Man, it's nuts how in control of major events Baelish is. I did not really expect that.
It's a bit weird, though, how "easy" it is to get away with murder and lies and stuff. I mean, I know right now Cercei is busy trying to play Margaery and Tywin and more, but at Tommen's crowning, when she and Marg were off to the side, she could've quietly slit her throat and then just walked off into a side door somewhere. It makes you wonder how kings and lords ever rule. It seems like there would always be someone with nothing to live for who can be hired for an assassination attempt... poison, arrow, sword, whatever. How was anyone ever in charge for more than 5 years?
Anyway, that's just stupid suspension of disbelief nitpicking.
More on topic, I really hope Sansa turns into some manipulative mastermind over the next few years and eventually rewards Littlefinger with a torturous end. THAT would be unexpected. And she's getting a good crash course in secrecy and serpentry.