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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Cersei wouldn't become queen after killing Joffery... Margaery would. That marriage doesn't suddenly become null and void because Joffery died. The Tyrells benefit from this the most, it had to be one of them. Or possibly Dontos.
The marriage was never consummated and may be considered void.


HOLY SHIT. I just caught the episode. I can't believe that happened so early in the season. I honestly thought Joffrey would be around for at least another couple of seasons, but now his reign of terror is over just like that. Thank you GRRM for killing off one of the bad guys for once.


Sansa escaping with Ser Dantos certainly doesn't help Tyrion's case. Cersei can construct a pretty convincing narrative that he had his wife poison Joffrey and flee the city.


I first thought it was the fool who did it, but then I realized that he was a fool and he would be no where near the food of a royal wedding, especially the King`s own.

Then I thought it was that Prince of Dorne. But then I realized poison isnt how he rolls, he`s a warrior and an expert swordsman, not his style.

Then I realized....it`s gotta be Grandma Tyrell. You see her throughout the episode dropping that`s she`s paid for the food. Then you see her right at the wedding talking to Sansa about her brother dying at his wedding and who would kill at a wedding. Now the Tyrells are the royal family. IT ALL MAKES SENSE MAN.
Think about it for second. Tyrion would not be dumb enough to do something like that. Why kill Joffrey there?

I meant the Olenna pictures even further back...See my post above yours.

I think it's possible Tyrion might have been involved in some way, I don't think he did it himself. Only by the look her gave her...But why not there? What makes anywhere else any different?
I want to say this before reading any other impression. Before the wedding I was wishing to myself that this was just a 2-hour season premiere, that moved all the pieces around and allowed us to revisit the rest of this humongous crowd.

But my God, when the wedding vows had concluded and the tension was so thick in the air and the scene kept going, and going, and got more dramatic, I wished it would never end. I had another thought too. "In all of King's landing there isn't one or two assassins brave enough to take out Joffrey when his guard is down?"

Little did I know either Sansa's friend or The Tyrell's would make their move. Phenomenal extended scene and that son of bitch is finally dead.

Now to read the thread. :D


Man the unspoiled thread and the spoiler thread are worded way too similarly when you're just clicking at a glance. Just got a little something spoiled for me because I wasn't looking closely when I clicked :( :( :( :(

He gave her the necklace, the necklace which Olenna fondled shortly before Joffreys death. The same necklace that had every stone intact prior to the fondling, then after his death, the same stone she's touching is missing from Sansa's necklace.

I don't think Sansa had any idea of what was going on, she wanted to leave because of the little show Joffrey had put on, with Rob getting his head humped.

Hmm that sounds even more legitimate than the Sansa theory now lol.
I want to say this before reading any other impression. Before the wedding I was wishing to myself that this was just a 2-hour season premiere, that moved all the pieces around and allowed us to revisit the rest of this humongous crowd.

But my God, when the wedding vows had concluded and the tension was so thick in the air and the scene kept going, and going, and got more dramatic, I wished it would never end. I had another thought too. "In all of King's landing there isn't one or two assassins brave enough to take out Joffrey when his guard is down?"

Little did I know either Sansa's friend or The Tyrell's would make their move. Phenomenal extended scene and that son of bitch is finally dead.

Now to read the thread. :D
For real, that wedding feast was sensational. My favorite scene (well, scenes) of the entire show.
I can't remember too well but has she ever done anything that would lead us to believe she would kill her own kid? I know she's kinda evil but I thought she loved Joffrey. Unless I forgot some stuff I just don't feel she would do that

My reasoning is that she was fine when she had full influence over Joffrey but as of late Margaery has been pulling him away. Shes shown to completely hate her as well as the fact she is no longer Queen. Its GoT...I wouldnt be surprised if she had him killed to get back power. I dont know how the throne works and who is next in line though.

Hell she loved Jaime but is a complete dick to him now. People change.

Old woman Tyrell just seems like the obvious suspect which is why I dont think its her.

That also reminds me, I loved watching Cersei get extremely jealous over Brienne when she pretty much showed she was in love with Jaime.

He gave her the necklace, the necklace which Olenna fondled shortly before Joffreys death. The same necklace that had every stone intact prior to the fondling, then after his death, the same stone she's touching is missing from Sansa's necklace.

I don't think Sansa had any idea of what was going on, she wanted to leave because of the little show Joffrey had put on, with Rob getting his head humped.

Oh shit youre right. This changes everything


Lol at Sansa having any idea what's going on..

She is along for the ride.. Always.

It couldn't have been spelled out any more clearly who did it without coming right out and saying it..


Who was the girl that Ramsay was chasing in the woods? Was that just to remind you that Ramsay is a crazy evil son of a bitch?


The killer could have given him something that made him drift peacefully into an eternal slumber, but they wanted him to suffer. He probably shat himself.




By the way, did the fool ever explain what the stones were made of when he met Sansa in the forest path? I can't remember.

Also when Joffrey picked up the cup the second time was it near Olenna?


Also, holy shit the makeup / effects for Joffery's death truly were excellent. Great fucking job by the production crew.


Oh my fuckin god, dudes.

Came out of nowhere. So awesome, though.

Fuck the king!

...and I now have no clue what's going to happen in King's Landing this season. I was expecting a long drawn-out thing that ended with the Joff biting it somehow. But not like this... not like this.
By the way, did the fool ever explain what the stones were made of when he met Sansa in the forest path? I can't remember.

Also when Joffrey picked up the cup the second time was it near Olenna?

No he didn't.

She was the closest one to it, other then her daughter. But it was on a different table.


While everything is pointing to Ollena, I still don't understand why she would do such a thing. Margaery is now no longer in a position of power...
Cersei also seems pretty confident she'll be remaining queen when she orders the food to go to the dogs and not the poor of kings landing - defying both Margerie and Joffrey.


That's what I thought, thanks.

As much as I love the Olenna theory, I think that is too obvious. I hope this was Sansa's coming out party.

I think it's pretty clear that Sansa had nothing to do with it since the fool whisked her away while she was looking on in shock with everybody else.


It was overshadowed by Joffrey's awesome death scene but where does the kid with visions (can't remember his name) want to go next? They showed King's Landing in his vision.
I think it's pretty clear that Sansa had nothing to do with it since the fool whisked her away while she was looking on in shock with everybody else.
Perhaps, or maybe she was just overwhelmed by seeing her actions in motion. This would be her first big move.

She was completely stone faced the entire dinner, even during repeated slander against her family, and she did ask to leave after giving Tyrion the cup.
Watching it again, Sansa does make some shifty eyes before asking if they can leave now. Of course she could be just waiting for The Fool so that she can make her escape and not necessarily because she had anything to do with the poisoning.
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