Jay Shadow
Not as much magic as his "stump" bending to grab things while climbing out of the bear pit last year.It looks like his golden hand closes up as he runs.
... magic?
Not as much magic as his "stump" bending to grab things while climbing out of the bear pit last year.It looks like his golden hand closes up as he runs.
... magic?
Robert had no actual sons so the crown goes down to his brother.
PhoenixDark and Steelyuhas are available to answer questions that you might have.I just got spoiled on another character death, damn you facebook >:O
can someone who has read the books quote me? I'll send you a pm and see if the spoiler is true
Got it.
So its widely known that those are not Roberts kids?
Or Stannis knows at least.
Well, Stannis apparently sent letters to everyone and their mother about it. So everyone knows, but officially they're just vicious rumors put out by a jealous uncle who wants the throne for himself.
Got it.
So its widely known that those are not Roberts kids?
Or Stannis knows at least.
For some reason I think it's the Jester that had something to do with it...Olenna is too obvious a choice and not a very smart one, she's far too smart to do something like that.
Stannis the Motherfucking Mannis
Goddamn is his leitmotif perfect.
No, you are absolutely right. But Joffrey still had all of Robert's bastards slaughtered a season or two ago for good measure.
I just got spoiled on another character death, damn you facebook >:O
can someone who has read the books quote me? I'll send you a pm and see if the spoiler is true
I have to believe his sister is gonna come to save him soon. That whole crew of Ramsey, Bolton and the guy who cut off Jaime's hand are way overdue for getting what's coming.I never thought I'd feel sorry for Theon Greyjoy after his behavior and conduct - at times, I hated him even more than Joffrey - but I would never wish this sort of punishment and treatment on my worst enemy. Put him out of his misery already.
So are there any "purple wedding" reaction videos coming out of Sunday's episode? Because those were fun to watch until people started faking them.
One more reminder that we're not comparing the books and the show in this thread. Thank you.
Grr! I wish book readers and non-book reading speculators would be more careful. I don't want to get accidentally spoiled by this thread.
Can't we just, in this thread, pretend the books don't exist?
Ned sent a letter to Stannis before he died of his findings. It was addressed in the s2 opener when Stannis first appeared I believe.
Did Robert Baratheon ever fuck Cersei? I always assumed that he loathed her so he never touched her. And if he did how does she not have at least one of his kids?
And if so, how did he not know Cersei's 3 kids werent his?
I think that was more or less Cornballer's point.
I honestly want to read the books, but now I honestly don't want to ruin this show. Books, no books this is one hell of a experience. Excellent entertainment.
Can we please stop the "omg I got spoiled on a character death" posts? IMO, that's spoiling that someone important is going to die. I know this is GoT, and everyone dies, but still... am I alone on this? It's like watching a movie with someone who goes, "ooh! pay attention here!" -- wtf...
As for last night's episode, I only wish we got to see someone put a blade in Joffrey. His death was welcome news, but having it happen the way it did made it bittersweet.
My guesses as to who did it:
- none of the obvious players (Sansa, Tyrion, the Tyrell women, Oberyn). I think the show takes itself too seriously to let it be someone who they try to steer you towards.
- apologies for forgetting her name, but the tall blonde woman who accompanied Jamie. She was loyal to Renly and Cat Stark. Seems like she'd want revenge in their names, and her scene was kind of shoe-horned in. I thought it was strange she approached the throne. My only problem is that she strikes me as the type to stab him in the throat, not do it silently and sneakily... which leads me to my final guess
- Littlefinger, who must have been devastated to hear Cat Stark was murdered. The style fits him perfectly, plus he has the perfect alibi -- he was gone at the time.
Can't wait to see how this all plays out.
I hate reading theories because anyone can pretend to be a show watcher and put out their awesome theories. So I just ignore that shit. I hate people sometimes, can't keep their dumb mouths shut.
- apologies for forgetting her name, but the tall blonde woman who accompanied Jamie. She was loyal to Renly and Cat Stark. Seems like she'd want revenge in their names, and her scene was kind of shoe-horned in. I thought it was strange she approached the throne. My only problem is that she strikes me as the type to stab him in the throat, not do it silently and sneakily... which leads me to my final guess
Got it.
So its widely known that those are not Roberts kids?
Or Stannis knows at least.
Ugh. Please no. Not everyone can or wants to jump through hoops to view them. They need to mature first. Give them another 5 years or so to become standard.webm that shit
I love this image. Poor guy. So casual. *whack*It was Varys. Look at his rage, seething under his cloak.
I loved those episodes, but I don't remember that line. Somehow it was so subtle it didn't stick in my head. I love South Park though. It's very intelligently written for something that takes 6 days to create every week.Show is great, dude.
The spoiler was stated in the middle of a ramble ("and whengets poisoned..") so I think most people would've either disregarded it as a joke or simply not catch it at all. I certainly didn't catch it the first time I saw the episode, and when I did I didn't necessarily believe it until I saw the pieces falling into place last night.Joffrey![]()
This made me laugh.![]()
It doesn't bother me that Jack Gleeson is retiring from acting for academic pursuits given his natural passion for intellectualism and distaste for the celebrity, but I hope he recognises that beyond the fandom and nonsense his contribution to performance art is ultimately one of the strongest in the entire show. If that's all he ever wants to do, he should sit well knowing he delivered in spades and accomplished exactly what all great actors should: emotional resonance with the audience.
I think it's one of those "open secrets" now, like the sexuality of Renly, that nobody will actually being up for fear of being beheaded.
Joffrey's death and the reactions of non-book readers reminds me of a character death in another HBO show, The Wire (season 5), where people felt that the character that died didn't get the death he or she "deserved".
People who have watched The Wire probably know exactly what and who I'm talking about.
Hidden penis behind Joffrey during the banquet? The crown defines the head and the sigils of Baratheon and Lannister decorate the balls?
Maybe it's just me.
The only thing it means is that when a pie is full of birds and you cleave it, some of the birds are going to get cleaved too.