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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Dorne has been collecting L since even before the show started. It isn't a celebration in King's Landing if there aren't some person from Dorne getting their heads crushed in. Man if I was one of Prince Oberyn's escort dudes, I would have thrown a spear or a sword at the mountain's back. The Lannisters could blow me for all I cared. But Oberyn would be running around looking like a hockey player. But that's gotta be better then dead right?

If you did that. Oberyn would say "there has never lived a more loyal escort". :)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How about a Mountain spinoff series where he cruises your favorite tv shows and murders your favorite characters?

I miss the original Mountain. WAY more intimidating looking.
I don't think a show about a closed coffin would be very entertaining.

Why you do dis to us ;__;

It could be for when he was in Dorne! And earning that title of the Red Viper ;__;

.... and that episode didn't have any Daario-eye-candy for me either. MUCH TRAUMA. VERY TEARS. HOW.


That was... graphic...

Also I was surprised at how one-sided that fight was, Oberyn was playing with him the whole time and still wiped the floor with him.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
If you did that. Oberyn would say "there has never lived a more loyal escort". :)

Hahaha this death has been the worst so far for me personally. All the other ones happened to characters who at the moment were helpless against their enemies. Oberyn was about to win, his foe was on his back bleeding out. Even if he wanted that damn confession, he could have done it from a safe distance. He had a damn spear for crying out loud.
Goddamn it, Oberyn! You don't go all Inigo Montoya and then lose!
At least Jorah managed to leave the friend zone.
I bet i'm hella late with both remarks.


Neo Member
I want to watch what show you're watching cause I think my feed has missing scenes or something. I'm calling Shaw tomorrow and finding out where all my missing Dany scenes are.

1. She invades cities over which she has no right and which she doesn’t want to keep-since her ultimate goal is to go to Westeros-, just out of a Mesiah complex: she now considers herself to be the mother of all human beings and wish to protect them from harm, in the process getting a lot of them killed, actually. She can´t even be considered a conqueror, because she doesn´t plan to keep these cities and at this point she no longer invades in order to get an army.

2. She tells these cities how to rule themselves and what to do. If they do not do as she wants, she kills them all. What right does she have to tell these people how to rule themselves? Especially since she knows nothing about them, their traditions and their way of thinking. Who is she to decide upon them? She is just being a dictator: you either do as I say or you die!! And was it a good thing to get all the masters killed? She didn’t even know if they participated in the killing of the children! And getting them killed because they support slavery is also bad- Because these people know no other way of living. You shouldn´t kill them, just try to show them that there may be better ways of living!

3. She frees all the slaves, but how will she be able to procure for them? These are people who know nothing else then being slaves. They have no education or preparation, so what are they going to do now that they are out of their normal life? Will Dany feed them, all their lives? Will she try to educate or procure a living for them? Because she only seems to drag them in the desert with her.. She doesn´t have a plan with regard to them. She just fried them and now what? Will she carry them to Westeros? If so what will they do there? Will she leave them behind? In both cases their situation is much worse than before, since she doesn´t have a plan to actually help them get a better life.

4. She wants to destroy slavery, but she doesn´t have a plan. She just thinks that she can go and tell these people: you either give up slavery or I will kill you. This is actually much worse than doing nothing at this point. She causes a lot of destruction- didn’t they say that the so-called “freed-cities” have rebelled? She could have tried other ways to influence the fall of slavery. The violent way is not a solution. And just because she allegedly has a good motivation, helping people, doesn´t make her any better than Tywin, for example. Because what she causes in the end is the same: death and destruction. At least Tywin is honest with himself and with the viewers: what he wants is power! Dany just fools herself and us that she wants to do good. But what she actually does is get people killed! You know, hell is paved with good intentions!
She basically just plays being queen, and being cool, and, oh how great I am. Look at me how I have freed all these slaves. But in the end she is no better than Tywin. If she actually wanted to do good, she should have gone to Westeros, where she DOES have a right, try to rule there and help the people there, and afterwards, through other means, economic and so forth try to bring down slavery!!
Woah, I can't believe it.

He had him. He had the fight down, he had won... and then it turns around just like that. What a graphic and disturbing way to go. I feel sad for him. I genuinely liked his character and wanted him to succeed.
Not to mention all the people they fight are top tier at what they do. Rob Stark is the best strategist in the show, but he decides to hang out as his mom's house for a season before he makes the obvious move of attacking Casterly Rock. Stannis is a proven battle commander, but he gets held back by a dwarf who's only been in one battle. And Oberyn comes out as the best duelist we've seen so far, but he dies even after he won the fight. I have no problem with a story where the villains win, in fact, I've wanted to see a show like that for a long time. But the villains need to earn their victories in plausible ways just like the heroes do. Like I said before, this show is filled with diablo ex machinas.
Yeah, I haven't minded villains winning so far but this one was rather cheap. I can accept it but.. he had him and stood there like an obsessive fool. Though to be honest I have a little sister and if something like this had happened, I can see acting like an obssessive moron just to get my point across of showing who the villain is, humiliate them and then kill them (if I was in the GoT world). I don't think a worse thing can happen then what happened to Oberyn's sister or to the Starks after the Red Wedding.

The villains seem to be getting asspull wins in a way generic good guys usually do, though I have a feeling things are going to be changing anywhere between episode 10 or season 5. Or I will start getting tired of this shit. Crazy episode. Really a shame since he could have developed quite a bit, instead of the 1 dimensional cunt of the show.


As soon as he started jumping around and acting like a dick, i knew he was going to die. Did not feel as shocking compared to Joffrey dying or the red wedding.

Kind of felt a bit underwhelmed by this episode, I'm not sure why....
So... that just happened. Mind blowing. Luckily I don't really need sleep, it's more of a luxury. I knew it was coming the moment he pulled his spear out, but it was the clearly presented brutality of it that left me in awe; that was nearly the worst death I think I've ever seen. Still replaying in my mind. Crazy-town. And there's no way The Mountain gets an off-screen death. Not after that.

Same here. What a sad way to die. I really simpatize with his cause and his personality.
That fight scene was really poorly written, so he prances around him at the end unarmed and gets killed out of nowhere. God, give me a break.
I think that death has to happen for us to continue to take the Mountain seriously, to be honest. He's a character who's had a lot of talk around him and not much else since he decapitated that horse waaay back in S1.

Now we know HE CAN CRUSH A MAN'S SKULL WITH HIS THUMBS, I'm suddenly way more intimidated by him. :lol


Daenerys isn't part of the good guys. She's a less sadistic female Joffrey. How people think she's good is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen in the GOT fanbase.

She reluctantly free's slaves as a pragmatic necessity to getting back a throne that she was lucky enough to be born into. (And doesn't free them, they're now her slaves.) For 2 seasons she had no experience in anything and did nothing at all to be worthy of being a queen or leader of anything, but she still has a 'right' to it because aristocratic nonsense and orders around everyone who actually knows what they're doing. And anyone who says no to this spoiled brat has to be punished/killed.

I can't even get into the stockholm syndrome issues, suddenly loving and caring about her rapist Drogo and making him into some kind of martyr. And nobody seems to question this at all, it's the weirdest thing. She is Marie Antoinette, the unsullied should've laid the guillotine to her a long time ago.

It feels like the only reason people think she's good is because she's a 'strong' woman. Arya and Brienne are infinitely more interesting and strong than she could ever be, and have actually earned and bled on their own for their victories. I really hope she dies but for some reason this show portrays her like she's some positive force and not another Cersei Lannister which she obviously is.

Qfft. The drogo thing is especially strange.


The best part for me:

I've been gabbing about the mountain all day to my wife. How strong he is and how the guy eats 10,000 calories a day.

Well after oberyns head popped like a zit, my wife goes "is that the power 10,000 calories gives you?"


I did some research and it seems fairly possible for a human skull to explode like that. Apparently it would take 520 pounds of force to do it, and an average-sized adult male can apply a little over 200 pounds of force. The Mountain is not an averagely sized man. I don't find it difficult to believe a man of his size could apply that much pressure, especially considering he was also pushing down through the eye sockets.
I think that death has to happen for us to continue to take the Mountain seriously, to be honest. He's a character who's had a lot of talk around him and not much else since he decapitated that horse waaay back in S1.

Now we know HE CAN CRUSH A MAN'S SKULL WITH HIS THUMBS, I'm suddenly way more intimidated by him. :lol

didnt he got equally ded? i hope he ded. omg.

so that the fight is called a draw and that tyrion will not be beheaded

*WISHFUL THINKING???* let me have my sliver of hope, you jerks ;__;
I did some research and it seems fairly possible for a human skull to explode like that. Apparently it would take 520 pounds of force to do it, and an average-sized adult male can apply a little over 200 pounds of force. The Mountain is not an averagely sized man. I don't find it difficult to believe a man of his size could apply that much pressure, especially considering he was also pushing down through the eye sockets.

why, why did you have to do this 'research'

how can i sleep tonight, sirrrr


I hope that one day people stop viewing the Lannisers as "villains."

They aren't more evil than anybody else in the show.

Except for maybe Ramsay. That dude has "smashing beetles thunk thunk" issues.
didnt he got equally ded? i hope he ded. omg.

so that the fight is called a draw and that tyrion will not be beheaded

*WISHFUL THINKING???* let me have my sliver of hope, you jerks ;__;

Tywin would just say "yeah well he killed Oberyn first so suck it, lose ya head".

That said, there's no way Tyrion dies. He has to do something stupid first. That's how this works, right? Robb did something stupid, Ned did something stupid, Oberyn did something stupid...


man, I totally saw that coming when he prancing around the Mountain lying on the ground. Oberyn, you stupid idiot

Tyrion totally isn't going to die


I hope that one day people stop viewing the Lannisers as "villains."

They aren't more evil than anybody else in the show.

Except for maybe Ramsay. That dude has "smashing beetles thunk thunk" issues.

Ramsay is goddamn awesome though

I've somehow really come to like him


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Oberyn you daft fucking cunt, you had one job!!
That scene made me feel legit queesy, I did not need to see that at all. Second time this series I think I've shrieked aloud

For the rest of the series I'ma need
1. Jamie to help Tyrion escape somewhere
2. The mountain needs to die from his wounds in a gruesome ay
3. Oberyn's lady friend needs to kill of Cersei
As messed up as it was... The part where Jaime and Tyerion talked about their cousin crushing beetles had me rolling. "Crushh tha beettllees ugh ugh"
The moment he loudly said "AND I WILL MAKE HIM CONFESS" I knew he was done for.

I expected Oberyn to lose, though the brutality of it completely shook me up.

are you me? lol

Matt_ said:
Oberyn you daft fucking cunt, you had one job!!
That scene made me feel legit queesy, I did not need to see that at all. Second time this series I think I've shrieked aloud

For the rest of the series I'ma need
1. Jamie to help Tyrion escape somewhere
2. The mountain needs to die from his wounds in a gruesome ay
3. Oberyn's lady friend needs to kill of Cersei



And if the Hound goes the way of the Droggo, then I won't even be mad - I'll be straight up disappointed. I suspect him overcoming his fear of fire will be the end-result of that, but man - if he get's GRRMed...
Remember the suffering old man that The Hound killed? I think that's the way he's going to die.

Arya will be the one to put the sword through him.

Oberyn you daft fucking cunt, you had one job!!
That scene made me feel legit queesy, I did not need to see that at all. Second time this series I think I've shrieked aloud

For the rest of the series I'ma need
1. Jamie to help Tyrion escape somewhere
2. The mountain needs to die from his wounds in a gruesome ay
3. Oberyn's lady friend needs to kill of Cersei
Can't we assume that he's dead already? Oberyn put a spear through his Achilles and his torso. There aren't any surgeons in Westeros.


A couple of thoughts on reflection..

- I think the hound might be the episode 9 death if there is one, seeing as Arya brought up his wound again.
- I expect Tyrion will escape death next episode because The Mountain will probably die from his injuries. Would be a bit lame if Tyrion is the episode 9 death seeing as Tywin sentenced him to death this episode.
- Dat Ramsay. I can see him becoming a real force in the next season or two. I'm conflicted in whether to feel sorry for Theon considering what he did to Winterfell.
- I hope Sansa is going to start to have a more important story, I enjoyed her this episode.
- I want to know whether Grey Worm has any pillar or stones left.
- I really hope there's a Stark reunion next episode. Didn't expect them to make it there this episode.


I'm actually glad that Jorah left Daenerys. Maybe he'll go back to Westeros now and do something interesting again. Though the Khaleesi scenes will be even less bearable now

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Actually, has there been an important character in this series that got a dignified death? I can't think of any off the top of my head.

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