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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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So Peytr's goal is to have everything. He mentioned that he doesn't play the game of thrones the way people in power do.

Since Jon Aaryn knew of Cersi and Jamie's relationship was the purpose of killing him a way to avoid disrupting peace in realm and his agenda?

I wonder if Varys knows.

My guess is that varys knows everything and in the final book it's those two going at it...

While dany blowing shit up with dragons.


And Sansa knows now. If Brien is able to get her out she will become a big liabilty to him.

She doesn't know everything... She just knows that he had a hand in getting rid of King Little Shit.

She has no idea that he is the reason that Arryn is dead, and basically her entire family is dead because of the events that this set off.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I think its interesting that Littlefinger killed jon arryn, but I'm not really seeing this all knowing supervillain angle. He just played is cards right over years, I really didn't perceive any "oh shit, hes had this plan alllll along" in the reveal.


I think its interesting that Littlefinger killed jon arryn, but I'm not really seeing this all knowing supervillain angle. He just played is cards right over years, I really didn't perceive any "oh shit, hes had this plan alllll along" in the reveal.

He's climbing the chaos ladder, which he's talked about before. He began this Starks vs Lannisters thing with full understanding of what he was doing and what he wanted.


big twist incoming - Varys was the bad guy all along
Varys is secretly loyal to the Targaryens - see Season 1 when Arya spots him talking to Magistrate Whatshisname from Pentos (I think it was Pentos) in the dragon vaults beneath the Red Keep. Of course, with Danaerys a continent away and dealing with her own immediate problems, it's very likely he's going to wait for a good long while.
I think its interesting that Littlefinger killed jon arryn, but I'm not really seeing this all knowing supervillain angle. He just played is cards right over years, I really didn't perceive any "oh shit, hes had this plan alllll along" in the reveal.

he certainly wouldn't have let catelyn die.

He simply pulls strings that favor him.


I liked that the Hound called out how Arya's "first sword" teacher died to only 3 men who were thugs in armour expecting a dancing teacher and a little girl.


erotic butter maelstrom
I think its interesting that Littlefinger killed jon arryn, but I'm not really seeing this all knowing supervillain angle. He just played is cards right over years, I really didn't perceive any "oh shit, hes had this plan alllll along" in the reveal.

I guess it all depends on how you view evil, but Littlefinger is definitely different than the likes of say, Joffrey. Joffrey was hateful and sadistic, while Littlefinger is simply amoral. He's playing the game, it just so happens he's really fucking good at it. But when you look at all the death and destruction Littlefinger has caused, his amorality starts to seem like another form of evil, rather than a grey area.

After typing this I realize it doesn't have much to do with what you posted, but fuck it.

Is he dead for sure? I don't remember hearing anything to that effect.

At this point, I think it's meant to be ambiguous. This is Game of Thrones, we would have seen him brutally hacked into pieces if was meant to be undoubtedly dead. I'm not buying that off-screen shit and having him brought up again last ep. only adds to my doubt.


I love how Cersei even fooled some people here into thinking she's turned over a new leaf and is a nice person now :lol

Yeah. She was acting nice to the people who are going to have the most impact on what happens with Tyrion's trial. Margery because of her father. Tywin and Oberyn are the other 2 judges. It was all an act in my opinion.

(Probably butchered the spelling on those names lol)


I have the recollection that when I watched that scene I had the impression that he survived secretly somehow using Magic of some sort. I am not sure though.

I have to rewatch it to be sure, but I think he was basically trying to play it cool so Arya didn't freak out. He knew he was about to be killed and didn't want her to panic about it.


Varys is secretly loyal to the Targaryens - see Season 1 when Arya spots him talking to Magistrate Whatshisname from Pentos (I think it was Pentos) in the dragon vaults beneath the Red Keep. Of course, with Danaerys a continent away and dealing with her own immediate problems, it's very likely he's going to wait for a good long while.

Varys was playing Illyrio for information; he doesn't really want war to break out. He goes directly from their meeting to the small council meeting and tells them everything. He also reveals he has Jorah on the inside keeping tabs of Viserys and Daeny's movements. Robert makes the decision to have her killed and later, right before Daeny is poisoned by the wine merchant, one of Varys's little birds delivers a royal pardon to Jorah allowing him to return to Westeros.


Huh, must've misinterpreted the whole exchange then. It's true that when talking to chained-up Sean Bean in prison he says something like "No, my lord, the good of the kingdom". Though what that 'good' is, seems to be very flexible, depending on who's talking.

Minus, of course, Baelish, who only wants everything.


erotic butter maelstrom
Did we actually ever see on screen what happened to that Braavos dude?

Arya bails just as he's being surrounded with nothing but the hilt of a wooden sword. Then we hear some yelling - which sounds like he could be getting owned, but it's all off screen so there's no way of being certain. Maybe he was killed, but like I said above, it was off screen for a reason and he seemed like a pretty crafty dude.
Man, it's nuts how in control of major events Baelish is. I did not really expect that.

It's a bit weird, though, how "easy" it is to get away with murder and lies and stuff. I mean, I know right now Cercei is busy trying to play Margaery and Tywin and more, but at Tommen's crowning, when she and Marg were off to the side, she could've quietly slit her throat and then just walked off into a side door somewhere. It makes you wonder how kings and lords ever rule. It seems like there would always be someone with nothing to live for who can be hired for an assassination attempt... poison, arrow, sword, whatever. How was anyone ever in charge for more than 5 years?

Anyway, that's just stupid suspension of disbelief nitpicking.

More on topic, I really hope Sansa turns into some manipulative mastermind over the next few years and eventually rewards Littlefinger with a torturous end. THAT would be unexpected. And she's getting a good crash course in secrecy and serpentry.


It's a bit weird, though, how "easy" it is to get away with murder and lies and stuff. I mean, I know right now Cercei is busy trying to play Margaery and Tywin and more, but at Tommen's crowning, when she and Marg were off to the side, she could've quietly slit her throat and then just walked off into a side door somewhere. It makes you wonder how kings and lords ever rule. It seems like there would always be someone with nothing to live for who can be hired for an assassination attempt... poison, arrow, sword, whatever. How was anyone ever in charge for more than 5 years?
It was a mostly tit-for-tat world, and a veneer of decency was upheld via threats of brutal mutual reprisals. And, while the show doesn't completely convey it, there were servants everywhere. It was pretty easy to just interrogate a few that were near the scene and find out what transpired. Besides, people back then thought in ways that are completely alien to us. There were some things a wo/man of particular standing simply didn't do, f'rex. plain knifing somebody in a dark alley/tunnel, like a common cutthroat.


Unconfirmed Member
More on topic, I really hope Sansa turns into some manipulative mastermind over the next few years and eventually rewards Littlefinger with a torturous end. THAT would be unexpected. And she's getting a good crash course in secrecy and serpentry.

It's about time Sansa finally learned something. She's been a puppet of some of the most manipulative people in all of Westeros, surely she's learned some tricks.


Not enough
s in the world for Dany's storyline. Hopefully she doesn't go all Moses on those cities again but actually does some work.
Damn. I guess that is why littlefinger has been using his super villain voice this season.

Prediction: white walkers are goin to march south because the wildlife are no longer giving them thier sons? Bran to save the day by controlling the white walker boss

Honestly, he is and has always been one of my favs.


Decent episode but i hope they dont go overboard with the supernatural stuff. Flaming hands, mind control, those undead icewalkers. Then there was the ressurection stuff from last season.

I mean its cool and all but i dont want it turning into World of Warcraft.


Decent episode but i hope they dont go overboard with the supernatural stuff. Flaming hands, mind control, those undead icewalkers. Then there was the ressurection stuff from last season.

I mean its cool and all but i dont want it turning into World of Warcraft.

I think it's important to realize that this is a fantasy show.
Decent episode but i hope they dont go overboard with the supernatural stuff. Flaming hands, mind control, those undead icewalkers. Then there was the ressurection stuff from last season.

I mean its cool and all but i dont want it turning into World of Warcraft.

Dragons, bro.


erotic butter maelstrom
Man I don't give a shit about what I am supposed to do, after everything that happened, I would have called out to John. Thats just BS.

Nah, little dude's got bigger fish to fry. Can't risk letting his father's bastard ruin his adventure to save the world.
Decent episode but i hope they dont go overboard with the supernatural stuff. Flaming hands, mind control, those undead icewalkers. Then there was the ressurection stuff from last season.

I mean its cool and all but i dont want it turning into World of Warcraft.

My answer to this is always "watch the pilot again."

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The whole fight was very tense, I was legitimately unsure Jon Snow would survive or not.

I'm on Episode 5 of Season 2 in my rewatch. I'm very happy to be watching with Season4. Things like Arya reciting the names her deathlist before she sleeps were details I had forgotten.

This is a good TV show.


erotic butter maelstrom

"Hey Jon!"
"Bran?" *gets stabbed through chest while distracted*

Yep, for a moment there I thought he would get Jon's attention, only for him to get stabbed in the back or something just as he notices Bran. I almost yelled at the screen, that would have been painful to watch.


I liked that the Hound called out how Arya's "first sword" teacher died to only 3 men who were thugs in armour expecting a dancing teacher and a little girl.

He did school them even with just a wooden sword. So he could have survived.

She doesn't know everything... She just knows that he had a hand in getting rid of King Little Shit.

She has no idea that he is the reason that Arryn is dead, and basically her entire family is dead because of the events that this set off.

hes banging the tit suckers mum so he calls him uncle




"Hey Jon!"
"Bran?" *gets stabbed through chest while distracted*

This is exactly what I thought was going to happen. I groaned when Bran first shouted Jon's name. Snow is by no means one of my favorites, but that would have been heart-wrenching.


Jon's actually become more of a badass and leader this season. I don't know how much of a part he will play in avenging the Starks though...and I feel like he's going to die...damn.
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