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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I also must admit to being a casual GAF poster who doesn't read all 3200 posts of a thread before joining. Sorry to make you so mad.
I meant take into consideration the post you're replying to instead of skimming over it and dismissing it with a one line response.
The weight on Olenna isn't just because of the missing gem or whatever, but also (from my perspective) an observation of how this and the last episode were cut together in relation to this. Bad narrative has twists and other bullshit pulled out of nowhere with no substance or reasoning in retrospect. Good twists play the pieces right before your eyes and it only becomes obvious when you have the "gotcha" moment. Roose's betrayal of Rob is an example of this: his house has a rough history, Cat makes it clear he cannot be trusted, and his military policies butt heads with Rob's on several occasions. Again, Theon being flayed. The mystery is who is this guy and where the fuck is he. Meanwhile Theon is on a gigantic fucking flaying cross, while being flayed, and is continually taunted by a horn, the exact same horn blown by Bolton's men when they surround Winterfell.

So much emphasis was put on fucking necklaces and Olenna's disgust for Joffrey and Lannister bullshit in general was prevalent in the last episode and throughout the last season. Yeah sure, it could be anybody, but when freeze frame shows a fucking necklace gem disappear after Olenna is near by, the same Olenna who made a fuss about shitty nicklaces prior to the wedding, the same Olenna who knowingly loathes a sociopath marrying her granddaughter, etc etc. Come on. Good story telling, which Game of Thrones almost always has, suggests the killer can be implicated or at least narrowed down to a small pool based on events so far. Bad story telling suggests that the killer was fucking Hot Pie, cos pies. Or the kid sucking on his mum's tit, because...I dunno, tits.

I know a dude who I'm 100% positive hasn't read the books, and even he is hedges his bets on Olenna due to how the scene was cut. I don't think there's much plausibility to suggest anybody else specifically was involved. Maybe Olenna acted alone, being the craft mistress of awesome she is. Or maybe she had helpers, like the drunk, that will be revealed. That's the big picture that we don't know, but the writing on the wall for the time being says OLENNA.

Meanwhile, the book spoilers people are probably laughing at us because it was indeed Hot Pie.

I said this earlier, but Game of Thrones continually makes a point of how fucking hard it is for anybody of name and status to do anything without a spy picking up on it. This is like...one of the most prevalent core themes, integral to so many developments and twists. This exact episode makes a point of it, both Jamie and Tyrion reminding us how easily information slips out. Shit, even Lorris reminded us, hitting Jamie with the ol "yo you fuck your sister" shit. Nobody can shit, eat, breath, fuck, or do anything without someone noticing because movements of the rich and powerful are valuable commodities and essential political tools.

Yes, poison is small. But I think trying to smuggle in a poison that powerful, that active, and that deadly would be something watched out for by parties who know that information would be valuable. How does royalty get a hold of such things? How does a guest at Kings Landing acquire what seems to be one the most secretive and potent killing tools, without anybody noticing, and get it into a wedding.

Nobody suspects or watches a drunken nobody. A nobody in the strictest sense: nobody knows him. Even Sansa doesn't recognise him at first. The logistics are still murky, but it makes a lot more sense to use a tool that'll go unseen than to just piss away risk doing it yourself.

The first half of your post is spot on, but you lose this sharpness in the second half. I don't buy the "because of the spies" thing. There would have been a million better ways to smuggle the poison to the wedding. Unless you want to point the blame in a specific direction. She framed sansa. She doesn't have a sweet spot for her. She was just a tool with a motive everyone would belief to get rid of the mad King 2.0 before he could rape margaery.


abit OT but I hope to see these guys again in the near future..



LOL - yeah, no.

LOL yes. Loras and Oberyn clearly have the hots for each other in that scene. It's a typical cruising look shared between two guys.

Also, on top of what everyone else has said about Olenna (her clear dislike of Joff), she is played by Diana Rigg. They wouldn't hire someone that famous for a throwaway character.


Kiddo. It's GAF. And Tyrell is Loras and Olenna's last name. There probably WILL turn out to be a conspiracy involving more than one Tyrell. That part has nothing to do with Loras being bi.

Maybe you need to get out more if me just deciding that's a reasonable conclusion without checking with you really rocked your world this much.
Lol are you for real? I don't even know where you're going with this anymore.

It's like admitting you were wrong is just too hard.

I know Loras is a Tyrell btw. I don't know why you keep trying to point that out to me as if I don't. Still don't think he was involved in the plot and I doubt Margaery was either. Doesn't seem like her thing, she's desperate to be a Queen with anyone whether they're gay and into her brother more than her or a psychopath it doesn't matter to her.


It's all in the show, you don't have to have read the book to have caught all of that. Many posts in this thread say much of the same thing, this just illustrates it. I don't read the comments section. I suppose if you are afraid of having your whodunnit spoiled because you didn't notice everything yourself, you could not click on a link that says "How It Really Happened".
Those captions with the images even mention the exact name of the poison. This is not something you can catch from watching the show.

What you posted was a book summary in image form...


Lol are you for real? I don't even know where you're going with this anymore.

It's like admitting you were wrong is just too hard.

I know Loras is a Tyrell btw. I don't know why you keep trying to point that out to me as if I don't. Still don't think he was involved in the plot and I doubt Margaery was either. Doesn't seem like her thing, she's desperate to be a Queen with anyone whether they're gay and into her brother more than her or a psychopath it doesn't matter to her.

Margaery - at least to me - very clearly knows what is going on. As much as she's wanted to be queen, you're always given the impression she's got an additional agenda behind her actions. There's no way she didn't know or had a say in the plot to kill Joffrey. She's smarter than many give her credit for I think.


Those captions with the images even mention the exact name of the poison. This is not something you can catch from watching the show.

What you posted was a book summary in image form...

Fair enough. Most of it was still said before in this thread, but there's a difference between supposition and confirmation. Like I said, I don't read the comments section for fear of spoilers, and i assumed this was just someone putting the pieces together. I've removed the link and I apologize for those who feel I spoiled the scene.


Replicant said:
Tch - you're late. Over it. But props for the Diana Rigg love.

ramyeon said:
Lol are you for real? I don't even know where you're going with this anymore.

It's like admitting you were wrong is just too hard.
Who's posting drive by shitty comments now? Look, I'm not "going anywhere" with it. In fact: let it die. It's reasonable to theorize that a Tyrell conspiracy occurred, since a Tyrell just killed Joffrey. I'm not about to admit that is wrong, because it isn't. I have admitted to misreading the Oberyn scene. I've even admitted to skimming the thread, forgetting a bit from a previous episode, said I was sorry for making you mad, and tried a bit of levity, saying "it's only GAF - don't sweat this so much." We're done.

Edit: Volimar removed the link so I am removing my mention of what was in it.


Margaery - at least to me - very clearly knows what is going on. As much as she's wanted to be queen, you're always given the impression she's got an additional agenda behind her actions. There's no way she didn't know or had a say in the plot to kill Joffrey. She's smarter than many give her credit for I think.
I'm gonna say we'll just have to agree to disagree then. I think she really wants to be queen and this is the second time the opportunity has been snatched away from her right before the deal was sealed. I don't doubt that she's smart - she had Joff around her little finger and there were moments where I thought with her influence he could have actually become a half decent person. But she's not as smart or cunning as Olenna. Olenna has stood toe to toe with Tywin, she's no pushover and I wouldn't put it past her taking things into her own hands once she heard horror stories about Joff from Sansa.


Joffrey being dead is all well and good, but I fear for how long Tyrion will last. I almost thought they'd kill him this episode (can you imagine my joy when that little shit died instead >:D), but even now that his biggest 'enemy' is gone I think he ain't gonna last long. Especially now that he is essentially seen as the one who killed the king.


Joffrey being dead is all well and good, but I fear for how long Tyrion will last. I almost thought they'd kill him this episode (can you imagine my joy when that little shit died instead >:D), but even now that his biggest 'enemy' is gone I think he ain't gonna last long. Especially now that he is essentially seen as the one who killed the king.

I'm hoping Jamie and maybe tywin rescues Tyrion. They're blood after all


I'm most interested in what will happen now between Tyrion and Jaime. I don't think Jaime will believe Tyrion did it, but Cersei sure does and he might have to take her side, at least publicly.
Carfo, Curufinwe,
me too! I always think the dynamics between the Lannister characters is so intriguing. Jaime, before he lost his hand, seemed to be a very good fighter and the archetypal Lannister, unlike his tiny brother or his sister, so I felt Jaime was the middle ground between Tywin, Cersei and Tyrion. They all seemed cordial with him, with Cersei being much closer to him, ofc.

I don't know how he feels for Joff, but yeah, I doubt he would believe Tyrion did it. Though publicly I think he will support his sister/lover.... Unless she goes over-hysterical. That might pushes him towards Brienne, maybe. Much saner. Not at pretty, but probably not as unhinged either...

... I still don't understand why Olenna would get at Joff at his wedding though, timing-wise, I mean. Can someone enlighten me, pls~


That scene where Ramsay tells him to shave him while informing him about Robb says it all. He could have killed Ramsay there, but he didn't even have the strength for that. He's a broken man, something Ramsay wanted to prove to his father it seems.
I though Theon would've done it but felt the time wasn't right.

the bran arc is so fucking boring.
Uh no. If anything it's too damn short lol.


... I still don't understand why Olenna would get at Joff at his wedding though, timing-wise, I mean. Can someone enlighten me, pls~

Yeah, they lose the crown and any influence they might have had. It all shifts back to Cersai again.

If it was them I'd expect them to weight until Marg had a kiddo and then off him. Marg would be Queen Regent and they could banish the Lannisters back to Casterly rock.

Killing him now, when Marg seems to have him, kinda, under wraps seems silly. Maybe they have another move ready.


the bran arc is so fucking boring.

First off, they don't show really much of it

Secondly, it's clear as day that the Bran arc will have a huge impact on the GoT world; so much build-up must culminate in something big. I didn't read the books and this all might go nowhere, but Bran was always special with his dreams and visions


I doubt Margaery knew. She was confident in her ability to handle Joffrey and never wavered in her desire to be Queen. Maybe you could argue Olenna told her the day of, but it's doubtful. Having Margaery remain ignorant protects her, which is largely why Olenna kills the king in the first place. Joffrey's death also delays Cersei & Loris' wedding indefinitely, buying Olenna time to destroy that alliance too.

-Ser Dantos
-Varys????? Throughout the festivities he looked like a man bracing for a shit storm. They made sure we see this. His knowledge doesn't necessarily mean he's involved, given his talents, but still. Hearing of whispers of a king's assassination and letting it happen is treasonous just the same. That's certainly something he'd do, though....for the good of the realm.


First off, they don't show really much of it

Secondly, it's clear as day that the Bran arc will have a huge impact on the GoT world; so much build-up must culminate in something big. I didn't read the books and this all might go nowhere, but Bran was always special with his dreams and visions

Honestly, they can just fuck around for the next 3 or 4 episodes and people will still call it the best season ever.


I doubt Margaery knew. She was confident in her ability to handle Joffrey and never wavered in her desire to be Queen. Maybe you could argue Olenna told her the day of, but it's doubtful. Having Margaery remain ignorant protects her, which is largely why Olenna kills the king in the first place. Joffrey's death also delays Cersei & Loris' wedding indefinitely, buying Olenna time to destroy that alliance too.

-Ser Dantos
-Varys????? Throughout the festivities he looked like a man bracing for a shit storm. They made sure we see this. His knowledge doesn't necessarily mean he's involved, given his talents, but still. Hearing of whispers of a king's assassination and letting it happen is treasonous just the same. That's certainly something he'd do, though....for the good of the realm.

Preview spoiler.
Based on the preview it looks like Margery is as surprised as anyone about Joff's death.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I think Bran's could go interesting places but is suffering a bit from John Snow Season 2 at the moment where all he does is wander with five minutes of screen time every episode or two. He's a lot more interesting in the respect that some serious supernatural shit is going down, and his warging, but I hope there's some more developed revelations or surprises soonish. Bran's vision was really, really weak in my opinion. It looked fantastically visually, but like 90% of the shots used were recycled scenes from past episodes. Maybe that has relevance, but it seemed kinda like "HEY 2 SPOOKY" and that's about it.

Dany's vision was much more interesting as the scenes shown were visually stimulating relevant to the narrative.

The first half of your post is spot on, but you lose this sharpness in the second half. I don't buy the "because of the spies" thing. There would have been a million better ways to smuggle the poison to the wedding. Unless you want to point the blame in a specific direction. She framed sansa. She doesn't have a sweet spot for her. She was just a tool with a motive everyone would belief to get rid of the mad King 2.0 before he could rape margaery.

Would there have been though? Sansa doesn't seemed framed at all unless there's a trail evident in the next episode. Sansa has always been in danger to some degree. A dead Joffrey paints her as a natural suspect, but drunk dude was quick to swoop in and at the very least get her away from the wedding. Maybe she is being framed and that will be evident next time, but I dunno.

To me if you're going to assassinate the king this way you want to hide or destroy as much of the damaging evidence as possible, that being the poison, and so far that's worked. Hell, Tyrion is only implicated by chance, much like many people.


Honestly, they can just fuck around for the next 3 or 4 episodes and people will still call it the best season ever.

Spoiler from the interview post Purple wedding with the director of the episode:
He said that they gave him all the big stuff this season and he's directing episodes 3, 8 and 10.


The title really doesn't suggest anything.

It was a celebration between the Tyrell's (Rose) and the Lannisters (Lion).
This is something that I don't like about the story. I know Joffery is (was :D) a lannister literally, but his surname was still baratheon. I wish they emphasized that a bit more.
Finally watched the second episode and it sure scratched my itches.

Screencaps galore!


Also, this shot (coupled with Dany's visions) pretty much confirms the iron throne will be nothing more than a useless chair by the end of the story.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.



Agreed. Tywin was pretty much King through Joffrey anyway, no reason to have him killed.

Few pages old but honestly, Tommen comes off as someone easier to control than Joffrey. Sure, Joffrey's fear of his grandfather allowed him to control him for now but he was too much of a psychopath that would have gotten harder and harder to control as his ego grew.


This is something that I don't like about the story. I know Joffery is (was :D) a lannister literally, but his surname was still baratheon. I wish they emphasized that a bit more.

Also, this shot (coupled with Dany's visions) pretty much confirms the iron throne will be nothing more than a useless chair by the end of the story.

It COULD happen. Nothing is set in stone.


So a day after the purple wedding, my thoughts about the murderer of Joffrey changed;

Olenna is still the prime suspect because of her obvious hatred of the king (and her numerous talks with Sansa), but I can't help but feel that's she not the real killer. I don't think Sansa is capable of murder even if everyone (sans Olenna) took a piss on her family. But she was taken away so quickly... I can't help but think that our wayward friend Little Finger has something to do with it. Yeah, he's off somewhere else, but I wouldn't be surprised if he still has several spies and pawns within King's Landing. I mean, if by some chance they would target Sansa as a suspect and kill her, he could never forgive himself because of his love for Catelyn Stark. Maybe Olenna reached out to Little Finger? Or others maybe?

So, I wouldn't be surprised it this kill was planned by a group of people, not just one individual.
I think Bran's could go interesting places but is suffering a bit from John Snow Season 2 at the moment where all he does is wander with five minutes of screen time every episode or two. He's a lot more interesting in the respect that some serious supernatural shit is going down, and his warging, but I hope there's some more developed revelations or surprises soonish. Bran's vision was really, really weak in my opinion. It looked fantastically visually, but like 90% of the shots used were recycled scenes from past episodes. Maybe that has relevance, but it seemed kinda like "HEY 2 SPOOKY" and that's about it.

Dany's vision was much more interesting as the scenes shown were visually stimulating relevant to the narrative.

Would there have been though? Sansa doesn't seemed framed at all unless there's a trail evident in the next episode. Sansa has always been in danger to some degree. A dead Joffrey paints her as a natural suspect, but drunk dude was quick to swoop in and at the very least get her away from the wedding. Maybe she is being framed and that will be evident next time, but I dunno.

To me if you're going to assassinate the king this way you want to hide or destroy as much of the damaging evidence as possible, that being the poison, and so far that's worked. Hell, Tyrion is only implicated by chance, much like many people.
Swooping her away made her even more suspicious. I say Olenna will put her in some place where Tywin can find her easily and the neglace with the missing stone will be all the evidence he needs to sentence her to death. I say the stone will somehow still be in the cup so they can make a connection to the neglace. She put too much effort in the neglace for it to be just a smuggle device.


What an episode. I couldn't believe the King died. I was in shock like, I always knew he was going to get killed sooner or later but I wasn't expecting it now.
I think Sansa would murder Joffrey in his sleep if she got the opportunity. But she doesn't have the connections or the smarts to poison him, also getting surprise rescued by someone doesn't really feel like she planned it.

If she would have done it, I bet she would just kill herself and be done with it.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I'm rewatching it and why has Ramsey only just been introduced to Bolton's wife?
Bolton obviously kept Ramsey around if he would trust him with taking winterfell and controlling the Dreadfort, so I find it hard to believe that they've not interacted before

Real Hero

I'm rewatching it and why has Ramsey only just been introduced to Bolton's wife?
Bolton obviously kept Ramsey around if he would trust him with taking winterfell and controlling the Dreadfort, so I find it hard to believe that they've not interacted before
he only just got that wife from from walder frey did he not? I think he mentions it in the red wedding episode to Catalyn.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
he only just got that wife from from walder frey did he not? I think he mentions it in the red wedding episode to Catalyn.

Oh. I always thought that he married her ages ago but I guess it makes sense that it was a recent marriage


I'm rewatching it and why has Ramsey only just been introduced to Bolton's wife?
Bolton obviously kept Ramsey around if he would trust him with taking winterfell and controlling the Dreadfort, so I find it hard to believe that they've not interacted before

I think my boy got his prize pig from Frey. I remember him saying he can select a woman and get her weight in gold as well so he took the fattest one there.


Also, this shot (coupled with Dany's visions) pretty much confirms the iron throne will be nothing more than a useless chair by the end of the story.

Hm I didn't get that impression from that shot. I took it as something like King's Landing will move, metaphorically, to the north. Or perhaps King's Landing will be covered in metaphorical cold? Dunno.


Swooping her away made her even more suspicious. I say Olenna will put her in some place where Tywin can find her easily and the neglace with the missing stone will be all the evidence he needs to sentence her to death. I say the stone will somehow still be in the cup so they can make a connection to the neglace. She put too much effort in the neglace for it to be just a smuggle device.

That's true, Sansa leaving abruptly does make her and Tyrion look more suspicious, but it was a wise thing to do. Even with Tyrion locked away this is going to create an enormous witch hunt. From the audience's perspective she's a prime suspects based mostly off how much she's suffered at Joffrey's hands. Why would the Lannisters come to a different conclusion? Look how far they went in rooting out the Brotherhood, ramping up even more when Tywin suspected an attempt on his life had been made.

It very well could be open season on all Lannister enemies.

It's growing into my favourite.

The two-minute segments every couple of episodes are getting frustrating though.

I need moaar.

I would have liked to see a lot more with Bran, because it feels like his story is going NO WHERE, than see Theon tortured for 5 episodes.

I still don't get why Bran didn't do something when he saw Jon last season. It's like "Oh, there's my bro. I'll see him later I guess".
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