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Gamefront.de (via V-Jump) : New Kingdom Hearts.


Pureauthor said:
Where did you think half of the Org. XIII members buggered off to?

No, I meant that it was weird of V-Jump justifying the fact that KH was multiplat just from CoM. I mean its true, but its odd since CoM was a spinoff. An important spinoff storywise but it was still a spinoff.


Izzy's awesome, tricking all the gullible into thinking it might be for wiu when we all know it's the PSP game focusing on how Mickey got the keyblade... the one Nomura himself confirmed.

Also a hearty :lol to Tiktablinkbunk's fanboy whining.


ethelred said:
Izzy's awesome, tricking all the gullible into thinking it might be for wiu when we all know it's the PSP game focusing on how Mickey got the keyblade... the one Nomura himself confirmed.

Also a hearty :lol to Tiktablinkbunk's fanboy whining.
<3 GAF


Jigsaw said:
wii output & screenshots are also 16:9,this has nothing to say
4:3 isn't possible on the PSP, but it is a possible screensize on the Wii (or PS2).

Of course, the screenshots could've been adapted or something from PSP screenshots to cause confusion and panic.
Dascu said:
4:3 isn't possible on the PSP, but it is a possible screensize on the Wii (or PS2).

Of course, the screenshots could've been adapted or something from PSP screenshots to cause confusion and panic.
Square is messing with our heads.

It'll be released on every platform known to man.

Except Ngage. Nobody likes that.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
those shots look worse than KH2.

that sucks, that was a pretty game.
I don't give a crap what system its on, as long as its good... and I don't want 5 frickin versions, can't we just get 1 every 2 years... ya know, so we have some cohesiveness and quality?

that should be standard with franchises. 1 big entry every 2 years.
well, maybe 1 handheld spinoff one year and 1 big console release every other year, atlernating.

so, 1 game a year in the series, but each main/spinoff its 1 every 2 years.

not 5 frickin games on 5 platforms using the same damn characaters/story every year.
ba humbug.
ethelred said:
Izzy's awesome, tricking all the gullible into thinking it might be for wiu when we all know it's the PSP game focusing on how Mickey got the keyblade... the one Nomura himself confirmed.

Also a hearty :lol to Tiktablinkbunk's fanboy whining.
I'm flattered that you took the time to acknowledge me in your post.


Hmmmm, the question is ¿PSP or PS2 game? The PS2 is a fairily old platafform, but still, way more econmically viable than the PSP or the PS3, for that matter.

About the rumour mill, I can't wait for it to be confirmed. And while I will celebrate if a ffVII - something is announced for the PS3, I really would miss a Kingdom Hearts game on the Wii. I mean, the KH franchise is not about graphics or waggle, but about fanservice and cameos, and the Nintendo universe can offer both in abundance.
killakiz said:
Isnt those just shots of the old ps2 game, those arent showing a new game?? are they
Those shots never happened in any past KH game

Mickey, for one, never used the Star Seeker, he always used a gold version of the Kingdom Key.

Plus that scene with Roxas and Axel never happened in any other game.


ethelred said:
Izzy's awesome, tricking all the gullible into thinking it might be for wiu when we all know it's the PSP game focusing on how Mickey got the keyblade... the one Nomura himself confirmed.

Also a hearty :lol to Tiktablinkbunk's fanboy whining.
I don't know much about Kingdom Hearts (okay, nothing, actually), but is that Sora in the second screenshot? And Sora isn't supposed to appear in the game Nomura talked about, no...?


I'd love to be wrong, but I think it's business as usual for 2ch. A standard, non-exciting announcement appears (KH PS2) and they start up a bunch of rumors about exciting announcements coming based on it.

I really doubt any of the rumors are true. Especially since this is NOT a PSP game.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Well, clearly one of them is a PSP game. That's been rumored for ages. The question is if there are "multiple" spin offs, where are they going? I could see a PS2/Wii combo, or a separate PS2 and DS game.


Ikael said:
Question: do they mention the game's platafform in any scan? if not, why?

No mention at all. It just says it will be multiple games for multiple platforms.

Why? Maybe because they want to save the announcement for somewhere else? S-E's been doing this alot lately.


I'm leaning towards PS2 as (a) Nomura's probably fighting the industry move to Nintendo machines with everything he's got and (b) the Musashi team can pump out a new game with the KH2 engine no problem (see COM+).

PS2/Wii multiplatform might be nice, and other big publishers are realizing the benefits of such a strategy (Bandai with DBZ Sparkling, Capcom with Basara, SEGA with Sonic Riders, Konami with Powapuro, etc) but given the source (1 strike for Square, 2 strikes for Nomura) I sort of doubt it.

I think we're going to get a new PS2 game from the Musashi team, a PSP port of KH1 from some of Nomura's interns and a DS COM sequel from Jupiter.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
ParticleReality said:
I predict

A port of Final Mix+ to the wii.
KH3 for the PS3.
2 spin-offs for the DS and PSP.

KH3 is NOT coming right now.


ParticleReality said:
A port of Final Mix+ to the wii.
A Wiimake KH1+2+COM release would be money in the bank. Hell, they could probably release them separately for full price and still move serious units. :lol

But I doubt it happens...


Felium Defensor
PataHikari said:
You don't want a KH game until the next set of consoles are released?

Damnit...I'm still stuck in the past!
I mean, I want a KH for the PS3! With the whole nine yards(HD, lots of physics, sexy effects, very high poly models, & etc...)


Kaako said:
Damnit...I'm still stuck in the past!
I mean, I want a KH for the PS3! With the whole nine yards(HD, lots of physics, sexy effects, very high poly models, & etc...)

Question: Is better gameplay included in the "etc..."?


king zell said:
didn't Nomura say that the Final mix is his last ps2 game ?

And he also said Kingdom Hearts 2 was 100% complete and there wouldn't be a Final Mix. You can't believe anything Nomura says.


Felium Defensor
Absolutely my friend!
I just thought that should be a given ;)

Seriously though, I want a PS3/360 KH badly!
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