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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I haven't seen the movie but I can tell that's Val Kilmer just from what little of his face is showing. That's weird.
Was anyone here kind of annoyed by Brienne? I mean, what is she doing there at Kings Landing besides just hanging out and taking in the good life? She swore to Catelyn she'd get Sansa and Arya out of there and I don't think she's even asked Jamie anything about the Stark girls. And then she goes to the wedding, cozies up to Joffrey and Cersie, and now Sansa is gone (unless Brienne is complicent in the murder which I doubt, not really her style). Wtf Brienne.

She confronted Jaime about his oath to protect them in the first episode.


I think it was alllll Littlefinger's doing.

They haven't shown how he's doing yet and there's no reason to snatch up the Stark girl for anyone really. I mean, does she still have rule over the North in her resume? Shouldnt Imp hold the North regardless of if she's alive and well or not now? Or if she's napped and "re-married" does that over-ride stuff?

Thank you. I thought I was the only one that think his absence was suspicious and that he has a lot of reasons to do this as well. He has shown interest in Sansa in the past and knows what she means to the North, he very well remembers what Joffrey did to Ros, and this is a move that fits his personality and tactics.

Olenna could have been involved with Littlefinger, especially after all the hints they dropped, but I don't think it was SOLELY her doing.

He could take her back to The Vale and wait for his next big move. He's much more likely to do this than Varys in my opinion and this isn't how Oberyn would want vengeance since he's one that wants to do it himself with as much as violence as possible. Taking out Joffrey might hurt the Lannisters emotionally, but he wants to see the house burn.


Was anyone here kind of annoyed by Brienne? I mean, what is she doing there at Kings Landing besides just hanging out and taking in the good life? She swore to Catelyn she'd get Sansa and Arya out of there and I don't think she's even asked Jamie anything about the Stark girls. And then she goes to the wedding, cozies up to Joffrey and Cersie, and now Sansa is gone (unless Brienne is complicent in the murder which I doubt, not really her style). Wtf Brienne.
(don't read the Youtube comments for fear of SPOILERS, obviously)


So what is the consensus on where the poison was? In the drink or the pie?

The last person that they show touched the goblet was actually Margaery, then Joffrey makes Tyrion grab it and hand it to him.
Thank you. I thought I was the only one that think his absence was suspicious and that he has a lot of reasons to do this as well. He has shown interest in Sansa in the past and knows what she means to the North, he very well remembers what Joffrey did to Ros, and this is a move that fits his personality and tactics.

Olenna could have been involved with Littlefinger, especially after all the hints they dropped, but I don't think it was SOLELY her doing.
That, and revenge for the murder of the love of his life, of course.
I suspect the conspiracy to kill Joffery is much larger than just one person.

Twist: Every person in Westeros killed Joffrey, in one way or another.

The poison was extracted from Dany's dragons and sent using ravens from the Wall to the Boltons, who provided the wine and sent it to King's Landing. The meat for the wedding was given by Stannis (note how he says the meat is off), and cursed using Melisandre's shadow babies.

The whole wedding was a setup by the Tyrells to get Joffrey in a public place where his death would be witnessed. After Varys provided the dwarves for the lame War of Five Kings skit, Tyrion deliberately acted like a dick because he knew Joff would humiliate him by making him cup bearer, allowing Sansa to slip the poison into the goblet when Joff kicked it away and the Fool to take her away before shit went down.

Brienne, Oberyn and even Loras all served as distractions, making sure the royal family stayed in their seats and didn't notice Pycell ensuring the pie was ready after he was chided by Cersei.

When Joffrey ate the pie and drank the wine, it activated the secret magical formula, resulting in blood-sputtering, googly-eyed death.

Jaime's golden hand? Nothing more than a ruse to make it seem like Jaime would be unable to perform a lifesaving Heimlich maneuver (which requires both hands), absolving him of any possible wrongdoing.

Even Arya and the Hound got in on the action, making sure there was plenty of chicken for the feast, so Stannis' cursed meat would be used in the pie and not for the feast.

All planned and calculated.

George RR Martin you're a fucking genius, but I've figured it out.


Thank you. I thought I was the only one that think his absence was suspicious and that he has a lot of reasons to do this as well. He has shown interest in Sansa in the past and knows what she means to the North, he very well remembers what Joffrey did to Ros, and this is a move that fits his personality and tactics.

Olenna could have been involved with Littlefinger, especially after all the hints they dropped, but I don't think it was SOLELY her doing.

He could take her back to The Vale and wait for his next big move. He's much more likely to do this than Varys in my opinion and this isn't how Oberyn would want vengeance since he's one that wants to do it himself with as much as violence as possible. Taking out Joffrey might hurt the Lannisters emotionally, but he wants to see the house burn.

I'd say Littlefinger is part of the conspiracy, providing the poison and all.

If the Tyrells were to claim that the throne belonged to them, the Lannister would surely fight it. This would start a war and give Oberyn the opportunity to wipe out the Lannisters like he wants, giving the Tyrells the throne. (I suspect the Dornish quite like it in there isolated part of Westeros and don't care to rule the rest of it, and thus let the Tyrells control the Iron Throne)

Perhaps then Littlefinger will be given Casterly Rock as his reward.


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
Next season they should recast all the roles and have Jack Gleeson play all of them just so we could watch him die over an over again.


Guys, I was just thinking...with King Joffery gone, who will we love to hate now? :(

Cersei better be next. I'm fine with Tywin sticking around cos Charles Dance is great. Plus I want to see this inevitable iron fist of the Iron Bank come down on the Lannisters in some way, especially going by what mama Tyrell said to Tywin during their walk.

Otherwise yeah....we need a new figure to despise. D:


Hmm ok, forgot about that. Guess it just seemed weird last night to see her in such a good mood to basically the people who killed her sworn friend Catelyn, and not to show the audience any kind of assumed scheming on her end to get Sansa out...much less even talk to Sansa and let her know why she's there.

Unless.. she did get Sansa out? Maybe she's part of the whole plot? Lol.


This episode was amazing. Not only did it deliver a great death scene it was also the funniest GoT episode ever.

Cersei has shot up in my book as being as bad as Joffrey. One thing that immediately stood out to me as Joffrey was trying to make Tyrion's existence hell was how uncomfortable or furious every important character was. THe only exception is Cersei who was enjoying it.

Tywin has been trying to raise his family to honor each other and she was outright enjoying her brother getting harassed and challenged by his nephew. I've always been on the fence on the various Lannister children because the way they support each other doesn't seem genuine in spite of their lineage. Yet Tyrion doesn't abandon his brother and gets Bron to help him become a great swordsman again.

Jaime (as much as he is talking with his dick) is standing up for his sister. Meanwhile Cersei is clearly bent on crushing Brianne in the future and is openly enjoying Tyrion's troubles.

We've had many scenes that clearly portrayed Cersei's bad parenting skills by spoiling Joffrey but I now think Joffrey learned a lot about vindictiveness and not giving a shit about family from her as well.

Fuck this cunt. Having her watch her son die was exquisite.

This episode explained that Ollenia was behind Joffrey's murder and why she felt this needed to be done.

A lot of people have presented proof such as foreshadowing at the gifting ceremony with Ollenia's husband asking Joffrey to having a long drink and live healthily, at the wedding by the priest declaring a curse on whoever breaks apart the marriage, Ollenia talking to Sansa about killing a man at wedding and enjoying the food she paid so much money for, as well as the various necklace subplots.

What confused people is why do it if Marjory hasn't born a child yet. The simple fact is that even though Marjory is good at manipulating Joffrey he has no respect for family. His actions with Tyrion not only vindicated her decision but she had an I'm going to kill you stare before Tyrion picked up the cup.

The Lord of Light is on a roll. So far in the span of 3 episodes 2 of the kings he was begged to kill off have died. Only Balon Greyjoy is left but I don't see how he is going to die even in 3 episodes since he is in the Iron Islands. Sure Ramsey is going to attack a location held by his troops but that is still mainland territory. He isn't getting off that island for just that. The Lord of Light is also either full of shit or has terrible spokesmen. If hell was on Earth then the other god Lord of Light is fighting has to exist on Earth instead of a higher plane like he does. If the Lord of the Light considers the entity under the tree as his adversary this contradicts that this being is part of a pantheon of elder gods.

I want Stannis' daughter to be my kid. Very smart and is willing to challenge bullshit. I'm sure this would make parenting a lot easier.

I can't believe THeon was mentally butchered like this. When Balon dies he is not mentally capable of becoming Lord of the Iron Isles after his sister rescues him. Ramsey is a psycho but he is a struggling psycho trying to gain acceptance from his father. He isn't a suitable replacement for Joffrey who we loved to hate since he was a privileged asshole that lorded his birthright over his victims.


Yeah, plenty of people to hate in this show. I think the people I hate almost outnumber the ones I don't, haha. I'm surprised that Jamie Lannister has moved from my 'hate' column to my 'Like' column though. If anyone had told me after Season 1 episode 1 that I would eventually grow to like Jamie, I'd have never believed them.


Hmm ok, forgot about that. Guess it just seemed weird last night to see her in such a good mood to basically the people who killed her sworn friend Catelyn, and not to show the audience any kind of assumed scheming on her end to get Sansa out...much less even talk to Sansa and let her know why she's there.
Well, where would she take her? Winterfell is taken, Rob and Cat are dead and Jon is on the wall. Her only option is too wait


Unless.. she did get Sansa out? Maybe she's part of the whole plot? Lol.

Haha, maybe. I'm not even going to try to speculate on potential suspects. Way ,way too many exist out there in this show. I just don't think Brienne would be cool with poisoning Joffrey. It's not her style. And if she did, then why not try to poison all of the Lannisters at once so she could really get Sansa out.
This episode was amazing. Not only did it deliver a great death scene it was also the funniest GoT episode ever.

Cersei has shot up in my book as being as bad as Joffrey. One thing that immediately stood out to me as Joffrey was trying to make Tyrion's existence hell was how uncomfortable or furious every important character was. THe only exception is Cersei who was enjoying it.

Tywin has been trying to raise his family to honor each other and she was outright enjoying her brother getting harassed and challenged by his nephew. I've always been on the fence on the various Lannister children because the way they support each other doesn't seem genuine in spite of their lineage. Yet Tyrion doesn't abandon his brother and gets Bron to help him become a great swordsman again.

Jaime (as much as he is talking with his dick) is standing up for his sister. Meanwhile Cersei is clearly bent on crushing Brianne in the future and is openly enjoying Tyrion's troubles.

We've had many scenes that clearly portrayed Cersei's bad parenting skills by spoiling Joffrey but I now think Joffrey learned a lot about vindictiveness and not giving a shit about family from her as well.

Fuck this cunt. Having her watch her son die was exquisite.

This episode explained that Ollenia was behind Joffrey's murder and why she felt this needed to be done.

A lot of people have presented proof such as foreshadowing at the gifting ceremony with Ollenia's husband asking Joffrey to having a long drink and live healthily, at the wedding by the priest declaring a curse on whoever breaks apart the marriage, Ollenia talking to Sansa about killing a man at wedding and enjoying the food she paid so much money for, as well as the various necklace subplots.

What confused people is why do it if Marjory hasn't born a child yet. The simple fact is that even though Marjory is good at manipulating Joffrey he has no respect for family. His actions with Tyrion not only vindicated her decision but she had an I'm going to kill you stare before Tyrion picked up the cup.

The Lord of Light is on a roll. So far in the span of 3 episodes 2 of the kings he was begged to kill off have died. Only Balon Greyjoy is left but I don't see how he is going to die even in 3 episodes since he is in the Iron Islands. Sure Ramsey is going to attack a location held by his troops but that is still mainland territory. He isn't getting off that island for just that. The Lord of Light is also either full of shit or has terrible spokesmen. If hell was on Earth then the other god Lord of Light is fighting has to exist on Earth instead of a higher plane like he does. If the Lord of the Light considers the entity under the tree as his adversary this contradicts that this being is part of a pantheon of elder gods.

I want Stannis' daughter to be my kid. Very smart and is willing to challenge bullshit. I'm sure this would make parenting a lot easier.

I can't believe THeon was mentally butchered like this. When Balon dies he is not mentally capable of becoming Lord of the Iron Isles after his sister rescues him. Ramsey is a psycho but he is a struggling psycho trying to gain acceptance from his father. He isn't a suitable replacement for Joffrey who we loved to hate since he was a privileged asshole that lorded his birthright over his victims.

Good thoughts.

You might want to change your avatar, however... at least for a while (unless you only plan to post in the GoT threads :p)
I'm pretty sure there are GAFers who don't have HBO and wait for the DVDs to watch each season.


Well, where would she take her? Winterfell is taken, Rob and Cat are dead and Jon is on the wall. Her only option is too wait

Sansa has other family though. They haven't shown us what's going down in Rivverun but Brienne could maybe take her back there. They said last Season after the Red Wedding that Blackfish got away so she could go to him. Maybe take her to Jon on the Wall- obviously not the best place to be with Boltons and Wildlings closing in, but yeah. Or she could just go with the Hounds idea last episode for Arya- take her to her aunt Lysa Arryn. She's kind of fucking nuts, and her son might try to suck on her boobies.
If not any of those Brienne should have at least been a constant bodyguard/Kingsguard style for Sansa to at least keep her safe. We have no idea where the fuck Dontos is taking her to after this went down.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
It was beautiful to watch that impudent little shit choke on his own vomit and bleed out of his eyes. I'm only surprised that it came this early, this season is going to be season 1 tier.
Ok, the screenshots made it pretty obvious Olenna and Margaery put the poison into the goblet. The pie was a planned distraction since even the king seemed to be surprised by the pigeons. Thats the moment Olenna slipped the stone from the neglace into the cup. So why all the hassle with sansa? I think most of you got it wrong - they won´t help her to escape kings landing. Obviously this was all planned to frame her for the murder. She has a motive and she had the opportunity, the neglace with the missing stone will become the evidence they need. Tyrions struggle was just another unplanned humiliation by jeoffrey. The fool was part of the plan and by luring her away she will look even more guilty.

Margaery will become Queen - Olenna will ensure that. Kings landing and Tywin are far to dependant on the food and money from house tyrell for the forseeable future. The people love her. It was all part of the plan.


Good thoughts.

You might want to change your avatar, however... at least for a while (unless you only plan to post in the GoT threads :p)
I'm pretty sure there are GAFers who don't have HBO and wait for the DVDs to watch each season.

Well it looks like a mod removed the avatar before I could even consider this. SO other people will be safe.


Haha, maybe. I'm not even going to try to speculate on potential suspects. Way ,way too many exist out there in this show. I just don't think Brienne would be cool with poisoning Joffrey. It's not her style. And if she did, then why not try to poison all of the Lannisters at once so she could really get Sansa out.

Haha I know. I was just joking.


lolololololol I had completely no idea.. but I was like lol ok... the red wedding totally ruined me... I knew for some reason I knew something would happen I thought Shea was in the cake :p not sure why... but yeah the shock I got from the last wedding last year was insane... it fucked me. I haven't and won't even watch that episode again. I really hated Joffrey I waited Arya to kill him slooooooooowly though

But yeah only character I care about is Arya... I'm meeh at everyone else now
Finaly that asshole is dead. God i love the series. Now the question is who the hell did this? I doubt it was Sansa. But she had the Goblet in her hands for a few seconds.
Next on my death wish list:

1. Crsei (bitch)
2. Littlefinger and Varys (manipulative bastards)
3. Tywin (kent)
4. Danys (boring)

I wouldnt be surprised if Dany dies at the hand of her untame dragons and Bran's strength increases so much that he can control the dragons by his mind, thus taking over the iron throne (hence why his visions showed dragons).
lolololololol I had completely no idea.. but I was like lol ok... the red wedding totally ruined me... I knew for some reason I knew something would happen I thought Shea was in the cake :p

I thought something like this would happen too. I don't think Shae is completely safe yet (no character just disappears from GoT) and thought they might have captured her to humiliate Tyrion at Joffrey's wedding.
I thought something like this would happen too. I don't think Shae is completely safe yet (no character just disappears from GoT) and thought they might have captured her to humiliate Tyrion at Joffrey's wedding.

I thought the same too. I dont think she got on the ship and leave based on Bronn's answers to tyrion when he asked.
Ok, the screenshots made it pretty obvious Olenna and Margaery put the poison into the goblet. The pie was a planned distraction since even the king seemed to be surprised by the pigeons. Thats the moment Olenna slipped the stone from the neglace into the cup. So why all the hassle with sansa? I think most of you got it wrong - they won´t help her to escape kings landing. Obviously this was all planned to frame her for the murder. She has a motive and she had the opportunity, the neglace with the missing stone will become the evidence they need. Tyrions struggle was just another unplanned humiliation by jeoffrey. The fool was part of the plan and by luring her away she will look even more guilty.

Margaery will become Queen - Olenna will ensure that. Kings landing and Tywin are far to dependant on the food and money from house tyrell for the forseeable future. The people love her. It was all part of the plan.

That is actually a extremely good point about framing Sansa, and it's necklace.
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