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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I'm not sure why there is any reason to doubt Ser Barristan's swordsmanship. Even louts like those newly-branded Kingsguard were on edge when he motioned like he was going to draw his sword. Surely it takes more than just mere reputation to keep them wary of a 60+ man?


I still can't believe how much foreshadowing they fit into these episodes. I caught a lot of them in my first viewing of the purple wedding to the point where I knew something was going down in that episode with the Lannisters, but damn it if they didn't hint of Joffrey's death so many times before as well.

My big thing I casually mentioned the last time but keep going back to is them finally giving us a proper Bolton family scene during the same episode as the most hated person on the show dies as if they're meant to replace Joffrey on the list. To me, it suggests that the Boltons, at the very least Ramsey Snow, will be around for a long time and go on to do a lot and make us hate their house even more. I wouldn't be surprised if they do manage to stay as wardens of the north and take over Winterfell for quite some time to make us REALLY HATE THEM.

I just try to see everything from the story perspective and it seems like they gave us some satisfaction with Joffrey's death, but now we'll have to endure a lot more bullshit under some new people before they possibly meet their long-awaited fates.

Maybe I'm just cynical when it comes to this show but you kind of have to be, but I see Ramsey as being around for a long time and becoming the most hated person on the show just because GRRM likes fictional torture.


I'm surprised you haven't read the books. As an avid consumer of literature, I would have thought you read them a while ago.

Yeah, I found this quite surprising as well, especially considering he made it through Wheel of Time.

I've read my fair share of Epic Fantasy series: Wheel of Time, Sword of Truth (ugh), and ASOIAF. Not sure if I want to start another one, Malazan Book of the Fallen, maybe?

Heh. I've probably explained this before, but WoT is actually a large part of the reason I never started reading ASOIAF. I knew exactly how annoying it was to be in the middle of an epic fantasy series where new books never seemed to come out. I figured if I was going to read them, I'd wait until the whole series was done.

And then of course the show began and I started watching and there you are. ;)


Heh. I've probably explained this before, but WoT is actually a large part of the reason I never started reading ASOIAF. I knew exactly how annoying it was to be in the middle of an epic fantasy series where new books never seemed to come out. I figured if I was going to read them, I'd wait until the whole series was done.

And then of course the show began and I started watching and there you are. ;)

That's what I was thinking as well. I didn't want to get started if it wasn't finished but then the show came out which honestly made me want to read the books more, but now I'm scare of the differences and feel too attached to the show anyway, especially since it's much more fun to figure out their foreshadowing scenes this way.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't know if I could rank the top five, but based on the lore/reputation it would have to include Jamie and Barristan. Both are revered for their swordsmanship. Jamie's arc, losing his hand, is supposed to signify the loss of his greatest skill. The same could be said for Barristan losing his position next to the king. We might not have seen him fight, but we're told over and over he's the shit.

Of the show cast I guess I'd include Loras, based on his history and reputation, as someone who'd potentially put up a great challenge. John has neither the history nor the reputation as an incredibly skilled swordsman. Same for Jorah. They're good, but eh. Bronn similarly is a grunt, if a very skilled one, who plays the greater metagame of a fight than just sword clashing. But it's not like he's revered or reputed to be one of the best warriors in the land.

The Mountain and the Hound maybe, if for their brute physical ability. Brienne too maybe? It's hard to say, because they don't really explore this deeply beyond Jamie and Barristan.


I don't know if I could rank the top five, but based on the lore/reputation it would have to include Jamie and Barristan. Both are revered for their swordsmanship. Jamie's arc, losing his hand, is supposed to signify the loss of his greatest skill. The same could be said for Barristan losing his position next to the king. We might not have seen him fight, but we're told over and over he's the shit.

Of the show cast I guess I'd include Loras, based on his history and reputation, as someone who'd potentially put up a great challenge. John has neither the history nor the reputation as an incredibly skilled swordsman. Same for Jorah. They're good, but eh. Bronn similarly is a grunt, if a very skilled one, who plays the greater metagame of a fight than just sword clashing. But it's not like he's revered or reputed to be one of the best warriors in the land.

The Mountain and the Hound maybe, if for their brute physical ability. Brienne too maybe? It's hard to say, because they don't really explore this deeply beyond Jamie and Barristan.

I'm thinking Jaime losing his hand is more for his character arc in changing him from a person only famous for his fighting abilities and more for his other qualities now. Maybe he'll be great at something else and can lead the Lannister house justly. Maybe he'll do something extremely brave or unexpected and make people respect him as a person more.

I think the scene with Joffrey belittling him over his lack of legendary feats in the history books is more foreshadowing for him. He was known for being great with a blade, but maybe his pages will be filled by many of his other deeds to come.

Anyway, I think Arya is the best with a sword. :p


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
That's what I mean. Prior to Jamie's capture he's presented as an arrogant, master swordsman who in almost any scenario has his sword hand to fall back on. That and his love for his sister. Him losing his hand is part of a key development arc that puts him in a far more vulnerable position, reminding him of his mortality and limitations, highlighted by his return to King's Landing only to have Cersei reject him, his father dismiss him, and Joffrey point out his lack of recorded nobility. Jamie's had to battle the unjust "kingslayer" stigma, and now has to deal with this too.


There is some amazing fanart of Khaleesi out there:


Can there be a TV-spoiler-free sick ASoIaF art compendium? I don't want to go out googling...


That's what I mean. Prior to Jamie's capture he's presented as an arrogant, master swordsman who in almost any scenario has his sword hand to fall back on. That and his love for his sister. Him losing his hand is part of a key development arc that puts him in a far more vulnerable position, reminding him of his mortality and limitations, highlighted by his return to King's Landing only to have Cersei reject him, his father dismiss him, and Joffrey point out his lack of recorded nobility. Jamie's had to battle the unjust "kingslayer" stigma, and now has to deal with this too.

That's why I've been expecting Tywin to die to really advance the arcs for the Lannister children. It just makes sense for him to die to see how these different characters react and who takes charge, etc. and I'd love it if Jaime turned out to be a complete reversal from his stigma and how fans viewed him for the incest and pushing Bran, etc.

I just love this show for that reason. I don't know of any other show where I care for so many individual characters before all for different reasons.

Jaime is going to be a fan favorite in the end, or die as soon as he starts to be a hero.


erotic butter maelstrom
Brienne owned Jamie while he still had both hands so she's def above him in the power rankings.

After this rewatch Brienne is probs my favorite character. One of the only true heroes in the series. 💕
Brienne owned Jamie while he still had both hands so she's def above him in the power rankings.

Jamie hadn't fought in months though. We don't know how she would have fared against Jamie in his prime. Since that list is current, however, Brienne clearly takes the lead.

Barristan is a strong contender for being one of the best, he was widely renowned for his skill before he was stripped of his titles. Even Jamie said Barristan's fighting was the most impressive he had ever seen.


I wouldn't put Jon Snow in the top 5 as of right now. He, however, certainly has the potential to reach that level.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";108818640]What about Syrio :([/QUOTE]

He was killed by the Kingsguard, can't have been that good.

Though to be fair he did have a wooden sword at the time.


I still can't believe how much foreshadowing they fit into these episodes. I caught a lot of them in my first viewing of the purple wedding to the point where I knew something was going down in that episode with the Lannisters, but damn it if they didn't hint of Joffrey's death so many times before as well.

My big thing I casually mentioned the last time but keep going back to is them finally giving us a proper Bolton family scene during the same episode as the most hated person on the show dies as if they're meant to replace Joffrey on the list. To me, it suggests that the Boltons, at the very least Ramsey Snow, will be around for a long time and go on to do a lot and make us hate their house even more. I wouldn't be surprised if they do manage to stay as wardens of the north and take over Winterfell for quite some time to make us REALLY HATE THEM.

I just try to see everything from the story perspective and it seems like they gave us some satisfaction with Joffrey's death, but now we'll have to endure a lot more bullshit under some new people before they possibly meet their long-awaited fates.

Maybe I'm just cynical when it comes to this show but you kind of have to be, but I see Ramsey as being around for a long time and becoming the most hated person on the show just because GRRM likes fictional torture.

I've made a similar observation but I see this backfiring because Joffrey had it all while Ramsey has to earn everything because he's a bastard.

This will be the plot line that separates the fans with taste from the weirdos who will overlook any brutality because he's so hot and trying to do right by his family. *yuck*


Feeling dat weekly new episode hype.

Hope we get lots of answers on who's taking the throne and what role Margery has now that Joff is offed.
New episode tonight:
Breaker of Chains

Tyrion ponders his options. Tywin extends an olive branch. Sam realizes Castle Black isn’t safe, and Jon proposes a bold plan. The Hound teaches Arya the way things are. Dany chooses her champion.
Feeling dat weekly new episode hype.

Hope we get lots of answers on who's taking the throne and what role Margery has now that Joff is offed.

Same here, as much as I hate to see Joffrey go (I'm the minority, but the acting was just too great and a pleasure to watch) I'm glad that it happened so early in the season. This is something that's usually left for episode 9, then followed up with a wrap up episode leaving us hanging for another 10 months. Now we get to see everything unfold with 8 episodes to go.

Makes me wonder, if something this big happened so early, what will happen at the end of the season, exciting!


Same here, as much as I hate to see Joffrey go (I'm the minority, but the acting was just too great and a pleasure to watch) I'm glad that it happened so early in the season. This is something that's usually left for episode 9, then followed up with a wrap up episode leaving us hanging for another 10 months. Now we get to see everything unfold with 8 episodes to go.

Makes me wonder, if something this big happened so early, what will happen at the end of the season, exciting!

The expectation was broken because of how out of sync the seasonal format of TV is with writing a book. It was pointed out in an interview that Joffrey and Rob die towards the end of the book and are supposed to serve as a contrast to the despair and triumph everyone experiences.

This wasn't the only thing breaking up the show into seasons has distorted what was intended from the book based on the interview given.


Beric died six times, Daario was in one fight on the show and did as much as Grey Worm and Jorah, and how do you know Oberyn is strong?

From what we've SEEN in the TV show

Jorah Mormont
Khal Drogo
The Hound
Jon Snow
Brienne of Tarth

Are some of the best fighters.

From what we've heard of in the TV show

The Mountain
Ser Barristan

Are supposed to be really good fighters from what people talk about them.

Kinda shame that we didn't see Jamie fight more than once before he lost his hand :/


Going purely off history/lore/reputation Ser Barristan, Loras, The Mountain, Jaime*, and Ned before he died are probably the consensus Top 5 with a blade in Westeros. Based solely on what we've observed on-screen so far I still stand by my list.

Also, rewatching the first season you really get the sense that the Jaime v. Ned showdown is a true battle of titans, and an opportunity Jaime relishes to boost his renown. Too bad that moron with a spear robbed everyone of a legendary duel.


From what we've SEEN in the TV show

Jorah Mormont
Khal Drogo
The Hound
Jon Snow
Brienne of Tarth

Are some of the best fighters.

From what we've heard of in the TV show

The Mountain
Ser Barristan

Are supposed to be really good fighters from what people talk about them.

Saw Jamie and Clegane fight in S1.


Drogo was legit

Dragons are great and all, but I was really looking forward to the Dothraki invading Westeros and the rise of Rhaego Targaryen.
I want them to go more into the lore and history of the night's watch.

The blind old man is a badass and seems like the only hope for the whole place not being overrun by white walkers at this point.
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