If Ned had just said no to being the Hand of the King, everything would be fine.
Until Dany shows up in a few years with dragons to murder everybody.
I would have been okay with this.
If Ned had just said no to being the Hand of the King, everything would be fine.
Until Dany shows up in a few years with dragons to murder everybody.
I would have been okay with this.
I can't remember exactly, but how would that work?
Renly sits the Iron Throne and Robb is King in the North. The North stays independent yet Robb still answers to the Iron Throne.
I think at that moment it sounded alright but it would probably lead to more war.
Unless Robert sends a killer on her way like he wanted to in the first or second episode.
“Plots are just excuses for great writing. What the plot is is (almost) irrelevant. The pleasure is in the writing,” said Christenfeld, a UC San Diego professor of social psychology.
Studies can say what they want, but being spoiled for me has never been as enjoyable as when I'm completely floored when something happens that I don't expect.Some hope for those spoiled. Studies have found that spoilers don't diminish the enjoyment of a story, and may even increase it.
It's why we watch Romeo & Juliet again, even though we know they are going to die by the end (hell, even Shakespeare tells you they'll die right at the beginning: "From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life").
Unfortunately for us spoiled, we can never know if we would have been better off not knowing about the Red and Purple Weddings, as we can only experience them once. I was spoiled for both, and while I knew it was coming, but I loved the tension and building dread of the Red Wedding, and the amazing writing of the whole of Joffrey's wedding feast. There were also parts that are different from the book that no one was expecting, which means no one can fully say what happens in the TV series.
Unless Robert sends a killer on her way like he wanted to in the first or second episode.
I think it was Jaime who started the chain of events that led to the red wedding. Keep in mind that Ned found out about Cersei and Jaime on his own. Jaime attacks Ned and flees. Robb Stark captures Jaime. Jaime kills Karstark's son. Cat frees Jaime because she wants her daughters. Karstark poppa gets angry and kills Lannister boys. Robb stark kills Karstark. Karstark banner withdraws from Robb's army. Robb is forced to go to Frey for replacements and the rest is history.Haha, blame Bran. If he kept his promise to Cat to stop climbing things none of this would have happened.
I think it was Jaime who started the chain of events that led to the red wedding. Keep in mind that Ned found out about Cersei and Jaime on his own. Jaime attacks Ned and flees. Robb Stark captures Jaime. Jaime kills Karstark's son. Cat frees Jaime because she wants her daughters. Karstark poppa gets angry and kills Lannister boys. Robb stark kills Karstark. Karstark banner withdraws from Robb's army. Robb is forced to go to Frey for replacements and the rest is history.
Only a few more hours until the season is half over![]()
Man, if Tyrion was in place of Robb Stark he would have conquered the entire Westeros by now. He'd have kept Shae as well as Talisa.It was Talisa, that heartless wench. Robb had a plan to destroy the Lannisters. He would lose the Karstarks but he would still have the Freys, before she seduced him and made him break his vow to marry one of the Freys, which pissed off Walder Frey and caused him to plot Robb's murder.
I love that the woman who just ordered the death by crucifixion of hundreds of people is one of the nice ones.
I think it was Jaime who started the chain of events that led to the red wedding. Keep in mind that Ned found out about Cersei and Jaime on his own. Jaime attacks Ned and flees. Robb Stark captures Jaime. Jaime kills Karstark's son. Cat frees Jaime because she wants her daughters. Karstark poppa gets angry and kills Lannister boys. Robb stark kills Karstark. Karstark banner withdraws from Robb's army. Robb is forced to go to Frey for replacements and the rest is history.
I think it was Jaime who started the chain of events that led to the red wedding. Keep in mind that Ned found out about Cersei and Jaime on his own. Jaime attacks Ned and flees. Robb Stark captures Jaime. Jaime kills Karstark's son. Cat frees Jaime because she wants her daughters. Karstark poppa gets angry and kills Lannister boys. Robb stark kills Karstark. Karstark banner withdraws from Robb's army. Robb is forced to go to Frey for replacements and the rest is history.
Wow we're going back in time now.
Speaking of which, who actually owned the dagger that was used to try to kill Bran after he fell? Was it actually Tyrion's?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Tyrion said something to the effect of "why would I send an assassin with my own dagger?"
I love that the woman who just ordered the death by crucifixion of hundreds of people is one of the nice ones.
To be fair, these are the same people that killed over 100 slaves for no reason other than to intimidate Dany and more than likely would have plotted to have her killed if they had lived.
How long does it usually take for episodes to show up on HBO GO?
What's Cersei scheming?
She's being way too cool right now.
wait, they had a relationship all long? and she murdered the hand (her husband)? bombs are dropping