Five more redshirts.So, who do you think dies this episode? There has to be a final gutpunch.
Five more redshirts.So, who do you think dies this episode? There has to be a final gutpunch.
I know. But season 6 was also original content, along with this season. When was the last timeThat's a tall order. S6 finale was practically perfect.
It's 82 minutes counting the opening and ending credits though, right? So it's probably closer to 75 minutesI have high hopes for it. The more I think about it, the more I realize how epic 82 minutes worth of material could be.
I think the answer is never. So this will be the first time.
It's 82 minutes counting the opening and ending credits though, right? So it's probably closer to 75 minutes
Killing off a protagonist earns your respect? lolD&D would certainly gain back some of my respect if they kill off Daenerys tonight. That would be a Game of Thrones-ass move.
I think people missed the plot of what made those earlier deaths so memorable and notable in the first place and just expect the bad guys to win every conflict now.Killing off a protagonist earns your respect? lol
Killing off a protagonist earns your respect? lol
I know. But season 6 was also original content, along with this season.When was the last time most if not all of the main characters were in the same place at the same time?
Will we see Edmure Tully this episode? Thoughts?
It's 82 minutes counting the opening and ending credits though, right? So it's probably closer to 75 minutes
I think people missed the plot of what made those earlier deaths so memorable and notable in the first place and just expect the bad guys to win every conflict now.
Dany won't die yet. But I do think she will die next season. There's just been too many hints about no successor and can't have children etc...
I think after she dies, That's when it will be revealed that Jon is the last Targaryian.
No, I just want to be surprised. Part of what attracted me to the show was that no characters were safe. You never knew what was going to happen, conflicts were stressful.
Hi guys,
Never bothered to stream it live, but my wife is gonna kill me if I don't do it for the saeson finale.
It will air in about 2 hours right? I have Amazon Prime, will it air at the same time online (HBO-Prime)?
Dany being killed off would be stupid af.
Hi guys,
Never bothered to stream it live, but my wife is gonna kill me if I don't do it for the saeson finale.
It will air in about 2 hours right? I have Amazon Prime, will it air at the same time online (HBO-Prime)?
Jon can also command the dragons even if Dany were to die.Dany is the power of the show, while Jon is the heart
Westeros is lost without Dany
Jon can also command the dragons even if Dany were to die.
You don't build her up for six seasons, bring her to Westeros in season seven and kill her off that same season.
Season 8? I think she's done in the penultimate or final episode. But until then, she's safe. Way more story to tell with her.
Well, you don't spend 5 seasons building Arya as an assassin with a kill list to follow only to ignore it the moment she gets the chance to play hide and seek at Winterfell neither lol
Well they telegraphed she's killing Melisandre next season.
Melly told her she'd meet her again and she told Varys she'll return to Westeros for a third time to die.
Actually, looking back at that scene something I wondered, why is varys so cold towards her? Don't come back, etc. He wants her gone, and he clearly doesn't like her.
I wonder if we'll ever find out what that one red priestess whispered to him a couple seasons back and if his dislike for Meli has anything to do with her also being a follower of the LoL.
Hi guys,
Never bothered to stream it live, but my wife is gonna kill me if I don't do it for the saeson finale.
It will air in about 2 hours right? I have Amazon Prime, will it air at the same time online (HBO-Prime)?
Varys doesn't trust magic users after what happened to him as a kid.
Jon can also command the dragons even if Dany were to die.
Yet he's hanging around Dany and her dragons lol
That isn't magic. Dragon's are just creatures in this universe.
He doesn't trust the priestesses because of what was done to him.
That isn't magic. Dragon's are just creatures in this universe.
He doesn't trust the priestesses because of what was done to him.
Magic, occasionally referred to as "the higher mysteries" is a powerful but little understood force in the world. In Westeros it is believed, particularly by the Maesters of the Citadel, that magic, if it ever existed, is now gone from the world. Only one in every hundred Maesters, Luwin among them, bother to study the subject long enough to earn a Valyrian steel link for their chains. Nevertheless, in Essos, magic is still practiced, particularly in the eastern corners of the continent, although its effects and the power of its practitioners are frequently questioned.
In any event, with the rebirth of dragons, magic (or at least eastern magic) seems to be slowly making its way back into the world. Charlatans have found that their tricks are becoming spells, while the power of established practitioners has begun to rapidly and greatly increase.
Dragons have a strong connection to magic, and magic is strongest in their presence, even more so the stronger they are
Conflicts are still stressful AF because there's no guarantee that these characters will make it out. Like when Tormund was being dragged by those white walkers.No, I just want to be surprised. Part of what attracted me to the show was that no characters were safe. You never knew what was going to happen, conflicts were stressful.
I legit said aloud "Help him, you fucks!" when it seemed like no one was making a move toward him.Conflicts are still stressful AF because there's no guarantee that these characters will make it out. Like when Tormund was being dragged by those white walkers.
But this has never been true, you've fallen into the marketing trap.
You don't just randomly kill off characters, it's not satisfying storytelling. For example, Jon and Dany have obviously been in precarious situations, but they have never been in any actual danger.
They are both endgame characters, same as Tyrion, Cersei and Jaime. They will all make it to next season because their arcs as of yet have not come to a satisfying conclusion to be just killed off in the next episode.
Will we see Edmure Tully this episode? Thoughts?
What's crazy to me is that Jon, the King in the North, will probably be going into war negotiations while just kinda hoping that Sansa has kept his realm together since he was gone.
That's kinda fucked.
What's crazy to me is that Jon, the King in the North, will probably be going into war negotiations while just kinda hoping that Sansa has kept his realm together since he was gone.
That's kinda fucked.
I legit said aloud "Help him, you fucks!" when it seemed like no one was making a move toward him.
They got me good with that one.
What's crazy to me is that Jon, the King in the North, will probably be going into war negotiations while just kinda hoping that Sansa has kept his realm together since he was gone.
That's kinda fucked.
I think we had a lot of set up to show that Sansa at least could be a good leader, or at least people would listen to her. But yeah, Jon's been gone for how long exactly? A few months?
Yeah I realized that at the end of last episode. I thought runtime was not counting creditsYou could say that about any of the 50~ minute episodes too though.
But that's been the case for the beginning and middle of this saga. Last season, Jon beat Ramsay and took Winterfell back. The good guys won. After 6 seasons of watching them suffer, it's satisfying as fuck to see things finally going their way.I think people missed the plot of what made those earlier deaths so memorable and notable in the first place and just expect the bad guys to win every conflict now.
My bad, I wasn't thinking about that when I wrote it. I put the spoiler tags in nowI'm going to put a damn spoiler tag on part of your post because I'm pretty sure it's taken from the preview and for those of us who don't watch previews it's pretty damn annoying.
i guess we'll find out.No I think it's a full 82 minutes. Loot Train battle episode was listed at 50 minutes, but it was a full hour showing when the recap, credits, and the next week episode preview were factored in.