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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I was having Grimy Fantasy withdrawals so bad that I finally picked up a copy of The Witcher 2. Good shit. I've noticed a few Thrones nods already. The combat is pretty fuckin tough but incredibly rewarding once you get used it. Unlike, say, Assassin's Creed, if you button mash you die, and when enemies attack in groups they don't stand around and wait to get killed while one or two guys engage.


I actually almost got spoiled for the Red Wedding, but it actually worked to surprise me way more.

Basically a guy at work told me that Joffrey's wedding was called the "Red Wedding" so when the Frey wedding happened I was not expecting anything to happen at all, which made it way more shocking.

Similar for me.

I heard about it before I started the show. At the time I thought it was going to be Joffrey and Sansa's wedding. lol
Joffrey's death was plastered on yahoo.com the Monday after the episode aired---right there front page. And for Season 3, I didn't watch a single episode until it had all aired.

This is an interesting phenomenon occurring with TV right now. Basically, unless you watched it live - for better or worse - you are not safe from spoilers. Major character deaths are regularly talked about on the day after morning shows, the late night talk shows. The funny reaction vids are shown to the audience. Its not like movie or book spoilers/twists, which are pretty taboo to talk about for a good couple of months/years. Tv spoilers are enjoyed, openly discussed in the media right after airing.


I accidentally spoiled Oberyn's death for myself :( I did a google search for "Oberyn" after his first episode because I didn't remember which character he was, accidentally clicked on the wrong wiki, scrolled down, and saw that he died at age 42 in King's Landing.

Other than that, I've managed to avoid seeing any spoilers.


I got spoiled on Joffery's death, and I knew Ned was doomed because they put the sword coming down on him in some of the season 2 promos. I didn't get 100% spoiled on Red Wedding, but it was obvious something bad went down by the way all my social media blew up that day.

I did get to be surprised with Oberyn, which was nice. I mean, it was awful, but it's one of the only times I was completely clueless of what was going to happen.

This is why I always watch the show the day it is aired, and I never EVER enter this thread the day its aired.


I was spoiled on most of the major deaths this season outside of Ygritte, Oberyn and Shae sadly. Everything I was spoiled on has already happened, so hopefully I can come into Season 5 completely clean.


I watched S1-3 before even stepping a foot in any forum regarding GoT. I knew nothing, VIRGIN#

So far the most shocking moment of the whole show was Robb's death, it came out of nowhere, i just did not expect that at all, and i was certain both characters (Robb and Catelyn) still had roles to play. You had the sense that Robb would confront Theon. Then Theon whole story became Hostel 3: Westeros Bugaloo

With Joffrey you knew he had his comeuppance, he is almost a cartoon heel, always thought Arya would behead him after he begged for mercy or something akin to that.

I think that is part of the brilliance of the show, they kinda hint at storylines and payoffs, that sometimes do not happen, but you do not feel robbed (no pun intended), because the direction it takes is even better than what you imagined.


I fortunately was not spoiled on this show at all. Saw the first episode and was hooked. I rode the rollercoaster of Neds beheading, the red wedding and Oberyn's eye gashing and I plan to ride the coaster all the way till the end.

At this rate though Arya is gonna have no one to kill. Names on her list are dropping left and right. Well at least she got one.


I would bang a hot farmer!
This is an interesting phenomenon occurring with TV right now. Basically, unless you watched it live - for better or worse - you are not safe from spoilers. Major character deaths are regularly talked about on the day after morning shows, the late night talk shows. The funny reaction vids are shown to the audience. Its not like movie or book spoilers/twists, which are pretty taboo to talk about for a good couple of months/years. Tv spoilers are enjoyed, openly discussed in the media right after airing.
As well they should be. TV show spoilers should be treated the same as sporting events. If you don't watch it live then don't complain when someone tells you what happened. If you can't watch it live then stay off the internet/TV until you watch it.
This is an interesting phenomenon occurring with TV right now. Basically, unless you watched it live - for better or worse - you are not safe from spoilers. Major character deaths are regularly talked about on the day after morning shows, the late night talk shows. The funny reaction vids are shown to the audience. Its not like movie or book spoilers/twists, which are pretty taboo to talk about for a good couple of months/years. Tv spoilers are enjoyed, openly discussed in the media right after airing.
Yeah. It's very odd when you think about it. For instance, the yahoo article about Joffrey's death. What is the point? If I've already seen the episode, I'm not going to read an article about something I've already seen. And if I haven't watched the episode yet, I'll avoid it like the plague. And if I haven't seen the show, and never have any interest in the show, why would I click it? I guess the only ones I can think of are actually people who haven't seen the show, and never plan on watching. They can catch up on some interesting tidbits, maybe to have something to chat with their friends about. And I only say this also because one of my dumbass friends ruined Robb's death for another friend of mine by reading about it online, then asked what my friend thought about it, literally the day after the episode aired. He and his wife had yet to watch the episode.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, watching the episodes live just isn't always an option. And staying 100% off the internet isn't either. It's a dangerous, cold world out there. That's why I deactivate my Facebook while GoT is airing.


I was spoiled early last year that Tyrion was going to kill Tywin.

Some prick on Reddit had it as his fucking username, and was posting everywhere in completely unrelated subreddits. I wouldn't have even noticed had someone not replied to him and said something along the lines of "YOU ASSHOLE" in capital bold letters, which obviously made me look to see what was going on.

That said, it did make me certain that Oberyn was going to win the duel, so his death ended up being a big surprise. After that, I started thinking maybe it wasn't a real spoiler after all, but as soon as Tyrion turned around and went back into the Castle, I knew.

I'm completely spoiler free now though, and really hoping I can stay that way.


Okay, this might have already been posted in this thread at some point but I just found it and I'm sharing anyway.



I've only been spoiled on 3 occasions, but they were pretty major. I was spoiled on Ned's death, Robb's death, and the Red Wedding (technically overlaps with the previous, but it was a spoiled on different occasions).

For Ned's death, I hadn't even started watching the show yet, but I saw an article about how George W. Bush's severed head ended up as a prop in Game of Thrones. I wasn't expecting spoilers, but the opening line was discussing how Sean Bean's character was beheaded and his head put on a pike. If they had just addressed him as Ned Stark, I probably wouldn't have remembered the name by the time I started watching the show, but when the show started and Sean Bean played an important character, I immediately remembered he was going to die.

For Robb, I don't even remember what I was reading, but it was after I started watching the show, but before Season 3 aired, and someone posted about the fact that he died in a way that was totally unprompted. Now already this should have been a spoiler, and I should have closed the window immediately, but somehow I read the words "Robb Stark" as "Ned Stark", probably because the post mentioned that his head was cut off. Since I already was past the part that Ned died, I didn't think this was a spoiler, so I kept reading until they started talking about how they cut off the head of his direwolf, and sewed it onto his body and rode him around on a horse like that. It took me a good several seconds of wondering if this was just not shown in the TV show before I realized he was talking about Robb and not Ned.

For the Red Wedding, I got spoiled the same way a lot of people did. I hadn't seen the episode yet, and everyone on the internet was talking about "OMG can you believe what happened in the Red Wedding" "I can't believe they did that, I'm never watching the show again". From that it wasn't hard to piece together pretty much what happened, especially since I was already spoiled that Robb would die (I didn't know when, but I knew it would happen).


It basically comes down to never browse 4chan or reddit during the season because you will always have asshats who go around and post spoilers on completely random parts of the site.

I feel like this thread is the only safe haven to discuss this spoiler free for people who never read the books.
So, I only started watching with Season 4 but now I'm catching up and just finished Season 1. It was very good and the characters and story are starting to fall more into place. Also, being able to watch as many episodes as you want in a row is amazing.
Honestly the evidence against Tyrion is pretty strong. He had the motive, and he had the opportunity.

Plus his wife up and disappears during the whole thing, and anyone who knows Sansa knows she isn't capable of plotting an escape by herself, so naturally one would think Tyrion helped her.


Probably. She seems like shes in denial. iirc the last episode she blamed Tyrion for killing their mother

He sorta did, i mean it isn't his fault but his birth did do her in.

Honestly the evidence against Tyrion is pretty strong. He had the motive, and he had the opportunity.

Plus his wife up and disappears during the whole thing, and anyone who knows Sansa knows she isn't capable of plotting an escape by herself, so naturally one would think Tyrion helped her.

Anyone who knows tyrion would know he didn't do it either, least not in the way it happened.
Honestly the evidence against Tyrion is pretty strong. He had the motive, and he had the opportunity.

Plus his wife up and disappears during the whole thing, and anyone who knows Sansa knows she isn't capable of plotting an escape by herself, so naturally one would think Tyrion helped her.

But it all falls apart when he is still at the scene of the crime. Only an idiot would be present when it was going to happen.
I got my spoiled a bit in the unmarked spoilers thread. Not their fault. All mine. I've read through the first three books after season 3 and stopped because I realized I liked the show better. This was the first season I couldn't really participate in the show thread whatsoever. I technically belonged to the "book spoiler" thread, but since everything was unmarked in that thread this season, some of book 4 and 5 were ruined for me. Not too much, though..it did suck not being apart of a "community". I didn't realize how much I liked reading the theories in this thread.

At least I'll be able to participate in a thread again next season (even if it is just lurking). It was pretty sad, lol.


Honestly the evidence against Tyrion is pretty strong. He had the motive, and he had the opportunity.

Plus his wife up and disappears during the whole thing, and anyone who knows Sansa knows she isn't capable of plotting an escape by herself, so naturally one would think Tyrion helped her.

I don't know.

Anybody who lived in the castle would pretty much know that all the Lannisters hated each other, but that they weren't going to all kill each other...at least, not in such an obvious way as poisoning during a wedding and in a way that would implicate them or leave them vulnerable to arrest.

To me, what made that such a strong arc is that I read the events as pretty much everyone knowing that Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey, but nobody being willing to stick their neck out for Tyrion against Cersei. It was very much a callback to Ned's beheading to me, with the daring rescue being what should have happened for poor Ned.
So Sansa just conveniently disappears during the chaos of the wedding? Clearly she's either involved or had knowledge it was going to happen, and who would she be involved with, who would have given her that knowledge?

When someone is caught red-handed in real life, the immediate reaction from the public isn't "well clearly he didn't do it because who would be stupid enough to do it and get caught like that".

The audience knows Tyrion is innocent, because we know LF set him up. But the "he's so guilty on appearance that he must not be" is more of a TV trope, in real life people who look guilty are presumed to be guilty.
So, I only started watching with Season 4 but now I'm catching up and just finished Season 1. It was very good and the characters and story are starting to fall more into place. Also, being able to watch as many episodes as you want in a row is amazing.
What.. why would you do this? You've ruined so many of the plot twists throughout the seasons.


OK, since everyone is telling their spoiler stories I might as well chime in.

I was spoiled on Tywins death by a thronecast interview with Charles Dance during season 3. The video started with a spoiler warning so I waited until the end of season 3 to watch it. Unfortunately the spoiler warning did not specify that it was a book spoiler.

Charles Dance mentions in the interview how book readers came up to him asking what he thought of the way his character dies. That's how he learned since he had not read the books.
That's exactly what Oberyn tells Tyrion ("you look so guilty im convinced you're innocent")

Pretty sure that line was never said on the show.

Oberyn is also a very smart and perceptive guy who happens to know that Cersei has always hated Tyrion since he was a baby.

Plus the very fact he says that line is evidence, that in fact Tyrion does look guilty from all appearances. A viewer who say that Tyrion is so obviously innocent that anyone on the show who doesn't think he's innocent are clearly stupid/delusional is looking at it from the right perspective.


IS there any show quite like GOT? I need my betrayal/boobs/cgi fix

Not really besides going back and watching HBO classics. I still miss Rome and Deadwood. There's other movie network shows that provide CGI and boobs but are nowhere near GOT in quality. Da Vinci's Demons is just a fun summer show with some interesting set-pieces due to the era so I kind of enjoy that (and the woman is smoking hot). I think The Borgias was a far better show about that period though and I'm still mad it never caught on with people.

It's amazing watching True Blood's premiere just a week after GOT ends and realizing just how shitty it is in comparison. I kind of enjoy it as a campy summer show but Sunday's episode had a lot of horribly written/acted moments. Going from GOT to True Blood is depressing.

I'll have to think of some others as I have nothing but time on my hands to watch shows and watching shows is cheaper than buying games! :p
I hope I don't jinx myself, but I've managed to not be spoiled about any event from the show. The closest I came was the Purple Wedding. That was the first episode I watched live in a long time and I got on Facebook right after and saw around ten posts saying something along the lines of "The king is finally dead!". So I'm glad I saw it live.

Edit: Ironically, someone spoiled when Seth Rollins turned on the Shield in WWE for me. I watch Raw on Hulu the day after.


IS there any show quite like GOT? I need my betrayal/boobs/cgi fix

While I wouldn't describe Spartacus as GoT-like, it's a damn fine show that should satisfy your betrayal/boobs/CGI criteria with plenty to spare. Batiatus is right up there with my favorite Thrones characters and I can't recall an episode where Lucy Lawless keeps her clothes on, thank the gods.


Last Sunday's episode was pretty good but I thought it was kind of whack when Sansa returned to King's Landing to open a meat shop. I mean, I'm sure she'll make a decent living with Wolfie's Kingly Cutlets, but way to exploit your recent family tragedy, girl.
Last Sunday's episode was pretty good but I thought it was kind of whack when Sansa returned to King's Landing to open a meat shop. I mean, I'm sure she'll make a decent living with Wolfie's Kingly Cutlets, but way to exploit your recent family tragedy, girl.

.....hahaha :>


While I wouldn't describe Spartacus as GoT-like, it's a damn fine show that should satisfy your betrayal/boobs/CGI criteria with plenty to spare. Batiatus is right up there with my favorite Thrones characters and I can't recall an episode where Lucy Lawless keeps her clothes on, thank the gods.

The best reason to watch Spartacus is for Manu Bennett.


erotic butter maelstrom
So who's the best Mountain so far? I like the first one, the latest one seems like a big teddy bear.
Most agree with the first. Looks the part, especially considering he's Sandor's older bro. The second one was just bad casting, and the third has the size but is too young and handsome.
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