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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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- Locke retroactively became one of my favorite characters for chopping Jaime's cunt hand off his cunt body. I hope everything terrible & tragic befalls him.

-I got way too excited about a man writing a letter to a bank. The Lord of Light is about to bless King Stannis with enough gold to take what is his.

-As suspected Arya can turn on the murder switch when vengeance calls then turn it off. Felt bad for The Farmer but it's hard to argue with The Hound's logic there.

-Pod better make it out alive. He might be too loyal for his own good, though. Extremely touching scene with Tyrion. The three Amigos will be dearly missed.

-That Wildling raid was spectaculay shot and edited. Beautiful green vistas, rolling hills, a child having a nice stroll with his father, then absolute chaos x100.

-Is it me or is Jon starting to grown on Thorne a little? Pysched about them riding on those murderous deserters at Crastor's keep. Battle of the Crows. Revenge for Mormont!

-Civil rights Dany is the superior Dany. Her speech half convinced me to call into work tomorrow. The reaction of the masters and slaves was great. God damn Ser Barristan...sword so clean you can eat off it. New Daario is fine. I preferred the original but it's not like he's coming back. Also, if you play it frame by frame, you can see Jorah's soul leaving his body when Daenerys calls him her "very best friend in the world". Keep ya head up Ser Jorah, we've all been there.


I was wonderinf where littlefinger went and now we see him im the shadows lurking anf plotting. I'm sure him, Varys, Tywin and Grandma Tyrell are in cohoots knowing there will be another bloody war soon with the Northerners, Daenarys and stannis Baratheon. Tywin is calculating an willing to throw his son Tyrion under the bus soon.


I'm assuming it happened that way in the books, i have not read them except for the first so I don't know mind you but it would only make sense. Still I feel the same way, I was really coming around to Jamie, I thought he was becoming the man we wanted him to be and it just got thrown out the window.

I think maybe he is so obsessed with his sister he simply cannot think straight and he goes into crazy mode around her.

Google "Rape of Thrones" if you want more info on this since we're not comparing the books in the thread.

Has there been any word on why Daario was recast? Was he problematic on set, or was it just his performance? I liked the new guy on Treme, but he seems seriously miscast in this role.

the old actor is the new Transporter


They spent an entire season making Jamie sympathetic and they threw all that goodwill away in one episode. Huh.

Wait but the poison wasn't in the necklace right? Littlefinger just capitalized on the opportunity, he didn't actually orchestrate the plot right? We still don't know how Joffrey actually died...
I thought the barrels would be full of weapons, I mean what the slaves are going to do with a bunch of collars?

The slaves outnumber the slavers, and with Daeny there to back them up they're free to do as they wish. The barrels were nothing but a display of freedom.


Has there been any word on why Daario was recast? Was he problematic on set, or was it just his performance? I liked the new guy on Treme, but he seems seriously miscast in this role.
It's not so much that he's miscast, it's just that the other guy was obviously cooler -- and as such, an easier sell with Daenerys coming off the badass Khal Drogo.

If it had just been the current guy from the start, people wouldn't have this feeling of a downgrade.


Wait but the poison wasn't in the necklace right? Littlefinger just capitalized on the opportunity, he didn't actually orchestrate the plot right? We still don't know how Joffrey actually died...

No he confirmed that poison (The Strangler) was in the necklace while speaking with Sansa.


So now we know Littlefinger was in on the plan to kill Joffery. Littlefinger says he had the necklace made a few weeks ago.

And last week everyone with a DVR that could pause was clearly able to see Oleena Tyrell's slight of hand taking the jewel from Sansa's necklace.

How the heck did Littlefinger + the Tyrells get together and plan this? Who else was in on the plan, or at least knew about it? Varys? Right now based on Oleena and Margaery's conversation I don't think Margaery knew.
That Pod scene made me a little misty. The gang's been broken up. :(

-Civil rights Dany is the superior Dany. Her speech half convinced me to go into work tomorrow. The reaction of the masters and slaves was great. God damn Ser Barristan...sword so clean you can eat off it. New Daario is fine. I preferred the original but it's not like he's coming back. Also, if you play it frame by frame, you can see Jorah's soul leaving his body when Daenerys calls him her "very best friend in the world". Keep ya head up Ser Jorah, we've all been there.

Dany pls respond


So now we know Littlefinger was in on the plan to kill Joffery. Littlefinger says he had the necklace made a few weeks ago.

And last week everyone with a DVR that could pause was clearly able to see Oleena Tyrell's slight of hand taking the jewel from Sansa's necklace.

How the heck did Littlefinger + the Tyrells get together and plan this? Who else was in on the plan, or at least knew about it? Varys? Right now based on Oleena and Margaery's conversation I don't think Margaery knew.

Yea, I think Margaery was clueless but we'll have to see what's in it for Olenna. She did mention what I said before about Joffrey being a madman and that they might have better luck with the next one now.

I can't see that as being her only reason though.


Did he? He smashed the gem but nothing actually came out? I thought it was just a thing to get her to trust the fool.

He smashed the gem to show how easily it could be smashed -i.e. not a real gem. Looks like the poison was crystallized and designed to dissolve in liquid.


New Daario is fine. The sooner everyone gets over the recast the better. Not really sure where the love for the old one is coming from anyway.
He smashed the gem to show how easily it could be smashed -i.e. not a real gem. Looks like the poison was crystallized and designed to dissolve in liquid.

Oh, derp.

Edit: Or ^^ could be right. I have no idea at this point, hopefully they reveal it within the next few episodes. Have a Stannis gif.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Littlefinger didn't say poison was in the jewels. He smashed the jewels to prove that the fool was lying about the necklace being a family heirloom.

This better not be a stealth book spoiler
I love Dany so much. I've never seen canons used for such a motivational purpose. My money is on that lady.

Jaime just dug his own grave.


Sam is literally a fictional GAF poster in Game of Thrones land. Gilly is Lara Croft and he wants to protect her.


Why would he take the risk of getting Sansa the necklace if it contained no poison?

The only reason would be to get her to trust and remember the fool (she didn't when he approached her). But in that case, it doesn't matter if there was poison in the necklace or not. Little finger was behind it either way

I don't think there was ever any risk in giving her the necklace btw


Littlefinger didn't say poison was in the jewels. He smashed the jewels to prove that the fool was lying about the necklace being a family heirloom.

But if it WASN'T some sort of crystallized poison, it doesn't make sense to me, why Oleena Tyrell would use slight of hand to steal a fake glass jewel.

And next week's preview
Littlefinger tells Sansa referring to someone "He wasn't involved in Joffery's death but you were"


The only reason would be to get her to trust and remember the fool (she didn't when he approached her). But in that case, it doesn't matter if there was poison in the necklace or not. Little finger was behind it either way

I don't think there was ever any risk in giving her the necklace btw

So my theory that Olenna stole the gem because she's a clepto is still alive!


Nothing was ever confirmed about the necklace being used to poison Joffrey. However unless giving Sansa the necklace was just to gain her trust it doesn't make much sense for her to have it if it didn't contain anything. Given Olenna playing with it and then her seeming pretty pleased with the result of Joffrey dying I think it's the odds-on favorite.

Also, about the Onion Knight writing to the Iron Bank...is that to ask them to fund Stannis or to send troops to support him and take back what they're owed?
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