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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I managed to watch the newest episode yesterday. I didn't know they were gonna show the wedding so early, I mean this is only episode 2 however I was expecting something to happen since it was Joff's wedding after all. The whole ceremony was really fun to watch since all the major characters in King's Landing were there. When Joffrey started to pick on Tyrion I was getting really annoyed how he couldn't just let go even though Margaery tried her best to get Joffrey's attention somewhere else. I was expecting Tyrion to do something foolish which would cause him to end up in jail as we saw in the trailers but I was not expecting Joffrey to get poisoned :D
I was so happy he finally met his end but at the same time maybe a little sad since he served a purpose in the story, he was the guy whom we were supposed to hate.
And my joy came to an abrupt end when everyone thought Tyrion was the one who did it (which it obviously wasn't) and Cercei went all apeshit...

I kinda hoped Joffrey would die a different death, maybe one involving a bit of fear and torture, sort of like the girl we saw at the beginning of the episode.
But seeing that last shot of his face... :S yeah it looked like dying from that poison wasn't the most pleasant death so I'm happy with that too :p

Deku Tree

I had to share this one


HAHA. Love it.


Apparently nobody has at this point, and that's just a shame :)

Yeah, HBO and G. Martin are definitely teasing us. :mad:

Fun fact regarding spoilers: last week me and a couple of friends(all on par with the show, not book readers) where hanging out and entered a bookshop, and then one of them picked up the last book and started reading the character list at the end. He had this WTF look on his face, and before he could say anything i jumped 4-5feet back for actual fear and ended up hitting a shelf behind me.
He got this damn smile on his face like "oh maybe i'm going to spoil you" and i started screaming in the middle of the bookshop.
God, this show is making me paranoid.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
How old is Tommen (about?). I saw him in the background and he either hit puberty or they changed the actor. I just remember him being really really young.

Yeah they changed actor to the boy that played Martyn Lannister (One of the kids karstark killed when they were Rob's prisoners)
I'd guess he'd be around 10 years old though


We're talking about Margaery, right?

She's clearly not a virgin.

That's damn sure, she probably went with all of High Garden, but we still haven't seen her doing stuff (aside for that time with renly where...well...).

While i'm so happy the show has gradually tuned down sex scenes, she's the only one i'm hoping to see.
The heavy gaf policing makes this thread the only one of it's kind on the internet.

Yep and I'm eternally grateful to the mods for this. If it wasn't for this thread I'd have no place to share theories and excitement about this show with other people without being spoiled.

After this season I may just become a book reader though. I hate the paranoia of avoiding spoilers. I did it for Harry Potter movies for years!


Did you miss the undertone of the wife possibly ending up going crazy on the daughter and wanting her sacrificed or something similar? And that no matter how much Stannis seems to accept whatever the Red Lady and the religion says, it all stops short at his daughter. I think that was a pretty good character defining moment for Stannis and I think is the first clue to a possible break of him from the Red Lady if this is foreshadowing of something eventually happening to the daughter...

"Going crazy"? that woman is full on barmy. I laughed at her joy at burning her brother alive. Such a nutter.

I don't believe Stannis is a "true" believer. I think he has a practical belief of a man who has seen things which make him believe. He's not religious or have faith. He'll happily break with the fire lord as soon as the fire lord stops delivering, but he's not going to sacrifice things he truly holds dear. Which obviously means the Onion Knight can go and jump.

I think Stannis is in for a rude awaking with this Fire Lord. I honest don't get peoples love for him. Melisandre's a much more interesting character. Onion Knight, Stannis' wife and his daughter are all way more interesting than him.

And Kudos @Mods for the thankless task of keeping this thread in order.


The heavy gaf policing makes this thread the only one of it's kind on the internet.

yeah im grateful for the work of the mods. although every time there is talk of a new wave of juniors being let in i feel a bit uneasy thinking im gonna come into the thread and boom suicide post.
"Going crazy"? that woman is full on barmy. I laughed at her joy at burning her brother alive. Such a nutter.

Oh I know, I was specifically referring to her going crazy on her daughter; i.e. eventually trying to convince the Red Woman to sacrifice her or something like that
Yep and I'm eternally grateful to the mods for this. If it wasn't for this thread I'd have no place to share theories and excitement about this show with other people without being spoiled.

After this season I may just become a book reader though. I hate the paranoia of avoiding spoilers. I did it for Harry Potter movies for years!

Haha as did I. Chamber of Secrets forum was pretty good to avoid spoilers, that was the only place I'd discuss the series.

As for this thread, it's fantastic as are the mods. Having Robb's death spoiled for me thanks to google auto-filling the rest when I typed in his name I've avoided any and all things GoT related on the internet, except youtube videos which I don't dare scroll down.

Deku Tree

Yeah the Mods at GAF are the best. If not for them I would be avoiding this thread the same way I avoid the rest of the internet discussion of this show.


I think Stannis is in for a rude awaking with this Fire Lord. I honest don't get peoples love for him. Melisandre's a much more interesting character. Onion Knight, Stannis' wife and his daughter are all way more interesting than him.
Because Stannis is a goddamn boss. Leads from the front, ain't about that bullshit.


erotic butter maelstrom
As for this thread, it's fantastic as are the mods. Having Robb's death spoiled for me thanks to google auto-filling the rest when I typed in his name I've avoided any and all things GoT related on the internet, except youtube videos which I don't dare scroll down.

Anytime I google anything Game of Thrones related, I squint hard when the autofill pops up so I don't see any potential spoilers. Ain't playin no games here.


Has stannis done anything since Blackwater besides being dull and dry as always? He just stands there in the room with the badass war map, saying a few words every so often. Also his wife is a brainwashed nut case.


Man, when Joffrey and Tyrion were having their staredown, giving death glares to each other -- while Sansa and Margery were throwing out their own death glares -- my heart was beating like a motherfucker. I thought for sure someone, somewhere, was going to something.

On the one hand, Joffrey is dead and that's great. On the other hand I would have liked to see his comeuppance come from Sansa, Arya, Tyrion or even Margery. Him being poisoned by wine is a more bittersweet ending than I would've liked. But back on the first hand, that death looked especially painful and that's great.


"Going crazy"? that woman is full on barmy. I laughed at her joy at burning her brother alive. Such a nutter.

I don't believe Stannis is a "true" believer. I think he has a practical belief of a man who has seen things which make him believe. He's not religious or have faith. He'll happily break with the fire lord as soon as the fire lord stops delivering, but he's not going to sacrifice things he truly holds dear. Which obviously means the Onion Knight can go and jump.

I think Stannis is in for a rude awaking with this Fire Lord. I honest don't get peoples love for him. Melisandre's a much more interesting character. Onion Knight, Stannis' wife and his daughter are all way more interesting than him.

And Kudos @Mods for the thankless task of keeping this thread in order.

Haha, glad I'm not the only one. The actress playing Selyse is great; she excels at conveying pure wide-eyed bat shittery. "DID YOU SEE!?" "OUR LORD TOOK THEIR SOULS, DID YOU SEE!!?". Shit, I had to go back and rewind the scene she was so convincng. When we saw her last season she has her stillborn babies displayed in glass tubes and celebrates Stannis creating the shadow baby with Melisandre, so yeah, those screws have been very loose for a very long time.

It'll be interesting to see what Joffrey's death does to Stannis' faith. Will it strengthen his resolve, or will the fall of another king with no discernable signs of his own elevation lead to more impatience?

As much as I like Stannis I wouldn't be surprised or against this being some long con by Melisandre to claim the throne for the Red God with her as His emissary and Queen of Fire. "I've slaughtered many sheep, and none have seen the blade coming"

Daenerys vs Melisandre is the war we all deserve.


I actually kind of like Stannis, but what happened to marching North? I thought at the end of last season, they'd decided to head for the Wall?

Nope, they're still spinning their wheels on Dragonstone.

It was going to take time to rebuild his army. Hiring sellswords and pirates, convincing lords to fight for him etc..


Daenerys vs Melisandre is the war we all deserve.

I think it's more likely we'll see them come together, or at least have Melisandre bow down to Daenerys. Melisandre is, after-all, a priest of the God of Fire. Dragons breath fire, and Daenerys is the mother of dragons. And then they go to push back the others as Daenerys recognizes that as the real threat once they arrive.

Although I would love to see a situation where they try to burn Daenerys at the stake. That would be a great scene.


I think it's more likely we'll see them come together, or at least have Melisandre bow down to Daenerys. Melisandre is, after-all, a priest of the God of Fire. Dragons breath fire, and Daenerys is the mother of dragons. And then they go to push back the others as Daenerys recognizes that as the real threat once they arrive.

Although I would love to see a situation where they try to burn Daenerys at the stake. That would be a great scene.

I could see some tenuous alliance between the two to combat the Whitewalkers maybe, but nothing long term. As much as Melisandre might revere her talents there are too many ideological conflicts.

One idea I've considered for a while is Melisandre uses the power of the Lord to take control of one Dany's dragons, probably the big red one. It only makes sense for Team Fire God to get themselves a dragon.
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