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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


Neo Member
Okay, let's rank them by most probable to die:

1. Beric (99% gonna die) - I think he shares some secrets with Jon about dying and reviving, finds his purpose during this expedition, and embraces his final fight.

2. Thoros (80% gonna die) - It makes a lot of sense for him to go with Beric, since they're a bit of a pair. Maybe Thoros sticks around to be Jon's new cleric and raise him from the dead for now on.

3. Tormund (40% gonna die) - I guess he's not super necessary, but he should probably stick around so the Wildlings remain under control. Plus, he's swaggy as fuck and has unfinished business with "the big girl". I give him just under coin flip odds to come back from the trip.

4. Jorah (30% gonna die) - He wouldn't have that huge return journey just to die here. I guess it could be possible if he does something for Dany in the process of dying, like sacrificing himself for Jon and the greater good. Not likely though.

5. The Hound (15% gonna die) - C'mon, we all see the The Mountain vs The Hound match up on the horizon. Once they get their pet White Walker to bring back for Cersei to see, it's inevitably gonna set up the confrontation between the two. He's gotta make it back for that alone. Or if he dies out here, it's gonna be something used to kill the Mountain later, so he's somewhat avenged.

6. Gendry (10% gonna die) - They literally just brought him back into the fold. What would be the point in doing that just for him to be fodder. Especially in a truncated season, that would be such a colossal waste of time. He's got a bright future ahead, I believe.

7. Jon (0.00001% gonna die) - I'd be super pissed.

I say flip flop the top two and list would be about right. Thinking Thoros dies possibly after reviving Beric, and Beric realizes he's on his last life. No more safety net.

The real question is if the walker they bring back will be the one who does end up dying. Another question is will we see Hodor walker.
jon will battle the night king 1 v 1 and they both kill eachother with a final blow at the same time.
jon rolls over and then resurrects as the new night king. THE NEW KING OF THE TRUE NORTH!

The last battle pitting Jon as the night king vs Dany. A DANCE OF FIRE AND ICE BABAY!!!!!!

ahah idk, i hope this didnt come true. someone jinx me

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Going back to watch the last couple of episodes and I almost feel like with how Emilia Clarke is playing the Dany-Jon angle they probably shouldn't have even had the scene with Davos commenting on Jon checking Dany out. Like if you watch the scene in the map room where Dany says "I haven't given you permission to leave" it's really obvious she isn't playing it subtly in the least. Which is fine, but given that Jon isn't really saying much of anything beyond acting like Jon always does, it might have at least left some question in the viewers mind whether it was happening or not.


Not to the same degree as the first three seasons especially. I think it's a pretty natural progression for the show. I might be in the minority when it comes to that though.

Up until the last like two episodes, I felt like all they were DOING was political chess. And I loved it
I don't think Jorah or The Hound are particularly safe. I think those two fall safely in the "We couldn't bring something back, but one of our own died and will now serve that purpose" camp.

Jorah drives the point home to Dany and The Hound will at least give Cersei a moment of pause before doing something stupid.


Will you guys stop worrying about Gendry? He is a decent blacksmith. No one can forge Valyrian Steel...yet. You connect the dots. That's enough for plot armor. Sam is going to magically find how to smelt it and Gendry will forge bunch of Valyrian Steel swords.

Then he will die...
Will you guys stop worrying about Gendry? He is a decent blacksmith. No one can forge Valyrian Steel...yet. You connect the dots. That's enough for plot armor. Sam is going to magically find how to smelt it and Gendry will forge bunch of Valyrian Steel swords.

Then he will die...

Plus he still needs to create bad ass armor for Jon, Dany and possibly for the dragons.
Season 8's episode 6 better be like Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards and Loot Train had a baby.

I don't see how. They only have the magnificent 7, so the scale's lacking. This could be an epic heist mission, but unless something shocking happens I don't see it being elevated on that level. Though I sense the Winterfell storyline and Night King heist will include episode 6. Seven will likely be about either Danny getting offed by Cersei all of the sudden being the smartest character in the show because "reasons" or Queenslayer killing Cersei.


semen stains the mountaintops
I don't see how. They only have the magnificent 7, so the scale's lacking. This could be an epic heist mission, but unless something shocking happens I don't see it being elevated on that level. Though I sense the Winterfell storyline and Night King heist will include episode 6. Seven will likely be about either Danny getting offed by Cersei all of the sudden being the smartest character in the show because "reasons" or Queenslayer killing Cersei.

Season 8's episode 6, meaning the last episode of Game of Thrones. Just made the comment 'cus someone was talking about their scenarios for a future episode.


Will you guys stop worrying about Gendry? He is a decent blacksmith. No one can forge Valyrian Steel...yet. You connect the dots. That's enough for plot armor. Sam is going to magically find how to smelt it and Gendry will forge bunch of Valyrian Steel swords.

Then he will die...

Good point. They will probably also want him around for people to rally around a Baratheon's claim to the throne. That way in the final season we can still have a Stark, a Lannister, a Targarean, and a Baratheon all with claims to the throne.


I find it amusing (even if it's true) when the show depicts wielding a sword to be incredibly difficult to do and learn, but swinging a giant, heavy warhammer effectively in battle is simple. Gendry mentions that he hasn't had any training, but he's pretty good with what looks like a 150 pound giant warhammer. They all just shrug and nod their heads. He then proceeds to cave in faces and skulls with the ease of a chaos warlord.

I'm not nitpicking, I love it, it's just funny to me. I think the oversized warhammer would be crazy hard to wield effectively in fights against sword users and other fast mofos. If I were an average joe commoner in the GoT world, I'd use a spear and call it a day.


Will you guys stop worrying about Gendry? He is a decent blacksmith. No one can forge Valyrian Steel...yet. You connect the dots. That's enough for plot armor. Sam is going to magically find how to smelt it and Gendry will forge bunch of Valyrian Steel swords.

Then he will die...

While, yeah, they definitely played up the reveal I don't get the 'fan service 1111' complaints in regards to Gendry. Everyone comes back eventually so drawing a line there is arbitrary and, frankly, pretty stupid. Also he's potentially one of the more important side characters in the story:

-last in the Baratheon bloodline
-has one of the three best claims to the Iron Throne
-has the best claim to the Stormlands
-life long smith which at the very least makes him valuable in forging dragon glass arrows & weapons
-due for an Arya reunion, though after her recent encounter with Hotpie, Arya might not great him as warmly as expected.

That said I could see it going either way with him. If there were say 15 episodes left instead of 8 I'd say he'd live for sure.
That's quite an unlikely team, curious to see how that goes.
Things are getting tense in Winterfell.

Damn, waiting for the next episode is torture.
You would think Jon would pass by Winterfell before going back to Castle Black.

Maybe he didn't was piss off the north men more?

Or send a raven back letting them know that he made a deal with Dany to mine the weapons without having to bend the knee and he's returning north to do some more war prep. Also he went to eastwatch :p
I find it amusing (even if it's true) when the show depicts wielding a sword to be incredibly difficult to do and learn, but swinging a giant, heavy warhammer effectively in battle is simple. Gendry mentions that he hasn't had any training, but he's pretty good with what looks like a 150 pound giant warhammer. They all just shrug and nod their heads. He then proceeds to cave in faces and skulls with the ease of a chaos warlord.

I'm not nitpicking, I love it, it's just funny to me. I think the oversized warhammer would be crazy hard to wield effectively in fights against sword users and other fast mofos. If I were an average joe commoner in the GoT world, I'd use a spear and call it a day.

He wields a hammer for a living. That's all he does every friggin' day. Hammer, hammer, hammer. And he even references that by refusing a sword and instead picking out a big ol' giant warhammer from the shelf. It made a lot of sense to me why he'd be able to swing it around like a twig.


the fuck is this? did he plot to kill dany or dario?

that's not going to happen

This would be a great twist. Remember he was a disgrace who was sent away and was going to assassinate Danny at one point.

Maybe his love for Danny pushes him over the edge finally.


You would think Jon would pass by Winterfell before going back to Castle Black.

Maybe he didn't was piss off the north men more?

He probably just took the boat straight from Dragonstone to Eastwatch (he didn't go to Castle Black).


Neighbours from Hell
Okay, let's rank them by most probable to die:

1. Beric (99% gonna die) - I think he shares some secrets with Jon about dying and reviving, finds his purpose during this expedition, and embraces his final fight.

2. Thoros (80% gonna die) - It makes a lot of sense for him to go with Beric, since they're a bit of a pair. Maybe Thoros sticks around to be Jon's new cleric and raise him from the dead for now on.

3. Tormund (40% gonna die) - I guess he's not super necessary, but he should probably stick around so the Wildlings remain under control. Plus, he's swaggy as fuck and has unfinished business with "the big girl". I give him just under coin flip odds to come back from the trip.

4. Jorah (30% gonna die) - He wouldn't have that huge return journey just to die here. I guess it could be possible if he does something for Dany in the process of dying, like sacrificing himself for Jon and the greater good. Not likely though.

5. The Hound (15% gonna die) - C'mon, we all see the The Mountain vs The Hound match up on the horizon. Once they get their pet White Walker to bring back for Cersei to see, it's inevitably gonna set up the confrontation between the two. He's gotta make it back for that alone. Or if he dies out here, it's gonna be something used to kill the Mountain later, so he's somewhat avenged.

6. Gendry (10% gonna die) - They literally just brought him back into the fold. What would be the point in doing that just for him to be fodder. Especially in a truncated season, that would be such a colossal waste of time. He's got a bright future ahead, I believe.

7. Jon (0.00001% gonna die) - I'd be super pissed.

I think Jorah is more likely than Tormund. That look back to Dany before he left on the boat had all the foreboding feels. I love Jorah, gonna miss him if he goes. Few are as loyal as he has been to Dany.


semen stains the mountaintops
it's incredible how close is dragonstone to king's landing.

dany could destroy it in a day if she wanted

I want to see the alternate version of Game of Thrones where Dany flies straight to King' Landing is burns Cersei to a pile of ash.
it's incredible how close is dragonstone to king's landing.

dany could destroy it in a day if she wanted

And think about how many times Euron's ships would've had to sail past Dragonstone. Between her own ships and the dragons It seems like Dany's forces could pretty much prevent any ships from getting to KL if they wanted.
And think about how many times Euron's ships would've had to sail past Dragonstone. Between her own ships and the dragons It seems like Dany's forces could pretty much prevent any ships from getting to KL if they wanted.

Hah, yeah the geography has been really problematic this season. If making a direct line, presumably Drogon flew directly over King's Landing on their way to the Reach. Also the Dothraki army would have had to take a really wide birth or else they'd be walking right past KL.


Season 8's episode 6 better be like Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards and Loot Train had a baby.

Having a big longer battle for the final episode means there not a lot of time left to wrap up I'd guess the big battle will take place in mostly episode 5 and wrap it up in 6 that way we could get a good 20-30 min epilogue for the show which it deserves IMO


Jon obviously won't die and I don't think the Hound would here either. Gendry would be silly to kill off that quickly. Jorah is a maybe but doubtful. Tormund isn't going anywhere only because he's the only main wildling character on the show. I think Beric is a goner for sure though. Seems pretty obvious that they won't be able to straight up capture a wight but... I think Beric dies and Thoros tries to revive him and it won't work, thus fulfilling his final role. As the captured wight. Hopefully it doesn't go that way since it seems too obvious.


Man how the fuck is every place so empty and unguarded in this season... one would think that all possible routes to each city and fort would be manned and scouted while kingdoms prepare for total annihilation...


for some reason I picture the actor who plays jorah as a really scary looking white walker so I think it's gonna be him I mean it was shocking that he poped up so quickly in that episode but I think its to make sure he's in this story arc to be turned to a walker


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
And think about how many times Euron's ships would've had to sail past Dragonstone. Between her own ships and the dragons It seems like Dany's forces could pretty much prevent any ships from getting to KL if they wanted.

That was the plan actually. But they wanted to take Casterly Rock first and rally Dorne.


We're asked to believe that Euron's been sailing his entire fleet within spitting distance of Dragonstone the entire time, once to ambush Yara, once when delivering Euron's captives, and a third time to ambush Greyworm. Also it's implied Dany still has ships in reserve, which is what they used to ferry the Dothraki troops to the mainland.



semen stains the mountaintops
Man how the fuck is every place so empty and unguarded in this season... one would think that all possible routes to each city and fort would be manned and scouted while kingdoms prepare for total annihilation...
Which places are you taking about?
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