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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Hell yes. Shows that she is not at all afraid to punish those who piss her off.

I am loving her character development from a scared slave girl for a Karl to becoming this queenly leader who is freeing all these cities with almost no losses whatsoever on her side.

I mean she has thrown down what, 3 cities now? She has a pretty large army to go along with the growing dragons.

Going to be interesting how she decides to cross the sea into Westeros. I had a brainfart and forgot all about them being across the sea and that being why the Dothraki are not considered threats in the first place to most lol.

Yup. Astapor, Yunkai, and now Meereen.

The smart move would probably be to stay where she's at until her dragons are fully grown, but I doubt she will. Surely she has enough for as many ships as she needs at this point.


I REAAAALLY want to see more walking through deserts, pitching tents, and freeing slaves.

From the preview it sounds like
she now owns everything important on the desert continent except for Bravos
, so her conquest is bound to get more interesting.

I kind of wish her taking of Mereen was more than a just a single scene of a noble getting gang banged in an alley. I understand it happened fast but at least one more shot of a couple nobles getting killed(in the city, not on the crosses) would have been much more satisfying.


Man there is so much nastiness on this show and they keep introducing more. The best ending to me is one big happy one. Would probably surprise a lot of people too lol. Other than Dany none of the good guys had many victories.

I hope the muniteer story gets wrapped up fast as well as the snow/Locke story. It's such a cliche plot device and I hate those. Would be cool if Locke sees the real danger lies beyond the wall and decides to join the nights watch for good but I know that won't happen.
They just clash too hard with the somewhat grounded reality of the show. I'm far more interested in the cloak-and-dagger political intrigue of Westeros than some stupid looking zombies that have only been a vague threat for like 4 seasons now.

Dude, the White Walkers are far from fucking zombies.

They can create an army of zombies, but they can practically destroy the entire continent if they cross over the wall.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Am I the only one who can't help but see Kevin McDonald with a beard from Kids in the Hall when Locke is on screen? It's almost ruined his character for me.


What is this talk "13 white wakers". Did I miss something in the episode? I only remember seeing 2 (the one on the horse and darth maul).


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
What is this talk "13 white wakers". Did I miss something in the episode? I only remember seeing 2 (the one on the horse and darth maul).

I think they were in the background, out of focus.


...or Margaery, one of the few seemingly morally balanced characters on the show, is smart enough to recognise a sexually oblivious/inexperienced pubescent boy will probably not respond reliably to blatant sexual advances and given this is a long term goal with severe repercussions should she fail/is caught is better off playing her cards carefully and becoming someone Tommen can fully trust.

The goal is to make Tommen desire her. The more subtly she can do it the less the risk and the more she has to work with in the long term.



Man there is so much nastiness on this show and they keep introducing more. The best ending to me is one big happy one. Would probably surprise a lot of people too lol. Other than Dany none of the good guys had many victories.

...or Margaery, one of the few seemingly morally balanced characters on the show, is smart enough to recognise a sexually oblivious/inexperienced pubescent boy will probably not respond reliably to blatant sexual advances and given this is a long term goal with severe repercussions should she fail/is caught is better off playing her cards carefully and becoming someone Tommen can fully trust.

The goal is to make Tommen desire her. The more subtly she can do it the less the risk and the more she has to work with in the long term.

I thought it wasn't believable as this setting is based on our medieval period, when people were considered adults as soon as they hit puberty. Tommen is, what, 15 ? Margery shouldn't have any qualms about anything sexual with him. I thought her teasing him, followed by a kiss on the forehead was a decision on the part of the producers to avoid controversy because Americans would be all like "oh an adult kissing a teenager ! PEDOPHILIA".

Yeah, big fucking deal.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought it wasn't believable as this setting is based on our medieval period, when people were considered adults as soon as they hit puberty. Tommen is, what, 15 ? Margery shouldn't have any qualms about anything sexual with him. I thought her teasing him, followed by a kiss on the forehead was a decision on the part of the producers to avoid controversy because Americans would be all like "oh an adult kissing a teenager ! PEDOPHILIA".

Yeah, big fucking deal.

I'm pretty sure he's younger than 15, wasn't Joffrey only 15-16?


I thought it wasn't believable as this setting is based on our medieval period, when people were considered adults as soon as they hit puberty. Tommen is, what, 15 ? Margery shouldn't have any qualms about anything sexual with him. I thought her teasing him, followed by a kiss on the forehead was a decision on the part of the producers to avoid controversy because Americans would be all like "oh an adult kissing a teenager ! PEDOPHILIA".

Yeah, big fucking deal.

There's a pretty good scene in that movie. That's all I'll say.
I thought he was 19 or 20 ? I'm sure he's younger in the books, but the TV show upped the age of every character.

I think you might be citing the actors ages for both Tommen and Jofferey.

EDIT: Yup, they were born in '97 and '92 respectively. Can't find confirmation for the characters ages, but I thought I read somewhere that Tommen is supposed to be about 12 in the show right now...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I thought it wasn't believable as this setting is based on our medieval period, when people were considered adults as soon as they hit puberty. Tommen is, what, 15 ? Margery shouldn't have any qualms about anything sexual with him. I thought her teasing him, followed by a kiss on the forehead was a decision on the part of the producers to avoid controversy because Americans would be all like "oh an adult kissing a teenager ! PEDOPHILIA".

Yeah, big fucking deal.

Yeah, but you're projecting your belief of producer concerns of controversy on a scene that would not have necessarily benefited from the change you're suggesting let alone been relevant to the characters. Just because it's medieval fantasy, and the lore is pretty flexible with sexual relations with children, doesn't mean it's relevant to this particular scene.

Think of the characters involved, their age, their mannerisms, and their goals. Tommen is just a boy. A boy that I'm sure at his age has sexual thoughts. But still a boy. One seemingly more concerned about his cat Sir Pounce than the hot chick in front of him who is also kinda giving him goose bumps because girls. Tommen is also displayed as relatively level headed, while also a bit shy and concerned about his situation.

Margaery is a morally balanced individual who desires to become queen but not at the expense of others and certainly not her own life. She's going to be trapped in King's Landing without protection from the other Tyrells while also being hunted by Cersei who'll be watching over Tommen like a hawk.

Hypothetically, Margaery's advances against Tommen, a clearly sexually oblivious child, spook or confuse him. Loose lips sink ships. He says the wrong thing, or no longer feels comfortable with her, and its her head on a stick. Tommen doesn't just have Margaery in his ear. He has Cersei. He has Tywin. He has the lords. He has a whole bunch of people telling him all kinds of shit as he struggles to now become king, after his sociopath older brother was murdered for the same thing.

Margaery seems to pretty accurately read Tommen's innocence and insecurities that come with his age. Listen to the dialogue, the way she tells him to tell her a secret, lets him open up a little about Joffrey, and supports his belief that his brother was cruel while letting him explain his own personality a little. Margaery does want to become queen, but the only way that's going to work in the current climate at King's Landing is to get the support of Tommen, which isn't going to happen if she throws herself on him sexually.

She sees that Tommen, the soon-to-be child king, probably just needs a friend. And she, a person that wants to get into power with Tommen, has the perfect opening in befriending him. I assume she has many more months to work with Tommen, all the while avoiding Cersei poisoning/assassinating her. No point rushing in just yet, not when she barely knows him and him her.

EDIT: The TLDR would be that you're right in that the kiss was very deliberate, but I don't think for the reasons you suggest. It wasn't an innocent kiss because producers fear backlash, but an innocent kiss because Margaery read Tommen's character and made the right call for the moment. Reny wanted to fuck/get fucked by Loris. Joffrey wanted to use hookers as target practice. Tommen just wants to play with kittens. Margaery has consistently shaped her interactions with all three of these characters based on their personality.


Yeah, I get the sense that Margery is reeling Tommen in nice and easy. Swooping in and then going for the forehead kiss on his bed in secret is a hell of an opening move. I know a lip assault would have left me terrified when I was Tommen's age.


thanks. i completely forgot but then again his character has being forgettable so far at least.
The same could be said about Tommen up until now.

Rickon might play a huge role in the future.

This was the best episode so far of the so far best season of the show. Just incredible. Reading through the thread it seems like most people have 1-2 storylines they don't like (usually Daenerys or Bran & Co.) but I'm glad to say I find everything interesting. They're doing an awesome job of making it feel like there's purpose to what all the different characters are doing. The only character I can't stand is Cersei. Bad actress and boring character, it's almost hard to understand what her goal is other than making life miserable for everyone around her. Can't wait for her to die or at least lose her power.
Huh? She's an amazing actress. One of the best on the show.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Maybe I missed the discussion: but when Locke was telling Jon that he killed 300 children by sticking a poisoned partridge in a cake...does that also confirm that it was how Joffrey was poisoned? Clearly it wasn't Locke's doing, but the same method applied here it seems?

Edit: TOTALLY misheard what he said because of noise outside my house (landscapers). Had to rewatch properly. Ignore.


Maybe I missed the discussion: but when Locke was telling Jon that he killed 300 children by sticking a poisoned partridge in a cake...does that also confirm that it was how Joffrey was poisoned? Clearly it wasn't Locke's doing, but the same method applied here it seems?

Wait, what? Locke said he was sent to the Wall for poaching, didn't he? Where is this 300 children thing coming from?


Maybe I missed the discussion: but when Locke was telling Jon that he killed 300 children by sticking a poisoned partridge in a cake...does that also confirm that it was how Joffrey was poisoned? Clearly it wasn't Locke's doing, but the same method applied here it seems?
Did you miss the entire conversation with Sansa and Littlefinger at the beginning of the episode?

Also I don't think Locke discussed anything like that. I thought he said he was sent there for poaching to get food for his own hungry children, and had to choose between losing a hand or taking the black as punishment.


Maybe I missed the discussion: but when Locke was telling Jon that he killed 300 children by sticking a poisoned partridge in a cake...does that also confirm that it was how Joffrey was poisoned? Clearly it wasn't Locke's doing, but the same method applied here it seems?

If this is a joke, it's not particularly funny. If it isn't then.... you're just imagining stuff.
thanks. i completely forgot but then again his character has being forgettable so far at least.

I don't even know what Bran is supposed to be doing. Heading north because his visions are telling him he needs to? And I understand not having legs would suck but i'm getting real tired of his shit. He pretty much got the group caught by getting his dog trapped and then refusing to leave the house with the armed rapists. You think he would at least have come up with an alternate identity or reason for being up north just in case they got caught one day.

I REAAAALLY want to see more walking through deserts, pitching tents, and freeing slaves.

For real. If we have to see one more "I am Daenarys Stormborn, mother of dragons, breaker of chains, giver of speeches...". Atleast let us enjoy some CG dragons if there's yet another city they have to conquer.

Huh? She's an amazing actress. One of the best on the show.

I think she's a good actress, she's just not being given much in the way of range to work with. Cersei has made it a full time job being pissed at everyone for everything. Even with Jaime, she grills him on making a vow to Catelyn, then asks for his help in killing Sansa, then calls him Lord Commander and coldly dismisses him. I'm glad Jaime had the balls to say to her face than Tyrion is innocent. It kind of makes last weeks relapse back to scumbaggery even more of a weird blip on the radar if he's still going to be honorable. Maybe the rape was him getting that last bit of poison out of his system before turning Paladin.


I'm watching a documentary about meth use in Fresno, and there's a brother and sister who sleep together, and the guy's wife said he claimed he and his sisters 'belong together', I've never heard of real-life sibling incest, some fucked up shit. They don't look like they're doing it to keep the bloodline clean either.


That last shot was some Minas Morgul shit.

This show looks anything but cheap. In fact, I am constantly surprised at how good it looks, how the sets don't even look like sets and the vistas they manage to present.
Lots happened, maybe too much in a short amount of time but I really enjoyed it and I thought it was visually one of the best I've seen from the show.


Don't be so judgemental.
I think it's okay to be judgmental in some instances, although the show also claimed meth causes an inflated sexual drive, so maybe the incest was more the result of that than choice or whatever.

It was just surprising, any time I've heard of it in real life it's like generational incest, not siblings.


The dynamic lighting of blue/orange and the 'prettyness' of a lot of the scenes really shows how 'fake' some sets are. It's like the Hobbit.
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