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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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There's basically no way--massively out of character--but if it was... man, she would shoot way up in my estimation.

Oh yeah, Cersei definitely thinks it was Tyrion.

Sansa isn't capable of doing this on her own. She also wouldn't willingly do it either. That girl is being taken for a ride.
I wonder if Cersei sending the creepy old man away is significant.....would he have been able to get to Joffrey in time to do something to treat the poison?
There's basically no way--massively out of character--but if it was... man, she would shoot way up in my estimation.

Oh yeah, Cersei definitely thinks it was Tyrion.

Right I can't remember if she screamed it though. She just screamed to a ton of people that Joffrey was HER son. Some people may of caught that. Would make them realize that the lannisters have been plotting for the throne using some rather ... unorthodox ... tactics.

Its about fucking time a lannister got one though. Holy shit was that overdue. Now Cersei needs to get hers. Can't stand her.
I wonder if Cersei sending the creepy old man away is significant.....would he have been able to get to Joffrey in time to do something to treat the poison?

It was definitely important in that the Maester's are knowledgeable in poisons and various cures. I don't think it was sinister forethought on her part, just her exercising her power to make herself feel better - just happened to be a really poor choice in retrospect.
I have to admit that my initial reaction was that the poison was meant for the new queen...they seemed to have a lot of references to Cersei losing power and maybe she couldn't bear to lose her title. Didn't Tyrion grab the cup from where the new queen was sitting?





Right I can't remember if she screamed it though. She just screamed to a ton of people that Joffrey was HER son. Some people may of caught that. Would make them realize that the lannisters have been plotting for the throne using some rather ... unorthodox ... tactics.

Well hang on. Joffrey is her son. Kinda hard for a woman to hide that.

The big secret that the Lannisters don't want revealed is that he's also Jaime's son.


aaahhaha the same exact thing happened to me. but honestly I thought it would be the big episode 9 event, not in episode 2 :O very unexpected but i'm not complaining, I still have 8 more unspoiled episodes left :D

and hopefully this means shae is gone. I hate her >:O

If this is episode 2, you can't possibly imagine what's coming next.

Wait a minute...where the fuck is Rickon?

With Osha?
So are we just pointing the finger at everyone now? lol.

Forget resolution-gate and fps-gate, Game of Thrones and HBO are proud to present "Goblet-gate". Choose your sides, finger all the suspects. A boy-King is dead at his own wedding, and we must find the culprit now! Was the Goblet already poisoned? Was it even Joffrey's or Maergerey's to begin with? Did Sansa swap it out? Did poor sword skills put some avian-flu riddled blood on Joffrey's pie? Maybe that out of towner, Martell, has already had his revenge...The possibilities are endless.



Oh my yes! The punk ass is dead. You can clearly see that anyone who isn't a Lannister except perhaps Tyrion wanted this POS dead. Adios and so long, Joffrey.

I definitely think that this was premeditated by a few people, including the Queen's grandmother and the foreign dude that has beef with the Lannister's. Grandma is foreshadowing her involvement when she's talking to Sansa, and the foreigner has hinted it before that he wants the Lannister's to feel the hurt.

The time has come, and it has never felt as good.

All in all, an excellent episode.


I'm assuming Sansa had no idea what was going on but her necklace was used to smuggle the poison in with Olenna using the drunk guy who gave the necklace to Sansa as the patsy just in case something goes wrong as he's easily expendable and not seen as trustworthy or worth a damn to the rest of King's Landing.. Sansa adds a layer of plausible deniability to the assassination while possibly being beneficial to the responsible party.

Maybe Olenna thought Joffrey was too crazy and didn't want to risk her granddaughter, her family's best asset at the moment, by marrying her to an unpredictable nutjob. You might be able to manipulate him often, but one slip-up is bad news with Joffrey.

She might also use this as a way to secure even more power, possibly marrying Margaery off to Tommen (he seems older now) which would make them seem even more respectable while being with a much more level-headed king.

It's how I see it because I don't think anyone else would pull this off and have Tyrion as the perfect fall-guy like that and Olenna did spend some time with Sansa and their scenes together once again seem like foreshadowing. I just wonder if anyone else is involved.

Oberyn doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would do this as he much rather do it himself in a more violent manner. The only other people I could think of that would do something like this are Varys and Littlefinger and we haven't seen or heard from the latter in quite some time. He did really care for Catelyn and want Sansa to come with him at one point right? And now Sansa is fleeing with the drunkard? Who knows...

To me, Olenna is definitely involved in some way. Her motives just aren't 100% certain.

Fuck. I love this show.
Re watching. Just noticed that during the wedding the priest says....

"Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder"

At the very moment he's saying that, the camera focuses off of Maergery and focuses on 2 important people in the seats. Olenna and Oberyn.


That Oberyn guy seems cool, I feel like he will unleash some badass shit soon. Total boss when he said "you can tell your father I am here" in the first episode.
That wasn't quite as traumatic as I was expecting it to be. However, his face was kinda freaky. I'm glad he's gone.

Probably because he was a little shit that got what was coming to him. Thought it was played perfectly.

I don't think I've ever grinned at watching someone die. But the directors really made you hate him all over again right before giving him the axe ... or the pie .... or the wine ... .... ....

Then of course you have so many possibilities as to who did it. Tyrion hated his guts. Sansa more then hated his guts. Oberyn is in town who hates all lannisters. Tywin probably realizes how fucking bad of a king he truly is and is the hand ( isn't the hand basically the Vice President as long as the next in line is not of age? .. something like that ) of the king. The Spider always talks about how is fights for the realm. He can't see Joffrey as someone who is good for the realm to have as their leader. Same with Olenna and and the new queen. Doubt either of them like him at all and would want him out of the picture now that they are so high up the ladder.

List goes on and on. I for one, think Arya did it.

Also, now you have Theon in the picture again. And holy hell, he has been " trained " to be a pet with a new name who will do nothing to his master. Holy shit at that. May as well put a silver bracelet on his neck and call him Da'covale! Thats right, i fucking put in a Wheel of Time reference in a GoT thread! Hooya

I did want to see more Arya / The Hound this episode of course, but I guess this was basically Episode 1 act 2. Introducing the rest of the main cast.


Re watching. Just noticed that during the wedding the priest says....

"Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder"

At the very moment he's saying that, the camera focuses off of Maergery and focuses on 2 important people in the seats. Olenna and Oberyn.

Once again, that's why Game of Thrones is the most amazing show on TV.

I just don't see this as Oberyn's style. Olenna on the other hand, one of my favorite characters, would definitely do something like this if she thought it was good for her family. The Tyrells seem to be masterful politicians in how they have two very different personas: One side for the public to see and the other side being the schemers that gobble up power little by little through any means necessary while never exposing that side to the public.

Frank Underwood would be a Tyrell.
Re watching. Just noticed that during the wedding the priest says....

"Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder"

At the very moment he's saying that, the camera focuses off of Maergery and focuses on 2 important people in the seats. Olenna and Oberyn.

Another great bit of foreshadowing is when Joffery is told to "drink deep and live long" when he receives the giant goblet from house Tyrell.


That Joffrey would die was spoiled to me in a Twitch chat some time ago (a "this character dies!" sort of thing), but I still did not see his death in this episode coming at all. Excellent moment. There was an incredible amount of tension in the air, dragged out and out, but what I expected was for Tyrion to break and throw the wine in Joffrey's face or something. Just...wow. He's gone. Painfully, gruesomely. Holy shit worthy stuff, all in all. The entire wedding scene was incredibly well done, and felt strangely dark from the very beginning.

And then there's Bran's vision. Based on what he saw, the future seems to be rather grim.
I don't think any of the Lannisters did it, including Tyrion. Family is important to all of them, Cersei loves her children(Really loves her brother), same with Jamie. Tyrion knows his only worth in this world is being a Lannister, and offing Joffrey would be a bad move, seeing as he is the only person in the family that they hate, and they're looking for excuses to be rid of him. Finally, Tywin has stated endlessly that what matters most is his family name and legacy. Joffrey was a shit king and hard to control, but I'm sure he doesn't want people to think that the Lannisters can just be murdered like anyone else, either.

Olenna and Oberyn seem like the prime suspects, especially considering they were in the camera focus during the wedding ceremony, as previously stated.


Oh my, the irony of Mace Tyrell saying "Drink deep and live long" as he presents Joffrey with the goblet at the start of the episode.

Still not sure why people are saying it was the pie, I don't think they could have made it any more obvious that it was the wine.
Badass grandma's foreshadowing was terrific.
"War is war but killing a man at a wedding? Horrid. What sort of monster would do such a thing?" As she palmed the necklace jewel.


Man Oberyn is so badass. He just doesn't fuck around. That conversation between him and Tywin and Cersei was great. You can tell he is going to be threat to the Lannisters.
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