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Gamers Nexus - The Problem with Linus Tech Tips: Accuracy, Ethics, & Responsibility

Buggy Loop

Gold Member

Here we go!



Yeah this is getting worst for LTT somehow.

Linus said they Compensated Billet for prototype however in the new GN video billet said LTT only reached for a compensation AFTER GN video they also say ( Billet that is) They are not happy about what happened. They didn't want to be 'compensated' for the prototype


hide your water-based mammals
Unlike the typical internet, I'm not going to lean full on negative but must say that I'm not really enjoying this drama from two channels that I particularly like. It's not going to change my viewing habits and I'm still going to enjoy Linus content and want them to improve and have less errors. But they put out a lot of good entertaining content and I like quite a bit of their personalities.

The response video that Steve put up on gamers Nexus just now is a little bit too much on the snarky and condescending side. I didn't really even fully agree with the video he put up yesterday even if quite a bit of the concerns were valid. But if you follow Linus you would know that he was been fully transparent about something like framework since the beginning. Tossing that into the video he put in yesterday just seemed like Petty and missing the point.

A good portion of the video was pretty concise but when Steve doesn't know the inner workings nor is it really his concern and wants answers like they are owed to him, I think it leans a little bit too much on going too far. They are valid concerns and I think we've all seen some of the stuff like the corrections on some of their videos but they aren't breaking the law hurting anybody doing anything super unethical. And they are doing a lot to grow and to diversify and to better their practices all the while not being perfect.

I'm not a big fan of snark and don't particularly enjoy this kind of back and forth which is one of the main reasons I don't watch stuff like this. I watch Linus tech tips and gamers Nexus for their informative and entertaining values especially on the Linus side of things.

All of this is a little bit iffy because I'm sure Linus will have something to say on his live show but you can't get around some of the errors and stuff about the water block. Things that automatically shouldn't cancel him so there are people on the sidelines they want to totally drill the guy no matter what, and there are others that understand that he has a lot on his plate and he's only one person and he has self admitted to a lot of his own. If you want to comment without being as informed then that's just as Petty as well.

I guess because I've been watching for a long time and you feel like you get to know somebody and I think Linus is a little bit transparent to a fault at times, that buys a lot of equity. I'm sure that's the same equity people on here would want for doing a lot worse things than he has done in his little YouTube channel so get a grip and calm down. It's going to be all right you should be looking forward to content from both his channel gamers nexus, hardware on box, jayztwocents, and whoever else you like.
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
No one cares if you're not a fan or have a personal vendetta against Steve.

But then how can i suck Linus' cock? I want to be clear, he threw a startup under the bus and expressively mentioned many times that they take shortcuts because it costs money to be accurate, and then goes holier than thou versus Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed, but I'm willing to let that slide, under the carpet, because I WANT TO SUCK LINUS' COCK!

/s but accurate for Linus shills


hide your water-based mammals
But then how can i suck Linus' cock? I want to be clear, he threw a startup under the bus and expressively mentioned many times that they take shortcuts because it costs money to be accurate, and then goes holier than thou versus Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed, but I'm willing to let that slide, under the carpet, because I WANT TO SUCK LINUS' COCK!

/s but accurate for Linus shills
Now that's the kind of snark I'm all in for!


For like $500

Incredible how stupid they are. They're RICH. Why are you sacrificing credibility for $500.
If you produce 20 shitty videos a week, that's $10k a week/$40K a month.

I mean the clear solution is to produce fewer and better videos but that's not what he wants. And in his "as much crap as humanly possible" model, he doesn't want to spend above costs.

Bleah, shit channel, shit person.


If you produce 20 shitty videos a week, that's $10k a week/$40K a month.

I mean the clear solution is to produce fewer and better videos but that's not what he wants. And in his "as much crap as humanly possible" model, he doesn't want to spend above costs.

Bleah, shit channel, shit person.

His employees looked really tired in that video, did LMG upload that? Why would they do that in the first place? lol.

If you want to produce more content you need to just hire more people and not overwork the ones you already have so your quality doesn't decline, if not you should slow down and take good care of your work, but both approaches harm the bottom line.

Regarding billet labs:

- Receives product for free for a review
- Fails to use product as intended in said review, bashes the product
- Gets backlash for using the product wrongly and producing inaccurate data
- Doubles down on his podcast saying he's not gonna spend money making a correction video (the product is someone's life's work btw)
- Goes on to say that NOBODY should buy the stupid product anyway and that he won't spend more time on it. (Imagine this was your work and you sent it in because you follow or admire the guy, must be heartbreaking)
- Startup asks for their product to be shipped back
- Sure bro we'll send it
- when?
- Next week
- Few weeks pass, Hey bro we kinda auctioned your product for charity so we are not sending it back but GOOD NEWS! At least it isn't sitting in a shelve!
- 'That was our only prototype and it cost us "x" amount of $ to produce and R&D
- Ok

- Whole thing blows up, Linus said they agreed to compensate Billet labs
- Billet labs comes out saying they never asked LMG for X for compensation.

How do you fuck something up this bad?
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That response to the Billet situation is very unethical.
I'm starting to think he is not just a moron, but an actual asshole.
Indeed. He made that Billet Labs video knowing full well that their water block wasn't going to work properly on a 4090. An ethical person would have stopped the shoot, found the 3090ti that Billet sent with their block (LMG staff losing the 3090ti was bush league), and done the testing properly. But that would cost him a couple hundred dollars, so better to potentially ruin a start-up than mess up his content factory's timeline.

Pretty much asshole behavior throughout the entire ordeal. Sounds like LMG needs to replace their Chief Vision Officer with someone that is trustworthy.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member

Don’t fuck around tech Jesus. He was already 10 moves ahead of LMG. If LMG can’t help themselves but to double down on lies, they’re better off just saying nothing.

It started off as mismanagement, which is understandable, to now lying to their user base’s face. Of all the ways they could have handled that, they picked the worst one. Can’t believe his employees couldn’t reason him.

Lienus can’t take criticism it seems. But he sure loves to throw companies under the bus with false data. What an asshole. If I was the new CEO of LMG, I would tell Linus to retire. Enjoy the money feed, STFU and certainly stop making these responses.


Companies dump and dunk one on another all the time like Coke and Pepsi, MacDonalds and Burger King the rules change from place to place as it should.

I'm sorry but not such a thing as "bad etiquette" happened in this incident, each business have their own set of rules and those rules should be presented to the employees during the onboarding process and also reinforced through training through the employees lifecycle at the company.

What the guy said was pretty mild and normal, and although we can argue that it was of bad taste that type of behavior would not seem as "wrong" or "offensive" at the day to day setting, a manager job is not to fire people, if a manager fires a employee that's a gigantic red flag and sign of incompetence as the company spent money in the hiring process to make sure it would filter bad fits... If the problem was not the hiring then it was the training... If it was not the training then it was the fact that the company's managers don't actively work on reinforce the company's values or at least PR train their employees that are going to be on the fucking spotlight with a camera and mic.

Any respectful company should fire a manager with ideas like yours on the spot, because the person is not only trying to retaliate against an employee that made a mistake (which MUST HAVE BEEN EASILY PREVENTED by properly training and instruction), the person is clearly incompetent by not doing their own job properly(guide/lead) in addition to also acting against the company interest of spending resources diligently.
How do you know he wasn't properly trained, what if he was? You're missing the fact that this guy could have ignored everything he was trained to do or he could have pretended to be a level-headed person up until this point.He was actively trying to be offensive, the only time this would be okay is if his company authorized him to publicly do that while representing them. If your actions are seen as a public offense by your employer, that is more than fertile grounds for termination. By your metric companies should not have the ability to fire someone for getting a DUI, most companies do not train you to drive sober, it's something you personally handle and understand could affect your employment if you choose that path. Your whole argument is that he wasn't explicitly told or trained not to talk crap on camera, and furthermore believe his job should be safe because of it, no way. Another point, firing someone in this situation is not retaliation, it's risk aversion.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Indeed. He made that Billet Labs video knowing full well that their water block wasn't going to work properly on a 4090. An ethical person would have stopped the shoot, found the 3090ti that Billet sent with their block (LMG staff losing the 3090ti was bush league), and done the testing properly. But that would cost him a couple hundred dollars, so better to potentially ruin a start-up than mess up his content factory's timeline.

Pretty much asshole behavior throughout the entire ordeal. Sounds like LMG needs to replace their Chief Vision Officer with someone that is trustworthy.
The unprofessional behavior is just appalling. If you’re being given a prototype hardware to review (especially some niche experimental hardware from a tiny 2-person startup), anybody with an ounce of integrity would:
1. Follow the instructions to a T
2. Use it on the hardware it was designed for
3. Try to provide some constructive feedback and
4. Make sure they get the damn prototype back when you’re finished with it

What a bunch of clowns. They deserve every ounce of shit they’re getting for this.


What are you trying to say, that GN is doing all this to profit?
Billet Labs themselves are posting online and agreeing with GN. Plus if you've been watching LTT for a while, everything GN says about the quality issues and conflict of interest are 100% true.
And both can not be true? ;)


If that's really what you get out of Gamers Nexus, I think Cocomelon is a better fit for you, much less brain power required to understand anything.

GN is legit as fuck, probably the most detailed testing on any computer hardware on the internet. Anyone arguing Steve has an agenda to push on anything is a fucking moron, full stop. His entire channel is as neutral as it gets.

Ehh, not a big fan of Steve. He comes off as a bit of a pretentious prick and his monotone voice and hair flipping are a bit annoying. Can find better hardware reviews on websites so don't usually use the youtubers for that type of content. That being said, Linus really fucked up with this. He needs to step up and fix the situation ASAP, this has been a really bad look.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
His employees looked really tired in that video, did LMG upload that? Why would they do that in the first place? lol.

If you want to produce more content you need to just hire more people and not overwork the ones you already have so your quality doesn't decline, if not you should slow down and take good care of your work, but both approaches harm the bottom line.

Regarding billet labs:

- Receives product for free for a review
- Fails to use product as intended in said review, bashes the product
- Gets backlash for using the product wrongly and producing inaccurate data
- Doubles down on his podcast saying he's not gonna spend money making a correction video (the product is someone's life's work btw)
- Goes on to say that NOBODY should buy the stupid product anyway and that he won't spend more time on it. (Imagine this was your work and you sent it in because you follow or admire the guy, must be heartbreaking)
- Startup asks for their product to be shipped back
- Sure bro we'll send it
- when?
- Next week
- Few weeks pass, Hey bro we kinda auctioned your product for charity so we are not sending it back but GOOD NEWS! At least it isn't sitting in a shelve!
- 'That was our only prototype and it cost us "x" amount of $ to produce and R&D
- Ok

- Whole thing blows up, Linus said they agreed to compensate Billet labs
- Billet labs comes out saying they never asked LMG for X for compensation.

How do you fuck something up this bad?

-Insert losing a 3090 Ti for sometime (ever found?)

-And that the guy who prepped the test never did water cooling before (WTF)

-nor the engineer

-Imbecile who prepped the setup didn’t realize he picked a 4090, as Linus lost rightfully so his temper at that moment, clearly fucking labelled.

Seems the more clown/funny you are the more likely you are to land a job at LMG, not because of your knowledge. How could out of 120 ish employees, nobody better than this dude could be found with a tad of experience in water cooling?

Blows my mind

And Lienus just sweeps it under the carpet as nobody would buy it. How many monobloc coolers that do both GPU and CPU are there around? One? Right. Have you seen the prices of some high end CPU + GPU coolers out there? It gets expensive FAST. To even think he can gatekeep this when the team has no fucking clue what they are doing…

Episode 1 Mind Blown GIF by The Office


I thought their forum would be full of people defending them but man some of these comments are brutal lmao

But whilst I'm here, a $600 monoblock isn't an egregious waste of money, a $250 backpack which falls apart is
All subjective. Trust me bro.

i'm just say this what a massive douche Linus is, the way he treats work ethic, his employees, the companies that trust him, the public, the lies.

He become another asshole multimillionaire detached from reality, selfish prick

To save everyone unneccesarily wasted time, I will not rechew many of the valid arguments made by others. I will however point out that this entire drama could've been prevented if you were- not only honest- but not take GN's video personal to the point you have to skew perceptions or flat-out lie to us in order to save your (company's) skin.

Lying about BL's compensation and your weak attempts to gaslight not only GN but a part of your community for 'raising pitchforks' shows your inability to take responsibility and further highlights the hypocrisy this company has dissolved to. Just a recent example; You pointed out that viewers using adblock are pirates in your eyes. Meanwhile you have no issue in covering products containing emulated/stolen content.

You stated several times in the past that you care deeply about the content your channel produces, yet fail to listen to your employees when they ask for more time between videos, leading to a huge part of today's fallout to start with.

Furthermore, your ego makes you unable to adapt to changing situations and has caused this particular issue to spiral out of your control. No WAN show, no re-review, no more lies can fix the damage you've caused your own company. I can't speak for others, but I sure have lost faith in your integrity as a figure head but as a person aswel and I am confident others have aswel. There is only one solution, and that is to come clean and not only publicly apologise to your own community for lying in this matter, but also to GN and to BL for trying to sweep this under the rug and deflect your own shortcomings upon them.

I hope you take this criticism at heart and learn from it.

19 minutes ago, tarfeef101 said:
That is what the focus should be.
Whilst I agree that the focus should be on the side of, well, the core issue: quality & lack of checking/testing pipeline. The fact the focus is on Billet so much is that it shows a kind of "out of touch way", the whole video + WAN response. Where even Luke, to his credit, said "wouldn't it be better to test x, y and z in a proper way"?

What the Billet case tells us is
1. Input to Linus is very difficult, he ignores it, even from Luke. Saddens me.
2. Profit over quality. Whilst there's a balance to be struck, if you showcase a product, then either just don't do it, or do it properly. Don't treat a manufacturer like that. It treats the whole "review"-industry the wrong way.
3. The communication flow inside the company is bad. Billet wanted it back, Adam wanted more quality. Did Adam know it had to be sent back? How did it end up on an auction? And what it highlights most is that Linus's response to Steve is "you have my number, my e-mail, address it in private" clearly doesn't work it seems... No, because, Billet tried that. And still had their prototype on an auction.
How do you know he wasn't properly trained, what if he was? You're missing the fact that this guy could have ignored everything he was trained to do or he could have pretended to be a level-headed person up until this point.He was actively trying to be offensive, the only time this would be okay is if his company authorized him to publicly do that while representing them. If your actions are seen as a public offense by your employer, that is more than fertile grounds for termination. By your metric companies should not have the ability to fire someone for getting a DUI, most companies do not train you to drive sober, it's something you personally handle and understand could affect your employment if you choose that path. Your whole argument is that he wasn't explicitly told or trained not to talk crap on camera, and furthermore believe his job should be safe because of it, no way. Another point, firing someone in this situation is not retaliation, it's risk aversion.
Dude what are you talking about with all those hypotheticals? STOP.

I just stated that in a normal setting, firing is a gigantic red flag for the manger as it's perfect proof of incompetence, a good manager would filter before hire, train while hired, reinforce and check behaviors constantly until the end of the employment process.

I don't know if that guy was a alien(see? dumb hypotheticals are dumb) but guess what? That doesn't matter as what I'm trying to state is what a responsible business should do in order to avoid those type of situations, firing people don't prevent mistakes it just waste company money.

You're doing mental gymnastics to try to justify an incompetent manager mindset. Just think for one fucking second, if the guy was a bad fit he should not be hired on the company, if the guy was unstable or if he's behavior on camera was not known he shouldn't be allowed to be on camera. Saying that a MANAGER can't predict the basic behavior of it's employees is plain stupidity as THIS IS HIS FUCKING JOB.

PS: maybe you are not intelligent enough to understand but I'm not saying that companies shouldn't fire people... I'm explaining what firing people means.
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Gold Member
LTT "live stream" for today is........a recording.



Edit: numerous good GAF folks have pointed out that this is a normal thing for LTT.
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