Just accidentally went into the unmarked spoilers thread UGH@!!!!!!!!!!
I would have liked to see a lot more with Bran, because it feels like his story is going NO WHERE, than see Theon tortured for 5 episodes.
I still don't get why Bran didn't do something when he saw Jon last season. It's like "Oh, there's my bro. I'll see him later I guess".
Hm I didn't get that impression from that shot. I took it as something like King's Landing will move, metaphorically, to the north. Or perhaps King's Landing will be covered in metaphorical cold? Dunno.
Come on people, let Corn or Eat Children take care of the spoilees. Why keep drawing attention to them?
Come on people, let Corn or Eat Children take care of the spoilees. Why keep drawing attention to them?
Finally watched the second episode and it sure scratched my itches.
Screencaps galore!
So...uh...was anyone else looking at that top down view of Cercei's cleavage as Joff was dying in her arms? Also, they should name the book thread asoif, it would make the two threads easier to distinguish.
So...uh...was anyone else looking at that top down view of Cercei's cleavage as Joff was dying in her arms?
Hm I didn't get that impression from that shot. I took it as something like King's Landing will move, metaphorically, to the north. Or perhaps King's Landing will be covered in metaphorical cold? Dunno.
So...uh...was anyone else looking at that top down view of Cercei's cleavage as Joff was dying in her arms? Also, they should name the book thread asoif, it would make the two threads easier to distinguish.
So...uh...was anyone else looking at that top down view of Cercei's cleavage as Joff was dying in her arms?
So...uh...was anyone else looking at that top down view of Cercei's cleavage as Joff was dying in her arms? Also, they should name the book thread asoif, it would make the two threads easier to distinguish.
I just remember he was sort of a main story arc in the previous seasons, kind of weird how they just stop that arc cold turkey.
I would have liked to see a lot more with Bran, because it feels like his story is going NO WHERE, than see Theon tortured for 5 episodes.
I still don't get why Bran didn't do something when he saw Jon last season. It's like "Oh, there's my bro. I'll see him later I guess".
I don't think so. The dragons will go to Kings Landing and probably tear it apart (Brans vision) that's why it looks like its in ruins. The snow is there because of winter, which is right around the corner.
Visions in GOT always mean something.
As far as I know, that spoilered part wasn't actually shown on the show, so best to remove it.
So...uh...was anyone else looking at that top down view of Cercei's cleavage as Joff was dying in her arms? Also, they should name the book thread asoif, it would make the two threads easier to distinguish.
The Bran and Dany stories are growing old for me. Dany is just wandering around a desert freeing one slave city after another with no direct impact on the Westeros storyline. Bran is full-on re-enacting Fellowship of the Ring by just walking around in a forest doing nothing.
Really? I don't even think I noticed. I think I was caught up in the moment lol.So...uh...was anyone else looking at that top down view of Cercei's cleavage as Joff was dying in her arms? Also, they should name the book thread asoif, it would make the two threads easier to distinguish.
Yeah now that you mention it, it is weird. Had completely forgotten about him.
Also I don't remember too well how last season ended.
Stannis receives a letter about the white walkers right? How they are about to attack? Or that the Wildlings are about to attack? Who does he receive this news from? Or why does he only get this message?
I am also a little confused about the stuff happening north of the wall. The Wildlings are forging an army to attack the other side of the wall right? Why? Is it to escape the White Walkers? Aren't the Walkers also about to attack?
That whole sequence was baffling. Bran does nothing even though he sees him.
Jon Snow saw the dire wolves too. Why didn't he think "oh shit my brothers/family" might be up there or in an around the area?
Why didn't he take his girl with him? He just runs away.
Can you make one that says lots of people post terrible Tumblr GIFs.
Not to mention we haven't seen anything about the white walkers yet.
It does feel like there's a lot of meandering going on in the story as a whole. I haven't read the books, but one of the complaints i see when someone comments on why it's taking so long is apparently Martin keeps expanding the story rather than pushing the story truly forward. I don't know if that's completely true since I haven't read the books but it's not hard to think that's what's going on when we look at the storylines of Dany, Bran, and Theon.
I dunno, maybe I'm being picky but I do hope we get some resolutions to some of these story lines, or at least have them move forward in a meaningful way this season.
Because I was annoyed at having that spoilt for me and I wanted the poster to know. At least I put the actual spoiler in tags.
just popped in to say that this shot is effing gorgeous.
There are actually 3 threads, one for the books only (asoif) in community, one spoiler discussion for the series, and this one.
I think Jon knows and Bran doesn't. Also, what happened to Rickon and the wildling woman. Are they all still together?Yeah, I don't get it either. Does Jon and Bran know their whole family is dead? I can't remember.
I must have missed it, but say you wanted to provide a picture I would not be opposed
Finally watched the second episode and it sure scratched my itches.
Screencaps galore!
Book people should just not comment on this one, like at all. I don't trust any one of them to even remember if their info comes from the books or the show, and in my experience they only come to gloat or give hints about how they knew all along. Well, no shit you knew. Do you want a prize for that? Was it hard to read a whole book? Congrats smartass.
The reason many of us don't read the fucking books is because we would breeze through them and then be all like dumb yous waiting for George go finally get around writing the next fucking one. And doing nothing in the mean time but finding ways to fuck with people who haven't read them. I mean, the ones who have read them and I can't even tell from your posts here, thank you. I don't want to know if you read them or not. I don't want you to verify links or spoilers for me, I'm just not clicking any links.
Maybe I should just stay out of this thread like I normally do. At least this last episode was a surprise.
Oh now everyone's gonna "discover" Sigur Ros from being featured in GoT #hipster
As far as I know, that spoilered part wasn't actually shown on the show, so best to remove it.
Sadly, I think I even have to avoid this thread now. I have this sinking feeling that there are a few book readers in here that post amazing 'theories' knowing full well the real truths... not to mention some of the outright spoilers linked or posted.
so uh guys, when is winter actually coming? its been 4 seasons and i'm itching for some snow
Yup, sometimes it is really obvious. They can't help themselves.
Well they said some time ago that summer had officially ended, so...
I have no idea.
I... uh, only said there were 3 threads man... sorry about that though....
Which names did Melisandre (or was it Stanis) say when throwing the leeches into the fire?
Which names did Melisandre (or was it Stanis) say when throwing the leeches into the fire?
Jesus fucking christ. While i was laughing behind my desk at each and everyone of you who accidentally went in the wrong thread i just did it myself and got myself a ridiculous spoiler.
That fucking thing is a joke, the worst thing is it actually takes you a few posts before you realise whats going on ...
Yeah the huge red text on top of every page is really hard to read...
People should subscribe to the thread, then there's a lot less chance of getting spoiled by the other thread.