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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I can't help but feel that The Moutain's confession is going to have a major impact on the storyline moving forward, more so than the death of those two -- assuming that The Mountain will die -- and the upcoming death of Tyrion(?). Having such a small man take down The Mountain must be symbolic in some way. Afterall, Dorne were the only kingdom that managed to fend off the Targaryens and their Dragons...



I like this new Sansa..


"playing" dumb? unpossible
That stuff I'll agree with, but she is very entitled and doesn't have much empathy nor compassion for those she conquers. She's all "I'm a Targaryen and I've got dragons so I should rule Westeros," not thinking about what ruling really means or even if the people really want her to invade and take over. Her entire plot arc is driven by her sense of entitlement and naivete. If she takes over without making big changes then it's not going to turn out well for Westeros.

This makes sense to me. It's a fair criticism. Sometimes a naive and "pure"(in her mind) sense of justice, is not the most appropriate course of action. And as Ser Barristan told her, showing mercy when you have the upper hand is at times a beneficial move. I personally think that some of the reason Daenerys does these moves is due to her lack of experience, but more importantly, her lack of a proper tutelage in governance and leadership. I think people sometimes forget that almost all the other great characters in this show (those in power positions), were groomed and prepared for the roles they now have. Dany and her brother never had that opportunity, and in Dany's case, a move for the throne was never really an aspiration till her brother's death.

Next to Tywin I'm pretty sure she has the biggest kill count. Regardless of who she kills, she's still killing (ordering the kills).

But then comments like this make me scratch my head. Every character on this show would be evil if you apply these parameters. Every Single one of them.

Angry Fork

I thought the beetle thing was about the mountain, who kills men left and right for seemingly no reason. They had a scene of him doing exactly that after all.


I like this new Sansa..

Me too, hopefully this isn't an act just to be safe around little finger, but we'll see.


Fail out bailed
I thought the episode was pretty darn great. That beetle conversation, though...? ugh. Felt like it was killing time. To me, it didn't feel like foreshadowing, nor was it revelatory about character. It just felt like an insert for two great actors to monologue because they needed to fill a gap. For me, it was one of the few times they've taken a liberty on the show (I don't remember this scene in the books, but I could be wrong), and it didn't necessarily pan out. Normally GoT monologues are fantastic little morsels. The Oberon/Tyrion 'underwhelming' monster monologue was beautiful (and directly from the books).

As someone previously said, I'd have rather they filled the time with a scene of Oberon announcing his intentions to Cersei and Tywin.

Regardless, it's nitpicking. Still a fantastic episode.

#team Nathalie Emmanuel and ObamaSullied

I thought it was a kind of a cool "Funny Games" moment. Tyrion (the writer' surrogate as far as I'm concerned) is so distraught and puzzled by the murderous core he observes in his family (and really mankind) and can't understand the primitive thrill that death gives others... he thinks of this both as his life is on the line, and also right as we're about to be surved up a horror-show as "entertainment" and question why the fuck WE come back and watch it again and again.

Obviously YMMV, but I thought it was interesting enough to not get mad at it. It certainly helped earn what followed in my opinion.
I thought the whole beetle speech between Tyrion and Jaime was a sort of allegory for how the gods seemed to consider mortals. Considering right before they were speaking about how a trial by battle was a way of finding out which side the gods were on. In this case the gods were the simpleton and the beetles men as they seem to stamp out lives with no rhyme or reason.

Yeah, I basically got this out of it, but on another level I couldn't help but draw paralleles between the audience and the writers.


Wow!!!!! I saw the whole matchup being setup all season, but that is not how I thought it was going to end. That was so gruesome and unexpected. Sat there stunned for a few moments, and actually winced at what I was seeing. I was hoping for a much longer Oberon vs the Lanisters revenge tour. What happens when the mountain dies? He was surely poisoned, and will be dead shortly. We saw Oberon's squire wiping the blades, and Oberon's skill in poisons was already mentioned.
Epic episode

lmao totally had a feeling that was coming. Oberyn, you idiot. For someone so smart and quick you let your guard down like a fool.

RIP in peace Tyrion. Knowing how relentless this show is you are already dead to me. I'll just be surprised if you don't die at this point.

Also RIP in peace Jorah. You managed to friendzone yourself out of the friendzone.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Sansa has went from one of my most disliked characters (I wanted her to die in season 1), to one a genuinely like. This episode pretty much cemented it.

I really loved that with all of the crying she has done, she has enough experience to lie and manipulate with the best in this show now. I'm sure she will be knocked down at some point though.


G***n S**n*bi
Oh. My. God.

So people are shitting on Dany because she's "entitled"? Have you people been watching this show? Almost every god damn character has entitlement issues. The show is called GAME OF THRONES. It's centered around people who feel entitled to power and their obsessions.

jesus fuck


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I really loved that with all of the crying she has done, she has enough experience to lie and manipulate with the best in this show now. I'm sure she will be knocked down at some point though.

I kept thinking that the Lannisters are going to regret the monster they've created. A Stark with court manners, and knows how the game is played? Wow.


saw this on the misc:

i'm fuking fuming right now. I hate this show so badly. It's brought no joy in my life all it's brought is agony. Wat a bullshyt ending. Back in season 1 i backed my boy ned stark and that neckbeard decides to kill him off. It stung but i got over it and i started backing his son robb. He was younger, hotter than his dad and had a direwolf on his side so i figured it was a trade-up. Then that pos grrm kills him and his whole family off in the most brutal way possible at a fuking wedding and then to add salt on a womb we see that sick shot of his body on his direwolfs head. Wat kind of fuked up human being thinks up stuff like that. I was devastated after last season. The starks who represent everything that is good in this world were in shambles. Bran is going to like antarctica. Sansa is having a borderline pedo relationship in the moon door castle and arya has been walking around for like 3 seasons doing jackshyt. I used to like daenerys because she has banging titties and dragons but nope she's too busy playing judge judy in a pyramid rather than fuking shyt up in king's landing. Instead of showing us any of that we get painful friendzone scenes with jorah every episode that reminds me of my high school days. Who the fuk am i supposed to root for in this show? Ok you bring in prince obrien this season and i was balls deep into him the minute they introduced him. He kinda looks like me and was an alpha fighter and lover and had some cheeky lines. I was rooting for him hard to become the king but nope that neckbeard writes him the most gruesome sickening death ever. Why couldn't he have just died in 5 seconds atleast the pain wouldn't have been so bad nope you gotta have him die that way. Wtf is wrong with this show. Just when i think i was gonna make it this show takes everything i love and face fuks it to death. Great maybe we'll get more scenes with that phaggot mountain character who has an iq comparable to shweezy (my sports misc boys know wat i'm talking about). Meanwhile the pos lannister and tyrell family gets away unscathed again. So many lucky bounces going tywin and cersei's way i hate them so fuking badly. My golden son jamie in captured by robb stark? Oh look his beta mom sets him free. About to get fuked in the blackwater by stannis? Nope tywin puts in a last minute cheat code and in come the tyrell's with unlimited ships and money to help save the day. How do i get rid of robb stark in season 3? I'll just scheme some hail mary play with roose and waldy to kill off all the starks at a wedding without losing a single person on my side. My grandson joffrey gets poisoned. No big deal we'll have his younger, more aesthetic, kinder, smarter brother become king and not a single fuk was given. Oh about to have the mountain killed and my shady as fuk past revealed in king's landing? Naw at the last minute prince obrien is slaughtered and i just moonwalk away again without a scratch. I hate this show and i'm done with it. And from the preview next week it looks like my boy jon snow is gonna get fuked up by the wildling army next week. Dfw the most likeable character left on the show is stannis baratheon who has a swag rating of 14/100. I swear by season 7 this show will basically be the lannisters/boltons/freys holding gay orgies in king's landing while stannis and davos conjure up a plan every episode to fuk them up but at the last minute it gets fuked up like the pinky and brain. Fuk that neckbeard grrm. Fuk this show. Fuk the misc and all of you.



The Dany hate each week in this thread is so fucking ridiculous and tired at this point it's bound to become a meme. Comparing her to the vilest Lannisters now, I mean really? Really?!

You don't like her story/character/actress whatever, that's fine. More than fine. But try not jumping the shark with the bullshit.

Please don't start this.... This show is extremely polarizing, there are going to be people that don't like certain characters. Even Tyrion had haters in the first season for some of the lines he had. Very few if any of these characters are perfect. I like Dany, but I'm not mystified that some people would be less than impressed with the way her character has been written recently. Leaving the cities she liberated, having to be talked down from the torture, and jettisoning a guy who a lot of people like tonight.

Re-fucking-lax please... the last thing I want to see is the crap that plagued Breaking Bad, where if anyone dared dislike Skylar they were a sexist misogynistic asshole. It just KILLED conversation in those threads.


What makes people think The mountain is dead too? He could be mortally wounded and passed out.

I went back and had to re-watch the fight. He took a shot to the gut and a slash to his achilles. He's probably still alive.

Alive for the Hound to drive a sword into him, I hope.
I feel like for the whole 4 seasons they've hyped up the Mountain big time and to have him killed within 2-3 episodes of him being properly introduced seemed unlikely to me.

The same thought had occurred to me, but I didnt want to consciously acknowledge it going into that fight.
Tyrion and Oberyn had so much to gain and I didnt wan t to jinx it. What a waste :'(

As soon as oberyn began yelling, dread overcame me, no fuckin lie, there was a pit in my stomach. I FELT like tyrion, like my life was gonna be decided.

I felt this too. I couldnt believe what I was seeing.

It was so nice knowing ya Oberyn. You were too good to last.

And I feel soooo sad for Elleria. I can not even imagine the trauma of witnessing that happen to the one you love right in front of you. The whole scene was straight horror and then seeing Cersei and Tywin smirking at the end sickened me even more. What monsters.

Yep. Pure horror.

On a different note, I thought it was interesting that Ramsay and Jon (the two unrelated bastards) both shared the same last name - Snow. I guess its the default for northern bastards.

If GRRM has a hard on for killing main characters could he not kill the ones that are actually cool? Kill of that whiny boring fuckwit Jon Snow. Or idiotic malcontent Dany. Every scene those two are in drags the show down several notches.

Just off them and leave us the likes of Oberyn.


Everything is moe to me
What makes people think The mountain is dead too? He could be mortally wounded and passed out.
being "mortally wounded" means you die.

so why do you think the mountain is dead too? [but seriously, he got a spear through the gut. you'd have trouble surviving that nowadays, let alone a mediavalish setting like game of thrones]

Ploid 3.0

Fuck this show

This was said so many times about this show since season one hah. Man it hurts though. I really liked Tyrion. I hope Stanis show up with his army for Black Water Round 2, preventing Tyrion from being executed. Then I hope they kill Tywin and Cersei while their at it.


What an episode!

All of a sudden Sansa pulls ahead of Arya in trasition toward the dark side.

I loved Arya's laugh. Like "Of courese! Of course my aunt is dead. Everyone else in my family is kicking the bucket like its going out of style. How fucking funny, this cosmic joke of the seven gods!"

Oberyn.... goddam RIP my brother. As a hispanic man I felt like I was rooting for a brotha'. Ah well, at least the Mountain is done. Tywin will have his time in the darkness via Arya.
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