He's got a helluva chin under there.
To get them away from following Gendry I'd guess? Run the opposite way they're less likely to followThat wouldn't explain why they ran in the opposite direction, still.
I think maybe they didn't want to lead the Night King to East Watch.
Final Season Dream:
Ep1 - Alex Graves - Mountain vs Hound
Ep2 - Alex Graves - Jaime and Brienne vs Euron
Ep3 - Jack Bender - Secret Origin of the Night King (Complete Edition)
Ep4 - Miguel Sapochnik - Some Cool Shit
Ep5 - Miguel Sapochnik - More Cool Shit
Ep6 - Miguel Sapochnik - The Coolest Shit
Seven Hells...
That part early in "Spoils of War pt.1" where Drogon and Dany appear and then she says "Dracarys!"
Drogon: Cuz I spit hot fiah!"1. Dylan
2. Dylan
3. Dylan
4. Dylan
5. Dylan
No point in a sixth, Dylan already gave you the best 5 episode in tv history.
Seven Hells...
It never seemed like he wanted to stop Jon. He was never like "listen, think real hard about this because there's no turning back." the only scene we get with them his him encouraging Jon. "it's a great honor to serve in the Night's Watch, Starks have been doing it for hundreds of years."He didn't wanted Jon to be stuck at the wall, it was Jon's own choice. He just respected that and maybe because when Jon would finally takes his vows his claim would be null & void. That way even if anyone finds out in the future Ned could just say that the boy is harmless being at the wall, has no claim and the night watch is his family now (atleast he thought he could convince everyone with that IMO)
does Dylan spit hot fire as hot as Dany's dragons tho?1. Dylan
2. Dylan
3. Dylan
4. Dylan
5. Dylan
No point in a sixth, Dylan already gave you the best 5 episode in tv history.
Seven Hells...
The more I think about The Night King and the army of dead waiting for days for a crack in ice to freeze the more my head hurts. Like how didn't anyone in the writing department say out loud what everyone must've been thinking: this is bullshit.
I thought they were waiting for the dragon to show up unless they just carry around surface to air dragon missiles for the hell of it.
I just wanna call bullshit on those ice spears. So a dragon killer barely makes a scratch, but a spear made of ice thrown by an undead human fucks up a dragon.... wtf?
I just wanna call bullshit on those ice spears. So a dragon killer barely makes a scratch, but a spear made of ice thrown by an undead human fucks up a dragon.... wtf?
I just wanna call bullshit on those ice spears. So a dragon killer barely makes a scratch, but a spear made of ice thrown by an undead human fucks up a dragon.... wtf?
That ending scene though.... when I saw them pulling the chains, I was like oh man, I can't believe I forgot about that option... it's gonna be like a Final Fantasy game, or Dark Souls .... undead dragon. Just epic.
wat? They moved in as soon as the ice was frozen.
It was most likely a magical spear. And the Night King is a bit more than some undead guy :b
Its not like its a normal icicle. We've seen their ice weapons completely disintegrate steel before.
I just figured the ice spear was magic and he threw it REALLY hard
Yeah, I realize there's some special magic powers in the weapon, but like everything else, we just have to guess![]()
We don't really have to guess. Everything about the scene points towards those icy weapons being important and powerful. You don't have to spell everything out in storytelling.
wat? They moved in as soon as the ice was frozen.
It was most likely a magical spear. And the Night King is a bit more than some undead guy :b
Its not like its a normal icicle. We've seen their ice weapons completely disintegrate steel before.
Whoa, watching that again made me think that the Night King never wanted to kill Jon because he knows his role in the future. That white walker could have just stabbed him in the back when he bent over to grab the dragonglass! but plenty of moments the WW just used other means to beat him around. As if the night king is controlling all of the other white walkers as how bran would worg into other things in the world. #mindblown
Yeah, that bit bothered on first view but made sense on the second time (though director could have executed it better). A big issue was the Wights turning into the biggest bums of the 7 Kingdoms, up there with the Ironborns. They didn't kill ANYONE. Thousands charged at 6 fucking people and literally no one died.
But they did kill some? And from Hardhome we know they can kill an entire settlement in minutes. The only reason they held out for as long as they did while under assault is because they had some of the best warriors outfitted with Valyrean steel, dragonglass, and magic. Even then without dragons coming in at last minute they would have only held out for 5 minutes (its literally like 5 minutes from when the Hound misses the throw and the wights realize the lake is frozen to when they are a hair away from being overrun).
What do you mean killed some? None of the 6 soldiers were killed (most even harmed lol). I get that they were the best swordsmen, that's why a few could make it in time for Danny. But there were thousands of wights and they literally took turns attacking instead of all jumping over one another and killing them. It was weird because even though I watched it, I didn't have the sense of fear and dread that I did for Hardhome. I was thinking that yeah another will bite it (Dondarion) and all will be dandy. This was just hollywood shit. A bunch of talented people wreck thousands for a bit just because it's so fucking cool to see! Remember s5 premiere? The Hound almost died going against THREE soldiers. Three, that was a few minutes of fighting as well. This episode for me anyways, really fucked up the whole wights are deadly as long as plot decides it to be. :\
^ I hope the theory above is correct that NK is letting Jon live because when they walked away it made no sense to allow your biggest or 2nd biggest obstacle potentially live just because reasons.
The undead didnt kill any of the main cast outside of Thoros but there were several red shirts that bit it. They were behind the main cast as they were exiting the Wall.. they were the ones pulling the sled and supplies. i say just make Jorah do that shit but i guess they needed some cannon fodder.
writing that goes against how Thrones has been written so far
The wights definitely seemed less powerful and more Romero this epuside than in the hold the door episode where they were world war z style.Thoros was killed by the Bear. I'm talking when thousands attacked them, which I believe 2 red shirts were bodied. Anyways, I don't think we're gonna agree on it. I think it was shitty superhero writing that goes against how Thrones has been written so far while making wights look like total bums, and you clearly don't.
It's not about killing people off. It's about punishing bad decisions. Now literally every character does constant dumb shit and is mostly fine. Losing a dragon was one of the few actual consequences of bad decisions and even that was handled very poorly.The very problem with this is that prior to S6 it became very common to see people complain more and more about the opposite and that it in itself was becoming predictable and formulaic.
We've had 5 seasons of taking L's and not even a full 2 of wins and this is now a complaint.
Regardless, you wouldn't be able to satisfy everyone.
Keep killing and it's so obvious.
Let them win and it's typical fantasy.
The very problem with this is that prior to S6 it became very common to see people complain more and more about the opposite and that it in itself was becoming predictable and formulaic.
We've had 5 seasons of taking L's and not even a full 2 of wins and this is now a complaint.
Regardless, you wouldn't be able to satisfy everyone.
Keep killing and it's so obvious.
Let them win and it's typical fantasy.
The wights definitely seemed less powerful and more Romero this epuside than in the hold the door episode where they were world war z style.
It's not about killing people off. It's about punishing bad decisions. Now literally every character does constant dumb shit and is mostly fine. Losing a dragon was one of the few actual consequences of bad decisions and even that was handled very poorly.
Brienne with long hair is pretty hot. They make a good couple.Seven Hells...
Yeah the online complaints are pretty old. A better barometer is watching the reaction videos. Like the Burlington Bar one. I remember when Bronn comes out of the water with Jaime and you can literally see someone say "bullllllshit". But then other scenes that people bitch about online get huge reactions from fans.
I didn't complain lol
I think it was shitty superhero writing that goes against how Thrones has been written so far.
Seven Hells...
That is the only reasonable explanation to last episode and why the Night King didn't kill Jon and his friends.
It's not about killing people off. It's about punishing bad decisions. Now literally every character does constant dumb shit and is mostly fine. Losing a dragon was one of the few actual consequences of bad decisions and even that was handled very poorly.
Are you insinuating that I did complain about character deaths and have moved on to complaining about what I just said.. because if so![]()
Also, I never said anything about good guys taking L's. Just L's....I personally hated a few bad character deaths and wish they were still around, Joffrey, Stannis, Tywin to name a few. But be it good or bad, or morally grey...there was a pretty obvious trend and people started complaining about it, there are none of those complains any more though, they've moved onto something else, that being, what you mentioned.
Does anyone else feel like Gendre got ugly? Like, before he was kinda handsome, now he looks weird and ugly (TV show ugly, not real life ugly). It was so jarring I asked my wife if they recast him, but she said they had not.
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