Trial was excellent, but overall I found it possibly the weakest episode of the season, which is not to say it was a poor episode but instead that it was fairly placid.
The Iron bank sequence was great but in many ways too little too late for Stannis, a character arc that has done absolutely nothing six episodes into season four after the change in direction at the end of season three, only now seeing some development. Yara's sequence was borderline comically weak. I haven't read the books but like Stannis this seems to be narrative put way down the priorities list.
I quite like Yara and Theon's destruction has been interesting to watch, but the entire sequence was just fucking lame. YARA SPEECH OH COOL AWESOME STUFF IS GONNA HAPPEN WAIT NO HBO SEX ASS TITS CRAP COMBAT RUN AWAY RUN AWAY. Like Theon and Yara's entire narrative arc teased at the end of season three existed exclusively in this one sequence, which consisted of a Monty Python-like "run away!" cut when they released the dogs. I don't feel there was anything wrong with it conceptually but the sequence was a victim of bad directing and scheduling. Just nowhere near enough time dedicated to doing what they wanted to do, rushing it, and thus half arsing the whole thing.
Developments with Where Are My Dragons were simple but important. More so realising how uncontrollable her dragons have become, being called out on her bullshit perception of justice, and what it actually means to sit your arse on a chair and rule instead of wandering the desert and having your army freeing slaves. Oh wait being a queen actually kinda sucks, fuck. I hope this leads her arc towards a fall-from-grace kinda thing, because her three-almost-four-season romanticised adventuring needs a kick up the arse. I figure this will come in the form of exposing Jorah's past treachery. The clues are there: reminding the audience Jorah used to be a spy for the crown, Tywin noting fighting with force will come when necessary but something must be done beforehand, asking if Varys can get a spy into the city, and then getting his note writing on. Finally some interesting developments on her end. Unless this is all empty promises much like her ever getting to fucking Westeros.
Then the trial, which was awesome. Fuck yeah Jamie looking out for his brother. Fuck Cersei. Fuck Varys, though I still love you dude, what the fuck man Tyrion was on your side. Fuck Tywin gigantic cuntlord of forever, you fucking knew Tyrion was dropping truth bombs. And fuck Shae, but also kinda what the fuck. I have no idea what is going on there and can only assume she's being manipulated. Like I get they were building up to her and Tyrion having a fall out, her frustration with his platonic commitment to Sansa, Tyrion's attempt at breaking up was badly handled on his end, and I didn't for a second buy she'd been stuck on a ship and sent out to wherever and that was that. That ain't Game of Thrones, baby. But what the fuck. It's one thing to be pissy and heartbroken and devastated, it's another to outright fabricate a series of events, in court, that from your perspective are almost guaranteed to lead to his brutal, unjust execution. I find that really hard to buy from her no matter how angry she is, and can only assume she was intercepted by Cersei (or Tywin, though not sure about the latter). But I don't know what they could hold against her to make her lie. Her life? Does she really care that much? Clearly not Tyrion's life. And even if it were her life what fucking chance would she have? Intercepted by one of if not the most powerful, ruthless, and murderous houses in Westeros, told to lie so they can murder a family member through warped justice, publicly expose her identity to a court of royals and houses, and then what? As if the Lannisters wouldn't just have her fucking gutted somewhere right after sentencing to she can never, ever expose their manipulation. I don't understand what she gets out of it. I don't understand what ransom there could be.
~it is a mystery~