I love Pokken!

Her legitimacy is fine, she comes before Jon.
Since King Aerys named Viserys his heir after Rhaegar died. King Aerys lived a little after Rhaegar was killed.
Rhaegar died a prince.
Littlefinger is def a goner.
Theon dies saving Yara. Yara might die but I think she makes it out alive.
Euron dies.
The Mountain dies.
Cersei dies.
We all die when North Korea nukes us and we never see season 8.
Littlefinger is def a goner.
Theon dies saving Yara. Yara might die but I think she makes it out alive.
Euron dies.
The Mountain dies.
Cersei dies.
We all die when North Korea nukes us and we never see season 8.
You really think all those people are gonna die tonight? The Mountain and Cersei? That's some final season shit.
This episode hasn't been leaked right? Just want to know if I have to watch out for another asshole on here who says he "skipped ahead" again & spoils shit deliberately
Fucking lolJust want to let you know, good luck and we're all counting on you.
I won't be able to watch until about 30 minutes after it starts, once my kid is in bed. Godspeed, all. We'll meet again on the other side.
I was totally going into this season knowing for sure Cersei was gonna die, but then these couple of episode made me change my mind, which in turn, made me think it's possible she will die as the big shocking death of the final.
I can see Jon, Dany, Jaime or Tyrion dying, so if I had to guess one, I'd say Cersei
CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!!! 40min LEFT!!!!!!!!!!.
Why does everyone think LF will die? Dude has been playing the game for so long. Hell he invented the game. Besides, if LF dies the Knights of the Vale will cause an insurrection in Winterfell.
I thought Beric and Tormund would be killed this season before it aired(assuming they don't die in the finale which is unlikely lol).
I'm just glad they're alive. Beric's been one of my favourite characters since his duel with the Hound.
Shame about Thoros though :[
I hope the Night King destroys Eastwatch and the wall tonight. Can't wait to see his new undead dragon fucking everything up.
Been waiting FOREVER for them to get across and start heading for Winterfell.
I want the Night King to win. I want him and the dead spoil everyone's GoT Gambling pools. lol
I'd laugh so hard
littlefinger gonna get the needle
I believe
littlefinger gonna get the needle
I believe
I don't know how its going to work, but I'm willing to bet Arya wears his face and whispers into Sansas ear. Something has to happen there. Maybe Arya kills Sansa and wears her face? I don't know how that plot is going to work out.
Fucking thank you. Viserys wasn't a prince but rather a king in exile. Dany became the rightful Targ Queen upon his death. She's not the heir apparent, she's already the Queen, and no amount of Jon getting out of his Watch oaths on a technicality is going to remove her already rightfully earned status. Jon is the legitimate Targ heir though lol.
On another note, I need closure as to what happened to the Tully forces that were made to disarm and abandon Riverrun. Weren't they suppose to head North and link up with Sansa?
lol so is Cersei. Jon could lay a claim and fight over it. But he won't because he's a doofus.
Has anything been said about the streamers who skip ahead during the episode? If not I'm probably just gonna bail on this thread after having Viserion's death spoiled for me minutes before it happened last week.
Has anything been said about the streamers who skip ahead during the episode? If not I'm probably just gonna bail on this thread after having Viserion's death spoiled for me minutes before it happened last week.
Has anyone made this prediction:
Cersei becomes the Night Queen
Nah, his own knife.
Btw, Bottleneck Gallery, which has been doing some legit GOT prints, has one for sale of the Sucide Squad vs the Ice Wight Horde. It's a timed sale for only til 11pm EST.
Thread moves at like 30 posts a minute when GOT starts running. There's just no way for ModBot to find the leakers.
lol so is Cersei. Jon could lay a claim and fight over it. But he won't because he's a doofus.
Arya has to kill LF if she wants his face.
He could claim, but Dany's more legitimate in the Targaryen succession.
So say if he knew his lineage I don't think he'll fight for it.
Especially since he's still all about the AOTD and rightfully so.
In Targaryen succession, the throne is Dany's.