Its hot in the South.
Maisie Williams
Same person?
I would say you could gloat over the aryia=waif nut jobs but they probably wont let that go until season 8 is over.....if ever.
Man I hope Bran doesn't die.
We're paralyzed bros 4 life.
No but seriously how the fuck would the people fight against the dead, when the wall comes down?
Also how far is winterfell from the wall? Will Arya/Sansa/Bran even get out in time? Who would carry him? Would Jon use instant transition?
Oh man I am hyped to the max
So when nighty breaks the wall, is he still going to leisurely march on? Or will he make the wights go ape shit.
If bran and Jon die, then I'm jumping ship.
I do wonder if Cersei hid that anti-dragon projectile, so when the meet begins, she kills the dragon.
If the mountain is sort of like a zombie does that mean Nighty can control him?
Lol, Bran takes control of the hound vs nighty controlled mountain .
Let the clegan bowl begin.
I don't mind the nut jobs and their doped up theories, it's usually pretty funny and much better than people doing nothing but complaining about shit.
Plus, I've had a few dumb ass theories over the years myself which at the time seemed alright, in hindsight though, not even...
This show brings the nutjobs. I watched a video on YouTube saying that Ned said a prayer as he was being executed to warg himself into a nearby bird and his mind and consciousness lives in a raven. Lol.
No wonder GRRM can't finish his books, he's too busy laughing his ass off at some of these dumb theories.
Faye Marsay
Same person?
Faye Marsay
Same person?
Faye Marsay
Same person?
Yep, it's gonna suck.
And in a couple weeks this thread will be dead, which will also suck.
Is cleganebowl a possibility in the final Episode of the season?
Surely the hound it's going to kings landing with the captured wight to show cersei.
I'm thinking it's 60% chance of happening.
I was surprised to find out Faye Marsay was 30, I thought she was early 20s or less.
If the Hound is going to King's Landing, they will certainly meet next episode. But as far as having them fight? I don't think so. Not without good reason.
My mind was blown what Maisie Williams (Arya) is 20, just one year younger than Sophie Turner who plays Sansa. They looked many years apart to me.
My mind was blown what Maisie Williams (Arya) is 20, just one year younger than Sophie Turner who plays Sansa. They looked many years apart to me.
Isn't the good enough reason that they hate each other?
Weren't they fighting the last time they saw each other?
I'm still blown away they are that young. I thought Sophie was like 30 by now and Maisie in her mid twenties.
The Hound will fight the mountain. He'll be losing badly until he runs his hand across the blade lighting it on fire.Please let this happen
Jeez, don't let them hear you say that.
Somewhere it was explained that the White Walkers started wearing armour once they knew that "men" have found a way to kill them. Think it was D&D.
After Sam stabbed one in the back I don't think we see them in loin cloths anymore.
Unless I'm mistaken.
Does that armor even works tho?
Jon took down that Walker way too easily in the latest ep. Should have been more of a struggle.
Does that armor even works tho?
Does that armor even works tho?
The difference of direction compared to last episode, lol
Also I love that he almost trips after the kill. It means so much more than the "cool pose" many directors would have just chosen instead.
Jon took it down in the same manner. Pattern recognition down pat.
It's like Punch Out. Easy patterns until you get to Tyson, I mean the Night King.
We're obviously never seeing her again, but I'm morbidly curious as to what the Mountain has done/is doing to her.
We're obviously never seeing her again, but I'm morbidly curious as to what the Mountain has done/is doing to her.
Fingers crossed she will break free and save Ellaria and Tyene.
Warden of the North
Sophie Turner
Same person?
Reminder that 'Darth Sansa' amounted to nothing.
Stay salty brah, she's going to outlive Danny.
Reminder that 'Darth Sansa' amounted to nothing.