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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


I don't know how anyone thinks the sansa arya arc was garbage this season. It would have been better off just not having them be in this season much at all. It was pretty much filler

Eh. LF needed to be dealt with. It's kinda crossing that line off that's needed.


Just because you don't agree with a character's choice doesn't mean it's poorly written or not in keeping with that character's personality.

It isn't keeping with his personality. Jon's already shown himself to be willing to dispense with oaths and traditions for the greater good, more specifically for the war against the dead.


Subete no aware
It made perfect sense, though. She's "Lannister uber alles", she can't bring herself to harm her own. It's why what Tyrion did is the ultimate crime to her - attacking her own family. She won't, in her mind, ever stoop to Tyrion's level.

Dany, on the other hand, is all about being a Targ, but didn't give two shits when the original Targ heir to the throne got his face melted off. That's the difference. Although to be honest I've never really understood that, how little she processed that... that her brother, the true king of Westeros as much as she's now the true queen, just got killed by some savage horselord and she was alright because he was a dickhead. But then she was all about her own birthright from then on. Whole thing never really rang true for me.

I think that was to show deep down beneath all the crazy she still does have some love / heart left

I mean, debates about the actual content itself (I think Cersei is stupidly irredeemable and this pregnancy thing changing her entire outlook is already as cliche as her change after the haircut), I just think that having the same scene play out twice is just bad writing. If they wanted to bring that up by having her confront both her brothers, they should have found a way to create two different types of confrontations. Hell, maybe have Cersei aim a crossbow at Tyrion so that it at least looked different from the subsequent Jaime scene.


I kind of do, and intentionally putting her hand on her belly when she was talking to Tyrion seemed like she wanted him to think that, and not the oops, you caught me reaction she had afterwards...
It wasn't the belly rubbing (though it may have been part of it) - she didn't drink her wine


Nah, keep it going. Targaryen tradition. Pretty sure Viserys would have married her if he didn't need to pawn her off to get an army to take back the Iron Throne.

He was really openly touchy and amorous with her during his stint in the show.
Dany won't be bothered by the incest, but she was raised as a Targ, Jon was raised as a Stark so he will be bothered by it. Dany will have an inner conflict about him being the heir to the throne over her, and propose marriage, but the incest won't phase her at all, she may even prefer it if not for the whole line of succession thing.


Yeah that makes sense. Combined with what others pointed out about Littlefinger threatening the Knights' commander. But I still think he needed a fair trial and getting hung for his crimes. Getting his throat gashed by Arya in front of all the lords and stuff just felt out of character. It's something Ramsay would do.

That scene was his trial.


Jon didn't break his oath then. The Night's watch was made to watch for white walkers; not wildlings.

What oath did he break and why?

Why did he not break this oath?

(there's a theme there, I promise)

The Night's Watch is to take no part or stance in the Seven Kingdom's politics or wars and by deciding to retake Winterfell that's a clear position and breaking of his oath.

That doesn't even touch the time when he was undercover and did things such as sleeping with Ygritte.


The Night's Watch is to take no part or stance in the Seven Kingdom's politics or wars and by deciding to retake Winterfell that's a clear position and breaking of his oath.

That doesn't even touch the time when he was undercover and did things such as sleeping with Ygritte.
Right be he even mentions the whole "until death" part of the oath, and...well...


It isn't keeping with his personality. Jon's already shown himself to be willing to dispense with oaths and traditions for the greater good, more specifically for the war against the dead.

The Night's Watch is to take no part or stance in the Seven Kingdom's politics or wars and by deciding to retake Winterfell that's a clear position and breaking of his oath.

That doesn't even touch the time when he was undercover and did things such as sleeping with Ygritte.

And why did he do that? And why did he keep this oath?

The reasons are the same. His writing is consistent.


Is the zombie dragon shooting fire or lasers?

Fire seems like a bad idea around wights.

Blue fire = good.

Well, bad. Bad for everyone except the white walkers.

Now comes the question, if you're hit with blue fire, do you become a white walker or just die?


The Night's Watch is to take no part or stance in the Seven Kingdom's politics or wars and by deciding to retake Winterfell that's a clear position and breaking of his oath.

That doesn't even touch the time when he was undercover and did things such as sleeping with Ygritte.

Jons oath ended with his death. It's right in the words of the oath

He broke his oath when he deserted briefly and when he bangs Ygritte but the latter was in service to the watch anyway


I like the name Jon Sand

The truly ridiculous thing about that scene was that the whole season Bran was just waiting to tell Jon that actually the most important piece of information was that he was a bastard from a different country... rather than y'know... the true heir to the Targaryen dynasty. Thank goodness Sam was there.


Junior Member
Why would he go by Aegon? He has never been called that ever.


We don't all call Goku Kakarot, so we shouldn't call Jon Aegon, and that's final.


I think I missed something but when did Sansa find out Littlefinger was full of shit or she just knew it all along?

Nah, the storyline wasn't that fleshed out. We have to assume that Bran told Arya and Sansa secretly in what LF was going to do and they played him like a fiddle thinking that each sister was against each other.


As someone who was given a name at birth, and then adopted and given a different name, Jon's name is Jon and will always be Jon. Fuck outta here with this Aegon shit.
Dany won't be bothered by the incest, but she was raised as a Targ, Jon was raised as a Stark so he will be bothered by it. Dany will have an inner conflict about him being the heir to the throne over her, and propose marriage, but the incest won't phase her at all, she may even prefer it if not for the whole line of succession thing.

It's going to be very interesting how they handle it.

I feel like a lot of Dany's character has been about her shedding the Targaryen tradition and becoming her own type of ruler based on her own view.

This is another one of those Targaryen traditions for her to grapple with (no pun intended).


The Night's Watch is to take no part or stance in the Seven Kingdom's politics or wars and by deciding to retake Winterfell that's a clear position and breaking of his oath.
Jon made it clear he didn't consider himself part of the night's watch anymore with him having died.
That doesn't even touch the time when he was undercover and did things such as sleeping with Ygritte.
Hey. The oath doesn't say you can't have sex.

Yes. These are more technicalities.


I think I missed something but when did Sansa find out Littlefinger was full of shit or she just knew it all along?

When LF had his convo with her outside on the wall, and the conclusion was Arya wanted to be Lady of Winterfell. Sansa knew that was bullshit and Arya wouldn't be there to be after that end.


semen stains the mountaintops
Arya: You're back, Jon!

*Jon in a wheelchair*

Jon: I'm no longer Jon, not really. I'm Aegon Targaryen.
Also a nice reminder that Ned had a falling out with Robert after Robert ordered a hit on Dany (from season 1)

Robert Baratheon: The whore is pregnant.
Eddard Stark: You're speaking of murdering a child.
Robert Baratheon: I warned you this would happen, back in the North. I warned you, but you didn't care to hear. Well, hear it now: I want them dead. Mother and child both, and that fool Viserys as well. Is that plain enough for you? I want them both dead.
Eddard Stark: You'll dishonor yourself forever if you do this.
Robert Baratheon: Honor? I've got Seven Kingdoms to rule! One king, Seven Kingdoms! Do you think honor keeps them in line? Do you think it's honor that's keeping the peace? It's fear! Fear and blood!
Eddard Stark: Then we're no better than the Mad King!
Robert Baratheon: Careful, Ned, careful now!
Eddard Stark: The narrow sea still lies between us. I'll fear the Dothraki the day they teach their horses to run on water.
Robert Baratheon: Do nothing. That's your wise advice? Do nothing 'til our enemies are on our shores? You're my council: counsel! Speak sense to this honorable fool!
Lord Varys: I understand your misgivings, my lord. Truly, I do. It is a terrible thing we must consider, a vile thing. Yet we who presume to rule must sometimes do vile things for the good of the realm. Should the gods grant Daenerys a son, the realm will bleed.
Grand Maester Pycelle: I bear this girl no ill will, how many innocents will die? How many towns will burn? Is it not wiser, kinder even, that she should die now so that tens of thousands might live?
Renly Baratheon: We should've had them both killed years ago.
Petyr Baelish: When you find yourself in bed with an ugly woman, best close your eyes, get it over with. Cut her throat. Be done with it.
Eddard Stark: [walks right up to Robert] I followed you into war. Twice. Without doubts, without second thoughts. But I will not follow you now. The Robert I grew up with didn't tremble at the shadow of an unborn child.
Robert Baratheon: She dies.
Eddard Stark: I will have no part in it.
Robert Baratheon: You're the King's Hand, Lord Stark. You'll do as I command, or I'll find me a Hand who will.
Eddard Stark: [takes off his badge of office and tosses it onto the table in front of Robert] And good luck to him. I thought you were a better man.
Robert Baratheon: Out. Out, damn you, I'm done with you!
[Ned turns and walks out]
Robert Baratheon: Go, run back to Winterfell! I'll have your head on a spike!
[Ned walking through the throne room as Robert's shouts trail after him]
Robert Baratheon: I'll find her myself, you fool! You think you're too good for this? Too proud and honorable? This is a war!
He broke his oath when he deserted briefly and when he bangs Ygritte but the latter was in service to the watch anyway

That's where you are wrong.

"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

There is nothing here that says he shouldn't be able to bang.


The truly ridiculous thing about that scene was that the whole season Bran was just waiting to tell Jon that actually the most important piece of information was that he was a bastard from a different country... rather than y'know... the true heir to the Targaryen dynasty. Thank goodness Sam was there.

Haha yeah I found that pretty funny

He really really wanted Jon to know his real last name was Sand
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