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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

So with only 2 episodes left for this season and the focus moving back to the White Walkers and proving the dead army is real, to unite everyone, I'm thinking all the major players will make it into next season now, unless there is a last minute curve ball / surprise death at the end.

I thought they might deal with Cersei this season but I'm thinking she's gonna make it into next season now. Even she's up for a truce for now, to serve her own purpose of course but will proving the dead are real, change things for everyone, at least temporarily ?
Because they weren't fighting a war against her. The people she was talking to in Essos were people she fought for, released from enslavement, and then asked them if they wanted to join her. Not defeated armies full of lords who betrayed her allies. Like I don't understand why this is such a hard concept for people to get.

The show is purposely, and not so subliminally sending the message to the viewer that they shouldn't agree with the execution. Everything from the casting of Dickon, every one of his scenes, the way it is shot, the way he grabs his father's hand, and the fact that Tyrion "the voice of reason" Lannister is trying to dissuade Daenerys from executing them is done to make the viewer be - first and foremost - unhappy with the way this unfolded.

We are all watching this show precisely because it is good at pathos, even if manipulative. It it one of the things that makes the TV show an audience favorite, and if they show is telling the viewers "be mad", then they accept that emotion first, and then they may decide to rationalize it or not.


Neighbours from Hell
Remember, in the season trailer, they showed a clip of Jon riding a horse which looked like north beyond the wall and he was there by himself.

Now I don't recall them bringing any horses with them in yesterday's episode, so many he steals one from a wight? Knowing heroic Jon, he might do something heroic like try to lead the Night King and the walkers away from the rest of the others to save them. Jon always putting himself in harm's way.


So should Jon also be impervious to fire?

If so, I assume that will be the big reveal at some point. Having all his clothes burned off will also show his scars.
Anyone catch what the maesters were talking about with regards to myths?

Mentioning a "Prophet Lobos" who claimed "the Drowned God will rise up and destroy Aegon the Conqueror".

Could be related to Euron & Dany in the near future.

Euron predictions:

Euron and the entire army of the Ironborn come across Rickon working as a normal field-hand on a farm. Rickon then proceeds to defeat all of them with a hoe, because the Law of the Iron Isles demands that Ironborn go out like total bitches, and the only reason Euron's had any success at all is because he's cheating the system by focusing entirely on Ironborn-on-Ironborn violence.


So should Jon also be impervious to fire?

If so, I assume that will be the big reveal at some point. Having all his clothes burned off will also show his scars.

Not every Targaryan is immune to fire, only those few who are The Dragon. Dany's brother claimed to be but he was just an abusive shit.


Dany was clearly more worried about Jon leaving compared to Jorah, which i found funny, poor guy.
So hyped for next week.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
She burned a ship or two full of slave soldiers when the Masters attacked and most of their army flocked to her side.

That she threatened to #burnthemall and still gave the grunts several chances after that sorta destroys your Joffrey comparison. Ramsay gleefully went over the battlefield after beating Stannis looking for people to mop up. Survivors weren't given a chance to live.

It's always nice what we can accomplish when we put our differences aside :)
Remember that Aemon burned as a corpse,
his brother Egg was burned alive in Summerhall years before.
There's even a story of a Targaryen
drinking wildfire and killed himself doing that
Daenerys is special in that she's literally magical.


People are still complaining about pacing? This is the third act of the film, of course things are going to be moving faster. There's nothing to be gained from hanging out with characters on their road trips. We already know who they are and what they want, and now it's time for them to get to business.


I don't know how these people manage to watch a dialogue heavy show with heavy accents in such a loud place.


As for "heavy accents", I know that Yanks generally have an aversion to any non-American accent, but do you really find any of the characters difficult to understand?

As for "heavy accents", I know that Yanks generally have an aversion to any non-American accent, but do you really find any of the characters difficult to understand?

I don't find the characters hard to understand, though I do find they mix the dialogue track way, way too low (and the music way, way too loud) for my liking.


I've posted this idea twice! Nobody was responding though so maybe it's just us...

That would be amazing!
Also might explain why he has Gendry's Hammer in the trailer...personally hope it just means Gendry bites it and ties up a loose end. Plus it fits with the random unexpected book deaths.


Remember that Aemon burned as a corpse,
his brother Egg was burned alive in Summerhall years before.
There's even a story of a Targaryen
drinking wildfire and killed himself doing that
Daenerys is special in that she's literally magical.

Jon Targyrean is also presumably magical now having been brought back to life by the Lord of Light.


These dudes see dragons flying and burning armies yet they find it hard to believe that there could be an undead army past the wall? Lol
These dudes see dragons flying and burning armies yet they find it hard to believe that there could be an undead army past the wall? Lol

You're thinking too much in terms of what a person should be incredulous about according to real-world logic, rather than the logic of the setting.

Like, a Game of Thrones character should be completely incredulous if you tell them about the internet, but dragons are things that can be verified and have been witnessed by the people of the Seven Kingdoms directly or indirectly with extremely strong evidence not that many generations back.

The existence of dragons, in the context of the world, is consistent with the knowledge base they have built up and the logic of the setting. It doesn't really disprove the "status quo" other than people generally having thought dragons were (near) extinct.


semen stains the mountaintops
These dudes see dragons flying and burning armies yet they find it hard to believe that there could be an undead army past the wall? Lol

To be fair, everyone knows dragons were real while they think The Winter Walkers are like the boogie man.
No technically habibi and habibti are the masculine and feminine versions of the same word. It's become common to use them interchangeably, but a stickler to grammar might try to point the differences out.
I see. I'm guilty of a similar thing as I take the word "literally" very seriously.
Hahaha I bring shame to my family for how bad my Arabic is even compared to my sisters. I once had a guy flip out at me when I worked at Future Shop, because I told him my Arabic was bad. He straight up told me that any children I had would be doomed because they probably wouldn't be able to speak the language of their forefathers. He even wanted to know where my dad worked so he could ask him why I turned out the way I did lol.)
hahaha, I live close by Steinway and there's people speaking Arabic there all the time. I even caught a missionary on my block trying to cater towards Arab residents. I can read it, but it's hard for me to do so without the vowels. Where is your family from, if you don't mind me asking?
"I want you here, with me"
I want him there with her too. The Targaryens can't be alone.
Jon flat out said to Davos that there was no time, not that he wasn't interested. He has eyes.
I ain't saying he's not attracted to her; why wouldn't he be attracted to her? Dany is just way more strongly attracted to him than he is to her.


semen stains the mountaintops
what there are only 2 episodes left? thought there is usually 10 and isn't this the last series?

Nope, first season to not be 10 episodes, however, the next episode is a lot longer than normal and the last is the longest episode they've done. The runtime is in the OP if you're interested.

Season 8 is only 6 episodes.
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