Can Tommen rescind powers granted to The Faith?
Can Tommen rescind powers granted to The Faith?
She really is the least strategic character on the show. She beat Ned just by being a ruthless bitch with no scrupples. She might not even play checkers, just Connect Four.Cersei doesn't think long-term. Remember her conversation with Joffrey early-S1, she just sees enemies.
Cersei doesn't think long-term. Remember her conversation with Joffrey early-S1, she just sees enemies.
Can Tommen rescind powers granted to The Faith?
What do you think the big event of episode 9 will be?
- Big battle in Winterfell
- Dany's marriage
- Meeting Dany-Tyrion
- Shocking deaths in King's Landing caused by the Sparrows
- Crazy events at Hardhome
What do you think the big event of episode 9 will be?
- Big battle in Winterfell
- Dany's marriage
- Meeting Dany-Tyrion
- Shocking deaths in King's Landing caused by the Sparrows
- Crazy events at Hardhome
And what would happen after Theon takes care of Sansa in a castle full of Bolton's armed men and dogs who can sniffle them miles away? What would happen to Sansa? And is Theon actually able to take on Ramsay? Dude fought a dozen men bare naked and is a psycho who sure as hell can take a bunch of hits. Then there is the psychological barrier between those two.
I mean I'm pretty sure that Theon didn't want to see that happening to Sansa, but what a bunch of people forget is that he's still a broken man in a hostile environment that can wipe him away. Him being able to kill Ramsay and then successfully escape with Sansa or allowing her to escape - this would have been bad writing because it doesn't fit with the current situation of the characters and the environment they're in.
I thought he was gonna let Reek tap Sansa first tbh... But then you know.I didn't find the rape shocking, but Ramsay making Theon watch was shocking.
well the names of the episodes confuse me a bit. (not sure if we need spoilers for episode names...
"The Gift" is next week. that's the northern land near the wall right?"Hardhome" is ep 8"The Dance of Dragons" does this imply a more Dany-centric episode? or Ice dragons? or Jon learning he's a Targaryen if that rumor is true?
And genital mutilation is hilarious and meme worthy!
I hope Stannis crushes the Boltons, but knowing Roose he'll slip away like the rat that he is. This would likely be the best time for Sansa to strike at Ramsay. Hopefully things don't go as Littlefinger has planned either and Jon Snow aids Stannis somehow.
This kind of answers annoy me.
What makes you think people who laugh at the mutilation are the same that didn't like the rape scene? The opposite is more likely.
Its not about the exact people being outraged or not, its about the, what feels like, thousands of angry watchers who only now appear to be shocked of the harsh nature of game of thrones-reality, since there were no similar "shitstorms" for any other scene in got.
added some notes in italicsMy guess: Tommen's regime will be toppled by the faith. They'll stoke the flames of "abomination" and "bastard" and put blacksmith-rower on the throne as a puppet. who?....oh Gendry...where is that dude?
Stannis and Boltons battle it out on the field. Before Stannis takes Winterfell, Littlefinger has the gates opened for him. by who? LF is definitely coming, not sure his plan though, I assume to wait until both armies are as decimated as possible, but not sure if he'd aid either of them or just try to take over
The wildlings descend on... Dorne. Why not? well I guess Jon has a few Stannis' ships, but...why? tis so far!
Arya kills Janos Slynt in Bravos.Janos is already headless!
Arya kills Janos Slynt in Bravos.
I think the Boltons have a plan. Even though they have less men, Roose told Ramsey to help him win this battle and Ramsey had that knowing, evil grin and said yes like they had some evil plan like the wildfire to stop Stannis and compensate for their fewer men. But Melissendre (sic?) is there and she made an emphasis on making sure Stannis took her this time and he said yes and brought her along so I think that will have some importance and she can use her magic to save the day and stop whatever plan the Boltons have. It would be a twist if their evil sabotage plan was something like wildfire that could be discovered and stopped before they even used it by the Red Woman, and pleasantly surprising.
He's already dead.
Edit: ^^^^^
You probably mean Ser Meryn.
For once, I soooo want Melissendre to use her fucked up magic. Just to see the Boltons' faces.
But I fear it will come at the cost of Stannis's daughter (king's blood)
The wife will sacrifice her and Stannis will only find out after he won the battle.
(though in this clusterfuck I will only really root for Stannis to survive TBH)
The Bolton's days are numbered. Whether Stannis defeats them in battle, Sansa and Theon kill them, LF kills them, they aren't going to last. Only problem is, who will the major villains be when they meet their inevitable demise? There aren't many main villain characters left at this point, Tommen is nothing like Joffrey, Tywin is gone and Cersei seems to be making a colossal mess that will come back to bite her in the end, even the wildlings are potentially teaming up and they were significant villains before. Daenerys seems to be going a bit mad but I can't see her becoming a major villain.
The Bolton's days are numbered. Whether Stannis defeats them in battle, Sansa and Theon kill them, LF kills them, they aren't going to last. Only problem is, who will the major villains be when they meet their inevitable demise? There aren't many main villain characters left at this point, Tommen is nothing like Joffrey, Tywin is gone and Cersei seems to be making a colossal mess that will come back to bite her in the end, even the wildlings are potentially teaming up and they were significant villains before. Daenerys seems to be going a bit mad but I can't see her becoming a major villain.
The Bolton's days are numbered. Whether Stannis defeats them in battle, Sansa and Theon kill them, LF kills them, they aren't going to last. Only problem is, who will the major villains be when they meet their inevitable demise? There aren't many main villain characters left at this point, Tommen is nothing like Joffrey, Tywin is gone and Cersei seems to be making a colossal mess that will come back to bite her in the end, even the wildlings are potentially teaming up and they were significant villains before. Daenerys seems to be going a bit mad but I can't see her becoming a major villain.
Can you imagine if the show ran out of villains? And it just became good guys killing good guys for the throne? That'd be kinda messed up. Arya vs Stannis' scale daughter. Fight to the death!
I was going to say Daenarys until I saw you covered her. But these things start small, man. Some reasons why it could happen:
a) She'd be the most well-developed villain in TV history, and would make the end-game fascinating;
b) There's been plenty of foreshadowing if it goes that way; her family is evil and she has done some vicious things and suffered terribly; and
c) It would really fucking upset a lot of people - which GRRM and the show's runners seem to love to do.
Probably more likely that Jon and Dany ally in the end, but Dany going closer to mad queen or evil queen status after the total collapse of Mereen would be far more interesting.
I think The Faith is a nice local villain group and I dont see them going anywhere.
I was going to say Daenarys until I saw you covered her. But these things start small, man. Some reasons why it could happen:
a) She'd be the most well-developed villain in TV history, and would make the end-game fascinating;
b) There's been plenty of foreshadowing if it goes that way; her family is evil and she has done some vicious things and suffered terribly; and
c) It would really fucking upset a lot of people - which GRRM and the show's runners seem to love to do.
Probably more likely that Jon and Dany ally in the end, but Dany going closer to mad queen or evil queen status after the total collapse of Mereen would be far more interesting.
True, but the High Sparrow might be the nicest guy in Kings Landing at the moment.
Aside from killing people all over town and sentencing homosexuals to death, you mean?
I'm in the camp that she's going to go mad like her granddaddy. Jon + the remaining starks will pick up the pieces.
edit: Bit more in depth:
Dany comes to Westeros. At first seen as a good thing by some, but she becomes more and more obsessed about claiming the Iron Throne that it drives her mad. She's defeated, and Jon finds out he's Targaryen, and him + Bran learn to control the dragons. Using the dragons they fight back the white walkers. Jon becomes king, marries Sansa.
Aside from killing people all over town and sentencing homosexuals to death, you mean?
It does seem unlikely but I love that idea.I was going to say Daenarys until I saw you covered her. But these things start small, man. Some reasons why it could happen:
a) She'd be the most well-developed villain in TV history, and would make the end-game fascinating;
b) There's been plenty of foreshadowing if it goes that way; her family is evil and she has done some vicious things and suffered terribly; and
c) It would really fucking upset a lot of people - which GRRM and the show's runners seem to love to do.
Probably more likely that Jon and Dany ally in the end, but Dany going closer to mad queen or evil queen status after the total collapse of Mereen would be far more interesting.
I was going to say Daenarys until I saw you covered her. But these things start small, man. Some reasons why it could happen:
a) She'd be the most well-developed villain in TV history, and would make the end-game fascinating;
b) There's been plenty of foreshadowing if it goes that way; her family is evil and she has done some vicious things and suffered terribly; and
c) It would really fucking upset a lot of people - which GRRM and the show's runners seem to love to do.
Probably more likely that Jon and Dany ally in the end, but Dany going closer to mad queen or evil queen status after the total collapse of Mereen would be far more interesting.
He's already dead.
Edit: ^^^^^
You probably mean Ser Meryn.
I don't think Oberyn would, nor his brother and possibly the majority of Drone, but Ellaria is on a mission that really serves no purpose since Oberyn died a fair death, and if he wasn't an idiot he wouldn't have died at all.
It's still silly though.
Honestly, that trio of girls, hell, even Oberyn's girlfriend/fuckfriend/wife, can all get killed as soon as possible and nobody would shed a tear for them. Maybe even be glad of that. But I'm assuming they still have a role to play, or else the writers wouldn't have bothered with them at all.
I thought Cersei was essentially forcing him to do it. Besides, he isn't the one killing anyone, and the High Sparrow himself is a man that gave away his shoes to someone that needed them. Compared to people like Cersei, Pycelle, Littlefinger he is definitely the better person.
Hitler also didn't *directly* kill millions of people.
He's clearly instigating those people to do horrible things, on account of his extremist beliefs.
Giving away his shoes just plays into his absurd fanaticism, in my opinion.
True, but the High Sparrow might be the nicest guy in Kings Landing at the moment.
The Bolton's days are numbered. Whether Stannis defeats them in battle, Sansa and Theon kill them, LF kills them, they aren't going to last. Only problem is, who will the major villains be when they meet their inevitable demise? There aren't many main villain characters left at this point, Tommen is nothing like Joffrey, Tywin is gone and Cersei seems to be making a colossal mess that will come back to bite her in the end, even the wildlings are potentially teaming up and they were significant villains before. Daenerys seems to be going a bit mad but I can't see her becoming a major villain.
In his second conversation with Cersei he says he never wished for the honour of being chosen as a representative of the seven. Personally I don't believe he wishes for all the horrible shit going down in Kings Landing but his soldiers are happy to do it. I don't think he can deny Cersei's orders either. Either way, I can see him turning on Cersei soon enough now Olenna's back in town.