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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I like the tone of the show it has set with the 4 seasons so far. Is it that bad to expect it to stay like this for future seasons?

Is it a bad thing to hope they dont go overboard with some elements of the show?

things like 'those undead icewalkers' have been integral to the show's plot since episode one, though

if you're expecting less, or the same amount of fantastical elements, you'll probably be disappointed

I like the tone of the show it has set with the 4 seasons so far. Is it that bad to expect it to stay like this for future seasons?

Is it a bad thing to hope they dont go overboard with some elements of the show?

you mean the tone with the dragons and zombies and white walkers and fire magic and revival and visions and mind control and black magic demon babies?


Jon and Bran... These Starks always come just short of reuniting.

And poor Sansa. Always one bad situation after another with her. lol
Jon and Bran... These Starks always come just short of reuniting.

And poor Sansa. Always one bad situation after another with her. lol

When her wolf Lady was killed I figured she was done for. Also the revelation that the Lannister'ss are broke and in massive debt to the Iron bank is huge. i think they are on their way out. It's like they want us to like the NeKing just to find a way to slaughter him. Poor Tommen.


When is Sansa going to get a fucking break? At this rate I feel like she'll only have some damn freedom when she's dead, girl has it rough. No fucking choices, simply shuffled from one place to another, to have people control her.
Editors be slacking. Why wasn't the Eyrie in the opening credits? Why is Winterfell still being featured when nothing has happened there for a whole season?


I'm more annoyed that we haven't been told until this ep (unless I missed it?) that dany's plans to completely liberate every city actually hasn't happened, all the interesting parts of her journey are kind of glossed over



I like the tone of the show it has set with the 4 seasons so far. Is it that bad to expect it to stay like this for future seasons?

Is it a bad thing to hope they dont go overboard with some elements of the show?
The amount of magic has been increasing in the show as time goes on. White walkers and dragons in season one. Wizards and the Red Woman's magic in season two plus more white walkers and dragons. Resurrections in season three plus even more of the above. It has been a slow but steady increase.
When is Sansa going to get a fucking break? At this rate I feel like she'll only have some damn freedom when she's dead, girl has it rough. No fucking choices, simply shuffled from one place to another, to have people control her.

She deserves everything bad that happens to her and more.

I like the tone of the show it has set with the 4 seasons so far. Is it that bad to expect it to stay like this for future seasons?

Is it a bad thing to hope they dont go overboard with some elements of the show?
You're complaining of a fantasy story having fantasy elements, so yes I did cringe when reading it. White walkers were included in the beginning on top of a girl being the mother of 3 dragons, a black monster came out of a woman's vagina to kill a King in season 2 on top of people being burned for the lord of light, a guy got cut and died and then was reborn because someone said a few words. Magic has been used consistently since the show started, so yes I do find comments like "why is there magic" in a show that's been showing it form the beginning pretty cringeworthy, a pretty annoying pet peeve when people complain about shows in general of things that have been there for a while.

All I read from this is, is why haven't they tailored this show entirely for me.

Again.. a black monster came out of a woman's vagina to kill a King. And you're wondering that magic is getting more emphasis?
She's the reason her dad is dead, and she also didn't seem to care much at all when Joffrey almost killed her sister. In terms of bad things happening to people, she's gotten off pretty good compared to most.


So finally got round to seeing the latest episode. Bit of a dull one IMO. Good to see Bolton's buddy get done in by Hodor though and the rest of those fucks at the keep. Also happy to see the wolves freed.
When is Sansa going to get a fucking break? At this rate I feel like she'll only have some damn freedom when she's dead, girl has it rough. No fucking choices, simply shuffled from one place to another, to have people control her.

Sansa got what she wanted, a life in King's landing frolicking with royalty.


This episode was missing something...something important.

Oh that's right Tyrion! The show is just not the same without him!

He hasn't been any fun since Blackwater. Even when he was stuck behind enemy lines surrounded by savage hillfolk he could still make with the witticisms. Now he's so maudlin.


ok holy shit best fucking lines of the show Hound <3


She's the reason her dad is dead, and she also didn't seem to care much at all when Joffrey almost killed her sister. In terms of bad things happening to people, she's gotten off pretty good compared to most.
No one deserves the kind of fear and mental & physical abuse that Sansa has had to suffer through, especially not for mistakes they do when they are barely a teenager. The blame of some of the events can be put just as much on Ned & Catelyn themselves as it is on Sansa. It was her parents, after all, who nurtured all those "chivalrous knights wooing pretty princesses" stories that made her the kind of spoiled little princess she was early on and it was Ned & Cat who decided to take her to the treacherous lion's den that is King's Landing and give her hand to Joffrey in the first place.

Ned himself was too naive as well, he should've been more careful with picking allies. He trusted Littlefinger, which was idiotic. And Joffrey is the ultimate reason why Ned is dead. Everyone else would have let Ned live, but it was Joffrey's madness & unpredictable nature that ended up being Ned's doom.

Sansa has learned her lesson. She's not the spoiled little princess anymore. She deserves better than living in the fear of being raped & abused by the king or living in the shadow of her jealous aunt.
When is Sansa going to get a fucking break? At this rate I feel like she'll only have some damn freedom when she's dead, girl has it rough. No fucking choices, simply shuffled from one place to another, to have people control her.

Hopefully Arya and the Hound get there on time before she's married off.


Hopefully Arya and the Hound get there on time before she's married off.

Do you think Littlefinger would allow Arya to leave if she wanted to? Or the Hound for that matter , provided he saw Sansa?

With Arya there's also the fact that she's valuable as a bargaining chip. There'd certainly be many lords eager to join houses with the Starks of Winterfell.
Yeah I have no idea why Littlefinger would want to kill Jon Arryn and make the Starks think the Lannisters did it.

Littlefinger says he likes stability. Discord and chaos interferes with his plan to have "everything". We know that Jon Arryn was putting his nose into the Lannister family history and was possibly close to discovering that the Lannister children were actually incest babies and not true heirs. It makes sense for the Lannisters to kill Jon, but for LF? Why start a war?

At this rate I'll call him the Joker and say he just wants to watch the world burn.


Man some of Danerys' lines are just fucking cringe worthy. The rest of the show isn't nearly as bad so I don't know what's going on with that.
I love how there's always someone higher up in the chain. Even the Lannisters answer to the mysterious and powerful Iron Bank of Braavos. What happens if the Lannisters don't pay their debts though? Does the Bank have an army of repo men or something?


Yeah I have no idea why Littlefinger would want to kill Jon Arryn and make the Starks think the Lannisters did it.

Littlefinger says he likes stability. Discord and chaos interferes with his plan to have "everything". We know that Jon Arryn was putting his nose into the Lannister family history and was possibly close to discovering that the Lannister children were actually incest babies and not true heirs. It makes sense for the Lannisters to kill Jon, but for LF? Why start a war?

At this rate I'll call him the Joker and say he just wants to watch the world burn.

I think you're mixing Varys and Petyr.

The Starks thinking the Lannisters killed Jon Arryn is the only reason we are where we are.


Jon's actually become more of a badass and leader this season. I don't know how much of a part he will play in avenging the Starks though...and I feel like he's going to die...damn.

I never saw Jon as the avenger type for the Starks, to me he seems more of a white walker killer wall protector, I hope he doesn't die but with Ned as his father it's probably very likely lol


Man, it's nuts how in control of major events Baelish is. I did not really expect that.

I just thought the reveal would have been more impacting, like it definitely hit me like holy shit this all happened because Petyr manipulated Lysa, but how quickly it was said and how random she just said it seemed like a missed opportunity. I just think the reveal could have been written in a way that made that statement much more intense. I mean that's probably one of the biggest reveals in all 4 seasons of this show so far

(crap sorry for double post)
Speaking of the supernatural, which religion has shown the most power? There's more power in a single Weirwood tree than all of the Seven have shown the whole series.

But if I had the choice, I'd be worshipping The Lord of Light. The god that actually does miracles like resurrection and shadow babies.
I just thought the reveal would have been more impacting, like it definitely hit me like holy shit this all happened because Petyr manipulated Lysa, but how quickly it was said and how random she just said it seemed like a missed opportunity. I just think the reveal could have been written in a way that made that statement much more intense. I mean that's probably one of the biggest reveals in all 4 seasons of this show so far

(crap sorry for double post)

I actually loved the reveal. They dropped it in there like they were talking about the weather. Because they do scheming shit like this every day. Save the dramatic reveals for Bond villains. Littlefinger knows not to show his hand. If he wants someone dead it'll happen, and you'll never even see him, let alone catch him making expository speeches to his enemies.

In short, he read the Evil Overlord guide.
Man some of Danerys' lines are just fucking cringe worthy. The rest of the show isn't nearly as bad so I don't know what's going on with that.

Her holier than thou slave rescuing plotline is so terrible. The Targaryen lore is great and I keep wanting to like her but jesus. What a sanctimonious asshole she comes off as.
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