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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I'm still mad about the way I had the Red Wedding spoiled for me. I looked up Walder Frey on Google Images because I forgot what he looked like and came across this dumbass meme:


That sucks. I think I may have seen a spoiler last week due to an unrelated Google Image search as well, but I'm not sure yet. Honestly the spoilers for this series are so widespread that I won't even type "game of thrones" into Google anymore because I'm worried one of the search suggestions will be a spoiler.


How many lives has Jaime most likely ruined, hell even saved a city? But this is where some of you draw the line? The man is a twisted adult.


That sucks. I think I may have seen a spoiler last week due to an unrelated Google Image search as well, but I'm not sure yet. Honestly the spoilers for this series are so widespread that I won't even type "game of thrones" into Google anymore because I'm worried one of the search suggestions will be a spoiler.

Yup, same

Could be worse, someone spoiled that in the no book spoilers thread last season days before the episode aired.....

Wow really? I'm guessing he got banned right?
Dammit Jaimie. Tywin getting even more powerful by telling the kid that he needs advisers. Tywin Obyrn scene was brilliant. Arya is a very smart character. Sansa is out of the capital, Littlefinger still can´t do shit. She does not trust him and most likely to escape from him. I thought Dany will bring out her dragons to slaughter the masters who are sitting and watching.


Thought this was a good episode.

Loved the Pod/Tyrion scene, surprised pod is just gonna turn on him.
Also really liked Lord Tywins "King Speech".


With the slaves right next to them? That's be some bad messaging.

Yea, she wants to build an army first and foremost and letting loose some dragons that she might not have control of would probably be a horrible idea.

Speaking of which, where are they during these scenes? I don't know if I missed someone mentioning them in the show (I always seem to be making popcorn when they switch to her anyway but it's my least favorite plotline at the moment anyway) and I sure as hell don't want to look it up elsewhere after last year...lol

As for Jaime, I'm really hoping this was just a small step back in his redemption arc although it's quite a bit step back, lol. Hell, I still hold a grudge over what he did to Bran but I pity him a lot too.

Jaime needs to die.

I like you. You and I seem to share a lot of opinions on this show. We should be friends.

Jamie Lannister has always been a piece of shit. Just because he showed decency to one character in season three doesn't mean he hasn't always, and won't always be, a loathsome, sister fucking piece of shit. I hope he's next so that Cersei is completely mind-broken. There'd be nothing sweeter than to see her face when everything is taken away from her, just like Cat had to experience. Fuck House Lannister.

And yes, I feel better for having gotten that off my chest.

I still like Tywin. :(


I like you. You and I seem to share a lot of opinions on this show. We should be friends.

Jamie Lannister has always been a piece of shit. Just because he showed decency to one character in season three doesn't mean he hasn't always, and won't always be, a loathsome, sister fucking piece of shit. I hope he's next so that Cersei is completely mind-broken. There'd be nothing sweeter than to see her face when everything is taken away from her, just like Cat had to experience. Fuck House Lannister.

And yes, I feel better for having gotten that off my chest.

I still like Tywin. :(

Says Fuck House Lannister, makes no mention of liking Tyrion, but Tywin......


G***n S**n*bi
I love that people are just now seeing Jamie for what he always was, a piece of shit. Has he done some noble things in his life? Abso-fucking-lutely. But do those noble deeds somehow out-weigh the terrible ones? Nope.

And you didn't need to wait for him to rape his sister in front of their dead son either. Ya know why? BECAUSE HE NONCHALANTLY PUSHED A 10 YEAR OLD OUT A GOD DAMN WINDOW

but oh no "Ser, jamie tots saved a large woman from a bear and rape and shit. Stabbed a crazy king in the back and saved a shit ton of people, mane! He's good peoples now!" The fuck out of here with that garbage.

People in here are talking shit about him throwing away this "good will" he's been gathering for doing the right thing from time to time. It's adorable really. You don't just go from a heel to a face like that. Especially at his age.

Jamie is who he is and always will be.


I need white walkers to ravage everything north of the wall and surroundings because I'm getting bored of all their storylines.


Except Ygritte. When she shot the arrow into that guy's head. Queen needs her own kingdom.


Vashetti said:
I don't see where everyone's getting this "Littlefinger is conveniently absent" thing.

We know where he is, he's set off to the Eyrie to bring Lysa Tully into the fold. In fact he set off last Season in episode 6 on his ship and left Sansa devastated.

He's a major character that suddenly disappeared in the middle of his own plots? And do you think The Vale is his end goal? He's always wanted more and it's just another move in his own Game of Thrones. This assassination has his name written all over it because of how under-handed it is. Oberyn would never do something as low as this.

You don't have a guy like that just randomly say goodbye to the show when his ambitions are well known. If I'm wrong, oh well. But I think he's involved but at the very least, I do think he's mysteriously absent regardless. The North has a huge opening now and Littlefinger sees an opportunity in the future. I don't think he'd be satisfied with the Boltons taking over the North.

Demolitio - 1
Vashetti - 0

'Twas amusing to read this back and forward this morning before seeing tonight's episode. The book readers must have so much fun reading this thread! Lol.

Enjoyed the episode but not as much as the last 2. It feels like there's way too many characters to spend enough meaningful time with anybody. As always loved The Hound and Arya, particularly The Hound because he knows how things are. Bit of a cliffhanger ending though, hopefully it doesn't turn out lame as shit with the slaves backing down for a change or something.


G***n S**n*bi
Yeah, the whole wildling story-line is boring.

Ygritte is still the hottest homeless woman on TV right now doe. Don't think I would ever go down on a homeless chick no matter how good she looked. Jon Snow is more man than I ever will be.


Yeah, the whole wildling story-line is boring.

Ygritte is still the hottest homeless woman on TV right now doe. Don't think I would ever go down on a homeless chick no matter how good she looked. Jon Snow is more man than I ever will be.

Ygritte does nothing for me. I would forcibly kick her from my bed.

Cersei on the other hand..........


Jaime was always a scumbag, I'm not entirely surprised that he would do something like that. I do agree however that the show was slowly building him into someone who probably wouldn't rape their sister simply out of lust. Seemed kinda out-of-character for him. I know he threw a boy out a window, but funeral rape, man....

It had nothing to do with lust. Cersei wanted to use his love to make him kill his own brother. It was rape out of hatred.


That reminds me, part of the reason I was so relieved Joffrey got evicted from life was because I had convinced myself he would eventually murder his own mother.

Cersei continues clinging to life and power. Long live the Queen. 👄


The whole wildling scene really reminded me of Vikings. They did a good job with that and you can kind of see the historical influences in the show at times.

Poor Jon Snow has a lot to deal with. I want to see what happens when the white walkers finally show up. Will the wildlings use the chaos to their advantage and keep fighting to get further south? Will both sides realize the white walkers are a bigger threat and focus on them? Will Bran come out of nowhere with his warg skills taking control of one of the dragons and melt the bastards? Will Ned Stark return and say "You shall not pass!" fucking both the white walkers and the wildlings up? I hope it's that one...

It's so funny how the biggest threat has been looming since season 1 and everyone is too preoccupied with their conflicts with other humans to prepare for a bigger threat. I don't know much about white walkers, but I'm going to assume they're going to be tough to get rid of.

So many fucking stories condensed in a short show.

Oh, and thanks Peagles...lol.
With all the talks of the White Walkers I wonder, Are the White Walkers only a Westros thing, or are they also on the Eastern Continent. Because from what I'm understanding from the show, The white walkers come from beyond the wall, and the eastern continent doesn't really have wall for them to come out from behind of.

If its only a Westros thing, Daenerys just got herself an instant ticket to eventually win as long as she never crosses the seas.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
With all the talks of the White Walkers I wonder, Are the White Walkers only a Westros thing, or are they also on the Eastern Continent. Because from what I'm understanding from the show, The white walkers come from beyond the wall, and the eastern continent doesn't really have wall for them to come out from behind of.

If its only a Westros thing, Daenerys just got herself an instant ticket to eventually win as long as she never crosses the seas.

I don't think we know. White Walkers along with the various gods and other magics are one of the big mysteries of the show and lore that nobody seems to have a concrete answer to. We've been given little pieces of the puzzle but even combing them we don't have much more than "White Walkers wrecked everyones shit. They were fucked by obsidian, glass made from dragon fire(?). The people who faught them are long dead. The White Walkers are long gone, thousands of years have passed, long enough for them to have faded from history to become myths in the minds of most. Now they're back for some reason."

I assume they're not across the narrow sea as that seems to have its own mythologies.


IMO the "Across the Narrow Sea" storyline has been the weakest now for a while. Daenerys as portrayed by Emilia Clark is just not a leadership personality. Her authority feels forced. Without her being a convincing and charismatic leader however, the story makes little sense.
I don't think we know. White Walkers along with the various gods and other magics are one of the big mysteries of the show and lore that nobody seems to have a concrete answer to. We've been given little pieces of the puzzle but even combing them we don't have much more than "White Walkers wrecked everyones shit. They were fucked by obsidian, glass made from dragon fire(?). The people who faught them are long dead. The White Walkers are long gone, thousands of years have passed, long enough for them to have faded from history to become myths in the minds of most. Now they're back for some reason."

I assume they're not across the narrow sea as that seems to have its own mythologies.
Hmm should be interesting seeing how this evolves going forward then. Thanks for the response though, I'm pretty much terrified of looking up stuff on the Game of Thrones Wiki. Not exactly a fan of unexpected spoilers.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Why did they have to recast him? Did the actor not want to do it anymore? He was so distinct. The new guy just looks too plain.
He's way sexier than the previous dude. Not to mention far less annoying. I like him.

This guy had some personality:


This guy just looks like any other sell-sword:

I would rather say:
this guy had a douche face you want to punch
this guy looks like any other sellsword and that's fine, sellswords don't need to look like anything particular, but it's preferable if they're not douchefaces :D

I wanted to punch the old one in the face. Pretty boy thing was annoying as fuck.

Apparently he's so damn deceitful that no one knows his real accent.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
IMO the "Across the Narrow Sea" storyline has been the weakest now for a while. Daenerys as portrayed by Emilia Clark is just not a leadership personality. Her authority feels forced. Without her being a convincing and charismatic leader however, the story makes little sense.

I've felt this since season one, partially because of Clark, but mostly because of the content itself. I get the feeling Clark is a fine actor but is terribly cast. Like they cast her for her ethereal beauty rather than her delivery of the character. I don't know if book Daenerys is supposed to be like her, but Clark is far too...nice, I guess, to embody someone who I get the feeling is supposed to be strong willed and brimming charisma. She has a more grounded, motherly, friendly persona that just doesn't work with someone who's supposed to be this adored leader.

But main it's that her story is just so fucking detached. Obviously she's supposed to be of great significance and she'll get to Westeros eventually, but the heart of the drama is all the politics and relationships. Seeing two characters banter at Kings Landing and know that banter could, in theory, have ramifactions all the way to the North is what keeps the show interesting. What are the true alliances? Who is scheming, and for what? Where will this character end up? One character moves on and you know they're probably going to wind up interacting with others in their story arc.

You get basically none of that with Dany. There was a little bit in season one, Jorah originally a spy for Varys, Robert and Ned butting heads of how to deal with her. You got a sense she was at least part of the greater Game of Thrones universe and was a part of the politics, if indirectly and distant. But now? She's basically a separate show squeezed into Politics of Westeros. She could win a battle, or lose. Jorah could die. Or he could murder her. Or her dragons could eat everyone. *shrug* who gives a shit? The only disappointment would be four seasons of character building for someone who never returns to Westeros. Otherwise Westeros would continue as-is and the show wouldn't miss a beat.

She's the kind of character I really want to like and I think has a lot of potential. But Clark's version of her coupled with the meandering, distant narrative makes it hard to give a fuck. It's a casual diversion with the rare awesome payoff, but ultimately screen time I'd probably prefer spent on Westeros.


I don't think we know. White Walkers along with the various gods and other magics are one of the big mysteries of the show and lore that nobody seems to have a concrete answer to. We've been given little pieces of the puzzle but even combing them we don't have much more than "White Walkers wrecked everyones shit. They were fucked by obsidian, glass made from dragon fire(?). The people who faught them are long dead. The White Walkers are long gone, thousands of years have passed, long enough for them to have faded from history to become myths in the minds of most. Now they're back for some reason."

I assume they're not across the narrow sea as that seems to have its own mythologies.

The whole religion/mythology part of the show is the most intriguing to me at this point. The show wants you so caught up in all the conflicts between humans that I can't wait to see what they do when they finally answer some of the questions about the religions if they ever get to it.

Are the white walkers a product of the Old Gods long forgotten by most of Westeros and that's why they're returning? I really don't know anything about The Seven besides the basics but are dragons part of their religion? What the hell happens on the other side of the world? Are the different religions based off some partially real entities that are warring against each other using these creatures and humans as pawns? Is it just magic that's come back due to the return of dragons and there's no gods at all? If so, what the hell gives people magic?

So many questions! To me, it seems like all the religions might have something real about them however misguided they actually are. We've seen weird shit so we know something is going on.

I just hope we get some insight into the religions at some point. I love and hate the mystery surrounding them and I have a feeling it won't be explained in the show for a very long time.

It feels like the white walkers should be something we see soon because I can't possibly fathom how they could tease us again at the end of this season. If they just tease us, then I'll start to doubt that they'll ever show up...lol

Edit: I agree with you on Dany's storyline. They somehow made the story involving dragons my least favorite to watch which is quite the feat. I get that she's building up for her entrance to Westeros eventually, but so many bigger things are happening that I hate to see interrupted by another scene of a slave city being liberated. There's some important stuff in there for sure, but the payoff seems like it's so far away that it's hard to be excited. Not to mention, I don't think Emilia Clarke really invokes the emotions I expect from Dany either. She seems so calm and I don't buy a lot of her lines when she's giving this passionate speech to slaves. It just feels...fake.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I kinda like him. He's got more of an everyman appeal that works better for me. The other guy just seemed drastically out of place to me. I'd expect to see that guy in a whorehouse, not as some super deadly sellsword warrior.

Yeah I kinda like the new Daario. The old one would have given a melodramatic, 15 minute long explanation as to why he should be Dany's champion. Thank god the guy playing the old Daario went back to touring with the Back Street Boys.

Tywin's speech to Tommen about the different types of kings was boss level. Straight up calling out Joffrey in front of Cersei was delicious. "You're brother was a total shit head, but you? I think we can make you a great king. So what do you know about pussy?"

Jaime...I've known the kinda of shitty person Jaime is from day one. But at times, there's something that shows up from within Jaime, that makes you think there could be tiny bit of a redeeming quality about him. For example, when he calls Cersei a "hateful person" for attempting to get him to kill his on brother. But of course, being a dick is part of Jamie's persona, so he rapes Cersei in the very next scene.

The wall's story line is pathetic. In fact anything to do with the North is pretty freaking boring. Crippled kid? Boring. The wildlings? Boring. "I am Jon Snow" No you're boring. At the top of the boring list is Sam, who looks like he accounts for 3/5 of Castle Black's daily food intake. How the hell is this guy still looking like he's on a hobbit's meal plan, when every one else has barely anything to eat? How long are we going to be tortured by his inability to say what's really on his mind?

Wasn't Stannis heading to the wall at the end of last season? Now his moping around like a giant baby going, "whaaaah, I want my Iron Throne! It's mine!" Shut up Stannis, no one wants you for their king.

Oh my god, Dany is so awesome. She showed up at Memphis Mereen demanding that Pharaoh the slavers let her people go. The bastards even had pyramids and shit. She's totally that world's version of Moses, complete with a sorcerers champions duel and everything. Next she's going to
change their rivers into blood, curse them with a horde of locusts, kill all their first born sons, march to the red narrow sea, split it asunder, and finally lead her people across the sea to the promised land.


I think the biggest thing that happened in this episode is Daavos realising he could use the Iron Bank of Bravoos to get Stannis the crown. I'm not sure which way is he going to play it, getting the bank on their side to get the back the 7 Kingdm's debt or straight up asking for loan himself but it basically gives Stannis a force which could be quite impactful.


I think the biggest thing that happened in this episode is Daavos realising he could use the Iron Bank of Bravoos to get Stannis the crown. I'm not sure which way is he going to play it, getting the bank on their side to get the back the 7 Kingdm's debt or straight up asking for loan himself but it basically gives Stannis a force which could be quite impactful.

Yea, that was a big scene, especially since they've been mentioning the Iron Bank this season with the Lannisters letting us know it was a big deal and would be an issue in the future.

That's going to be interesting see how it plays out. I have a feeling as much as I originally rooted for Stannis, having him on the throne would be a bad thing with his new devotion to his faith.
I hope those necklace theories are not stealth book spoilers :(

I just rewatched the boat scene and all he does is taking off her necklace and demonstrates that it's not real to proof to her that the fool was lying and only helped her because Littlefinger payed him to do so. NOTHING more is shown or said.

Not sure what he wants with Sansa though. He married her crazy aunt offscreen, right? Sure he was obsessed with her mother, but he can't marry her now either. If he takes her to the Eyrie, the only other important male we saw there was that boobie sucking cunt, I hope he doesn't intend to merry her to him to get some influence in the North.

I don't understand how that "funeral" scene reverses Jaimie's character. It wasn't even rape, she says "it's not right" because it's quite distasteful next to their dead son , but he "doesn't care" about such social norms (plus he really wanted to hate fuck her :p ).


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I think the biggest thing that happened in this episode is Daavos realising he could use the Iron Bank of Bravoos to get Stannis the crown. I'm not sure which way is he going to play it, getting the bank on their side to get the back the 7 Kingdm's debt or straight up asking for loan himself but it basically gives Stannis a force which could be quite impactful.

But why would the Iron Bank want to loan money to a loser like Stannis? He doesn't have an army, refuses to pay for sell swords, already lost a major battle and came out of it a wuss. He's lost the support of the common folk. You don't see anyone going, "gee we sure would have liked that Stannis."


I wonder why the Stannis subplot still exists. I can't see him ever getting close to sitting on the iron throne. Even if he did, he'd make for a boring king.

Something needs to happen in that storyline to make it more interesting.
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