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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Yeah Cerci condemns him for it, and he says he will go to war with anyone for her.

"The war for Cercis cunt" line came from that exchange.

Oh yeah, now I remember. Thanks.

Edit: ^^^ Now you've reminded me with more context, because it was his knife, it's very slim that it was him who sent the assassin, Jamie isn't that dumb. So there is definitely a possibility it was Littlefinger, nameless could be right.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
I feel like a bad man for getting such a charge out of Hodor killing Locke.

Another somewhat slow episode that is laying some more groundwork for the rest of the season. Nice that they finished it off with a really strong, action-packed final 15 minutes.

is he just now able to take over hodor ? cause it would have saved a lot of fustration if he could do it all along. plus I thought they stabbed hodor in the legs?


erotic butter maelstrom
There are other episodes that support it was him. Jamie doesn't deny it when asked as a prisoner Tryrion doesn't say that his knife was missing only that if he were to do it he wouldn't use his own knife.
He also had very good reason to want Bran dead. I doubt he'd just shrug his survival off and move on, knowing what the kid saw.
is he just now able to take over hodor ? cause it would have saved a lot of fustration if he could do it all along. plus I thought they stabbed hodor in the legs?

Bran has used his power to take over Hodor before. Last season he used to get him to shut up when the wildlings were in the area. He probably waited to take over Hodor because he knew that Night's Watch had arrived and was fighting the men at Craster's Keep. They were distracted and Bran & co. could make a get away.
is he just now able to take over hodor ? cause it would have saved a lot of fustration if he could do it all along. plus I thought they stabbed hodor in the legs?

He's warged into Hodor a few times now, but nothing like this. I doubt he could have done it sooner to their benefit. Before the black came to kill the mutineers there were far too many enemies around. Hodor might be a beast but there's no way he could take down all of those guys, not even the few that were in the tent right before the raid.
Man, I got teared eyed when Brann was calling Jon's name... A Stark reunion is needed. Stark's aunt is really bat shit crazy.

Littlefinger is a fucking genius. Clearly the most cunning and calculating man. I have a feeling he and Varys are the most intelligent people in the series, even ahead of Tyrion and then Tywin who I consider next in that order. Can't believe he convinced her to kill her husband and make it seem like the Lannisters did it. Add to that, putting the Kingdom in massive debt through the years, killing Ned so he can have Catelyn, and now try to kill Tyrion so Sansa who reminds him of his mother goes onto his arms.. all the while killing Joffrey in the process. What other plans has this crazy bastard cooked up? His endgame surely has to be one of the best moments in Game of Thrones, my expectations for that scene are at the absolute highest.

Jon has been kinda dull for me for a while, went from one of my favorites from season 1 to a character I quite like but off the top list.. but season 4 has been really good for him. A badass leader that's getting shit done.

It looks like Oberyn has calmed down on the Lannister hate.. he better be playing along until he stabs one of them in the heart. :D

Sansa looks to be finally developing. She was the worst liar in King's Landing according to Littlefinger during the end of season 1 I believe, and she totally manipulated her batshit crazy aunt in this episode. She's
slowly developing a brain, I'm liking her more and more. Also, how much torture does this girl have to deal with? FFS.

Next episode looks great based on the preview
His trial begins. yes.gif

Based on the preview, Tywin seems to condemn Tyrion as well. I can understand Cersei thinking Tyrion did it but fucking Tywin being so narrow minded? Or it's likely he just wants him dead and is being as usual, a prick father. Tyrion has been shitted on all season, you have to think at this point he's going to come out swinging by the end but I don't see how here...

Would love it if Oberyn and Tyrion partnered, mostly because he has no one else other than his brother on his side. Still, that's 2/3 votes to kill him...
Locke paid the price for to messing with Bran.

Anyone think the Starks are going to stop dying only when winter has finally come and will begin their counter attack in the series after being killed physically and mentally during the entire series?

I voted for Littlefinger as one of my 3 preferred choices for the throne and this episode just made me even more assured in my pick. He would be an awesome choice.
That was obvious, does Arya even lift?

But its good to see she remembered her lessons.

Dat cartwheel tho............

I know, but I thought my "he'll smack some senes into her" comment had been pretty accurate. :)

Also, when the Littlefinger plot twist got revealed, I yelled at my TV "WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK". I seriously did not see that shit coming. I was certain that Jon Aryn's death and that whole plot was behind us.
Next episode looks great based on the preview
His trial begins. yes.gif

Based on the preview, Tywin seems to condemn Tyrion as well. I can understand Cersei thinking Tyrion did it but fucking Tywin being so narrow minded? Or it's likely he just wants him dead and is being as usual, a prick father. Tyrion has been shitted on all season, you have to think at this point he's going to come out swinging by the end but I don't see how here...

Would love it if Oberyn and Tyrion partnered, mostly because he has no one else other than his brother on his side. Still, that's 2/3 votes to kill him...

Cant wait until Stanis and the Iron Banker get into a bore off over the interest rate on his loan......he will fit right in


There are other episodes that support it was him. Jamie doesn't deny it when asked as a prisoner Tryrion doesn't say that his knife was missing only that if he were to do it he wouldn't use his own knife.

And this happens after the assassination attempt.

True, It did happen after the attempt on Bran's life which is why conversation doesn't make much sense had Jaime knowingly sent someone to kill a comatose boy."What if it comes back to him." "Then I will kill him." None of that follows under that scenario. Jaime wouldn't have threatened to kill him if he remembers [the push] had he already tried to kill when he was in a coma.


I knew bran would take over a wolf or Hodor once Jon got there, and the death scene was satisfying. I am bummed about Locke being dead, I was really hoping he would actually team up with Jon but oh well. Also I'm pretty bored of feeling sorry for Sansa.


Son of a bitch. Motherfucking Petyr "Chaos is a ladder" Baelish caused all the fucking problems on this series. That smarmy bastard.
Cant wait until Stanis and the Iron Banker get into a bore off over the interest rate on his loan......he will fit right in

hopefully it's short and half the episode revolves around the trial
Son of a bitch. Motherfucking Petyr "Chaos is a ladder" Baelish caused all the fucking problems on this series. That smarmy bastard.

Yup and people like him because he killed Joffrey, but if you think about it Joffrey would have never been in a position to do all the horrible things he did if Littlefinger didn't create that power vacuum.
I knew bran would take over a wolf or Hodor once Jon got there, and the death scene was satisfying. I am bummed about Locke being dead, I was really hoping he would actually team up with Jon but oh well. Also I'm pretty bored of feeling sorry for Sansa.

Locke was scum and his only intention was to take Bran and bring him to be a slave next to Reek. Glad he's dead.


"I did warn you not to trust me."

"You know what I learned losing that duel? I learned that I'll never win. Not that way. That's their game, their rules. I'm not going to fight them: I'm going to fuck them. That's what I know, that's what I am, and only by admitting what we are can we get what we want."


Locke was scum and his only intention was to take Bran and bring him to be a slave next to Reek. Glad he's dead.
I know he's a scumbag but he had personality lol. Also, I know he was sent to kidnap Bran but I thought he was warming up to Jon at Castle Black and that he would change his mind once they got to fighting. oh well.


I know he's a scumbag but he had personality lol. Also, I know he was sent to kidnap Bran but I thought he was warming up to Jon at Castle Black and that he would change his mind once they got to fighting. oh well.

This is the dude who cut off Jaime's hand just for funsies. He's not warming up to anyone, he's just there to do the job.


"You know what I learned losing that duel? I learned that I'll never win. Not that way. That's their game, their rules. I'm not going to fight them: I'm going to fuck them. That's what I know, that's what I am, and only by admitting what we are can we get what we want."

I know he's a scumbag but he had personality lol. Also, I know he was sent to kidnap Bran but I thought he was warming up to Jon at Castle Black and that he would change his mind once they got to fighting. oh well.

I felt like he was just using Jon to get what he wanted, Bran, lol. He did have personality though, that's for sure.
I know he's a scumbag but he had personality lol. Also, I know he was sent to kidnap Bran but I thought he was warming up to Jon at Castle Black and that he would change his mind once they got to fighting. oh well.
What lol? He was playing him, and very well. Boyo, you would die far too quickly in Westeros. :S

So I just rewatched the trailer again. It looks like Tyrell guy's chair looks the same as Cersei's... Is she going to sit on Oberyn's chair? Man fuck this, I'm not watching previews until after episode 9 for the rest of the season.
Holy shit Lord Baelish. His long con has been running since the fucking pilot, before the character was even introduced. Lysa's letter is what convinced Ned to say yes to becoming Hand, as Littlefinger knew it would. After getting him to King's Landing he then nudged Ned towards the truth about Lannister incest, and, given what we know now, he was definitely the one who sent the assassin after Bran. It was him the whole time, that brilliant little weasel. If you desire lands dominated by Wolves and Lions, what better way to conquerer the beasts than to set the against one another, and let nature run its course? Incredible.

That's what I was saying, This changes so much of what we've been lead to believe. It's crazy!

As soon as it was revealed that Littlefinger was behind it all, it really felt like the rug was pulled out from underneath me. I was trying to follow his thread back to the beginning with this new info in mind but so much has happened since then it's hard to remember what happened because of this and that. For how good he is at playing the game, I do think his one weakness is his love for Catelyn, and now for Sansa. I feel like smuggling her out of King's Landing was his heart making the move for once and not his mind and I think it might lead to his downfall in some way.

- Cersei seemed much too pleasant, something's up her sleeve.
- Sansa's life is just a nightmare. Even if she escapes somehow Cersei has people searching for her and she'll be killed.
- Kind of bummed that Khaleesi pretty much said "gonna keep liberating slave cities for a while". I felt like we were so close to seeing her at least begin planning her journey to Westeros. Selmy is gonna be dead by the time he sees some action.
- I thought it was strange none of the women at crastor's keep even mentioned that Bran and the others had gone missing.
- He was a piece of shit, but I'm kind of sad Locke is done. He was interesting to watch. I was kind of hoping for a Bran/Locke/Jon Snow altercation. Bolton's going to be pissed.
- Does "warging" someone or something enhance them somehow? Was Hodor always capable of ripping someone apart like that with his bare hands?

And lastly, I need more ice demons. Last weeks ending was so cool and got my mind racing with possibilities. I wonder if the babies were just a gift to keep the White Walkers from killing Crastor and his wives, or were they helping to delay them from moving further south and finding their own babies to turn. Anyway, can't wait for the trial next week.


erotic butter maelstrom
I want the series to culminate with beast mode Hodor and one of Dany's dragons going toe-to-toe with each other.
- Does "warging" someone or something enhance them somehow? Was Hodor always capable of ripping someone apart like that with his bare hands?

I don't think it does, but Hodor is a walking tank. Just like Osha said, he's a sweet giant. I don't think he himself could do harm to anyone, he's too simple and kind. But as long as Bran can control him, he could get him to do whatever his body is capable of.


Damn, apparently I didn't go far enough in my predictions about Littlefinger but I never would've expected he's that fucking clever. I always knew he was a major character and wasn't going to just disappear from the show and now he has Sansa which is the key to the North in his eyes.

I wouldn't be surprised if he just kills Lysa as soon as he can once he feels like the nobles will pledge fealty to him. They showed that pit in the middle of their castle AGAIN for a reason.

Clever man.

Disappointed Bran didn't get to see Jon at least, but was happy to see Wargdor snap Locke's neck. Bran's storyline is definitely intriguing due to the supernatural reveals that just lead to more questions.


Great episode in my opinion.

So close to Bran meeting Jon...so close. Now I bet another stark is going to die.
Preview Spoilers

I really hope they give Theon and the battle at Moat Cailin a lot of screen time next week. I'm sure Theon probably isn't ever going to be considered a central character but he's been my favorite in the series so far and this has been a long time coming. I'm sure the trial will be front and center but I hope they didn't brush Theon to the side because of it.


Whats the direwolves situation?

Sansa - Lady (dead)
Arya - Nymeria (missing?)
Robb - Greywind (dead)
Jon - Ghost (Alive)
Bran - Summer (Alive)
Rickon - Shaggydog (Alive?)

That's correct right?


I wouldn't be surprised if he just kills Lysa as soon as he can once he feels like the nobles will pledge fealty to him. They showed that pit in the middle of their castle AGAIN for a reason.
Knowing Littlefinger, he will kill her and fast. She knows too much and is obviously crazy and unstable.


Also, when the Littlefinger plot twist got revealed, I yelled at my TV "WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK". I seriously did not see that shit coming. I was certain that Jon Aryn's death and that whole plot was behind us.
Glad to know I wasn't the only one. That actually got to me as opposed to the Red Wedding sequence where I was mostly meh about it despite it killing off a bunch of main cast members.
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