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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I kind of do and kind of don't. The reason I don't think he will is that is what will accelerate his children's story arcs the most while also causing more disarray in the fight for the throne. With Tywin alive, we kind of know what to expect from Cersei and we see Jaime disagreeing, but still falling in line. Without him, they're free in many ways and in Cersei's case, I don't think it would be good. I think she'll be getting a taste of her own medicine.

Tywin deserves a shitty fate in my opinion even though I like his character.

Why do you think he deserves a shitty fate? Maybe it's been too long since I've seen the previous seasons, but I don't recall Tywin ever acting particularly evil the way that Jaime, Cersei, and Joffrey have. I see him as an authority figure that keeps everyone in line and largely cleans up the messes that other people make.


They should just kill Theon. He's taking valuable screen time and there's nothing that can be done for him except kill him now. I thought the rescue attempt would maybe change his storyline but nothing has changed.

Stannis finally gets something done. I wonder if he's gonna really try to take the throne or march north like Melisandre advised him to. That would really make the Iron Bank mad I guess since he would use their money for something else. Then again maybe they don't care as long as they get their gold back.

It seems like Dany will be sitting in Mereen taking supplicants for the rest of the season... though I wonder what the letter says which Tywin sent to there.

Things in Kinglanding are interesting as always so that's good.


So does Ramsey care about Theon on some level? I mean, he didn't need to give him the bath to convince him to go on this mission.




A trial by combat? We know The Mountain is in this series...

The Mountain vs Bronn (bros or did he betray him?) /Jaime (also bros but Tywin probably wouldn't allow it?) / Oberyn (hates the mountain?! but prob not allowed being a judge.)
A trial by combat? We know The Mountain is in this series...

The Mountain vs Bronn (bros or did he betray him?) /Jaime (also bros but Tywin probably wouldn't allow it?) / Oberyn (hates the mountain?! but prob not allowed being a judge.)

From what I have read, Jamie isn't allowed to represent the accused while being in the Kings Guard.

Jamie could be called to represent the court, but it will most likely be The Mountain due to Jamie not having a hand.

Dwarfs always get someone to represent themselves in combat, so it's probably going to be Oberyn.


There's no way Tyrion's gonna pick his brother for trial by combat, he's gonna ask for Bronn. Bronn gets shit done, trust or no.

So does Ramsey care about Theon on some level? I mean, he didn't need to give him the bath to convince him to go on this mission.

Ramsay gets off on his own cruelty and on the control he has over theon, I think there is some genuine aspect to the 'reward' but it's also an opportunity for theon to disrobe and expose himself and what's been done to him, Ramsay's work as it were.

Also, poor girl, Ramsay was getting it on with that girl and shows up to the fight topless and covered in blood :(


Why do people assume Bronn would fight? Bronn is nothing more than a mercanry to Tywin and I assume Tywin would rather choose someone he a) knows and b) who is loyal to the crown

Besides, was Bronn even present at the trial?

And yes, that gif of Tyrion dancing is great


the fight is going to be
Oberyn against Mountain

episode in two weeks is called The Viper and The Mountain and I'm pretty sure neither Bronn nor Jaime have that nickname


Only complaint would be the abrupt dog scene (easily could have stopped the slow-mo key) and the Davos' hand CGI. Awesome ending.

My reading should catch up to the show soon, but I'm thinking I might wait until the season ends.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Trial was excellent, but overall I found it possibly the weakest episode of the season, which is not to say it was a poor episode but instead that it was fairly placid.

The Iron bank sequence was great but in many ways too little too late for Stannis, a character arc that has done absolutely nothing six episodes into season four after the change in direction at the end of season three, only now seeing some development. Yara's sequence was borderline comically weak. I haven't read the books but like Stannis this seems to be narrative put way down the priorities list.

I quite like Yara and Theon's destruction has been interesting to watch, but the entire sequence was just fucking lame. YARA SPEECH OH COOL AWESOME STUFF IS GONNA HAPPEN WAIT NO HBO SEX ASS TITS CRAP COMBAT RUN AWAY RUN AWAY. Like Theon and Yara's entire narrative arc teased at the end of season three existed exclusively in this one sequence, which consisted of a Monty Python-like "run away!" cut when they released the dogs. I don't feel there was anything wrong with it conceptually but the sequence was a victim of bad directing and scheduling. Just nowhere near enough time dedicated to doing what they wanted to do, rushing it, and thus half arsing the whole thing.

Developments with Where Are My Dragons were simple but important. More so realising how uncontrollable her dragons have become, being called out on her bullshit perception of justice, and what it actually means to sit your arse on a chair and rule instead of wandering the desert and having your army freeing slaves. Oh wait being a queen actually kinda sucks, fuck. I hope this leads her arc towards a fall-from-grace kinda thing, because her three-almost-four-season romanticised adventuring needs a kick up the arse. I figure this will come in the form of exposing Jorah's past treachery. The clues are there: reminding the audience Jorah used to be a spy for the crown, Tywin noting fighting with force will come when necessary but something must be done beforehand, asking if Varys can get a spy into the city, and then getting his note writing on. Finally some interesting developments on her end. Unless this is all empty promises much like her ever getting to fucking Westeros.

Then the trial, which was awesome. Fuck yeah Jamie looking out for his brother. Fuck Cersei. Fuck Varys, though I still love you dude, what the fuck man Tyrion was on your side. Fuck Tywin gigantic cuntlord of forever, you fucking knew Tyrion was dropping truth bombs. And fuck Shae, but also kinda what the fuck. I have no idea what is going on there and can only assume she's being manipulated. Like I get they were building up to her and Tyrion having a fall out, her frustration with his platonic commitment to Sansa, Tyrion's attempt at breaking up was badly handled on his end, and I didn't for a second buy she'd been stuck on a ship and sent out to wherever and that was that. That ain't Game of Thrones, baby. But what the fuck. It's one thing to be pissy and heartbroken and devastated, it's another to outright fabricate a series of events, in court, that from your perspective are almost guaranteed to lead to his brutal, unjust execution. I find that really hard to buy from her no matter how angry she is, and can only assume she was intercepted by Cersei (or Tywin, though not sure about the latter). But I don't know what they could hold against her to make her lie. Her life? Does she really care that much? Clearly not Tyrion's life. And even if it were her life what fucking chance would she have? Intercepted by one of if not the most powerful, ruthless, and murderous houses in Westeros, told to lie so they can murder a family member through warped justice, publicly expose her identity to a court of royals and houses, and then what? As if the Lannisters wouldn't just have her fucking gutted somewhere right after sentencing to she can never, ever expose their manipulation. I don't understand what she gets out of it. I don't understand what ransom there could be.

~it is a mystery~


Why do you do this? What's the point of writing your conclusion in plain text and then using spoiler tags for what made you come to that conclusion? I'm not saying you're correct or not, it's just pretty inconsiderate.

edited. Just to clarify, this is just speculation and everything I wrote was mentioned on the last few pages
Yeah I got spoiled with that too. :( Kinda bummed about it because I can already picture what could possibly happen.

I'm assuming (Preview spoilers?)
Oberon decides to fight for Tyrion because he seems like he legitimately is telling the truth about being not guilty, then Tywin decides he should fight The Mountain to get in Oberon's good graces. Or Oberon volunteers just to fight The Mountain


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Yara, like why bother going to all the trouble if you're not going to follow through?

Everything in Kings Landing was flawless. Finally more screen time for Varys and Tyrion was GOAT

I think it's fairly obvious who will be fighting in the trial.
They've been talking about Obeyrn and Clegane all season and he's shown again in the spoiler + trailer for Obeyrn fighting + episode name. I see no other way the two would be able to fight otherwise, unless they'd wait till next season
. I expect Tyrion will call Bronn at first but he'll back out because Cersei would have paid him off, and I don't think Tyrion would put Jamie in such a position when he knows that he's not up to his previous fighting standard.


One of the best things about this episode was Ramsay showing up after sex covered in cuts and blood. Guy likes it rough.


Trial by combat is to the death though right? Even if it's not, the situation is either the Mountain dies, or the Mountain loses. They've spent so much time hyping the Mountain you just can't bring him in to lose. I don't see the Mountain showing up in this capacity. Plus he hasn't really been showing up recently, so it's kind of jarring.

I think Tyrion is pissed enough that he fights himself.

I dunno, I don't read the books, but I know people do, I'm worried reading theories because I'm paranoid about book readers feigning their TV only status.

Actually we have seen the Mountain in combat. You forgot about the horse getting cleaved in season 1.

If the Mountain is picked
it definitely will be Oberyn standing in for Tyrion. AS I mentioned earlier we had previews of Oberyn fighting within an enclosed space like an arena. I was wondering when that scene would show up and the Mountain representing Cersei is his only chance to kill him legally.

Crap, I think I accidentally just found out who the fighters will be in the trial by combat. I was searching for GoT videos on YouTube and it popped up in the search suggestions. Goddamn spoilers everywhere.
Wow, even Googe can't be trusted. Use startpage.com to get google results without tripping the automatic suggestions or go into your settings and turn it off.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Actually we have seen the Mountain in combat. You forgot about the horse getting cleaved in season 1.

If the Mountain is picked
it definitely will be Oberyn standing in for Tyrion. AS I mentioned earlier we had previews of Oberyn fighting within an enclosed space like an arena. I was wondering when that scene would show up and the Mountain representing Cersei is his only chance to kill him legally.

it's all a win win for Tywin too so he'll like it. If Clegane wins then he gets rid of Tyrion, pleases Cersei and legally kills off a dangerous man who hates his house. If Obeyrn wins Clegane is out of the way (who i think he'd been loosing control of), Obeyrn will be grateful for having the chance at vengeance and the Lannister name has a chance to go on

I think a couple of people predicted this exact situation weeks back when Tyrion was first arrested
sneaky book readers I bet :p


I didn't understand the Theon rescue scene. Asha takes the best men and because Theon bites her she gives up and says Theon is dead..she could have knocked him out or something and taken him back and restored his senses instead of sailing all the way out there and just giving up on him. Plus the dog scene..they couldn't kill Ramsay before he opened the door? They outnumbered him. Weird scene, felt off beat


I noticed Ramsey was covered in blood when he met Theon and his sisters rescue party in the dungeon. I guess he killed (or tortured) that girl he was fucking beforehand.
Im also suprized a how quickly those dragons grow. Traditionally in fantasy universes, dragons live for hundreds of years or more. How much bigger will those dragons get, I wonder?

The Dragons skull in Kings Landing was huge



Also I'm betting Tyrion would probably rather die than take the black. Though like he said his situation with Sansa was like taking the black too, but at least he had good food, good wine, and good living under that condition. Tyrion experienced the situation at the wall, thieves, and filth, he was happy to leave.

That deal Jamie was proposing was being calculated, Shae tipped it over the cliff probably.
He liked Jon Snow but yeah he hated it up there.

If you think about it if he wasn't a Lannisters he would've been there years ago.

Shae couldn't have believed everything Tyrion said to her was true.

There's the off chance that they caught her, threatening to kill her and Tyrion unless she confessed and lied. At this point for all we know Bronn could be in on it as well since he "escorted" her out of the city. (He better not be though)

Letting the son bury his father.

The only person that knew of their relationship was Varys. Remember what he said, he NEVER forgets. He probably told Cersei. You know for the good of the realm....smh.


They tried to rescue him, he refused to be rescued, so they escaped rather than be eaten by dogs. It makes total sense.

Seriously. He was resisting Yara with everything he had, even biting her to get away. After the fight she was outnumbered, with Ramsay standing between her and Reek about to release a pack of vicious dogs.

Not really sure what people expected her to do there.
I don't think shae was forced to testify like this. The look she gave Tyrion when she mentioned she was just his whore made this very clear. She is salty as fuck and too stupid to understand the deeper intentions of tyrions actions. Never underestimate a womans broken heart.
I don't know why but my mind completely blanked to Tyrion being able to call a champion and I pictured Tyrion dueling it out with Meryn Trant. That would have been entertaining. I know a good character is going to die soon. I can't see Tyrions champion winning this one, or if he does Cersei is still going to find a way to have it cast as a loss. Tyrion best not die or fuck this series.


... Also, poor girl, Ramsay was getting it on with that girl and shows up to the fight topless and covered in blood :(
I don't think he hurt her at all, actually. The amount of Iron Born that we saw die doesn't account for all of the missing Iron Born we don't see as Yara tucked tail and ran back to her boat. I suspect Ramsay and his henchmen killed their way through the other Iron Born into the kennels, which is why he's covered in blood.
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