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Gamefront.de (via V-Jump) : New Kingdom Hearts.


Lobster said:
Oh shit.

- Endless Crisis: Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation 3)
- Kingdom Hearts III [temporary title] (PlayStation 3)
- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories 2 (Nintendo DS)
- Kingdom Hearts 0 (PSP)

I don't know about you guys..but im kind of scared ATM.. >.<
If the list is true than Versus XIII will never be complete as Nomura and the Kingdom Hearts team were supposed to working on that. Very doubtful.


Nomura's team is certainly working on the PSP Kingdom Hearts. Nomura himself said they would consider developing PSP Kingdom Hearts after completing Crisis Core. So this is not really a surprise.

Oh yeah, Nomura is also working on character designs for Dissidia...


kay said:
They are if you ignore the bars.

Are you suggesting that Famitsu added the black bars on the screenshots for some random reason?

Ignoring that, they aren't in the PSP's aspect ratio even without the black bars.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
titiklabingapat said:
I need sleep, sorry.

JRPGS all llok the same to me.

Still, my point stands.

Wii get's a freakin chocobo game and a spin off that can't even get it's own name but should.
Then why are you trying to argue about what each console gets from S-E?


titiklabingapat said:
I need sleep, sorry.

JRPGS all llok the same to me.

Still, my point stands.

Wii get's a freakin chocobo game and a spin off that can't even get it's own name but should.
Blame Nintendo, the Wii would be getting some (at least the 2 MMORPGs) if the console had a hard drive, even the 360 is getting them! I won't even go into graphics.


titiklabingapat said:
Does it matter?

The facts speak for themselves.

The wii get's shit from SE. Whether or not I care is not relevant.
First year. I would be alarmed though if there are no big Wii announcements at this TGS, from SquareEnix or not.
titiklabingapat said:
Does it matter?

The facts speak for themselves.

The wii get's shit(relatively) from SE. Whether or not I care is not relevant.

Thus far, the facts appear to be that you have no idea what the discussion is even about in the first place.


Someone just sent me a huge scan of the article - it's 100% legit.:D

But there's no mention of PSP...
Izzy said:
Someone just sent me a huge scan of the article - it's 100% legit.:D

But there's no mention of PSP...
Wth are you waiting for then? :p

And i see a "3" on the top right corner. Its either PS3 or KH3 ^^

Mau ®

Izzy said:
Someone just sent me a huge scan of the article - it's 100% legit.:D

But there's no mention of PSP...

You teasecock! Show us poor gaffers the scans!

I dont think they mention any plataform though, we will find out at TGS.


In other words, nowhere does it say it's a PSP game. It is not in a typical PSP ratio, and it could very well be a Wii game...


Will drop pants for Sony.
Izzy said:
In other words, nowhere does it say it's a PSP game. It is not in a typical PSP ratio, and it could very well be a Wii game...

But there is no mention of the Wii.


Ha, it could very well be.

And once again, doesn't look like PSP ratio to me and there's no platform mentioned in the article...
Well, I'm not sure a PS2 release is viable.

Assuming it's announced at TGS, when would it be released? 2008? It wouldn't be so far along in development that they could get it out by year's end, could it?


It looks exactly like Final Mix+ with how the subtitles/bars look. Anyone who played might know.
king zell said:
the screens are from KH2 so the info is not related to the screens i think !

I don't recall any scene with Roxas and Axel standing in the Org. XIII meeting room. Neither do I recall Mickey with that particular Keyblade.

Final Mix+?

Of course, if there's more Org. XIII, I'm game.


I never played Final Mix but they're talking about a brand new game in the upper part of the scan. The bottom part is just a recap.


Izzy said:
I never played Final Mix but they're talking about a brand new game in the upper part of the scan. The bottom part is just a recap.
Oops, I meant Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (the remake for PS2), Final Mix+ is just a bundle name. edit: To clarify, KHII: FM + Chain of memories.


The scans say it will be on multiple platforms.

Its the scan with the 3 crowns on top. The second says that previously KH came out for different platforms like PS2 and GBA (the hell?) and this new KH series will also come out for multiple platforms.
zeroshiki said:
The scans say it will be on multiple platforms.

Its the scan with the 3 crowns on top. The second says that previously KH came out for different platforms like PS2 and GBA (the hell?) and this new KH series will also come out for multiple platforms.

Where did you think half of the Org. XIII members buggered off to?
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