much / if Bran decides what to reveal. Dude is pretty much dead silent right now when it seems he basically knows just about everything
There was a lot to love and a lot to hate this episode. First. I can't believe they found shit in a scroll about Lyanna. I almost fell out of my chair from shock/laughter at the terribleness of it, mostly because many here said that might happen, but we all laughed at how absurd it would be. Second, LittleFinger continues to be awful. The moment he is on screen, much like Cersei, I just can't find myself caring. On the plus, everything else was great. Jon, Tyrion, Varys, Dany, Gendry. Fantastic.


Neighbours from Hell
Cersei either way I still feel her arrogance will be her own undoing. She may be able to out-scheme Dany. She may be able to also with Jon.

But you can't out-scheme the White Walkers. You can't invite the Night King to King's Landing only to have Qyburn poison him. You can't trick an army of hundreds of thousands to going to Casterly Rock. When she says "We'll defeat them all" that is the naivety and arrogance that is going to be her downfall.


Btw, Euron is totally turning on Cersei at some point. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be down with a bastard incest kid in someone who promised her hand for marriage lol.


Btw, Euron is totally turning on Cersei at some point. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be down with a bastard incest kid from someone who promised her hand in marriage lol.

The plots moving quick. I wonder if Dany and Theon will go after Euron before that?


Btw, Euron is totally turning on Cersei at some point. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be down with a bastard incest kid from someone who promised her hand in marriage lol.

Cersei's grand plan: Get everyone who hates her all in the same room and then they'll just naturally fight to the death over who gets to stab her first.




What I'm saying is that they forgot about those two. :p Honestly I don't even know what's going on at Casterly Rock. Are the Unsullied fighting against Euron or just chilling?

He will surely go Super Saiyan any day now. Any day now.

Probably makes the most sense that they are just holding the castle until given orders by Dany to leave.
Euron can think about turning on Cersei, but it's fucking Cersei. She's already planned 50 moves in advance. That guy is probably thinking she's just another hole for him to fuck.
Jon isn't dying (again) until the very end of the show, if he even does.

He's basically the only character who has been campaigning to stop the White Walkers since the beginning. He will survive at least until the final show down

They have to settle this



Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
All this "Jon is special" shit is nauseating. Please kill him soon.
That'd be about the absolute worst thing this show can do now.

Kill the only character that has rock solid moral compass and doesn't give a fuck about the game of thrones. Dude is the only one doing the right thing in the show amongst the big players in the game.
Jon is one of the few characters who gives a damn about the real threat. He's a treasure.

This. He's fucking awesome.

Plus he's made way fewer bad calls than many other characters anyway (one of which he did actually die for so I doubt he'll die a second time).

I think they Arya Sansa shit is stupid at this point, I feel like there are bigger plot points hat could be addressed with the two of them then some manufactured horseshit drama.



Just finished watching the episode. Very good episode, but it's time to kill off Littlefinger. One too many story lines at this point in the series. I really dont care about him or Sansa anymore.
That'd be about the absolute worst thing this show can do now.

Kill the only character that has rock solid moral compass and doesn't give a fuck about the game of thrones. Dude is the only one doing the right thing in the show amongst the big players in the game.

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