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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

The progression of magic in the show never made much sense anyway. We go from no one believing in magic to faceless magic men, flaming swords and an undead Mountain all popping up in the span of a few years. That's not even including Bran or the White Walkers, or murderous shadow babies.

It's like a reverse Lord of the Rings, basically.

When the elves pass to the West, the magic fades away. In Westeros, the magic is coming back
possibly the red comet from season 1 that everyone in the world saw? Or that was just another sign itself. Dunno.

Yes, the return of dragons enhances magic. The warlock says the dragons make them more powerful.

Or did the dragons come back because magic is getting more powerful? Those eggs were petrified and dead: then they get born all of a sudden?


The progression of magic in the show never made much sense anyway. We go from no one believing in magic to faceless magic men, flaming swords and an undead Mountain all popping up in the span of a few years. That's not even including Bran or the White Walkers, or murderous shadow babies.

Isn't there an in-world explanation for the sudden appearance of magic?


I love Pokken!
That reminds me, why are they not taking Ghost on this suicide run? A wolf that can scout for you seems like it would be useful.

It would take too long, they would have to get to White Harbor, go on foot until Winterfell, then return to WH to sail to Eastwatch.


Is Illyrio Mopatis still going to be a part in anything?

He intervered with shit in the beginning, even visiting Kings Landing, but is completely out of the picture now?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Who will be the hero to topple Daenerys the Tyrant?


It's a real shame how much of this season has been rushed, the last few episodes have been exceptionally strong IMO but i can't help feeling like they're rushing through the show to keep within the constraints of only having so many episodes. Could they not have had a few more episodes in even though it started later than usual?


It's a real shame how much of this season has been rushed, the last few episodes have been exceptionally strong IMO but i can't help feeling like they're rushing through the show to keep within the constraints of only having so many episodes. Could they not have had a few more episodes in even though it started later than usual?

It's been going at a faster pace for sure, but I wouldn't necessarily call it rushed. Wouldn't mind more episodes only because I want more Thrones though :p


I'd like Arya to be fallible to be honest. Her being the best at everything after her 'training', especially compared to someone who's spent his entire life engaging in deception is a bit much tbh (wasn't a fan of her drawing against Brienne either).

The only one here who needs to be fallible is little finger, dude can't keep getting away with it. After all he has done stuff that arya and sansa have witnessed first hand how in the hell is this dude still alive and allowed to prance around winterfell? I don't think the vale will give two fucks if he disappeared he doesn't have the influence over them like the starks would.

Melon Husk

Did an extradimensional river pop into existence? Loot train attack's epilogue handwaved so many key characters away.
Watching this show fast-forwarded after the neverending play that was Season 6 is refreshing but frustrating. Speed boats for everyone!

Gendry was fucking WIRED.
Aight, Im expecting one of the 2 neglected dragons to swoop in and save the crew. Not like Dany would even notice and its clear that he has that bond with Jon
If I had to pick 7 GoT characters to send on a dungeon run, those would probably be the 7. Maybe replace Gendry for Arya to balance the team out with some agility and dexterity.
Think of the Arya/Hound banter.

We need an entire season of this
I don't know about you, but most people can't breath underwater. And giving that they were wearing heavy armour and cottons, and sank 10 meters deep, I seriously don't know how they could ever survive that. You have like 1 minute max to get out of the water to get some air when you're in an emergency situation.

I think he meant as though they'd been discreetly coming up for air while swimming down the river. But yeah, in full battle armour that would be a lot more tricky than it sounds.

If I had to pick 7 GoT characters to send on a dungeon run, those would probably be the 7. Maybe replace Gendry for Arya to balance the team out with some agility and dexterity.

I'd want Brienne in there somewhere as in raw fighting capability she's one of the best in the show. Also Syrio Forel, as we didn't actually see him die which means he's obviously not dead. I would probably get rid of Berrin Dondarric and the priest, as the former doesn't seem especially skilled and the latter is a drunk who I don't fancy much against White Walkers.


Aight, Im expecting one of the 2 neglected dragons to swoop in and save the crew. Not like Dany would even notice and its clear that he has that bond with Jon

Think of the Arya/Hound banter.

We need an entire season of this

Brienne/Tormund should be great as well!

That reunion needs to hit like a monster truck

Think like.. Jon/Sansa X 1000

And if it doesn't happen I'm going apeshit

It's really cool to be getting reunions between folks that haven't seen each other in multiple seasons... Everybody being drawn to one of Dany's team, Jon's team (now including the dream team), or Cersai's team.

Rating the reunions..

Arya / Hot Pie - Clearly #1
Dany / Jorah was pretty good this past episode
Jon / Tyrion - short, but fun. That season 1 couple of episodes put them in a great place to have Jon meet Dani's team
Jaime / Brienne - Not too much time passed up to Riverrun , but really like these two together
Jaime / Tyrion - I'm actually surprised Jaime had as much animosity for Tyrion as he did/does. He should have a really good idea why Tyrion did what he did
Arya / Nymeria - understood what they were going for, but disappointing
Arya / Sansa - not too great. They both seem kind of dead inside in terms of emotional attachment as this point
Jon / Sansa - again. Not terribly affecting
Sansa, Arya / Bran - Bran's an asshole

Not rating -
Any of the Theon, Reek / (Sansa, Jon, Yara) meetings.
Cersei / Jaime - not enough time between his capture and return
Gendry / Davos - seems like fan service to bring Gendry back
Jon / Gendry - I know they never met, but it was cool to mirror Eddard Stark / Robert Baratheon

Which big ones am I missing?
I'd want Brienne in there somewhere as in raw fighting capability she's one of the best in the show. Also Syrio Forel, as we didn't actually see him die which means he's obviously not dead. I would probably get rid of Berrin Dondarric and the priest, as the former doesn't seem especially skilled and the latter is a drunk who I don't fancy much against White Walkers.

But the dude's got a fire sword and can be revived. Thoros can heal and do magic stuff possibly? Plus, they both have pretty fun personalities and have the fortitude to endure the dark shit that they'll surely encounter. Brienne should definitely get a spot though...maybe replace Jorah?
But the dude's got a fire sword and can be revived. Thoros can heal and do magic stuff possibly? Plus, they both have pretty fun personalities and have the fortitude to endure the dark shit that they'll surely encounter. Brienne should definitely get a spot though...maybe replace Jorah?

Yeah, they're a neat pair, I would just prefer Brienne, plus that way we get Brienne x Tormund which is one of the best pairings in the show! I agree; get rid of Jorah instead. Or Gendry, although him fighting with a hammer is at least a little interesting as it's different.
watching earlier Game of Thrones scenes, I forgot how much I hated Sansa. she was extremely naive to the point where I questioned if she was a Stark. Man has her character changed.

Being naive is a stark family trait. I'm this regard she's the most starkiest stark who ever starked

Man oh man I hope Team ICOs next game is one of dragons like this

It's really cool to be getting reunions between folks that haven't seen each other in multiple seasons... Everybody being drawn to one of Dany's team, Jon's team (now including the dream team), or Cersai's team.

Rating the reunions..

Arya / Hot Pie - Clearly #1
Dany / Jorah was pretty good this past episode
Jon / Tyrion - short, but fun. That season 1 couple of episodes put them in a great place to have Jon meet Dani's team
Jaime / Brienne - Not too much time passed up to Riverrun , but really like these two together
Jaime / Tyrion - I'm actually surprised Jaime had as much animosity for Tyrion as he did/does. He should have a really good idea why Tyrion did what he did
Arya / Nymeria - understood what they were going for, but disappointing
Arya / Sansa - not too great. They both seem kind of dead inside in terms of emotional attachment as this point
Jon / Sansa - again. Not terribly affecting
Sansa, Arya / Bran - Bran's an asshole

Not rating -
Any of the Theon, Reek / (Sansa, Jon, Yara) meetings.
Cersei / Jaime - not enough time between his capture and return
Gendry / Davos - seems like fan service to bring Gendry back
Jon / Gendry - I know they never met, but it was cool to mirror Eddard Stark / Robert Baratheon

Which big ones am I missing?


Hasn't happened yet. Of the one's still out there that's at the top of the list. Also hoping for

Varys / Littlefinger
Arya / Hound
Jon / Sam
Cersei / Littlefinger
Gregor / Sandor
Cersei / Arya (almost no screen time together before. Hoping Cersei (or Arya) don't die before this happens
But the dude's got a fire sword and can be revived. Thoros can heal and do magic stuff possibly? Plus, they both have pretty fun personalities and have the fortitude to endure the dark shit that they'll surely encounter. Brienne should definitely get a spot though...maybe replace Jorah?

Jorah is the scrappiest char on the show. Keep him imo.
Jorah is the scrappiest char on the show. Keep him imo.

I feel like any character that has lasted this long can be considered "scrappy" at this point, haha. Beric gets killed and lives to tell about it every other week. Jon survived Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, got stabbed in the heart, etc. The Hound is quite possibly the epitome of being a survivor. Tormund deals with the harshest living environments in the GoT's world, outlasts impending White Walker doom, and still carries on with a smile.

...it's a pretty scrappy crew in general. :p
What exactly is the point of Gendry

Seems like a waste of time to kill him but what is his role in anything

I guess he's got some claim to the throne, being Robert Baratheon's blood. Watch Jon and Dany sacrifice it all for the Seven Kingdoms, only to pave a peaceful world for the kid to rule.
I guess he's got some claim to the throne, being Robert Baratheon's blood. Watch Jon and Dany sacrifice it all for the Seven Kingdoms, only to pave a peaceful world for the kid to rule.

If it goes down like this, I'd hate it. I'm just not invested in the character and the pacing lately makes it seem like I won't be given a chance to. We'll see though.
If it goes down like this, I'd hate it. I'm just not invested in the character and the pacing lately makes it seem like I won't be given a chance to. We'll see though.

Well, he'll have an opportunity to show his worth in the upcoming segment, I suppose. But yeah, they'll really have to do some work on his character for it to come to that. I do like his eagerness and brashness, and he does seem like a fairly earnest guy. Kinda like Robert Baratheon, but less of a drunk jackass.


That reminds me, why are they not taking Ghost on this suicide run? A wolf that can scout for you seems like it would be useful.

All the CGI money went into the dragons maybe? I think it's meant to be understood that Ghost is with Jon but just out of frame.

I am really not feeling this season though. It just feels odd to me that characters are just appearing half way across the world in no time at all so they can be used for plot development and then they randomly appear somewhere else in what seems like a day.
If I had to pick 7 GoT characters to send on a dungeon run, those would probably be the 7. Maybe replace Gendry for Arya to balance the team out with some agility and dexterity.
Gendry out, Arya in
However, Brianne needs to go in as well. Maybe remove Sir Friendzone.

Sir Friendzone and Christian Balehammer as character pack DLCs for later


I almost didn't recognize Gendry, he changed so much. I knew the actor from Skins before GoT, and he didn't change anything in the 4 years between the two, but he's like a totally different person now.


My new prediction, which has probably already been thrown around. They capture an undead, bring it back to Cersei, something goes wrong (shocker), Cersei ends up turning into an Ice Queen, making the undead battle next season take place from both sides.


semen stains the mountaintops
That would make sense, but instead they're taking him on a risky trek where he shouldn't be much help since he can't fight for no real reason.

It's not like he's the only blacksmith around, and how knows, they might not even be able to actually smith it. But if they can, and they do, it will be more epic if it's Gendry doing it.

Also, he is able to fight. It's not that big of a stretch to imagine that he has been training since he said he has been waiting for something and if he wasn't trying, he still swings hammers 24/7.

Also, he's Robert's kid.

Man, the season final is gonna be huuuuge. I hope they advertise it well because I bet a lot of people won't know this season is only 7 episodes.
The progression of magic in the show never made much sense anyway. We go from no one believing in magic to faceless magic men, flaming swords and an undead Mountain all popping up in the span of a few years. That's not even including Bran or the White Walkers, or murderous shadow babies.

Per the lore and theories, most everything points to it being tied to the dragons. Once they went away, magic still existed, but went on life support, but when Dany inadvertently hatched her eggs via blood magic, magic literally came roaring back.

Blood and fire is a recurring theme in a lot of shows magic, in dragons, dragonglass, and valyrian steel.


semen stains the mountaintops
Season 1 opens with White Walkers and closes with dragons. Season 2 introduced warlocks, faceless men, plus a fire god and his mystical acolytes.

I remember a few seasons back people complained about too much magic and said that it wasn't Game of Thrones, when the first scene, like you said, is literally ice zombies. They set up the tone perfectly with that first scene.


Step 1:
Cersei sees the wight, asks if that means her dead children could come back to life?

Step 2:

Step 3:
Joffrey becomes the new Night King



Step 1:
Cersei sees the wight, asks if that means her dead children could come back to life?

Step 2:

Step 3:
Joffrey becomes the new Night King

Joffrey becomes the new Night King, Joffrey resurrects Ramsay to be one of his Wights. White Walkers are officially the Legion of Doom
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