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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I can't even remember what the Hound did to Arya and why she's with him anymore. Can someone remind me? I really need to rewatch this soon.

Arya, Gendry and Hot Pie bumped into the Brotherhood Without Banners after they escaped Harrenhal. While with them, the Brotherhood also captured The Hound. They gave him a trial by combat, hound won and they let him go.
The Brotherhood sold Gendry to Melisandre which made Arya mad and she left them. Soon after leaving the Brotherhood, The Hound captured Arya in the woods and took her to the Freys where her uncles wedding was gonna be. That didn't turn out well so now he's taking her to the Vale hoping Lysa will pay something for returning her back to the family.

Hope that refresh your memory from S3 :D


Man I was hoping the Hound would teach Arya some fighting moves, hopefully soon.

Also lol at Littlefinger giving that look to Lysa when she opened the door to reveal she is all ready to be married. He knew she was crazy, but not batshit insane!


I'm finding myself a bit lost with references to certain names/locations. Do you guys think starting the books would help me to better keep track? I could go back and re-watch some eps, but I think I'd rather do some reading and catch up with the show toward the end of this season or next.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Fucking jaysus christ, Littlefinger is such a sneaky bastard. Practically caused everything that has happened in the show

I was really surprised at Cersei and her interaction with Margaery. I was definitely expecting some big power struggle, not an open invitation for marriage. Assuming its some long game to win over tywin to kill tyrion and not honesty

Bran being a boss man and Jojen actually showing some skill finally.


I'm finding myself a bit lost with references to certain names/locations. Do you guys think starting the books would help me to better keep track? I could go back and re-watch some eps, but I think I'd rather do some reading and catch up with the show toward the end of this season or next.

Anyone that's read the books isn't supposed to be in here.


I'm finding myself a bit lost with references to certain names/locations. Do you guys think starting the books would help me to better keep track? I could go back and re-watch some eps, but I think I'd rather do some reading and catch up with the show toward the end of this season or next.

Yea definitely
Here's a prediction: when The Hound and Arya will get near Lysa's domain, Littlefinger will kill Lysa and her son. The Hound and Arya will turn back and change plans, not knowing that Littlefinger's "niece" is actually Sansa, preventing a reunion between the sisters.

Poor Sansa.

edit: not only will he kill Lysa, but I think there's a possibility of him killing her after she tries to have Sansa killed because she's a crazy psycho bitch. It would make it easier for Sansa to fall in love with him.


Aunt Lysa trying to get Sansa fat to make her unattractive

And her son is fucking nuts - like a polite version of Joffrey almost

Sansa is in for a ride


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I hope Sansa has some wits about her and takes a page from Margaery's book and learns to manipulate little Arryn. The boy clearly has issues so it shouldnt be too hard


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I find it ridiculous that she's still mad about that and blames Hound for it since it was Joffrey (or Cersei) who gave the order anyway.

The butchers boy was her best friend and that hole incident not only took that from her but her Direwolf too. She's young and understandably has anger issues so her still being angry makes sense
That and shes got her daddy's sense of justice


The butchers boy was her best friend and that hole incident not only took that from her but her Direwolf too. She's young and understandably has anger issues so her still being angry makes sense
That and shes got her daddy's sense of justice

Yeah but can you really blame The Hound for that? Same goes for Ilyn Payne. One's a bodyguard and another a royal executioner. They were just doing their jobs, it was Joffrey who gave the orders to have her friend or father killed..
Ah well..


Poor Tyrion. Getting the short end if the stick because of Baelish.

Implicated in the death of Joffrey because of Peytr.

Accused of attempting to kill Bran in his sleep because of Peytr.

I guess Peytr doesn't like Tyrion. Have they ever had an onscreen conversation?
Poor Tyrion. Getting the short end if the stick because of Baelish.

Implicated in the death of Joffrey because of Peytr.

Accused of attempting to kill Bran in his sleep because of Peytr.

I guess Peytr doesn't like Tyrion. Have they ever had an onscreen conversation?

They had several in season 2 when Tyrion was on the small council.


So Peytr's goal is to have everything. He mentioned that he doesn't play the game of thrones the way people in power do.

Since Jon Aaryn knew of Cersi and Jamie's relationship was the purpose of killing him a way to avoid disrupting peace in realm and his agenda?

I wonder if Varys knows.
If Littlefinger marries Sansa, do you think she'll take his name or will he take hers ? Baelish is not a high-born name and Littlefinger plans on marrying Sansa because she can rally the North behind her. By taking her name, wouldn't Littlefinger make it more likely to have influence on Northerners ?


I'll be in mexico next week so I won't be able to see the next episode until the 16th. Hopefully no one spoils anything for me on Facebook!


Yeah but can you really blame The Hound for that? Same goes for Ilyn Payne. One's a bodyguard and another a royal executioner. They were just doing their jobs, it was Joffrey who gave the orders to have her friend or father killed..
Ah well..

Just following orders isn't the best excuse.


I wonder if Varys knows.
Didn't Varys tell an imprisoned Ned Stark back in Season 1 that he believes him but won't do anything about it? IIRC he defended his passivity by claiming that, as the foreigner spymaster, nobody trusts him enough to lend support and he'd be killed the moment he would attempt anything.

Just following orders isn't the best excuse.
It sort of was in medieval times.


Didn't Varys tell an imprisoned Ned Stark back in Season 1 that he believes him but won't do anything about it? IIRC he defended his passivity by claiming that, as the foreigner spymaster, nobody trusts him enough to lend support and he'd be killed the moment he would attempt anything.
No, I meant if he knows Peytr was involved in killing Jon Aaryn.
I feel for Hodor. Can you imagine? Every now and then you're in a highly stressful situation, and you black out. When you come to you have no idea where you are or how you got there, but there's a man with his neck half ripped off and blood on your hands. Your simple mind thinks it's your master putting a spell on you but you can't complain about it because you think he might punish you. So now you're a murderer and you don't know why.


Varys has been pretty clear that he knows Petyr is always up to no good. Maybe not specifics but he knows to be careful at least. I think he's called him the most dangerous man more than once.
I didn't express any shock at the Littlefinger reveal because I didn't even hear it. FML. I seriously either need to turn the volume up or turn CC on for some scenes. Not until I read some reviews was I like WTF?


I feel for Hodor. Can you imagine? Every now and then you're in a highly stressful situation, and you black out. When you come to you have no idea where you are or how you got there, but there's a man with his neck half ripped off and blood on your hands. Your simple mind thinks it's your master putting a spell on you but you can't complain about it because you think he might punish you. So now you're a murderer and you don't know why.

Jamie "rapes" his sister so much outcry... Bran mental rapes Hodor its all good :p


Ha! Take that Bolton stooge!

Ghost is back. He does care.

Aside from the broken oaths, Jon is starting to channel his father as far as that whole "Leader of men" kind of vibe. His willingness to break rules should help keep his head on his shoulders though.

Welp Sansa's aunt is even crazier than I already thought. Wonder what Sansa will do now. That's gonna be an interesting castle once arya gets there...

I-Is Cersei actually not being a total shit to everyone? She's actually having second thoughts about having power... huh.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I think Varys sees Littlefinger as a threat because he knows he desires power and glory on a personal level and is willing to instigate chaos from the sidelines in order to acquire such things. Varys on the other hand wishes for security in his life and power but doesn't seem to care much for recognition, in fact would rather stay unknown, and would like to see stability in the realm for this reason, regardless of his allegiance. Varys dislikes war, like Stannis' invasion, as it poses a threat to his position. And he knows full well Littlefinger would happily instigate such wars while also being on the other side of Westeros.


Can someone clearly state what Little Finger was shushing that queen for saying? I honestly don't recall what she was talking about.

Edit: okay, I don't even remember who Cat or Jon Arry are. The significance of this reveal is lost on me.
And how anyone can complain about these super short Arya/Hound scenes is beyond me - nitpicking at its finest

Just stating my opinion, no need to get defensive. People like to rag on Dany for just going around freeing slaves with no end in sight, seems similar to me.

The part I liked the most during this episode was when Tywin said the Lannisters haven't had a productive gold mine in 3 years. Seems like that'd be a hard thing to keep quiet, but could cause a lot trouble since gold is their main resource.


Can someone clearly state what Little Finger was shushing that queen for saying? I honestly don't recall what she was talking about.

Edit: okay, I don't even remember who Cat or Jon Arry are. The significance of this reveal is lost on me.

Cats Ned starts wife... Jon Arryn was the hand before Ned.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Can someone clearly state what Little Finger was shushing that queen for saying? I honestly don't recall what she was talking about.

"I'm done waiting, Peytr. We had our wedding night many years ago. Don't you remember?"
"Like it was yesterday."
"What wife would do for you the things I've done for you? What wife would trust you the way I've trusted you. When you gave me those (not clear) and told me to pour them into John's wine. My husband's wine. When you told me to write a letter to Cat telling her it was the Lannisters"

Peytr and Lysa have been having an affair for years. The poison that killed John Arryn was administered by Lysa at Peytr's request, who then had her send Catelyn Stark a message raven stating the Lannisters were behind everything.

John Arryn was the hand of the king (Robert's reign) before Ned was offered the job. He was dead when the first episode of season one started, and was important to the plot. It was implied the Lannisters had killed him, as John had discovered their secret: the children are inbred bastards. Ned later discovers what John had. Cat is Ned's wife, killed at the Red Wedding. She is Lysa's sister.


Just stating my opinion, no need to get defensive. People like to rag on Dany for just going around freeing slaves with no end in sight, seems similar to me.

The part I liked the most during this episode was when Tywin said the Lannisters haven't had a productive gold mine in 3 years. Seems like that'd be a hard thing to keep quiet, but could cause a lot trouble since gold is their main resource.
The Lannisters are running a Ponzi scheme.


Can someone clearly state what Little Finger was shushing that queen for saying? I honestly don't recall what she was talking about.

Edit: okay, I don't even remember who Cat or Jon Arry are. The significance of this reveal is lost on me.

Cat=Catelyn Stark.
Jon Arryn was Robert's King's Hand. His death kickstarted the plot, Robert went to get Ned as a replacement Hand.
I feel for Hodor. Can you imagine? Every now and then you're in a highly stressful situation, and you Hodor. When you come to you have no idea where you are or how you got there, but there's a Hodor with his Hodor half ripped off and Hodor on your Hodor. Your simple Hodor thinks Hodor but you can't Hodor about it because you can only say Hodor. So now you're a Hodor and you don't know why.


So basically every event we've seen to this point in the show is either directly or indirectly Littlefinger's doing.

Cunning piece of shit.
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