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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


See... I told yall I'm not the only one confused.

I thought it was that guy for a second but realized he would of been a child then.

They didn't talk about how dany had an older brother enough.

If I ever write a psychology textbook, I'm going to include a screen cap of this under the definition of "confirmation bias".
That would be one hell of a twist if they go the route of Tyrion betraying Dany. In a way I could see it considering he seems to be a bit torn lately on how he views her

That was more about Jamie though. With him out he's got even less reason to worry about anything involving being the last Lannister.

It would be so out of character for him to betray Dany/Jon/etc.


Satisfying and dense finale. Even Winterfell paid off nicely after shaky steps getting there. Going to need more screen time next season for Sam and Bran to perfect their endgame lore comedy routine. Starks and friends are on the come up.

Lannister scenes were all great, Lena Headey was the MVP of the episode and probably the season. Interesting to see Jaime marching north with a lingering shot on the golden hand, #teamjaime for Azor Ahai is alive.


For S8,
Episode 1: Sam "googles" all the secrets of westeros by having a chat with Bran
Episode 2: they bring about world peace.
Episode 3 is a beach episode and everything else is just shipping


Neighbours from Hell
In the series finale:

"So now that the Night King's dead, how are we going to rebuild the wall?"

"I know someone who can help..."


Sorry, had to do it


Reminder to everyone saying "fuck Robert" that he was betrothed to Lyanna.
Also that Rhaegar had two healthy children and went wife-scouting so he can have a third after finding out his wife can't handle another.

Not saying it's right as Lyanna shouldn't be married to someone she doesn't like, I understand that. But why is Rhaegar put on a pedestal?

Quite difficult to answer this question in this thread since Rhaegar is barely talked about in the show. There's no indication though that Rhaegar mistreated his children in any way outside of probably removing their claim to the throne. What we do know is that Rhaegar is incredibly well loved by high born and common people alike. So you and Robert Barratheon are about the only ones that have a problem with the guy.
That was more about Jamie though. With him out he's got even less reason to worry about anything involving being the last Lannister.

I'm referring to her burning the shit out of people that won't bend the knee. That never sat well with Tyrion after she did that and he seemed legit worried about it.


Wait, really?

I thought the guy we saw was the guy who got killed by molten metal...in season 1 or 2.

So confused.

This is fair. They made Rhaegar look way too much like Viserys. For non-book readers that shit is confusing. I know I was confused after the season 6 finale and had to look at wikis to know who the fuck Rhaegar Targareyn was. Yes they mention him a few times in prior seasons but if you don't know the history it doesn't mean anything. They mention a lot of backstory that's quickly glossed over on the show.


That Tyrion and Cersei scene made me tear up. I love those 2 together so fucking much. I hope they are plotting together.

Also, fucking hell, Lena Headey. Give her a fucking emmy, RIGHT NOW. Holy shit.

Also tyrion just racked up all the Ls this season. Every single plan of his blew up in his face spectacularly.

I mean, they could have marched on the West end of the wall where there's miles of unobstructed land, but yeah they were marching on Eastwatch with.... some plan to get through it?
Welp, that was a good episode of Game of Thrones. But finale-wise? Probably one of the bottom ones.

Cersei continues to be boring to watch. Imagine the worst thing she can do, and she'll do it.

Little Finger death wasn't near as satisfying as I hoped it would be. I watched a few minutes of behind the scenes after the credits, and creators were talking about how that buildup was so good because "you could really believe the sisters could kill each other." No, you couldn't...

The Euron faint was stupid too. I refuse to think about it too much, because it becomes absolutely silly the more you think about it.

There were lots of good scenes in this episode. Just nothing memorable. I think my favorite part was Bran not being a boring stick finally.


So it was essentially consequence-less?

Dany lost one of her armies temporarily when Greyworm's fleet was sunk. They were alive but had a long march ahead to help in any way. This screwed with their plans and was why she landed the Dothraki and attacked the loot train by Blackwater Rush.

Given that they weren't able to come back into play until Dany was meeting with Cersei about a truce shows how bad losing their ships affected them.

The Euron faint was stupid too. I refuse to think about it too much, because it becomes absolutely silly the more you think about it.

I thought it was good - it fooled me (mainly because it was so hilarious that I could see it being legit), but more to the point there was little reason for Dany and Co. to really doubt it at the time. They could certainly work out that his fleet headed to Essos instead, but that would be later and not during the meeting.


Do you guys think Tyrion was jealous of Jon?

Or was it that he knows Jon's lineage?


He just suspects Dany falling in love with Jon could cause some complications. This has already been evidenced throughout the season, with her rushing across the wall to go save him, and then once again putting her life at greater risk this episode by deciding to ride with him instead of listening to Jorah's reasonable suggestion to take a dragon. Not to mention the potential complications on Jon's side of things.

Tyrion's shadowed expression in that scene is the show's attempt to telegraph that their romance comes with risks. Once again, love is given a conflicted role. It's Robb all over again.


we have to research shows now in order to follow them? I stand by my statement. They should have shown him in more flashbacks and connected the dots better.
there's nothing to stand by, you're just flat wrong. A poster linked a 10 min. video on all the scenes since s1 where they talk about all of this. You don't have to research, you just have to pay a little bit of attention. Not sure why some people need a Dora the Explorer map to connect things.
Wait are people thinking that Tyrion told Cersei to just pretend to send support?

Why doesn't Aegon/Jon have silver hair? I never asked this before..
I'm referring to her burning the shit out of people that won't bend the knee. That never sat well with Tyrion after she did that and he seemed legit worried about it.

That too. Further reason I think it'd be weird for him to betray.

I was just bringing up something about him not being as torn about her as he seemed. I thought his divided scene in the big battle where he was questioning himself was more about watching Jamie.
Dany lost one of her armies temporarily when Greyworm's fleet was sunk. They were alive but had a long march ahead to help in any way. This screwed with their plans and was why she landed the Dothraki and attacked the loot train by Blackwater Rush.

Given that they weren't able to come back into play until Dany was meeting with Cersei about a truce shows how bad losing their ships affected them.

Not to mention there wasn't any food in Casterly Rock, so they had rumbly tummies too! Rough time.


Tyrion being a little creeper outside the door while Jon and Dany were fucking has to mean something right?
It reminds me of the scene after Jon took back Winterfell. You see Davos staring at Mel with a similar creepy look while holding the stag toy he gave to Shireen. I think that Tyrion is thinking about Cersei's child and is worried that Dany would kill it.


Seriously though when Cersei nodded to the mountain and he half drew his sword on Jaime I about lost my shit. Pretty sure my heart stopped.
Quite difficult to answer this question in this thread since Rhaegar is barely talked about in the show. There's no indication though that Rhaegar mistreated his children in any way outside of probably removing their claim to the throne. What we do know is that Rhaegar is incredibly well loved by high born and common people alike. So you and Robert Barratheon are about the only ones that have a problem with the guy.

I know what they say about him. Yet he cast his children aside before the war even begun so he could have his union of Ice and Fire.
I just can't see Rhaegar as a good person, he may have been before but this marriage changed that.

So Ned, Brandon and many other Lords when the war begun were fine with Rhaegar?
Robert was not the only one to say what he said about Rhaegar.

How is that a good man?
we have to research shows now in order to follow them? I stand by my statement. They should have shown him in more flashbacks and connected the dots better.

My god, can you just let it go? It has been proven. You missed a major and obvious plot point that almost everyone had no trouble following for years. The end.

It's okay to be mistaken with something as insignificant as as fucking TV show. Just move the hell on.
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