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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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If it was discussed here I missed it, but the first episode of Season 4 is available FREE with an Xbox Live membership. You don't need HBO to watch it.
One thing I love about this show is that it doesn't get caught up in silly fanservice or changed the tone or pacing of the show because of fans, or keep characters around longer than they should (although that's accounted for by the story already being set). The showrunners know that the way the show is now is precisely why so many people love it.


I forgot to mention it, but my favorite part of epi 10 in season 3 was Davos reading letter from the wall about how the Lord Commander was dead and then Melisandre agreeing that the war of the 5 kings wasn't as important as that after putting it the fire to "read". I was a little bummed they're story wasn't touched in the 1st epi of this season. Oh well.
Whoever recommended the comic book girl19's videos for background on the series was right. There's like... a metric shitton of history I didn't even know about that has happened before this stuff all started. It's like LOTR again.. huge corpus of writing about the universe and we're only seeing a little bit on TV. Also she explains it really well in the videos. Would recommend the Targareyen one that I saw.
Did you watch the 2 about the Starks too then? =)
Just felt like chiming in and saying how good the latest episode was.

Also, I died from laughing at "What the fuck is a Lommy?".. they are the perfect pairing, they contrast completely yet complement each other. I wanna see them fuck more people up.
I wonder if the other 2 direwolves will ever show up again? I can see Arya's probably not showing up until after Arya does some comming up in the world -- which is likeley to be a few years. Ghost never seemed too interested in Jon, never even came whe called, and just sorta wandered off.

Yeah, I'd like to see them return too. Arya's especially. Man if she continues to grow as a stole cold killer AND shes reunited with her direwolf? Damn. Thatd be so great to see.

I still dont understand how Jon Snow didnt see those two big ass dire wolves come to his rescue and kill those wildlings last season. He just stormed off. Makes no sense.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
The sentiment is true, but he's either been misinformed or its a blatant lie. There were clearly way more than a dozen people at that dinner. And it's more noble to kill 10000 people at battle because, as the hound says, a man's gotta have a code. It's about the betrayal of something that is a fundamental part of their society. It implies a sort of deterioration of their society and so, in their minds, a blurring of the line between them and animals. It makes their world that much more terrifying to live in, that someone would do that. He's right that it's better to stab a few people to death at a feast than to let thousands and thousands die, but it's not what happened. And it ignores the religious significance of the act. Which isn't a big deal for a secular society, but for the people of Westeros it can have a huge impact on their identity and the stability of their society in general.

Also, Bran's story about the rat chef the next episode seems pretty prophetic.

No, he wiped out House Rain of Castamere because they "rebelled" and tried to become the richest/strongest house over the Lannisters.

Just as the Tyrells are doing now.

Except the Tyrells aren't just a bunch of bannermen who try to step out of line. They're a major family that has wealth, a decent sized army, and are the bread basket of Westeros. Fuck with the Tyrells and grandpa Lannister loses his hold over the kingdom, not to mention that hold exists because of the Tyrells helping out at the Battle of Blackwater.
I hope we someday learn Joffrey's motivation, or how he turned out like he did, it'll make him so much more interesting to me.

Maybe it's in the books though.

They mention a few times (or allude to it without just flat out saying it) that the reason Joffery is such a crazy asshole is due to the incest between Cersei and Jamie. Tommen and the Mycella were fine, but Joffery ended up not quite right. The Targeryens also practiced incest, and well. Lol Mad King and Vicerys.


I hope we someday learn Joffrey's motivation, or how he turned out like he did, it'll make him so much more interesting to me.

Maybe it's in the books though.

Incest. Same with the Mad King and to a lesser extent Viserys

Edit:beaten like Joffrey





They mention a few times (or allude to it without just flat out saying it) that the reason Joffery is such a crazy asshole is due to the incest between Cersei and Jamie. Tommen and the Mycella were fine, but Joffery ended up not quite right. The Targeryens also practiced incest, and well. Lol Mad King and Vicerys.

I did notice the allusions to it, but I'm hoping for something more interesting to come out, like experiences from his childhood that would cause him to be the way he is. Incest, while it could be a contributor, just isn't convincing enough on its own.


how old is joffrey supposed to be anyway?
15? 16?
i reckon give any super spoiled teenage brat a nuclear weapon and they'd be the same as joffrey


I did notice the allusions to it, but I'm hoping for something more interesting to come out, like experiences from his childhood that would cause him to be the way he is. Incest, while it could be a contributor, just isn't convincing enough on its own.

His mom and dad raised him like a spoiled piece of shit brat, what else do we need to see? Tommen and Myrcella were both A) much younger while all of this was going on B) not the heirs.


His mom and dad raised him like a spoiled piece of shit brat, what else do we need to see? Tommen and Myrcella were both A) much younger while all of this was going on B) not the heirs.

I wanna see some explanation of his fixations on death, torture and pain in particular. Being a spoilt child of incest explains him being a brat, but kids don't end up with those sorts of pathological obsessions for no reason. Not many people could stomach to see torture let alone make it happen and gleefully enjoy it. It's really abnormal and it'd be really interesting for me personally to have some kind of explanation for it. It'd really add to his character development.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
"There's no cure for being a cunt." Some people are just psychopathic maniacs and there isn't really an explanation beyond perhaps some form of extreme mental disorder...
Seems to me like he just has no empathy for other people, without discrimination. I don't think we've ever seen him display a genuine moment of concern for someone else - perhaps when Robert was dying, but I think that was more of a self-serving fear and he got over it like snap.

I think it's a combination of a possible mental or emotional disorder (although he doesn't seem crazy to me, he's reasonably lucid, remembering he's in his late teens), and an absolutely terrible upbringing combined with vast wealth and power. He's just a pure expression of the inequality of the world of the show. His increasing levels of sadism seem motivated by his underlying sense of inadequacy and deep fear of a world he doesn't understand, rather than some kind of psychopathic need. Margaery satisfies him because she ostensibly recognises in him that which he hopes everyone will, and nobody does; strength, greatness, intelligence, and so on.

There's the in-universe incest explanation, too. I'm not sure if this kind of thing is a documented result of incest in reality, I don't know much about that, but I accept that the show also wants to establish that incest leads to people who turn out highly imbalanced in their personalities and sense of morality.

El Daniel

Cersei raised him like he could do whatever he want when he turned king and his father (Robert) was a drunk who ignored him. The incest probably didn't help.

If he was never given any power, maybe it would turn out a bit different.


I wanna see some explanation of his fixations on death, torture and pain in particular. Being a spoilt child of incest explains him being a brat, but kids don't end up with those sorts of pathological obsessions for no reason. Not many people could stomach to see torture let alone make it happen and gleefully enjoy it. It's really abnormal and it'd be really interesting for me personally to have some kind of explanation for it. It'd really add to his character development.

The death of his father probably was a strong factor into making him what he is now. He was already into exerting power over people (in the only way children know: physical domination) but it turned to the worst when his father was suddenly removed from life. Pain and suffering turn into disillusion, in turn aggravated by having absolute power over people. Teenagers test the boundaries, tormented teens test them more radically. A teenage boy without boundaries may very well turn into the worst.
Or maybe he is just a sociopath? After all, he did cut open a pregnant cats stomach and showed his father Robert the goods when he was a very young boy. Whether he was born that way or reached that mental state via his upbringing doesn't matter. He is a sociopath and a cunt.


Joffrey really couldn't have turned out any other way. I mean I guess he could be slightly less torture and death obsessed, maybe, but the fact that he's a cunt isn't really surprising given the circumstances. His parents hated each other's guts. His dad banged anyone else but his mom, pretty much, and was pretty visible about it. He was visible about his dislike for Cersei, and I think that contributed to Joffrey's lack of respect in women. His mom then raised Joffrey as her escape and fuck you to Robert for all of that. Joffrey is her revenge. You see her grooming him throughout the first season, telling him he can do whatever he wants when he's king.


erotic butter maelstrom
Yeah, I don't think much more explanation is needed as to why Joffrey is the way he is. In a addition to the whole incest thing, he's a spoiled, uber-privileged brat and has a Bates-like relationship with his mother. There's quite a few scenes through out the series so far where she's pounded it into his head that everyone but "us" is the enemy. There's no way he'd turn out anything but a miserable little bastard.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
A combination of being spoilt when younger, because he was the first born and always told to be king, not having any real role model because his dad was utterly useless then coming to be king at a young age and not being taught how to be a proper one.
He grew up with all the stories of the Mad King, and how Robert killed all the Targaryens and how people had a temper and thinks the only way to control people is through fear and pain. Now he is the one in charge that is how he rules and he doesn't have to hold back his sadistic nature.


Joffrey's up bringing definitely factors in, but being raised spoiled and entitled in a city of liars like Kings Landing doesn't cause a person to take pleasure in the suffering of others. He's a psychopath...a result of incest. I forget the exact quote, but Cersei acknowledged that Targaryens wed siblings for generations, and that every so many were born predisposed to 'madness'. You take the incest out of the equation and he's just a rich narcissistic douche like Jaime.


Just felt like chiming in and saying how good the latest episode was.

Also, I died from laughing at "What the fuck is a Lommy?".. they are the perfect pairing, they contrast completely yet complement each other. I wanna see them fuck more people up.

Jesus, i almost read the last part wrong.

Very wrong.
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