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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


How are they gonna finish all of this in 2 more hours?!
Unless the finale is longer?

Next two episodes are 71 and 81 minutes, so two and a half hours more.

And with the faster travel there's really no surprise they could get to a good finale in even one episode now...


Regarding Sam, Jorah couldn't put two and two together when both Jon and Sam mentioned serving under his father. Jorah could've brought up how a broke named Sam Tarly cured him of Greyscale. And Dany could've been relieved that she didn't wipe out the entire Tarly family.

Relieved? I would rather hope she would be appalled at the thought of having killed the father and brother of Jon's best friend and Jorahs savior. Fuck Dany for burning the Tarly's. It gives what Davos said to Missandei some weight when he asked her if she really believed Dany would let them go if they choose not to support her cause.
Next two episodes are 71 and 81 minutes, so two and a half hours more.

And with the faster travel there's really no surprise they could get to a good finale in even one episode now...
Just like in the first Dark Souls with fast travel unlocking towards end game. Makes sense. Let's just hope next season isn't the Lost Izalith of GoT.


Do you think they would, or even could, do something crazy like resolve a lot of stuff these next two episodes and flash forward several years for the final season?


No Scrubs
Relieved? I would rather hope she would be appalled at the thought of having killed the father and brother of Jon's best friend and Jorahs savior. Fuck Dany for burning the Tarly's. It gives what Davos said to Missandei some weight when he asked her if she really believed Dany would let them go if they choose not to support her cause.

It's why Tyrion and Varys were freaking out. You can justify what she did all you want, she still burned two men alive.


Just like in the first Dark Souls with fast travel unlocking towards end game. Makes sense. Let's just hope next season isn't the Lost Izalith of GoT.

"Jaime, I want you to see an area of the Red Keep nobody has set foot in since Robert's Rebellion."

"OK, what's in there? Something to do with the war effort?"

"It's where we keep the dragon asses, Jaime. It's where we keep the dragon asses."


Flashless at the Golden Globes
How are they gonna finish all of this in 2 more hours?!
Unless the finale is longer?

Finish what exactly?

There are still 6 more episodes next season. they dont have to finish up anything this season. the real war begins next season when the white walkers cross the wall. that could be the last scene of this season.

I think the next two episodes will just focus on the game of thrones and eliminate all the characters who dont need to exist when the white walkers cross the wall. next season will be the battle for winterfell then kings landing with maybe a few more skirmishes thrown in between.


"Jaime, I want you to see an area of the Red Keep nobody has set foot in since Robert's Rebellion."

"OK, what's in there? Something to do with the war effort?"

"It's where we keep the dragon asses, Jaime. It's where we keep the dragon asses."

god damnit



That final shot with the 7 of them marching into the blizzard was hype as fuck.

This is the best possible group of men you could have to lead such a crazy expedition.


Cersei isn't dying till the very last episode of s8 , is she ?

This bringing a zombie to KL is ridiculous.

Final death of this season is my guess. She's going to do something stupid at the meeting that gets her killed.

Or maybe the writers will stick with her to keep Lena Headey in the final season. First episode of last season maybe then.


The only other legit addition to that group would have been Brienne or Bron.

Please, GoT, don't kill anyone next episode...



I said it in the old thread before, but I still think that Raegar and Lyanna were in love and Aerys and Robert were idiots fighting over stupid shit (and killing Starks without reason). And I'd love to see a scene depicting said love and "hostage".

Yeah, well we now know Rhaegar married her so a loving relationship is more implied. IMO, that was already evident in Rheagar assigning Dayne da gawd to defend the tower.
It's why Tyrion and Varys were freaking out. You can justify what she did all you want, she still burned two men alive.

Fuck Sams dad. I just rewatched Game of Thrones S1, and that fucker forced Sam to join the Nights Watch because if he didn't, his father was gonna hunt him down like an animal in the forest. Dude had it coming.


Cersei isn't dying till the very last episode of s8 , is she ?

This bringing a zombie to KL is ridiculous.

If any of them think Cersei will give a shit and won't just take the opportunity to try to kill them all they're idiots. Tyrion would of course be the king idiot since he knows her the best. Dany better come to that meeting fully armored.
Yeah, well we now know Rhaegar married her so a loving relationship is more implied. IMO, that was already evident in Rheagar assigning Dayne da gawd to defend the tower.

I'd still like to see more of them, especially Rhaegar.
I also like that the characters of the show finally learn that.


It really irks me that they're going through all that trouble and risking their lives for fucking Cercei


It really irks me that they're going through all that trouble and risking their lives for fucking Cercei

It's not just for Cersei, everyone in the South disbelieves. Parading a Wight through the streets of King's Landing changes this instantly. It's the quickest most effective way to change the most amount of minds. You did see how long the ravens flew over the dead army right? This is an 'all hands' situation.


I wondered that too. It could all be a lie to manipulate Jaime.
It most definitely it. He’s her brother and commander of her army. She’s worried he’s seeing her for the crazy bitch she is, so she’s concocted a lie to keep him on her side. He’s said before he’ll do anything to protect those he loves.
It's why Tyrion and Varys were freaking out. You can justify what she did all you want, she still burned two men alive.

You'd think she would've learned the lesson of Slaver's Bay where her lack of delegating power lead to an uprising. She needs powerful families to maintain order


It's disappointing that Bronn is running around in the Red Keep and haven't save bad pussy yet


Bronn doesn't give a shit, no reason he should. He's made it clear, only thing he cares about is money and himself. Also reintroducing those two this late in the game would be stupid on the writer's part.

Though maybe they'll lock his ass up with bad pussy and writers will do something stupid with it.
Yeah, well we now know Rhaegar married her so a loving relationship is more implied. IMO, that was already evident in Rheagar assigning Dayne da gawd to defend the tower.

Yeah, he basically sacrificed everything for Lyanna. We know that other members of the King's Guard like Sir Barriston accompanied Rhaegar to the Trident (for whatever reason). That battle might have gone differently if Robert had to face Arthur Dayne instead of Rhaegar.
he will kill the Night King only to become the Night King.

Cue Sean Bean's voice:

"My Son. The day you were born, the very Weirwood trees whispered the name. My Sister's child. I watched you with pride, as you grew into a weapon. Of rightousness. Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom, and strength. And I know that you will show restraint, when exercising your great power. But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this, for when my days have come to and end. You, shall be king."
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