OR IT WAS INDICATIVE THAT PEACE WON`T LAST. Doves are birds that represent peace, and one that is dead isnt exactly a good sign lol.
When do Oberyn and Loras get to have crazy gay sex though
I wish I would have been more shocked, except my stupid ass wandered into the spoiler thread on accident last week and I had this spoiled for me. Still awesome though. Good riddance
Hope that's a 10min. opening scene next week.When do Oberyn and Loras get to have crazy gay sex though
Because she wanted him to have a painless death as opposed to being brutally murdered by the opposing army, kind of a different circumstance. She used nightshade, not eyebleed hell-liquid.
aaahhaha the same exact thing happened to me. but honestly I thought it would be the big episode 9 event, not in episode 2 :O very unexpected but i'm not complaining, I still have 8 more unspoiled episodes left
and hopefully this means shae is gone. I hate her >:O
Maybe Joffrey just has a severe pie allergy and there wasn't actually any poison involved.
Maybe Joffrey just has a severe pie allergy and there wasn't actually any poison involved.
Im I the only one loving whats happened to theon? He deserves everything that is coming to himOberyn is one badass looking dude. Look at his "wtf is this shit" face:
Also, Theon... Poor dude is gone.
Posted yet? RoC by Sigur Ros http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w3QW8PVyyNM
Im I the only one loving whats happened to theon? He deserves everything that is coming to him
Im I the only one loving whats happened to theon? He deserves everything that is coming to him
It was bad ass grandma. She had the fool give the necklace to Sansa so if someone got caught it would be her.
I think she will try and argue her granddaughter is queen now and offer to pay off the debts.
There is still Jeoffrey's little brother though?
He gave her the necklace, the necklace which Olenna fondled shortly before Joffreys death. The same necklace that had every stone intact prior to the fondling, then after his death, the same stone she's touching is missing from Sansa's necklace.
I don't think Sansa had any idea of what was going on, she wanted to leave because of the little show Joffrey had put on, with Rob getting his head humped.
Kinda a shame joffery's actor is giving up the acting career. Though wonder if he'd just be known as "that guy who played joffery" if he did continue it.
So... now who's king? Myrcella? Tommen? It's Tommen though, right?
Where is tommen? Cant remember seeing him since the failed stannis attackYup, Tommen
Where is tommen? Cant remember seeing him since the failed stannis attack
Oh my fuckin god, dudes.
Came out of nowhere. So awesome, though.
Fuck the king!
Where is tommen? Cant remember seeing him since the failed stannis attack
Where is tommen? Cant remember seeing him since the failed stannis attack
Where is tommen? Cant remember seeing him since the failed stannis attack
Where is tommen? Cant remember seeing him since the failed stannis attack
He gave her the necklace, the necklace which Olenna fondled shortly before Joffreys death. The same necklace that had every stone intact prior to the fondling, then after his death, the same stone she's touching is missing from Sansa's necklace.
I don't think Sansa had any idea of what was going on, she wanted to leave because of the little show Joffrey had put on, with Rob getting his head humped.
Would have been an effective moment for me if a certain moderator on irc didn't let us know what twitter was saying moments after the episode ended.
Totally destroyed the surprise of the ending.
Screencap? I looked in the thread and must've missed it, but I relooked at the episode and I don't see any missing stones in her necklace later. They're certainly dangling in obvious enough a manner that I feel like I wouldn't miss it if I'm looking for it.
Screencap? I looked in the thread and must've missed it, but I relooked at the episode and I don't see any missing stones in her necklace later. They're certainly dangling in obvious enough a manner that I feel like I wouldn't miss it if I'm looking for it.
Luckily, I still have them open. I was sending them to someone not long ago. They're taken from this thread.
Edit: Beaten...
:/Would have been an effective moment for me if a certain moderator on irc didn't let us know what twitter was saying moments after the episode ended.
Totally destroyed the surprise of the ending.
She is obsessed with necklaces...Twist: Olenna is just a crazy clepto.
I haven't watched it back yet but doesn't Cersie(sp?) scream " he killed the king! MY SON! " at the end there?
Huh. It really does look like Sansa had the opportunity to do it in this scene, but that makes it more ambiguous. Maybe Sansa collaborated with they Tyrells off screen?
We don't know what the poison actually was. She could of lined the rim of the cup.She couldn't have put it in there. T-dog tries to hand the cup back unfilled. Plus the way he handles it the poison pill could have fallen out.